Sex with a Football Player 2 by rockhardabs

A gay adult story: Sex with a Football Player 2 by rockhardabs , Thanks for the positive feedback everyone! Aaron and I never talked about that day, if it came up he treated it like it was nothing. But once I got that taste, I wanted more. I kept trying to make advances on him, … Read more

Sex with a Football Player by rockhardabs

A gay adult story: Sex with a Football Player by rockhardabs When I was 13 I attended a new school, I was nervous about going because I didn’t want my gay tendencies to start there. I had short, spiked up hair, fairly tanned, 5’5, 110 lbs. slim but very fit and I was proud of … Read more

A visit to the doctor by rockhardabs

A gay adult story: A visit to the doctor by rockhardabs I was 16 years old when this happened to me. My name is Sean. I live in Holland have one older brother, Richard, who was 18 at the time. In Holland, kids visit a school-doctor every year for a physical examination. When I’d gone … Read more