Against All Odds Ch. 19 by Chancem77

Then, standing up again, I gave one last look at her resting place, then turned and walked back to the mansion, every step I took felt heavier than the last. When I got back, the mansion felt colder, more suffocating than before. I couldn’t let that stop me though. I had one final task to do. I slipped into Stephen’s office, the room dimly lit by the dying embers of the fireplace. I sat down at his desk and quickly, before my courage faltered, typed out an email–a detailed account of everything that had happened that night, every truth I couldn’t bear to keep locked inside. I sent the email to three people. Three people I trusted, people who I knew would keep it safe, who would know what to do if something happened to me.

With the email sent, I left the office, my heart pounding, and went to find Stephen. He was in the living room with Lilian who was holding Noah, rocking him and cooing over him. They looked like the perfect little family, which only fueled my anger. How dare they look so happy. How dare they act as though nothing has happened, as though El weren’t laying in a grave, buried, and hidden in the woods behind their home.

I swallowed down my anger and then stepped into the room. I had a purpose and the determination to see it through.

“Mr. Reaney?” I said as I stepped into the room. I was nervous, frightened, and so full of grief that I just wanted to run away, hide somewhere and cry myself to sleep. I held my head high though and at least tried to show some confidence in myself. It wasn’t easy though. Standing up to Stephen Reaney was like starring down a predator about to pounce. He looked up and I could tell that he was irritated. I’d interrupted a precious family moment and he wasn’t happy about the intrusion.

“What is it now, Eric?” He asked with an audible sigh of annoyance. “If you’re here to lecture me some more you can save your breath. I’m not in the mood for it.”

“No.” I told him. “I’m not here to lecture you. I understand the need for secrecy and I’m prepared to do as you ask but first, I have some demands.”

Stephen’s frustration quickly turned to anger and he glared daggers at me. “Demands?” He hissed the word back at me. “Boy, you are in no position to be making any demands. You’ll do as I say or I’ll make you one sorry little omega. Do you understand me?”

report He glared at me with such rage and hatred that my knees nearly buckled. If his goal was to intimidate me, it worked. I was ready to turn and run but then, I remembered that I had the upper hand and so, I stood my ground.

“I understand you perfectly clear.” I told him, trying to match his tone. “But, I think you should hear me out and when I’m done, I think you’ll want to agree to all my terms.”

His expression became smug and he practically laughed in my face. “And, why on Earth would I ever do that?”

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my frazzled nerves. This was it, no turning back now. I’d stepped out of the pan and into the fire. I took a step closer and locked eyes with the man.

“Because, Mr. Reaney, I just sent out an email to three people. It’s a full account of everything that happened here last night, all of it. How Eleanor fell, what happened after, and where her body is buried. I’ve instructed the people I sent it to to keep it safe and, if anything were to ever happen to me, they’re to send it straight to the authorities.”

Stephen’s smirk faltered, his eyes narrowing. “You did what?” He growled at me. “Are you out of your mind? How could you possibly be so stupid? How can you be so sure that these people you’ve sent it to won’t run straight to the police upon receiving it?”

“Because, I asked them not to.” I said, simply. “Because I trust them. I’ve incriminated myself in that email as well and they won’t risk anything happening to me.”

Stephen was pissed. Anyone could see that. He apparently understood the gravity of the situation though he walked over and sat on the couch and tried to compose himself.

“Stephen, darling.” Lilian spoke up. “Maybe you should hear him out. We can’t afford to make any mistakes here, think of Noah.”

Stephen hesitated a moment then nodded. “Alright, omega, you have my attention. What are your demands?”

I told Stephen that for my silence, I required only three things. First, I would remain at Reaney Hall, employed as Noah’s full time nanny. Second, Stephen would arrange for my mother to be placed in a good hospital, where she could get round the clock care. Stephen would cover all of her medical expenses and my father would receive a monthly allowance to cover living expenses such as shelter, utilities, food, medical and a little extra for whatever else he needed. Basically he would get enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life. And lastly, Stephen would give Jim Hicks, my fiance, a job in his company. That way, Jim could get out from under his father’s thumb and he and I could get married.

Stephen was understandably outraged by my demands but I told him, if he wanted to buy my silence, this was the cost. No negotiating. He either accepted it or not. I had him by the balls and he knew it. Even Lilian knew it. There was absolutely nothing that he could do now but give in. He could try to trace the emails if he wanted but it wouldn’t be easy since I wrote them from a disposable account and then cleared the history when I was done. And, even if he did manage to find out where they were sent, what could he do? By then the emails were sure to have been read, saved, maybe even copied. It’s not like he could go around killing everyone who might know about El. I don’t even think he would do that.

Stephen Reaney was a lot of things but he wasn’t a killer. I can say that with absolute certainty. What happened to El was an accident and I don’t believe that Stephen ever meant to harm her, physically. In the end, I think he was scared and did what he did to protect his family. It doesn’t make it right, but I don’t think that his intentions were malicious. I think, under the right circumstances, we’re all capable of doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.

I’m, proof enough of that. I’ve made one bad mistake after another, starting with not calling for help the moment El fell down those stairs. I can say I did what I did to keep my family safe and that’s not entirely untrue but the real truth is that I was scared. Terrified of what would happen to me and to those I loved and I allowed my fear to control my actions. It was selfish and it was wrong but it’s done now. I can’t change the past. I can never go back and fix what I’ve done, I can only keep my promise to El and watch over her son, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.

Stephen eventually agreed to my terms but it took some convincing and a little nudge from Lilian. She liked the idea of having a nanny but felt that hiring outside help might raise to many questions. “It would also be easier to keep an eye on him if he’s close.” Lilian added.

Stephen glared at me, his jaw clenched. “Fine. I’ll agree to your terms but keep one thing in mind, Eric–if you ever cross me, if you ever think about going back on this deal, you won’t be the only one who pays. I will destroy everything you love. Do you understand?”

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