Just to Be Wanted

“Yeah, I wanna…I wanna feel you. Feel you against me. I don’t want a stupid sweatshirt in the way.”

When they were both naked and Elliot was pushing Killian back down again and they were tangled together for a second time, Killian’s breath caught in his throat. Elliot’s body was ever so slightly cool — it wasn’t cold the way Caoimhe’s had been and it wasn’t hot like his boyfriend in college had been. And he liked that. Elliot’s body felt different from anyone Killian had been with in the past. It was a wholly new sensation. He ran his fingers over the hair on Elliot’s arms, moving his hands up over his forearms and then his biceps before he gripped Elliot’s shoulders.

Killian could smell the scent of his own arousal, felt the slickness that coated his inner thighs, felt the way his cunt twitched and throbbed with need, feeling achingly empty.

“Fuck!” Killian groaned. The head of Elliot’s cock was pressed against him now, slipping between his wet and swollen folds, poised to push inside of him. “Oh fuck — please! Just put it in, fuck me!”

Elliot placed a soft kiss on Killian’s throat — a gesture so gentle and so tender that it made Killian’s chest grow tight, his throat closing up. That was something more than just mindless lust, wasn’t it?

“You’re sure you want this?” Elliot’s voice was a low growl in his ear. “Some fucking…thinblood mutt?” There was a pain in Elliot’s voice that illuminated to Killian why Elliot had seemed so shocked when Killian had kissed him…

“I wouldn’t be naked in your bed if I wasn’t sure. I don’t care what you are, I want you.”

That wasn’t entirely true. Killian’s desperate, aching need for Elliot was at least partially driven by the fact that Elliot was a vampire. But it didn’t matter if he was a thinblood. It mattered that Elliot could give him what he wanted. And it didn’t hurt that Elliot had risked so much to save him before.

Killian reached up, lacing his fingers together behind Elliot’s neck, pulling him down closer. “Please,” Killian whispered. “I want this. I need this.” He placed a kiss on Elliot’s lips that would have seemed almost chaste if he couldn’t feel the tip of Elliot’s throbbing dick pressed against him.

Elliot kissed him again and in a single thrust, drove his cock into Killian all the way to the base. Or… As close as he could get.

Killian’s back arched and he saw stars. He felt ever inch of Elliot’s length as it was thrust into him, felt it stretch his inner walls as it pushed them apart and was buried deep inside of him. He dug his nails into Elliot’s shoulders, crying out in sheer bliss. Elliot was…bigger than Killian had expected — and a knot even thicker than the rest of his cock swelled at its base… Which might have explained the mutt comment.

And the thought of that knot breaking him open made Killian’s cunt flutter and his clit throb even more.

“Fuuuuuuck!” Killian rasped. “Oh God, oh fuck — you’re — so big!”

Elliot groaned into Killian’s ear, holding still at the apex of his thrust, apparently savoring the feeling of Killian’s cunt wrapped around him…

And when Elliot finally moved inside of him, the world spun as Killian’s senses narrowed down to the feeling of that dick dragging over every bump and ridge inside of him, narrowed down to the wet sucking noise his body made as Elliot pulled his cock free from Killian’s spasming inner walls. Oh fuck, how can he already be so close to cumming again? How could this feel so fucking good?

A broken whimper left Killian’s lips as the head of Elliot’s cock slipped free from him and he closed his eyes tight.

“You…all right?” Elliot asked. Killian could hear the strain in his voice, could tell he was unsure of just how much Killian could handle.

“Yes!” Killian cried. “Oh, God, yes! Don’t hold back — you’re not gonna break me…I can…I can handle it…”

He wasn’t entirely sure if that was true, especially not if Elliot got that knot inside of him but part of Killian wanted to be broken, he wanted to be fucked for so long and so hard that he couldn’t even walk later. His eyes fluttered open just in time to see the lopsided smile on Elliot’s face, revealing his fangs.

“If you say so…”

Elliot thrust hard into Killian, taking him with a force that no human could have possibly managed and the sensation of Elliot’s dick punching back into his sopping hole made him scream. He felt the knot at the base of Elliot’s cock smashing into his clit, sending shock-waves of bliss through him. The entrance to his cunt gave way, just a little bit, he felt himself stretching just a little bit further. Oh fuck, it was unbelievable.

Elliot gripped Killian’s knees, pushing his legs back to give him better access to the hunter’s wet and needy cunt, letting his cock reach even deeper inside him. And before Killian had even the slightest chance of regaining his bearings, Elliot was pulling out and spearing back into him again. Killian felt like he was going to break apart as every thrust saw his cunt stretch a bit further, saw that fat knot come a little bit closer to pushing its way into him. Killian felt his breasts bounce against his chest with every thrust but fuck, he didn’t care. Heat spread through his body like a wildfire sweeping through dry brush. He screamed, pushing back into Elliot, desperate to take him fully inside — desperate to feel that knot splitting him wide open and tying them together.


And all at once, another orgasm came roaring through Killian’s body and his muscles seized, his cunt spasming wildly as he came. Which seemed to spur Elliot even further on now — his thrusts grew harder, faster, more wild, more desperate, filled with a need that seemed to match what burned within Killian’s chest. It was amazing. The way sensation of Elliot’s cock pistoning into him, stretching him, stirring his insides… The sounds Killian’s cunt made as it was pounded into submission, the way his slick juices coated his inner thighs and flowed freely from his ruined hole… Oh God, it was pure bliss. He didn’t want it to stop, not ever.

Elliot was fully on top of him again, their chests and bellies pressed together — so close he could almost feel Elliot’s heartbeat. Elliot’s lips were on his neck and Killian could feel the scrape of his fangs.

“Please!” Killian’s voice cracked, hoarse from the screams and moans Elliot had already wrung from his lips. “Bite me! Do it! Put your fucking fangs in me–”

A low growl of approval rumbled in Elliot’s throat in response to the desperate plea, sending shivers down Killian’s spine, making every on his body stand on end. Fuck… And when Elliot was a deep inside of Killian as he could be, he bit down, fangs sinking into Killian’s throat and Killian was gone, swept away into the combined pleasure of having his cunt utterly wrecked and the sensation of the dark kiss overtaking him.

This. This was what he wanted. To be wholly and completely part of a moment where nothing existed but the moment. To be nothing more than sensations that surged through his body with no memories, no identity, no thoughts — just sweet, numbing pleasure…

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