Born to Suck Ch. 21

A gay story: Born to Suck Ch. 21

“Oh man, now I know how those girls in that bukkake movie felt,” I thought to myself as two more guys, one standing on each side of me, started to unload on my already semen-covered face at the same time. My young face felt like a huge glazed donut as they shot more of that beautiful silky fluid onto it. I had lost count of how many loads I’d taken, but from the amount of cum running down my chest and dripping off my face, it had been plenty.

We’d gone to the horse show and as Kurt and I sat in stands, we saw Sven speaking to a few other guys that had been handling horses as well. He’d speak to them and then we’d see them look over in our direction, and then turn back to him and nod as he kept talking. He moved to another group of about four guys and the same thing occurred there. I felt both excited and embarrassed as the guys seemed to be eyeing me up, just like they looked at the horses being paraded around in anticipation of the auction the next morning.

Sven eventually disappeared into one of the barns and then we watched as he brought out Rogue. The black stallion looked beautiful, the brilliant sun just glistening off his blue-black hide. Sven walked him slowly a few times around the parade ring as the gathering horse-men watched and made notes. He led the impressive animal back and forth before the watching throng before finally returning Rogue to his stable. He came back and joined us in the stands as Kurt and I watched a big chestnut taking his turn.

“Rogue looked great out there,” I said as Sven sat beside me.

“Yeah, he’s lookin’ good. We should do fine tomorrow.”

“How are things lookin’ for tonight?” Kurt asked as he nodded towards a group of guys Sven had been talking with.

“Oh, I think we’re gonna do just fine tonight,” Sven said with a big smile on his face. “Let’s go get something to eat and then we should head back to the motel.” He nodded towards the parade ring. “These guys are gonna be showin’ up a little later. I wanna make sure the Kid here has enough energy to keep up tonight.”

“Sounds good to me,” Kurt said as he got up and dusted himself off. The three of us made our way back to Sven’s truck and he took us to a barbeque joint specializing in chicken and ribs. Sven ordered a platter with both and some fries and their homemade baked beans. After my first bite, I knew that they had earned their reputation; the food was absolutely amazing! I’d never tasted anything so succulently delicious in my life. The chicken was so moist and tender, and the ribs were so juicy and flavorful, I wondered why we couldn’t eat like this every day.

“Shit, this is good,” Kurt said as he grabbed another gooey rib from the platter. I finished long before the two of them, my little body deliciously satisfied after the amazing meal.

“I hope you saved room for dessert, Kid,” Sven said as he gnawed on a chicken leg.

“Dessert?” I asked.

“Yeah, a bunch of those guys are coming over to paint your face for you and feed you some of your favorite treat.” I saw him give Kurt a little wink. “After all that food you packed away, you still got room for it?”

“Y….yes sir,” I said in embarrassment, feeling myself turning red. “Are….are they really going to do that?” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice.

“Yep; after checking you out, most of them seemed pretty anxious.” He dropped the bones of his chicken wing onto his plate and wiped his greasy face with a napkin before looking at me intently. “You’re not gonna let me down, are you Kid?”

“N….no sir,” I stammered, shaking my head vigorously.

“Are you gonna make me proud of you?”

“Yes sir. I hope so sir,” I said as I nodded my head up and down. “I want you to be proud of me.”

“That’s a good boy. Just do what you think I’d want you to do, and you’ll be fine. Just do as we say, and Kurt and I will make sure you get all the cum you want tonight.” He sat back and took a long slug of his beer before looking a Kurt with a big smile on his face. “And then when those guys are done, Kurt and I are gonna keep that pretty little body of yours full of hard thick cock for the rest of the night. How’s that sound to you, Kurt?”

“That sounds like a perfect plan,” Kurt said as he sat back and wiped his own face. “I’ve got quite a few more loads I wanna get rid of before I head back home to Lucy.”

“Good, then let’s get out of here,” Sven said as he finished the rest of his beer with a long deep gulp and looked across the restaurant and raised his hand. “Waitress!” Our waitress, a sweet-looking college girl, brought our bill and Sven again dropped a number of bills onto the table.

“Let me get that,” Kurt exclaimed, reaching for his wallet, “you got breakfast.”

“No, don’t worry about it,” Sven said as he extended his hand, the abrupt motion stopping Kurt. A big smile appeared on Sven’s handsome face, “We’re gonna more than make up for it tonight, believe me.”

“Alright,” Kurt said with a nod as he slipped his wallet back into his pocket.

“Good. Now Kid,” Sven said as we got up and left the restaurant, “I want you to make sure all those guys tonight get their money’s worth, okay?”

“Their money’s worth?” I asked surprisingly. “They’re paying money to cum on me?”

“Sure Kid,” Sven said as he put his big arm around my shoulder comfortingly as we made our way to the truck. “You don’t think I’d let these guys sample those sweet lips of yours for free, do you?”

I didn’t know what to say, I was both confused and fantastically excited at the same time. I ended up saying the first thing that came into my mind. “How… much are they paying?”

Sven gave a loud chuckle and I saw a big smile cross Kurt’s face too as Sven opened the door to the truck and I climbed in. “Now don’t you worry about that, Kid. I’ll take care of everything. You just concentrate on keeping as much spit flowing in that pretty little mouth of yours as you can.” We drove for awhile, each of us with our own thoughts before Kurt spoke.

“How many guys do you think are comin’ over,” he asked as we continued back to the motel.

“Hard to say,” Sven replied. “I told them some of them to bring their friends if they wanted.”

“Well….well….lookee here,” Sven said as we pulled into the motel parking area. “Looks like some of them couldn’t wait to get started.”

I looked over and saw two pick-ups parked outside of our motel room. There were four men standing near the front of the trucks talking; a couple of them with their booted feet resting on the bumpers of their trucks. As we pulled in next to them, they looked our way. I recognized a couple of them as men Kurt and I had seen Sven talking to earlier in the day at the horse show.

“Hey guys,” Sven said to them as we piled out of the truck. “You boys feelin’ a little anxious to get underway?” He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he pulled out the room key.

“Damn right,” one of the guys replied, a tall young guy with sandy hair who kind of looked like the leader of the group. “We’ve only seen this in the movies.” He paused for a second and looked at me as Sven opened the door and stepped aside. “You sure your boy here is up to it?”

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