The Danielle Debauchery by shermer

As I prepared to depart I kissed Danielle goodbye and simply thanked her for the night she’d gifted me – she was barely conscious so now probably wasn’t the time for a deep and meaningful. Then I walked out the room heading down to the lobby to meet up with the rest of the crew for the shuttle to the airport. As we pulled out of the hotel car park I suddenly worried that I’d left my ID badge in the room, I couldn’t remember taking it out my pocket. I opened my flight case to check and found it nestled in the usual spot. But then something else caught my eye, at the bottom of the case was a carefully folded pair of black lace panties and a piece of hotel branded notepaper with a neatly written message:

“2-1 Cx”

Chapter Two – The Danielle Dispensation

The flight back was uneventful, maintenance had repaired the issues and we landed on time in Budapest. Arriving back at my appartment I organised my things and arranged a pile of laundry. Taking the panties from my flight case for the first time – thankfully no-one in security had asked to look in the bag – I held them to my face and smelled the familiar scent of Chloe. I refolded them and placed them next to her other pair in my drawer.

I picked up my phone and texted Danielle.

“You free to chat?” I asked with a winking face.

A few seconds later a Facetime call rang through and I answered.

“Hey” I said.

“Hey” Danielle repled “last night was amazing”

“Yeah, it really was.” I acknowledged “… so I didn’t know you had seen Chloe again.” I said as casually as I could.

“Only like once or twice, when I was in London… sort of a booty call arrangement.” she replied dismissively.

“How come you didn’t say anything?” I asked

“I wanted it to be a surprise” Danielle reacted, cottoning on to my concern “it’s not a big deal, totally casual.”

“Do you have any other causal… arrangements” I continued.

Danielle smiled.

“Are you jealous? You don’t need to be. I just thought Chloe could be a… mutual interest… all relationships need mutual interests!” she replied “there’s no-one else… no guys!”

“And if I was to make arrangements of my own…?”

Danielle laughed then caught herself – clearly so amused by the prospect of me bedding anyone else that she had no reason to be concerned…

“Sure.” she said attempting to appear serious.

We chatted for a bit longer, it turned out that Danielle had not even told Kara about Chloe but was inspired at the prospect of bringing all four of us together somehow. An idea that I was more than happy to entertain! She wasn’t sure how Chloe would feel, apparently it had taken a great deal of persuasion to convince her to just let me watch the two of them together, the fact that so much more had happened had thrilled Danielle but she didn’t want to scare Chloe off at the prospect of an incestuous foursome! We agreed to leave it for a bit but that next time Danielle and I were in London we’d try to hang out with Kara and Chloe too, just to see what happened. I told Danielle how much I had enjoyed the night and also confessed to my desire to eat Chloe out sometime. Danielle obligingly recounted her own experience of the same over Facetime and I tugged myself off on the sofa as she described in intimate detail what it felt like. I had to admit, our shared desire for Chloe did give us something to talk about!

Later that day I logged into my company’s scheduling system to check out my off-duty so I could plan my next holiday with Danielle and I downloaded my duties for the following week. The rest of the day was uneventful. There was some life admin to get done and I also found time to enjoy reviewing the video of Chloe and Danielle again, with the extra stimulation of Chloe’s parting gift to me on hand. I thought about texting her again, to thank her and in the hope of peaking her interest in me… although I knew that was a long shot. I was fairly sure that despite Chloe’s willingness to take part in the previous nights activities, it probably had more to do with her attraction to Danielle (I knew how that felt!) and the sexual energy she could stir up.

“Hey, thanks for last night and the gift ;-)” I typed, contemplating what more to say, trying to think of some flow of banter that would result in me recieveing nudes… alas nothing probable came to mind, so I hit send.

I put the phone down and went to make dinner. A few minutes later I got a response back.

“You’re welcome. I never got a chance to say sorry, about how I left things before. I was a bit confused back then… but it’s no excuse. I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings, I didn’t mean to.” came a rather longer and more serious response than I had anticipated.

I considered what to say to that. It was a long time ago and I didn’t feel any ill will towards Chloe, I could understand that it might have been a difficult situation to be in. The truth was I still felt really attracted to her even after all these years and the fact that I was seeing Danielle. I decided I owed Chloe a bit of honesty too.

“No need, I understand. I still really like you, but I know you can’t feel the same about me and that’s OK. I have a good thing going with Danielle and I’m OK with you two hooking up sometimes, cause she likes you too.” I replied.

“I’m flattered you like me and glad you’re cool about D and I. I’d be OK with you joining us sometimes. Last night was super weird but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy bits of it ;-)”

I replied with an aubergine emoji and a questionmark and Chloe replied with a laughing emoji and the word “maybe”.

“I’ll take that.” I replied drawing our exchange to a close.

The next couple of weeks were routine, various trips and some off duty wasted on Netflix. I couldn’t make it work with Danielle’s commitments so I was left to my own devices for the time being. I didn’t hear anything more from Chloe and Danielle didn’t mention her either, things were back to normal. That was until I walked into the crew breifing room alongside my captain for the first day back on duty. We had already checked the flight details and weather and I was going to say hello to the cabin crew before pre-flighting the aircraft while the captain briefed them. As I opened the door I recognised the face of Natalia. This was the first time we’d seen each other since our second date well over a year ago! I introduced myself to the crew I didn’t know and then had a brief and noticably awkward exchange of pleasantries with Natalia before excusing myself to check out the aircraft.

Natalia was a Czech girl who had been assigned on my first few line flights out of training. Her sense of humour was mercilessly sarcastic and she took great delight in critiquing my landing that first day. In our debrief on the bus that evening she had enquired of the training captain if there had been a problem with the aircraft as it had felt like we landed without the gear down. My beetroot coloured face only encouraged her. However it turned out this was how she treated people she liked. She was stunning, a tall brunette with big brown eyes and legs that didn’t seem to stop. After another day flying with her, I got up the courage to ask if she had any plans for the evening. Surprisingly she didn’t make any excuses and we enjoyed a few drinks at a bar in Budapest, agreeing to “do it again sometime”. We had exchanged numbers and after a significant back and forth to find an off duty we managed to meet for dinner a month or so later. We really hit it off and I was considering asking her back to my place when she dropped into conversation that she was moving base to Switzerland because there was an opening for a more senior position there. Two dates in was hardly the basis for a long distance relationship so we never really saw each other again, until now.

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