Jay Gets Juiced at the Gym Ch. 03.2

Jay Gets Juiced at the Gym Ch. 03
“Jacques, my body is open to anywhere you might want to touch” Suzie said, as the subtle message did not seem to be received.

“I would love to accommodate you Miss Suzie, but regrettably I do not have permission. Yvette did promise to please me at the end of the evening after you have departed. Now Miss Suzie I have prepared this robe for you,” as he helped her from the bed and held up a royal blue silk robe with oriental embroidery of what appeared to be a Geisha girl on the back. Other than the designs on the back, this robe and Yvette’s seemed identical.

“I will excuse myself now. Yvette will join you shortly.”

The silky robe felt cool against her warm flesh. Looking at herself in the mirror she loved what she saw as she opened her robe. Her pussy still excited but frustrated by not having being touched. Surveying the room, she had to touch herself.

While Jacques was attending to Suzie, Yvette and I were enjoying chatting and what seemed to be a never ending bottle of champagne. For all I know Jacques could have replaced the old one for a new one without anyone being aware. Yvette was sitting seductively on the sofa allowing the slit of the robe to open, showing more of her calf and thigh than most women would be comfortable with. She was effusive about Suzie’s looks, her gymnastic ability, and was so pleased that I had brought her along.

“Jay, I had an original plan for this evening but when I heard that you would be bringing along a girl, I changed my plan. And now that I have met her, I am so glad I did. After our fabulous last encounter, I asked Jacques if he could do something nice for you and I think he came up with an idea. Jay do you think Suzie would be comfortable with another woman?”

Knowing Suzie’s relationship with Juice, I knew that would not be a problem, again trying to feed Yvette’s ego I said.

“I am not sure she would be comfortable with any woman, but I am sure she would be comfortable with you.”

“You are such a brown noser, but I love you anyway” giving me a motherly kiss on the top of my head, and a not so motherly brushing of my face with her ample breasts.

Jacques entered the living room and gave Yvette a nod that all was prepared.

Yvette looked at me. “Jacques will give you a shower and a shave and discuss a business plan with you. I have given him some permission if you are agreeable.”

Not fully understanding Yvette’s comments I followed Jacques into the second bedroom and watched as he adjusted the temperature of the shower. Stripping off my clothes I watched Jacques eyes.

“Jay, there has been a remarkable change in your body. You look like you added 15 pounds of muscle.”

“That is about right. Being friends with a personal trainer does wonders for your body.”

“If that could only work for me” Jacques said looking down at his protruding belly.

All it just takes the right kind of Juice, I said to myself.

Exiting the shower Jacques was there with a heated towel and refused to let me dry myself. He ushered me over to the bed where he had prepared shaving cream and various post shaving lotions. Next to the lotion was a shiny straight edge razor that could have been used in a slasher film. But this time I knew that Jacques was a master with it. He applied lotion to my cock and balls. Normally I keep them well shaved with a manicured tuff of hair above my cock. With one swoop he shaved through that tuff of hair effectively leaving me hairless. He continued by cleaning stumble from my previous shave leaving me baby soft. As he applied the post shave lotion, my cock could not help but react to his touch. His hands roamed up and down my erect shaft sending waves of pleasure through my body. As soon as I felt that I was going over the edge he would pull away allowing the feeling to subside and then approach with a different set of motions and stroking patterns.

“Jacques, you are killing me. Who taught you to tease like that?”

“Jay, Yvette gave me permission to finish you, if that is agreeable to you. I believe that Yvette will be quite content with Suzie for this evening.

“In that case, please proceed”

I laid back in acceptance but Jacques didn’t change his tempo. He would watch my chest, my breathing to know when he should pull back. It was reaching a point where the teasing was almost painful. I could feel the load building up in my balls and it needed to escape for fear of my balls exploding. I knew that this notion was nonsense but it didn’t feel like nonsense. Then the stroking stopped. I looked up and saw Jacques with his mouth circling the head of my cock. His tongue was licking at my pee hole tasting what could only be my precum. With his fingers clasped around the base of my cock like a cock ring, he lowered his head over my head. I watched as my cock disappeared wondering how much of the seven inches he could take. The answer was all seven inches as his lips remained perched against the base of my pelvis. He lingered there for a few seconds before backing off and collecting his air, only to dive back again, using his tongue along the length of the shaft. But he was still playing with me. He had the uncanny ability to bring me close to the edge and back off. I just needed to say two words.

“Jacques please.”

Upon hearing this Jacques started to rub the base of my cock and bob up and down with his mouth. I couldn’t tell if I was feeling pain or pleasure but I knew that I was about to cum. Jacques knew it too. He continued to suck my cock until I exploded into his mouth. Normally I feel bursts of sperm as I cum but this time it felt like a solid continuous stream of pleasure. Jacques swallowed without skipping a beat but continued to pump but now at a descending rate of speed until he stopped and removed his mouth from my now flaccid cock.

“God that was so intense Jacques. You continue to amaze me with your mastery of a man’s cock. Thank you.”

“It is I who thanks you for the ability to serve and please. Now the business part” as he handed me a black silk robe with a dragon embroidery on the back. “After the last meeting we had, Yvette said that if I could do something nice for you, that I should. Although many think Yvette has a crusty exterior she really has a soft heart for those she appreciates and those who appreciate her. As you may be aware I run a hedge fund out of New York. There is going to be an IPO for Golden Branch Mines on Wednesday.”

I am sorry but I don’t know what an IPO is?”

“An IPO is an Initial Public Offering when a private company wishes to go public on the stock exchange for the first time. It can be a very risky and volatile time until the market of buyers and sellers hit an equilibrium and then the stock should perform in a more normal range. Do you have your banking information with you?”

Holding up my phone, I replied “yes.”

“Good, Monday morning, I will transfer $50,000 into your account. I will give you my stock brokers name and number. You will set up a trading account. On Wednesday morning you will advise the broker to buy $50,000 of Golden Branch stock when the market opens. If I am correct the stock should increase rapidly in price and at 3:45 I want you to sell at the market price. Wednesday evening there will be a report that causes doubt about the quality of the ore being mined. Overnight the share price will plummet to below the original price. At 10:30 you will take all the money from your previous day’s sales and buy as much Golden Branch as you can. Around 11:00 AM management will present facts and 3rd party confirmation that their representations were correct and the stock will fly once more. Again at 3:45 you will sell all your shares and ask the broker to transfer the funs back to your bank account. You will then transfer back the $50,000 to my account. By my calculations you should have a remaining balance for yourself of $150,000.”

“But Jacques, what if you are wrong and I am left with less than your original $50,000?”

“Then you will transfer back whatever is in your account and I will absorb the loss. There is no risk to you. But speaking from experience as a market maker, I am rarely wrong on these matters.”

Again probing “But Jacques don’t you want to use the $50,000 to increase your own wealth?”

“Trust me dear Jay, your earnings will only be a fraction of what I expect to earn on this deal.”

“What can I saw Jacques, but thank you.”

“Those are the only words that I would expect and appreciate.”

While I was being pampered by Jacques, Yvette entered the master bedroom and saw Suzie standing in front of a full length mirror, her robe open and fingers actively moving between her legs.

“Suzie my dear, if I knew that you were in need of help, I would have come sooner.”

“Well”, Suzie looking embarrassed at being caught playing with herself, “It’s your husband’s fault.”

Looking concerned, “Was Jacques not appropriate?”

“The problem is Jacques was tooooo appropriate.”

Now understanding, Yvette laughed walking over and took Suzie’s shiny fingers and began sucking at them as if they were the most delicious delicacy in the world. I don’t think you will have the same problem with me” giving an evil but seductive grin.

As Yvette dined on each of Suzie’s pussy wet fingers her other hand moved slowly down Suzie’s flat belly only stopping once she reached her swollen pussy lips. Her expertly trained fingers toyed and massaged her already engorged clit.

“Is this what you need my darling?” as she continued to massage play with Suzie’s sensitive clit. Yvette knew the answer. Her many years of experience told her that she was hitting the right spot, with the right speed and the right pressure.

“God yes” Suzie replied as her body now leaned against Yvette’s, Suzie’s hand reaching around and grabbing Yvette’s ass cheek, squeezing when the feeling of pleasure surged through her body.

“Come to the foot of the bed my dear, lie down and spread your legs for Yvette”

Although Yvette had made the same request to other women in the past, no other woman could spread open to a 180 degree angle like Suzie. Kneeling on the floor, Yvette started by giving small kisses to Suzie’s inner thighs. Moving from side to side in a random manner Suzie’s body would jerk involuntarily. Yvette knew that Suzie ripe and ready to orgasm, she didn’t want to hold her back for too long. Yvette had other plans for her.

Moving now with an objective, Yvette ran her tongue from Suzie’s ass star to her clit and repeated this several times. Suzie purred as Yvette sucked her clit into her mouth, released it and then did it again. But it was only when Yvette inserted two fingers and devoured Suzie’s clit that she knew her orgasm could no longer be stopped. All she needed was a little encouragement.

“Come sweet pea; give your sweet juices to Yvette.”

Suzie’s head was spinning. Whether it was from the champagne, Jacques’s massage, the cannabis in the lotion or the incredible feeling that Yvette was providing, Suzie, hearing Yvette’s prompting was all that she needed to get pushed over the edge.

“Fuck… Fuck… oh God… Fuck” were the only words that came out of Suzie’s mouth as her body jerked and shook in response to what her body was experiencing. “No one has ever gotten me to orgasm so quickly” Suzie stammered, still trying to catch her breath.

“I would like to take full credit for it but I think you were well primed.

Sitting up on the bed, Suzie looked into Yvette’s eyes. “Now how can I please you?”

“This could be a very memorable evening my dear. I had Jacques ask one of his engineering companies to build me a prototype and it just got finished this week. Please open the box on the night table.

On the table sat a red box with a bow attached to the top.

“Open it dear”

As Suzie opened it she saw the inside was covered in red velvet and lying at the bottom could only be one thing… a strap on.

“My god Yvette it is beautiful”. The straps were made of fine soft leather with Velcro attachments. The cock was flesh colored and although probably made of silicon had a real human flesh feel to it. The head of the cock was circumcised. “This is like a work of art Yvette. May I try it on?” Suzie said with an excited look, her eyes gleaming in anticipation.

“I am hoping you would” Yvette smiled back.

Suzie easily figured how to attach the leather bindings and was amazed how secure it felt against her pelvis, but at the same time it felt heavier than she might have expected. Looking down at her attached cock she estimated that it was about five inches in length.

Looking up at Yvette, “This is beautiful and it may not be my place to say, but isn’t this cock a little small?”

Smiling as if anticipating that question, “Suzie hand me the remote control please.”

Looking back into the velvet box Suzie saw a small remote control that had several colored buttons and dials. She handed it over to Yvette.

“Do you see these three buttons, yellow, white and black? The cock you are wearing is telescopic Yellow is the starting position, 5 inches consistent with an Asian penis, white is 6.5 inches consistent with a Caucasian penis and black is 9 inches consistent with what most guys think is the size of a black cock. Now watch as I press the white button.”

Sure enough Suzie’s eyes watched as the cock grew larger. The texture and the shape were unchanged only the size. When Yvette hit the black button Suzie continued to watch this now monstrous cock grew to its full length of nine inches.

“This is fucking amazing, you have created the Cadillac of Cocks” Suzie said looking down at the giant phallic between her legs and then back to Yvette.

“We are not done yet. Wrap you fingers around the shaft.”

Following Yvette’s instructions, Suzie felt a vibration coming from it and looking at Yvette she saw she could adjust the level of vibrations from the remote. Suzie could not imagine what this might feel like inside of her pussy, but she could feel it vibrating and stimulating her own clit.

“Is that it?” Suzie asked

“Nope, one more gadget, I call it jackhammer.” Pressing another button and the head of the cock pulsed back and forth mimicking the tool used to break up roads but so much more refined.

“You a genius Yvette”

“Nope Suzie, I am Fucking Genius” as they both broke to into a fit of laughter.

While they were laughing Suzie’s mind was racing all over the place with a host of new ideas. “Yvette, I think you should retrofit this thing for men. These days there are so many men with ED that they would love this item. And I know how to made more money. You could build in a cum holder and fill it will tasty squirt solutions.”

Yvette was trying to keep up with Suzie’s thoughts that were flying out of her mouth at such a rapid pace.

“We could make tasty flavors like creamy vanilla, chocolate, banana, but also specialty flavors like coffee, available in regular and decaf. Decaf would be for people who enjoy oral sex at night without having to worry that the caffeine will keep them awake.”

Now catching Suzie’s drift, Yvette piped in. “How about a Listerine type product and we could market it with this; “A blast of fresh breath with every blow”.

“Excellent and for our gay friends were could do a Red Bull energy type squirt that would say something like this; “A prick me up to keep you blowing all night long”.

Despite the age differences the two women where giggling like high school girlfriends at a raunchy sleep over. After they both calmed down from laughter, Suzie looked at Yvette and said “Do you want to take this bad boy for a test drive?”

“I thought you would never ask. How about taking this doggy for a joy ride” Yvette said as she moved on to her hands and knees on the bed presenting her fine ass to Suzie.

Suzie had never used or worn a strap on before. She tested the wetness of Yvette’s pussy before pressing the head of her 5 inch cock against the lips of her partner. With a pushing forward of her hips Suzie watched the cock disappear. Suzie enjoyed the feeling of her pelvic pressed against Yvette’s soft full ass and started to slowly pump it and out. Suzie could fell Yvette’s playing with the remote as if she was learning how to control it to bring her the greatest pleasure. As Yvette made the cock grow bigger, Suzie would move a little back so Yvette could feel the full length of the cock moving in and out. When Yvette hit the black Suzie had to move back even farther and arched her back to make sure the full length of this bionic boner penetrated her. With her hands on Yvette’s hips she was fucking this girlfriend like any man would. Although the cock was not part of her body it still seemed to provide her pleasure. When Yvette turned on the vibration, the degree of pleasure jumped by a multiple of ten as her clit was now a party to the vibrations.

Suzie was loving this experience and wanted to try it is all sorts of positions. She tied spooning Yvette from behind and found out the nine inch setting was too painful. Yvette seemed to love the forward and reverse cowgirl positions where she could use that cock in any way that it pleased her. For a dominate woman, Yvette was more than pleased to allow Suzie to take control of new positions and Yvette was literally bending to her wishes.

By now Yvette seemed to know the remote and managed it like a PlayStation master. Lying on her stomach with Suzie lying on top, the strap on deep in Yvette’s pussy, Suzie could feel the changing sizes and the pleasure they both received from the vibration mode. In this position Suzie could just relax and the strap on was doing most of the fucking work.

“Suzie, may I turn on my back, I want to see you lovely face when I cum.”

Suzie moved between Yvette’s legs and inserted the white sized cock. She really wanted to fuck Yvette like a man. Her slow pumping picked up speed. Her arms were supporting her body as her hips moved up and down. Her breathing was faster and Suzie was realizing that fucking like a man was tiring. When Yvette turned the vibration to full speed, Suzie knew that she could not hold back much longer. She looked at Yvette’s face that had a blissful contentment look but not one that close to orgasm.

“I am sorry Yvette but I can’t hold back much longer”

“Enjoy it, I am quite sufficient my dear.”

With three more strokes, Suzie’s body lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July. This second orgasm of the night was far superior to her first. In fact it was far superior to anything she had felt before. As the orgasm wreaked havoc with her body, almost exhausted she wrapped herself around Yvette’s body. She could still feel the black sized cock vibrating in Yvette’s pussy. Yvette breathing pattern was now changing. Suzie would hear and feel Yvette’s heart beating from her ear lying on Yvette’s breast. Yvette’s hips were now pumping up and down priming herself for her upcoming orgasm.

Although almost in a daze Suzie heard Yvette say, “Jackhammer baby!” as she pressed on the only selection they had not tested.

Suzie could feel the pulsing from the wrong end of the cock. Being on the right end of the cock must have been orgasmic. And it was.

Yvette, not one to swear or use foul language, could only grunt and clinch her teeth as the orgasm took hold of her body. Every cell was shaking like a volcano had erupted from deep inside her womanly womb. Lying on top of her, Suzie was enjoying the ride on her moving mattress of flesh.

“God that was intense” Yvette said when she was finally able to speak, wrapping her arms around Suzie’s naked body. “I am sorry I had to make you work so hard.”

“It was all pleasure, but I am gaining more respect for a man’s part of this sex thing” Suzie giggled.

They lay together hugging and kissing for the next few minutes. Finally Yvette brought the silence.

“Let’s see what the boys are up to.”

Jay had gotten dressed into his shirt and pants and was taking to Jacques. Meanwhile Suzy folded the beautiful silk robe on the bed and pulled on her little black dress and joined the group.

“Well I want to thank you both for this evening” Yvette said. I know it is early for you young ones, but for us older folks it is getting late and I have made some promises to Jacques. Jacques, go bring me the robes and your toys while I say goodnight to our guests.”

Yvette walked us to the door as Jacques arrived with our robes, but also carrying a paddle and a flogger. Handing the robes to Suzie.

“Yvette, you are too generous, we can’t accept…” but catching herself in mid-sentence “I mean you are too generous and we will think of you when we wear them.”

“Speaking about generous” Yvette handed Suzie a thick white envelope. “This is just for you; Jay is receiving another gift from Jacques”. And if we ever want to market Jacques’s prototype, I want you as my model.”

“Yvette, I don’t think that is a good idea.”

I watched as Yvette’s face changed in disappointment and wonderment on why such an offer was a bad idea. But then I saw Suzie’s impish grin and knew that there was a part two to the comment.

“Yvette, I think a better idea would to have me do a video demonstration of the product with you as my partner.”

Although I didn’t know what they were talking about I saw Yvette’s face light up and a smile stretch from ear to ear.

“Jay your girlfriend is terrible” she said laughing. “But I think she is a keeper, so take good care of her.”

As we left and the door closed behind us, I stopped Stretch from walking down the hall.

“Wait a minute I want to see if I hear something.”

Sure enough we could hear some muffled conversation, followed by a series of intermittent Whacks!

“Jay, what do you think is going on?”

“I think Jacques is getting his ass paddled.”

“Oh the poor man!” Stretch said with a concerned tone.

“On the contrary, I think Jacques considers himself a lucky man.” As we walked down the hall, I said “Girl do I have things to tell you!”

And Stretch responded “Boy do I have things to tell you as well!”

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