My baby by vicks3214

A gay adult story: My baby by vicks3214 , gay boy on boy love story This story is a mix of some true incidents and some fiction and it is about gay boys making love with each other. So I suggest if any one has a problem with gay sex or gay love he/she should … Read more

Evil gets a fuck by vicks3214

A gay adult story: evil gets a fuck by vicks3214 , This is a fictional gay story in which I have tried to express the feelings of a growing gay boy who wants some fun with some other boys. All the names of the characters in this story are fictional and the story includes some … Read more

David and James by vicks3214

A gay adult story: David and James by vicks3214 , This is a story about a boy who waited for 30 years for his first gay experience This story is about a gay man who never had any sexual experience with anyone until he was 30 years old. His name was David he was tall … Read more