Jay Gets Juiced at the Gym Ch. 02.1

Jay Gets Juiced at the Gym Ch. 02
Over the next couple of months Juice and I trained several times a week and became workout buddies. She still critiqued my form and pushed me past boundaries that I never thought possible. As a consequence of my massage sessions, Juice’s stiff back began to loosen up and she was seriously training for first time in several months. As we moved from set to set, we had to juggle the weight since she was now lifting heavier than me. It can be humbling to be outdone by a woman, but Juice was no ordinary woman.

One Thursday evening when I arrived at the gym, passing through the reception area I saw Juice finishing a training session with one of her clients.

“So, Juice, what are we working on today? Shoulders, back, arms, legs?”

“I have a different plan for today. Do you have your car with you?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“I want to visit my old gym. I think it’s time that you learned what a real body building gym looks like, feels like, and smells like. It has been months since I’ve been there, but now it’s time. After my injury I just couldn’t go back there, but now that I’m feeling better, it is time to reacquaint with some old friends. Is that OK with you?”

“Sure thing, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

As Juice approached, I realized this was the first time I had seen her outside of the gym. She seemed uncharacteristically nervous and she began to ramble off the names of people we would likely to meet this evening.

“Harriet is the owner and has been running the place by herself since her husband died a couple of years ago. She is skinny like a twig but can do more chin ups than both of us combined. She’s like a mother hen taking care of all the cocks and chicks running around the place.”

Juice smiled and stopped talking for a minute, I assume drawing out older memories of interactions with Harriet.

“Little John is my best buddy. He is neither little nor named John – the pet name is based on the Robin Hood story about the two meeting at the bridge.”

“If I remember the story, after a jousting match on a bridge, Robin Hood ended up in the water and they became good friends after that,” I recounted.

“That’s right, Jay,” Juice continued. “I would tell you about Bear, but I think you will know him when you see him. In his case the name suits him to a ‘T’. There are also several ladies. I would be careful about meeting Cougar. She was a multi-win champion for many years, but the years have not been graceful to her. With the amount of plastic surgery she has done she could buy a small condo, and she has an eye for younger men. Consider yourself warned.”

Juice was about to continue when she said, “Pull over here.”

We were in an older part of town with rows of brownstone industrial buildings. It was an area where I might have been concerned about walking around after dark. I followed Juice into a building and down a flight of stairs into the basement. I didn’t notice much signage as Juice entered a reception area. An older woman came out from behind the desk and gave Juice an angry look.

“You can turn around now missy, we don’t let quitters and street whores into this gym.”

“Who’s going to stop me, you over the hill, shriveled up prune of a woman? Go back to watching your porn and move aside.”

I had never seen this side of Juice before. Her nostrils flared and fists clinched up as if preparing for a fight. I was ready to step in between them when they both simultaneously broke into laughter and approached each other with a warm hug.

“How are you sweetie?” Harriet asked. “We missed you. Stretch missed you.”

“I missed you all but needed some time away. After my injury, I couldn’t train; I was depressed, and didn’t want to depress everyone around me. This is Jay, my friend, my massage therapist and my training buddy. But please don’t judge me, he is still a work in progress,” she laughed at my expense.

“Welcome, Jay,” Harriet said as she reached out her hand to shake mine. He arms seemed frail but her grip was surprisingly firm. “I hope Juice isn’t passing on any of her bad training habits to you,” Harriet laughed jokingly.

“You’re the only bad habit around here,” Juice retorted playfully.

“Go into the back already, I am sure the gang wants to see you.”

As we entered the main gym it looked weather-beaten, but all the equipment looked first rate. Unlike my usual gym, there were few aerobic machines, just a couple of treadmills to warm up on. But what it was missing in ellipticals, stair masters and bicycles was more than made up by barbells, dumbbells, various racks and body building equipment.

My quick scan of the premises showed a rather even balance of male to female, but also indicated that these were serious members; and their bulging muscles attested to it. On a bench about ten feet away there was a large fellow pressing two plates on each side with relatively ease, as if he was warming up for some heavy lifting. As he finished his reps and sat up he looked in our direction, smiled and walked toward us.

“Well look what the wind blew in. And since when did you get so skinny?” he laughed in a rather boisterous voice.

Now most girls would take being called skinny as a compliment, however I knew in this world being skinny meant you weren’t training hard enough and losing muscle mass. But his voice was warm and friendly.

“Well, at least I don’t have a muffin top,” she laughed as Juice attempted to squeeze imaginary excess fat around his waist.

“And who’s your boy toy?”

Before I could react, Juice jumped in. “Little John, he doesn’t get your humor so be gentle to the newbie. This is Jay, my friend and massotherapist. He has been helping me with my back problem and I have been teaching him how to train. I am actually training for the first time in several months, so I won’t be skinny for much longer.”

“Nice to meet you Jay.” Little John held out his hand to shake.

Little John must have been a good 6’3″, 260 pounds with broad muscular shoulders and a very tapered waist. His biceps looked the size of my thighs. His Under Armour shirt highlighted large pecs and bulging abs.

As I held out my hand in response, I was expecting a firm handshake but what I experienced went way beyond what I could have imagined. To say his grip was like a vice would be an understatement as I felt my knuckles being fused together, all the while Little John looking into my eyes and measuring my reaction. I suspect this may have been a test and I knew I couldn’t show weakness.

“Nice, firm grip Little John, but is that all you got?” I smiled back at him, resisting the need to rub my throbbing hand.

Little John looked down at me and smiled and gave me a wink of approval. “Any friend of Juice is a friend of mine.”

In the distance I saw this mountain of a man approaching. He had to be Bear. He was the same height as Little John but a good 20 pounds heavier. Sporting a lumberjack beard, his disheveled hair hung down to his shoulders and masses of dark curly hair popped out from his tank top. Unlike Little John who was well defined, Bear looked like a cylinder, having a similar size from his chest to his waist to his butt.

As he moved closer Little John moved back to his bench press bench.

Bear looked at Juice. “Did you tap your ruby slippers three times and say I want to go home and here you are?”

“Well if I’m Dorothy, you must be the cowardly lion.”

“No lion here, I am all Bear,” he said as he raised his arms menacingly over his head, curling his fingers as if they were claws.

He then lowered his arms gently around Juice and gave her what I can only describe as a bear hug. In the short time I was at the gym I could feel the genuine playfulness and love that existed between Juice, Harriet, Little John and Bear.

“Bear, this is my friend Jay, he is helping me recover from my back issues.”

“Nice to meet you Jay,” he said as he held out his hand. Reluctantly I met his hand fully expecting to have it crushed again. Fortunately, his grip was gentle but firm. I can’t imagine what it might have felt like if he exerted full pressure.

“Juice, Little John and I are hosting a party on Friday. It would be nice to have you join us. And please bring Toto, I mean Jay along as well.” He laughed at his own Wizard of Oz joke.

“Well only if you’re making those special brownies.”

“Like always Juice, I am one step ahead of you. All the ingredients are ready, just mix and pop into the oven. Nice to meet you Jay. I hope to see both of you on Friday.”

“Bear, did you see Stretch?” Juice asked.

“I think she is in the posing room working on a new routine.”

As we moved across the room heading for what looked like an enclosed area, I felt like I was being watched with everyone wondering who this new kid is. One lady was moving in our direction and actually blocked our route.

This was a woman looking to be in her mid-50’s. I wouldn’t say that her breasts were large, but they arrived ten seconds ahead of the rest of her. Her face was wrinkle free but reminded me of pulled plastic wrap over a bowl. She was no doubt muscular but still had excess flab under her arms and wrinkles at her elbows which were consistent with an older woman.

“Juice, so nice to see you again, but my you are looking skinny.”

When Little John said the same words there was a warmth and playfulness. In this case the comment had an edge or a bite to it. Moving her gaze to me, she said, “And who is your friend?”

“Cougar, this is my friend and massotherapist Jay.”

Reaching out and taking my hands into hers, she said in her most seductive voice, “A massotherapist… ummm I love a man who knows what to do with his hands.” Cougar was now smiling at me and no longer paying attention to Juice. “I can always use a good rubdown.”

But it wasn’t my hands she was looking at. I actually felt that she was undressing me with her eyes, wondering what I would taste like as she devoured my flesh.

Fortunately, Juice moved between us and took my hand.

“Nice seeing you again Cougar, but Stretch is waiting for us in the other room.”

As we moved down the corridor I said, “Thanks for the rescue Juice, that lady can give a guy the hibbie jibbies.”

“That Cougar is one carnivore if I ever met one,” she laughed

Juice stopped to open a door and we walked into a smaller room that had the walls covered in mirrors. There were four speakers hanging down from the ceiling, a table with a tuner amplifier and a backdrop that looked like something a photographer would use to take pictures against. At the far end of the room was a tall, slim girl with short blonde hair watching herself move against the image reflected in the mirror. She was wearing a sports top which stopped just below her breasts and a Lycra pair of boy shorts which hugged her tiny waist and ass. At first, she didn’t notice us but when she did her face light up like a six-year-old with change in her pocket and the ice cream truck turning the corner. She ran across the room with the lightness of a ballet dancer, her bare feet quiet against the hard floor. She gave Juice a big hug that lasted longer than I thought was normal. It was if their bodies where having a conversation without the need of any spoken words. As they separated, I noticed Juice secretly wipe a little moisture from one eye.

“Stretch, this is my friend, Jay. I wanted to show him what a real training gym looks like.”

I held out my hand, but she pushed it away, instead giving me a warm embrace. So warm and tight that I couldn’t help but feel her breasts pressing against my chest.

“I leave the handshaking for the guys.” She smiled as she started to pull away.

Her smile was radiant, her teeth straight and polished and her eyes green like a cat, filled with life and hope. From the distance she appeared taller, but I think her thin frame gave that illusion. She had a peaches and cream complexion which only highlighted the brightness of her eyes. Unlike Juice who had washboard abs, Stretch’s abs where flat and the six-pack seemed to be chiseled inward.

“Stretch, I see a couple of new additions,” Juice commented as she looked at Stretch’s top.

“Oh, you mean these things?” she giggled as she cupped her breasts from underneath. “I knew if I wanted to compete that I needed to supersize my tits. “A” cup girls just don’t go home with medals around their neck and not everyone has natural sized Ds like you. I wanted to move up to a D cup but Little John said that it would be too large for my frame so I ended up with a C cup. Of course, he was right, and I am so happy with them, this is the first time ever that I have cleavage.” Her smile was as mysterious as a Cheshire cat.

“Jay, what do you think of my enhanced figure?” She moved into various poses like a model showing me her breasts from all angles.

“They look gorgeous, you look gorgeous, your body looks gorgeous. I think you must have been gorgeous with “A” cups but now only better.” Why do I continue to sound like a 12-year-old boy, I thought, as I scolded myself for not sounding like an mature adult.

“Juice, I am so glad you’re here. I’m working on a new routine and need you to critique it.”

Juice and I sat down on a bench as Stretch walked over to the stereo system to cue her music. For the next two minutes we watched as Stretch performed a series of moves that highlighted her strength, her rhythm and her flexibility. Not only did she do splits on the floor but also a series of standing splits that showed her balance and flexibility. She did several one armed push-ups on either side but the most spectacular was when she did the flares and circular rotations that are normally done on a pommel horse but she was doing them off the floor. I was awestruck!

Puffing and coming over to Juice, she asked, “So how did I do?”

“The moves and poses were excellent. You’ve obviously gained strength since I last saw you. But the routine was missing something. It was missing passion, sexiness, a connection to your audience. All features critical to success at the tournaments. Let’s try something. Pretend you are a lioness, strong, bold and horny. Jay is the leader of the pride and you want to seduce him into your cave and fuck his brains out. Can you do that?”

Stretch was hanging on to Juice’s words and trying to imagine how to follow her guidance.

“I can try,” Stretch finally responded.

“Stretch, one more thing; I want you to be naked.”

“Juice, you’re not serious, are you? I just met Jay and you want to pretend I am a horny stripper doing a pole dance for him?”

“No, my dear. In the competition, you will be basically naked except for a few tiny triangles covering the most intimate parts. Most of the judges are male and will be looking at you as if you are already naked. Besides your presentation, they will be wondering if you will make a good fuck. You have to give them what they want. Tease them with your body and your smile. The routine will take care of itself.”

As Stretch turned and headed toward the amplifier, I heard her mutter. “I trust you Juice, but this is fucking ridiculous.”

As she walked away, I saw Stretch remove her top and step out of her shorts. She cued the music and took her starting pose. The first 30 seconds of the routine were horrible. Stretch seemed uncomfortable with her exposed breasts and shaved pussy. Her movements had no flow. She wasn’t connecting with us, mostly diverting her eyes to random spots in the room. But then something clicked, as if she willed herself to loosen up and accept her nudity and take on the role of the horny lioness. From that point her eyes focused on mine. Her moves became more fluid. Her eyes lit up the same way they did when she noticed Juice and I come into the room. I can’t swear but I think when she did the standing split she drew my attention to her womanhood and then back to her lips as her tongue seductively wetted the outer ridges.

Not surprisingly, Juice’s instructions had made the performance that much better. When Stretch finished she looked for a sign of approval from Juice who gave her two thumbs up.

“I know I was awkward at the beginning but by the end I felt free and uninhibited.”

With a huge smile Stretch gave Juice a big hug and then looked at me with her arms wide open. I moved closer to give her a hug back. Unlike the first hug which was warm and friendly, this time she was pressing her hot naked body against mine. I felt her thigh press between my legs as if trying to see if her acting had produced the desired effect on my cock, which it had!

“Okay children, acting class is over,” Juice laughed as she saw Stretch grind her naked body against me.

“Juice, did Bear or Little John invite you to the party this Friday?”

“Bear did, and invited Jay as well.”

“Great, I am so happy to see you again, I missed you so much. Now get out so I can finish my practice. I just may leave my clothes off,” she giggled as she turned and gave us both a wink.

The trip back to Juice’s apartment was quiet, as I could feel Juice pulling out old memories from her time at the gym. She wrote down her address and cell phone and gave me the paper.

“I will see you at 8 o’clock on Friday?”

“Juice, I don’t really belong there. Maybe you should go alone”.

“No chance, we have worked together for the last couple of months, so we will go as a team on Friday. Besides I think the guys like you and I think Stretch really likes you.”

“Okay Friday at eight.”

I arrived in front of her door at precisely 7:55, because if I am not five minutes early, I feel like I am late. After a couple of minutes, I see her door open and out comes Juice wearing a sheer tan top over a pair of stretch leggings. Her hair was braided tightly behind her head giving her face a slim lean look. She wore a pair of large hoop earrings that dangled just above her shoulders. As she approached the car the sunlight from behind highlighted her slim waist and broad shoulders through her thin blouse. Around her neck she wore a medallion which made the outfit complete. She looked like an Athenian Goddess as she opened the door.

“You sure clean up nicely,” I smiled as she entered.

“Jay my dear, you have a lot to learn if that is the best compliment that you can give a woman.”

Angry at myself, I bite my lip as a punishment. My thoughts described her as a Goddess, yet my words sounded like a 13-year-old. When will I ever grow up?

“Message received, Juice.”

As we drove, Juice gave me more information about the people I would be meeting. When we arrived at Little John and Bear’s apartment, I circled back to the trunk and grabbed a case of beer.

“You won’t need that,” Juice smiled. “Even when the guys aren’t training, they don’t really drink alcohol.”

“But I feel I should walk into the party with something.”

“You are sweet Jay. You are walking into the party with me and that’s all the guys care about,” she said as she gave me a gentle touch on my cheek.

Juice scampered up the flights of stairs so quickly that I had to take two steps at a time to keep up. She was obviously excited to be there. With a knock on the door, Little John opened it and gave Juice a wide smile.

“You look gorgeous tonight,” he said as he hugged her and lifted her to her tippy toes.

Juice shot me a glance which I immediately understood indicated that this is how you greet and give a compliment to a woman.

Little John held out his hand to me as I prepared to get my hand crushed again. Although his grip was firm it was nowhere as vice-like as our first meeting.

“Welcome Jay, I am glad you could come. Go mix yourself a drink in the kitchen.”

I whispered into Juice’s ear “I thought there was no alcohol tonight?”

“You will see” she smiled as she walked me into the kitchen.

On the counter there were bowls of fruit, vegetables, ice and large canisters of protein powders along with an industrial blender and juicer.

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