Innocence Lost aradise Found Ch. 03 by Brunosden

Finn reached around and fisted the cock. He stroked it in time with his hip-driven thrusts. Andre was in paradise. Both were approaching the end very quickly. Andre felt the first shot, reacted automatically and contracted his anal ring. Finn moaned in pleasure, plunged even deeper and continued to spurt his custardy spunk deep inside. Andre exploded and waited for Finn to collapse on top and take possession of his body. Soon he felt Finn’s sweaty chest pushng him into the bedding.

They whispered for a few minutes after, but they were both soon hard again. Andre took his turn, flipping Finn onto his back, playing with his already aroused tits, and finally plunging his pole into the waiting hole. Finn smiled and wrapped his legs around Andre’s ass, lodging the heels of his feet in the deep hip indentations. In only a few seconds longer than the first, they both erupted again, splashing cum over each other and the sheets and pillowcase. The whole room reeked of sex—man-sex.

Then it was time to catch up. First, Andre pulled out a drawer and offered Finn a variety of food items that he had pilfered from the dining hall that day and the day before. Finn ate ravenously—he had wondered if he would be able to eat—but would trade good sex for sustenance any time. Then they rested in each other’s arms. Andre set the alarm for 3 a.m. when no one was ever up and about. When it rang, he escorted Finn to the large communal shower and stood guard while Finn washed. He desperately wanted to be in the shower with him, but they didn’t dare take the chance. A stranger friend using the shower could be explained away; two guys doing it in the shower could not.

They returned to the room, had a “nightcap” stroke-and-blow session and slept again tightly cocooned until 5—when Finn had to return to work. No one had seen or suspected anything. Andre assumed they could do this at least once a week. He promised to be on the embankment at 7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the winter set in. If Finn could make it, they would meet. At 7:30, Andre would go back inside if Finn was detained. This set a pattern of once or twice sex per week until well into the winter. (Andre soon got the rep of a “poet” who had to meet his Muse by the river at dusk. No one ever spotted “her”—or Finn, however. He laughed it off and even produced a few lines of doggerel to validate the excuse.)


Andre appeared at the soiree promptly at four. He was admitted by a uniformed servant, led upstairs and announced. Looking about the grand place, he was pleased that he had worn his Sunday chapel outfit—brightening it just a bit with a deep crimson striped tie (Harvard colors). He entered the tall room, but was surprised to find that there were only a few in attendance—including Suzanne, her mother and father, a grandmother and a sister. He handed a bouquet to Mdm. Cartier and a single rose to Suzanne. Tea and biscuits were served in a grand drawing room that faced Commonwealth Avenue on the second floor of a double-wide brick townhouse after two friends of the Cartiers joined the group. The room was lit with three giant electrified crystal chandeliers. The furniture was antique French (and thus uncomfortable), set artfully on an enormous Aubusson carpet.

He was introduced and invited to sit with the “youngsters” in a windowed alcove at one end of the room. Suzanne’s sister, Evelyn, seemed bored by the entire affair—but it was obvious she had been drafted into chaperone duty. She sat apart from Suzanne and Andre and opened a large book to suggest she was not listening to their conversation.

Andre found Suzanne to be charming. She had attended Mme. Bouquet’s School for Young Ladies, finishing about two years ago. Then she had traveled with an aunt to Europe for three months in the spring of 1939—although she complained that “those Bosch” were ruining everything. They had “done” Spain, Portugal, France, England, but had been advised to avoid Italy and Germany. (Germany invaded France in June 1940, about a year after Suzanne’s visit.) Suddenly, Suzanne went silent, apparently realizing that she had been “gushing” rather than listening to and was upstaging a potential beau. She immediately shifted gears and began to feed Andre open ended questions to elicit all she could about his past, his life and his expectations. Suzanne appeared to be enjoying herself as coy seductress, but Andre was stiff and a little frightened by the whole idea. Finally, Suzanne stood, “Let me show you the reception rooms. Maman has just had them all redone and she is very pleased with the results. You must compliment her.” She laughed and spoke behind a raised hand, “Don’t worry. I’ll give you the right words.”

Suzanne began the tour and proved to be lively, knowledgeable and a little irreverent. She pointed, explained, made a sly remark, then added, “But you must tell her that you love…..” She did this over and over again as she moved closer to Andre and took his hand. He dared to place an arm around her waist. And when they were far from the “adults”, Suzanne spun toward him, “You may kiss me now, Andre. I’ve been waiting since the church social.” He turned and pecked her cheek. “I said a kiss. Are you a man or a chicken?” So he took her in his arms and their lips touched. He remained in place, and she opened. He did too and felt her tongue reach inside. He responded and tightened his hold. He was instantly hard—and she knew that she had made that happen. They heard a footstep and quickly broke the connection. Later she whispered that she had enjoyed their time together and the kiss and…. But Andre left feeling that with Suzanne he was just a boy, while with Andre he could be a man. He wondered if he would ever feel more strongly toward her.

report By six, the party was over. Andre left and found a streetcar to return to campus. He had a lot to think about. He was beginning to realize that being with Finn was “normal” while being with Suzanne meant that he had to act a part, restrain himself and seek to impress.

Andre continued to “date”—chaperoned of course–through Christmas. He learned to like Suzanne and her wanton ways. On more than one occasion, they engaged in prolonged necking; she knew he was aroused; and, once of twice she had touched him “there” and felt the spasm.

And he continued with Finn to enjoy wild, physical sex in his dorm room at least once each week. They became a well-oiled sex machine when they were together. He was leading two lives—and neither Suzanne nor Finn knew of the other. And both seemed to be pretty unreal!

He returned home for Christmas where his mother was overjoyed. She had heard from Mdm. Cartier that he was “acceptable” and that Suzanne “adored him.” They would announce the engagement at a spring party—in Boston. Yvonne and Raymond would take the train into the city to be present. Andre, of course, had not been consulted.

Suddenly, it dawned on him. He was completely aghast. He was headed for a marriage, engineered by his mother. He liked Suzanne—particularly her mischievous ideas, but he couldn’t imagine giving up Finn. And of course even as naïve as he had been, he realized that after marriage, there would be no Finn. How could he have been so oblivious? Could he even imagine a life with Suzanne replacing his mother as his “keeper?” And without Finn?

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