Last Chance

Jason leaned in. “Dude, you can count on me! I just got my best friend back! I’m not going to mess this up!”


Devon’s heart started pumping furiously. What a predicament to be in. He didn’t want to impose on his friend he hadn’t spoken to in ages and yet… this felt so right?

“Absolutely!” Jason exclaimed.

“Well… let’s just play a few more games. Yeah?”

And so they did. And took a few more shots. They laughed about the old days, and the new days, and everything in between.

Devon was in a state of deep sleep on the couch. He found himself in a rather surreal dream. He saw his friend Jason emerge from the shower in a towel and nothing else, and just stand directly in front of him.

“What are you doing?”

“What you want me to.”

Jason dropped the towel then. Devon saw his erect cock spring up from under the towel.

“But… I don’t want this?!”

“Don’t you?”

Jason came closer. He tenderly grabbed Devon’s cheek and stroked it. Then kissed his forehead. “You know you do.”

“No I don’t! I’m not gay!”

“Maybe a little? For me? No? Not at all? I think maybe you’re holding back a twee…”

Jason reached down and grabbed Devon’s left asscheek on the sofa. Hard.

“Ow! Fuck, man, what are you doing?”

“Only what you want me to.”

Suddenly Devon woke up from his dream with a gasp. He checked his surroundings. He appeared to be sleeping on the couch, with… Jason spooning him. Oddly. Awkwardly.

“Yo, Jason… you awake?” Devon asked.

Jason responded, eyes closed, by just gently gyrating against his butt. At first this alarmed Devon. What the fuck? What is he doing? he thought. Then he thought a little further. Surely Jason was in the midst of some dream where he was pounding the holy hell out of some female. OK. Fine. No need to drag him out of that, particularly if he’s about to save him from depravity. He can grind.

And he did grind. And grind some more. Devon tried to go back to sleep, nuzzling uncomfortably against the end of the sofa. Still, he let it happen.

He found he could no longer have any hope of going back to sleep. He felt Jason’s fully erect cock rubbing against his ass. Good grief! He’d never felt anything like that. At first he was curious, then alarmed… like he didn’t want his friend to wake up and be embarrassed at what he was doing. Devon shuffled a bit to avoid the trajectory of Jason’s cock. It didn’t work – Jason realigned to continue rubbing his cock on his asscrack.

“Mmmmm…” Jason said.

“Are you awake?”

Jason didn’t respond. Just more gyrating against his ass. Like he was gently fucking an invisible woman. He hated to admit it, but Devon actually thought it felt good.

“Please suck it,” Jason said, as his gyrations increased tempo.

This set Devon ablaze. “What?”


Devon drew back. “No, I’m not fucking doing that. That’s fucking gay.”


The way he said “please” drew him back, disarming him a bit. He’d never heard his friend speak to him in that way, so pleading. Such a sense of need. Suddenly Devon reconsidered his values and place in life. Would it be so bad to please his best friend from so long ago? What would be the recourse? Why not, right?

“OK, I’ll do it, bro.” He didn’t even realize he said it until after he did. But then it was on. He reached toward his best friend, pulled his boxers down as best as he good. Jason’s 8 inch cock sprang forward, which startled him.

“Mmmm,” Jason cooed, his eyes closed.

With that, Devon scooted down onto the floor so as to approach that magnificent dick. He licked his lips as he neared it. This was it. There was no going back after this. He’d never done anything like this but he knew this was absolutely something he wanted to do. Had to do.

He opened his mouth and encircled the head of his friend’s cock. He licked at it, lapped at it. It felt good and tasted like salty manliness. He liked it.

“What the fuck, bro?!” exclaimed Jason, vaulting away from Devon on the couch.

Devon was left, mouth agape and in shock. “But… you just…”

“I’m not gay! What the fuck were you doing to me?!” Jason wrenched his way off of the couch, pulling up his boxers in disgust.

“I-I’m sorry, you said – ”

“I was sleeping, man! You’re sick! Get the fuck out of my house!”

“But I -”

“Now! Out!”

Jason reared towards him and gave him a hard shove. Devon fell back, hard. Tears started to well up in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Jason. I really thought you… I’m sorry.”


With no further ado, Devon grabbed his phone and headed out the front door. Ashamed and embarrassed and at his lowest yet. He’d really messed it up now.

To be continued…

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