What Happens in Vegas Pt. 11

His cock glistened with his constantly dripping precum, that Aaron had spread generously around his hot member. Neither of their gazes faltered as Fred thrust himself slowly forward into Aaron. Fred groaned and felt one tear slide from his eye and down his cheek, unashamed as Aaron stared at him lovingly, lustfully. Aaron’s own eyes glistened as Fred began his slow thrusting.

“Oh god,” Fred sputtered. “I love you, Aaron.” He thrust hard into Aaron, who moaned in reply, reaching his arms up to Fred’s shoulders. Fred pulled out to the tip, almost completely out then thrust in again hard. He grunted with the feeling.

“Freddie!” Aaron gripped his shoulders. Fred lowered himself hugging Aaron close as he pulled out to the tip and thrust in again hard with a loud grunt.

“Oh god!” Fred groaned. His body began rolling with the long thrusts and he held himself up a little so he could stare at his fiancĂ©’s face. Aaron’s face was now streaked with tears, and he moaned and writhed under Fred, his dick at full attention once again, dripping along with the thrusts.

At the look of unadulterated love on his face, Fred lost all control. The dam holding back the rest of his tears burst and he pushed those long luxurious thrusts into Aaron madly, grunting with each one. Aaron gripped his hips urging those extended pushes at an elevated pace. Aaron could feel the rising orgasm, the bliss that would blast through him, that he knew was building in Fred as well. The long thrusts became shorter, faster, and harder. Fred’s cock hit that perfect delicious spot inside of Aaron and his cock hardened further.

“AH, yes, Freddie, oh god,” Aaron arched up as his orgasm neared and Fred’s hard cock pounded against that amazing spot. His mouth hung open as he panted and moaned. Fred was groaning constantly, almost sobbing with the feeling building inside him.

There were no words now between either of them, just sounds, and sensations until finally the wave broke over them simultaneously. A guttural sob emerged from Fred, and Aaron’s groaning moan merged together as Fred pushed as deeply as he could, clutching at Aaron, who arched further, gripping his ass and pressing him deeper still. Fred and Aaron’s cocks spurted together.

Fred gasped as he thrust deep into Aaron, cumming hard into him, feeling the pulses race through his cock. He watched Aaron’s face contort in pleasure. He could feel the hot cum from Aaron’s cock burst between them and looked down, watching it splash onto his fiancĂ©’s stomach.

Fred panted and brought his gaze back to Aaron’s face. He stared down at Aaron who was also panting. He knew his face was streaked with tears, could feel them still leaking from his eyes but he didn’t care. Aaron released his ass and brought a hand to his face, rubbing his thumb along the streaks of moisture.

“I love you, Freddie,” he said between breaths. Fred kissed him, feeling his eyes leak all the more at the tender tone.

His voice cracked as he said, “I love you.” Then he lowered himself down on top of Aaron, not bothering to pull himself out and gathered him into a tight embrace.


The two men lay on the couch for the rest of the evening, not pausing their rotation of lovemaking, and cuddling for hours. They declared their love countless more times throughout the night. They talked about having a wedding, where they should do it, how they should do it, who to invite, taking notes on their phones, planning nearly the whole thing naked, and twined together.

Finally, as the day darkened, and evening turned to night, they reluctantly got up off the couch and began to clean up. Ben would be home soon and would probably not appreciate walking in on his uncle (soon to be uncles) naked together on the couch.

They ordered a late dinner and put on another movie, cuddling close on the couch as they waited for Ben to return home.

“It’s almost 1am, he should be here by now,” Fred muttered glancing at his watch. Aaron shrugged.

“He’ll be here, don’t worry so much,” Aaron said. Fred huffed out an exasperated sigh and pressed a kiss to Aaron’s temple.

“You’re going to be way too easy on this kid,” he said. Aaron laughed.

“Maybe that’s to balance out what a hard ass you’re going to be.” Aaron poked Fred in the ribs. He jumped at the tickle and growled.

“Stop it. I’m not a hard ass,” Fred grumbled.

“Right a hard ass isn’t that ticklish,” Aaron agreed. Fred scowled but Aaron noted the slight upturn of the corners of his mouth.

“He’s late,” Fred said. His watch had just switched to 1am, when the telltale grumble of Finn’s motorcycle announced their arrival.

“Well, at least we know he’ll never be able to sneak around as long as Finn is riding that bike,” Aaron said, and Fred winced at the sound. The grumbling noise increased as Finn pulled into the driveway and shut off the bike.

“Fuck, he’s going to ask if Finn can hang out,” Fred muttered. Aaron shrugged again.

“So what? Let ’em,” Aaron said. “What’s the worst that could happen?” Fred raised his eyebrows as Ben and Finn walked into the dimly lit townhouse.

“You’re late!” Fred said from the couch. He would have stood up, but Aaron refused to move from his curled position pinning him to the sofa. There was an audible sigh and Aaron thought he could hear Ben rolling his eyes.

“Sorry,” Finn said walking into the living room where the two men sat. “We hit every red light on the way here.”

“I’m not even late,” Ben groused behind Finn. “The clock literally says 1am.”

“Mine says 1:05.” Fred held up his wrist smiling. Aaron batted his hand down.

“How was your day, boys?” Aaron asked. Fred glanced at Ben’s wrist and noticed a plastic bracelet there.

“What’s that about?” Fred asked.

“Oh,” Ben’s face reddened.

“I took him to the ER,” Finn said grinning. Aaron sat up then.

“How’d it look?” Aaron asked.

“I’m fine. Like I told you all, bruised is all,” Ben said.

“Thank you for taking him, Finn,” Fred said sincerely. This kid was racking up serious points in Fred’s mind very quickly.

“We ended up missing the movie,” Finn said. “But went on a nice ride after Ben was given a clean bill of health.”

“And the party?” Fred asked bluntly. Aaron elbowed him in the ribs. Not hard ass, he said.

Ben looked uncomfortable and shrugged. “It was boring.”

“Is that why you stayed so long?” Fred asked. Aaron huffed out a laugh.

“How did things go with my mom and grandma?” Ben asked. At first Fred thought he was trying to be an asshole, but he could see the sincere look in his nephew’s eyes.

“It was fine,” Fred said, his face shuttering.

“Were they… were they OK?” Ben asked quietly.

“Your mom was,” Fred answered shortly. “I got to see your brothers, so that was nice.” Fred’s voice cracked a bit and Aaron put a hand on his knee.

“Finn, when do you need to get home?” Aaron asked, changing the subject.

“I don’t have a curfew,” he admitted. “My grandparents said they’re too old to enforce those kinds of things, so they leave it up to me.” Aaron felt Fred tense by his side.

“Interesting,” Aaron said. “Well, we were just going to head to bed.” Aaron stood abruptly and pulled Fred up with him.

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