Seduced By My Boyfriend’s Sister by Captain Boner

Once the coast was clear I made my way out of the shower to dry myself and get dressed I noticed that Flicks brush has been moved next to my bra on the bathroom bench

“she must of dumped it here by mistake” I thought

I went to grip the handle and felt a wet sticky substance on my hand I brought my hand to my nose and smelt a sweetish odour that smelt similar to my pussy odour but not as strong as mine, this has definitely been inside somebody’s pussy but its Definity not mine its not the same scent it couldn’t be Flicks could it? I thought to myself is this her getting back at me from last night although I was disturbed by what ive discovered I was curious to what she would taste like the brush was obviously just covered in her juices not her cum but it made me wonder what her cum would look like on her brush I raised my wet hand to my nose to take another smell of her teen girl juices I slowly poked out my tongue towards the wet patch on my hand till the door from the other side of the bathroom swung open being greeted by Zayn he kissed me on the cheek and slithered past me to take a shower what is with these siblings and not saying anything.

Zayn and I were sitting down to breakfast when his sister came down to join us Zayn rose up and introduced her to me Flick stopped Zayn explaining we have met she briefly saw me in the bathroom this morning I wondered to myself why she didn’t mention her seeing me last night she held her hand over the table proceeding to shake my hand while giving me a little wink she seemed a lot more talkative and sociable this time saying me and her will have to hangout some time.

My boyfriend got a notification on his phone saying his game had a new dlc or some thing like that and I knew our little shopping date we had was gone because he always puts his gaming first.

I told my boyfriend that I guess our date is of, Zayn gave me that cheesy look confirming what I was saying I just sat back in disgust I was really looking forward to going shopping today then next minute Flick offered to go shopping with me adding it will give us a chance to get to know each other more I was a little unsure at first but it would be nice to get to know Zayn’s sister even tho there is something weird yet mildly interesting about her so I took her up on her offer.

Flick and I got dressed and ready to rock I gave Zayn a kiss saying goodbye and proceeded to headout.

On the walk to town I noticed how slutty Flick was dressed she was wearing a black crop top that looked 3 sizes to small for her it hugged the top half of her body making her boobs really stick out not to mention her long black wavy hair dangling in the wind followed by black eye line and black lipstick she had a sexy gothic vibe about her.

I was having a really great time getting to know Flick we talked about the general stuff about each other and shopped together we decided to go to the café in the mall for a pitstop we continued talking generally Flick never looked away as we talked always made direct eye contact with me the way she looked at me it was like she was studying me in a very evil way Im wondering what is going on in that pretty little head of hers, we continued to chat about normal things till I felt Flick harmlessly stroke my legs it was no accident she was doing it playfully I continued to act like nothing was happening apart from the whole evil eyes and playful foot.

My nerves were getting more shakey and I could feel a small burn in my stomach and my cheeks fuzzed up it was like the same feeling I get from when a guy comes on to me but this was a girl and im as straight as straight girls come.

Flick then asked me if I noticed anything unusual about this morning at the same time tracing her foot up along my ankle up my thigh just hitting under my skirt, I decided to play dumb and ask what she ment she just looked at me with that kinky stare of hers asking me what I think?, I knew exactly what she was thinking but witch does she mean her showering naked in front of me or her sucking my cum of her brush or her leaving her brush for me covered in her juices.

I stood staring at Flick for a few seconds after hearing her question

“you know me taking a shower with you?” Flick remarked

“Oh” I exclaimed I mentioned to her I assumed it was just a girl thing were girls shower together like it’s a normal thing she told me I was right of coarse but she then went on to say she noticed me looking at her and was wondering if I was into girls or not I immediately told her I wasn’t I was just noticing how comfortable she was being naked around a stranger that so happens to be the same gender as her.

She told me she was bisexual and shes been around enough naked girls and enough naked guys to be comfortable and that she was proud of her body and loves to show it of, I was curious about Flicks sexuality and asked her if shes licked a girl out before she just looked me right in the eye nodding followed by a little porched smirk on her lips I explained to her if she has licked pussy before she knows what it tastes like and smells like, Flicks foot rose furtherer up my skirt and her attention got more and more attentive as I came to realisation she knew exactly what was on that hairbrush when she sucked it last night,

“you knew didn’t you” I said to Flick with shame

“knew about what?” Flick questioned with that same fierce look I explained to her that she knew that her brush had been inside my pussy I have never been so embarrassed in my life explaining to my boyfriend’s sister that her hairbrush has been inside her brothers girlfriends cunt, Flick went on to explain to me she thought that her brush was covered in her own juices but after she sucked on it that it wasn’t her usual flavour

“you taste great by the way” Flick added

she went on to explain she didn’t know it was my pussy juices or she just tasted different witch is why she tested me this morning in the shower.

Since Flick and I were being out in the open I asked her about when I found her brush this morning and asked if it was inside her Flick bit her lower lip and wanted me to guess I definitely could smell pussy on it a little less stronger and more sweeter than my scent I just nodded to her, Flick continued biting her lip and asked me what I did with the brush, to be honest with myself I really wanted to taste it but I wasn’t gonna be honest out in the open

“did you do what I did” Flick budded into my train of thought

“Zayn kind of walked in on me before I could really do something about it” I replied

She continued asking me if I was tempted to taste it I just couldn’t answer her I was way to shy to admit anything I just stopped the conversation by taking a long drink of my drink.

Flick left without saying anything I saw her walk into the supermarket across from where we were sitting I could vaguely see her walking around the fruit isle then going through checkout I didn’t see what she bought but she seemed to be in such a hurry for me not to see what it was seeing how discrete she was she then went on to the bathroom area.

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