Family Values Part 1 by BKrunk


Brandon’s mouth continued its assault on my cock as his hand stroked the base of my cock. He kept a smooth rhythmic pace for a good 4 or 5 minutes and then he suddenly stopped. I couldn’t help but think, “No, don’t stop I am about to climax.” But I kept my words to myself. As it turns out Brandon had a trick up his sleeve I hadn’t expected.

With his hand still held firmly on the shaft, Brandon pushed my cock back into an upright position. Starting at the base of my cock he ran the tip of his tongue along the base of my cock yet again. Only this time when he got to the tip, his tongue began a rapid assault on the underside of the head of my cock. I grew week in the knees from all the pleasure and it took all my strength not to fall to the ground.

The assault stopped as abruptly as it started and he was back to sucking and stroking my cock. It was only seconds later when I felt my orgasm rushing its way to my penis. My warm cum shot into his mouth with a tremendous force and he never pulled away. He swallowed every last drop. He even continued to stoke my cock until he had every last drop in his mouth.

After he let my cock fall from his mouth I took a few steps backwards and collapsed onto my chair, utterly overcome with pleasure. After a couple of seconds Brandon rose to his feet, wiped his chin with his forearm and uttered just one phrase before walking away. “I guess this means I am gay.”

After a few minutes of sitting there trying to figure out what had just happened, I stood up, pulled my pants up and made my way to the bathroom for a shower.


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