After dinner, we went to a little coffee shop and we both had a coffee and shared a pastry for dessert. I reached under the table and took his hand in mine.
“I like you, Colby,” I whispered. “I like you a lot. Will you go out with me again?”
“I really like you, too, Max. I’d love to go out with you again.”
He gave me a big smile and I wanted to lean in and kiss him so bad. When I saw the tip of his little pink tongue peek out and subconsciously lick his pouty lips, I had to suppress a groan. We just sat there staring into each others eyes, when the mood was interrupted by someone intruding and sitting down at our table.
“Hey, Max.”
Jase, one of my semi-regular fuck buddies in my former life, had sat down at the table. Jase was a hot little jock, always ready to go.
“It’s been a long time, Max,” Jase said.
“I’m kind of in the middle of something here, Jase,” I said, raising my eyebrow and giving him a look that told him to get lost.
“All right, all right,” he said. “I’ll let you get back to it. Call me soon, okay?”
Jase turned and looked at Colby. “Can you believe this player? Gets you all hot and bothered and then doesn’t call for months. If he wasn’t so good in bed, I’d kick his ass. But you know how it is, right? I’m Jase, by the way.”
“Good to meet another one of Max’s harem boys,” Jase chuckled.
Colby looked horrified. I groaned out loud. This shit could not be happening.
“See you later,” Jase said and bounced up out of his seat.
Colby was looking down at his coffee mug.
“I’m sorry about that, Colby,” I said.
When he finally looked up, I saw he had tears in his eyes.
“I’m really tired, Max. I think I should go home,” he said quietly. He stood up and walked out the front door and waited on the sidewalk.
I sighed and picked up our trash and slammed it into the garbage. I was pissed. I was pissed at Jase and pissed at myself.
On the drive back to Colby’s apartment, I tried to engage him in conversation, but he was quiet. I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car and shut the engine off.
“Look, Colby… I’m really sorry about that shit with Jase.”
“It’s okay, Max. It’s none of my business.”
“It is, Colby. But that’s not me. I’m not that guy anymore.”
“Okay, Max.”
Colby opened the car door and I followed him up the stairs to his door.
“Thanks,” he said as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.
I put my hand on the door before he could close it.
“Please, Colby. Before Jase, we were having a good time. I meant what I said. I promise I’m not that guy anymore. I’ve changed. Just give me a chance to prove it to you.”
“I have to go,” he said.
Tears brimmed unshed around his blue eyes and I felt my heart breaking.
“Can I call you, Colby? Please?” I begged.
“Bye, Max,” he said. He choked back a sob and the tears streamed down his face as he shut the door and locked it.
My baby was on the other side of the door crying, and it was all my fault.
When I got to my car, my chest felt tight. I leaned over and threw up onto the pavement. I sat in my car shaking. I must have sat there for nearly twenty minutes staring into nothing. I started my car and drove right to Tank and Pete’s. I called from the gate and they buzzed me in.
Tank let me in when I knocked on the door.
“Jesus, Max, you look like shit,” he said.
I was going to make a smart ass comment about the ratty tank top and boxer shorts he was wearing, but I didn’t have the energy.
Pete came out of the bedroom in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms. His cheeks were flushed red and his ginger hair was all messed up and he had fresh hickeys on both sides of his neck. At least someone got laid tonight. He furrowed his brow when he saw me.
“Are you okay, Max?” Pete asked. “What happened?”
I plopped down into the chair and Tank sat on the sofa, pulling Pete down next to him. I watched Pete automatically melt into Tank’s body as Tank’s arm moved around his shoulders. Envy surged through me. That’s what I wanted. I wanted that with Colby.
“Everything was going great,” I explained. “We were having coffee and dessert and then one of my tricks sits down at the table. It all went to hell in a split second.”
I looked up at Tank. His blank expression pissed me off. He was forever telling me that my playing around would catch up to me.
“Go ahead and say it,” I spat. “Say ‘I told you so’.”
“I’m not gonna do that to ya, bub,” he said quietly. He looked at me with pity and that was worse than ‘I told you so’.
I took a deep breath and slowly let it out.
“I guess he thinks I was just going to use him for sex,” I said quietly. “You should have seen his face. I… I made him cry.”
I hung my head down and tears fell from my eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Max,” Pete sniffled.
He moved and knelt next to the chair and put his hand on my arm. I looked up at him and he was crying.
“Now I made you cry, too,” I said with a mirthless chuckle.
Tank scoffed. “Yeah. You, and those Publix commercials make Petey cry,” he joked. “Oh, and those Hallmark commercials. And that Sarah McLachlan ad with the sad dogs.”
Pete wiped his cheeks and looked at Tank and laughed. “Toby Marks, you’re a big jerk. But I still love you for some reason.”
Pete grabbed the pillow off my chair and threw it hard at Tank. The three of us laughed really hard and it lightened the mood considerably.
I took a deep breath and let it out. “So what do I do?” I asked.
“You just have to show him you’re serious about him,” Pete said.
“You’ll think of something,” Tank asked.
I knew that Colby was still home from work, so during lunch break, I got Bill to stop at a flower shop. I ordered a dozen yellow roses and put in the card, “Colby – Please give Max a chance.” I signed my name and put my cell phone number.
I wanted to to call him that night to see if he got them, but I didn’t. He’d call me when he was ready.
Instead, I went to the Build-A-Bear at the mall and built a teddy bear. With the clerk’s help, I tried to make one that looked like me, dressed in uniform. They didn’t have a paramedic, but I made it work with the cop uniform. I boxed it up and put a note that said, “Max wants to cuddle with you.” I arranged to have it delivered to his apartment the next morning.
Thursday morning, I slid a CD I made of sappy love songs under his door.
I spent that night with a sketch pad and some pencils. I was really good at drawing and had taken quite a few art classes in college, even though I majored in kinesiology. I always found drawing relaxing. I used a picture I found on the internet as the base for my idea, and sketched a pencil drawing of myself sitting with Colby sitting between my legs. His back was to me and he was laying back against my chest with my arms around him. I was looking down at him, my lips to his temple, while he looked forward with a smile on his face. I was up until 2:00 AM finishing it, but when it was done, I was quite pleased. It looked just like us.
I sprayed it with fixative and put it into an 8×10 frame, then went to bed and crashed.
Before my shift on Friday, I drove to Colby’s apartment and put the picture sealed inside a cardboard box on his doorstep.
I hadn’t heard from Colby all week and I was feeling depressed by the time I hit the gym with Tank and Pete after work. They both told me to give him a little more time and to keep trying. During dinner, I wasn’t very talkative, but I tried to participate.
On the drive home, I tried to think of what I could do next and was coming up with blanks. My ringing cell phone snapped me back to reality. I picked it up and looked at the screen and almost wrecked my car. I pulled off into a grocery store parking lot and answered it.
There was only silence and then a few seconds later a sniffle. “Max?” he whispered.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby.”
I could hear him crying and it was killing me.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
He sniffled. “Yes.”
“Can I come see you?”
“I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Bye.”
I hung up and sped out of the parking lot to Colby’s apartment. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I raced to him.
I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. It seemed like it took him an hour to get to the door after I knocked.
When he opened the door, he took my breath away. Even though his eyes were red and puffy, he was beautiful. He gave me a bashful smile and a quiet ‘hi’ and let me inside. I followed him to the living room and we sat down on the sofa. He clasped his hands and pushed them between his knees.
I looked past him and saw my framed drawing on the end table next to the sofa. I smiled at him and he gave me a hesitant smile back.
“Thank you for the gifts,” he said.
“You’re welcome.”
“Do you mean it, Max? If I was just a one night stand to you, I would die.”
“I wouldn’t have visited you every day in the hospital or done all that I did if that was the case. I really do care about you, Colby.”
“I don’t want to get hurt, Max… Because I… I’ve fallen in love with you.”
“Colb…” My voice cracked and I couldn’t continue. Instead I cupped his face in my hands and I gave him the most gentle and loving kiss I could manage. His arms moved around me and he buried his face on my shoulder. His body was trembling as he tried to keep control of his emotions.
He looked up at me and kissed me passionately. Our tongues played and danced in each others mouths. His hands moved up and down my muscular back. When my mouth slipped down to his neck and gently sucked, he whimpered softly and his hands clutched at my shoulders.
I was getting carried away and I had to pull back. My body wanted to push him down and fuck the shit out of him, but my head was saying I needed to give him a little more time.
“Would you like to go out for a coffee or dessert?” I asked.
He nodded and sniffled. “Okay. That would be nice.”
I stood up and helped him to his feet. I saw that his eyes were glued to the lower half of my body. I looked down and my cock was bulging my jeans out towards my left hip. I cleared my throat nervously and adjusted it to make it more comfortable. His eyes shot up to mine and he blushed. I glanced down at his pants and saw that he was in a similar state and that made me very happy.
We drove to a quiet café I knew and we both ordered a latte. I prayed that we wouldn’t run into anyone I knew. We sat in a dark corner and quietly sipped our drinks as we caught up on what happened over the week. He told me how surprised he was to get the flowers, then with each day another gift. He was smiling brightly and his face was aglow. He was so stinking cute I wanted to kiss him right then and there. His hand was resting on the table and I took it in mine. I couldn’t resist. I pulled it up to my mouth and lightly kissed the back of it. That brought another grin to his face. I decided then that I would make it my job to keep him smiling.
Afterward, I drove him back to his apartment and walked him to the door. I didn’t want to presume that he’d want me to come in, but when he held the door open for me, I was a very happy man.
We returned to the couch and were soon full on making out like horny teenagers.
Colby pulled away to catch his breath, then stood up and held out his hand. I took it and he led me to his bedroom. When I saw the stuffed teddy bear on his bed and the vase of yellow roses on the nightstand, I beamed.
“Will you spend the night with me, Max?”
My cock lurched in my jeans. “Yes, baby.”
“Would it be okay if we just cuddled and maybe kissed a little?”
“Of course,” I said and I actually meant it.
I watched Colby strip down to his underwear, tight little gray Calvin Klein boxer briefs. My cock throbbed in my underwear as he revealed his body to me. His bruises were mostly faded away, but I knew that his cracked rib would still be a little tender. He had a nicely defined chest and flat stomach and a small waist. He was totally smooth, no hair except for the small tufts underneath his arms.
He sat down on the bed and pulled his socks off. He took the teddy bear and set him on the nightstand and crawled under the blankets.
I did a slow and sensual striptease for him. I smiled to myself as his eyes widened when I removed my shirt and wife-beater, exposing my built chest and my chiseled abs. I slowly unbuckled my belt and turned around and pushed my jeans down over my ass and dropped them to the floor. His eyes locked onto the bulge in my boxers as I turned around and I saw him visibly gulp.
I moved onto the bed and climbed over him to the right side and settled under the blankets.
Colby set his glasses on the nightstand and turned off the light and then rolled onto his right side, facing me in the dark. I reached up and slowly stroked his face. I felt Colby lean into my touch and press his lips into my hand. I moved closer and brought my lips to his. As I kissed him, I let my hand explore his arms, back and chest. I was careful not to venture below the waist, because I wanted to let him go there at his own pace.
I reached behind to the nape of his neck and pulled the tie that held his hair. I tossed it onto the nightstand and stroked my fingers through his hair and let it fall to his shoulders.
Colby pushed his body closer to me. He was getting me so fucking hot, but I didn’t want to get too carried away. I licked my way along his jawline and sucked his earlobe. I felt his body shudder and I whispered into his ear, “You are so sexy, Colby.”
I started sucking on his neck. I wanted to mark him. When people saw us together, they would know that he was mine.
“Oh, Max,” he moaned and his body shuddered again.
As I sucked his neck, my hand slid down his back and glided over his ass, then moved up to his hip. Colby was whimpering and he turned his hips slightly and pushed up. He was trying to push his cock into my hand. I slid my hand over his hip closer to his crotch. He pushed up again and moaned as his cock brushed my hand.
I heard him whisper, so quiet I barely heard him. “Max… Please…”
His hips pushed up into my hand and I slid my hand over his cock and gently squeezed. Colby’s body shivered and he whimpered softly.
“Lay back, baby,” I told him. “Let me make you feel good.”
I pushed Colby flat onto his back. I reached down and slid his underwear off and tossed them onto the floor. I moved my mouth down to his right nipple and began licking and sucking as my hand enclosed around his shaft. He had a very respectable six inches, nice and thick, and circumcised.
I trailed down his smooth chest, stopping to flick my tongue in and out of his belly button. I licked my way down his shaft and Colby moaned and pushed his hips up. I slathered his dick with my spit. I flicked my tongue all over his balls before taking each one into my mouth and gently suckling on them.
I knew I was driving Colby crazy with pleasure. I wanted to make him feel so good he would never forget our first time together. I flicked my tongue up his shaft and enclosed the head with my lips, then sucked him deep into my mouth.
“Oh god, Max!” Colby cried out.
I could feel his body trembling and writhing as I slowly and steadily bobbed my head up and down. I applied gentle suction and used plenty of tongue action. I knew my baby wasn’t going to last long. I never really liked swallowing another guy’s load, but I was determined that I was going to have his. I sped up my bobbing and increased my suction.
Colby was whimpering and moaning. “Max… I’m gonna come if you don’t stop. Oh god, I’m gonna… Now, Max, it’s gonna shoot… Oh my god, Max… Max!”
Colby erupted into my mouth, his hips bucking up into me. He moaned and groaned as he spurt over and over. I sucked and swallowed every last drop. His body convulsed as my tongue flicked across the head of his softening dick.
I let him fall from my mouth and I moved back up his body. He was panting and trying to catch his breath. Colby turned and reached his hand towards my dick. I took his hand and laced his fingers in mine.
“It’s okay, Colby. We can take care of me next time. I wanted tonight to be for you. You get some rest, okay?”
Colby yawned. “I’m sorry, Max.”
“Don’t be sorry, baby. Sleep…”
I held Colby and kissed the side of his head. His breathing evened out and before long he was asleep in my arms. I kissed the top of his head and whispered, “I love you, baby.”
I woke up the next morning to the sensation of a hot, wet mouth sliding down my cock. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Colby’s blond head bobbing up and down. I reached up and twirled my fingers through the soft blond locks.
Colby shifted his position so he could look up at me. I groaned when his blue eyes locked onto mine. His pink lips were sealed tight around my shaft. He closed his eyes and became lost in giving me pleasure. I watched his cheeks hollow as he sucked, moving up and down my cock in a steady rhythm. His hand was flattened around the base, and we was getting about six inches into his mouth with each down stroke.
He’s done this before. And he’s good at it. Really good.
“Fuck, Colby… That feels so fucking good… Don’t stop, baby…”
Colby moaned around my shaft and I felt the vibrations throughout my body. He sped up his movement slightly and his hand started moving up and down the shaft. He twisted his hand as he stroked me. His tongue fluttered around the shaft and head as he bobbed up and down. It was too much.
“Oh god, baby, you’re gonna make me come so hard.”
“Mm-hmm,” he moaned.
The pressure quickly built up and then I released. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and colors exploded before my eyes.
“Colby! Fuck!”
I could feel my cock pulsing in his mouth as I shot ropes of hot semen into his hot sucking mouth. I felt him swallowing and it sent shivers throughout my body. I don’t think I have ever come harder in my life.
I realized I had a death grip on the sheet and his hair. I quickly let go and gently stroked the back of his head as he licked my softened dick all over.
“Come here, baby,” I said as I pulled him up to me.
I kissed him slowly and sensually, taking his breath away.
“Did I hurt you?” I asked. “I didn’t mean to grab you so hard.”
“You didn’t hurt me,” he said as his cheeks reddened. “I liked that you came so hard. I knew that I was doing a good job.”
“Fuck, that was beyond ‘good’. That was best head I ever had, baby.”
Colby blushed deeper, but a small smile appeared on his face.
“Now it’s your turn,” I said with a sly grin.
Colby’s eyes widened as I reached between his legs. His dick was soft and covered with slime.
“I came when you did,” he admitted. “It was so hot when you came, that you made me come too.”
I groaned involuntarily at the thought of him getting so much out of pleasuring me that it made him have an orgasm.
We kissed for a while longer, then I had to get up. I needed to relieve the pressure in my bladder. He followed me to the bathroom, and hung back in the door while I took care of business. When I finished he stepped up to the toilet.
“You wanna shower?” I asked.
He nodded and I turned on the shower and adjusted the water to a nice warm temperature. I took the shower gel and washcloth and soaped my baby all over.
“How are you feeling? I asked. “Your rib’s not hurting, is it?”
“A little bit. I’ll take my ibuprofen with breakfast and I’ll be fine.”
I leaned in and kissed him.
“Mmm. Your kisses are so sweet,” I said. “Just like you.”
He blushed. “Stop,” he said with a giggle.
I chuckled and told him to put his head down. I got his hair wet, then I washed it for him. I slowly massaged his scalp and got him squeaky clean. I rinsed it until the soap ran clear.
“I love your hair, baby,” I whispered.
He turned and looked up at me. I wrapped my arms around his smaller body. I kissed up his neck and I had to tell him how I felt.
I whispered into his ear, “I love you, Colby.”
Colby drew in a breath and turned his head towards me. I kissed him passionately, letting him play with my tongue.
I broke the kiss and I held him in my arms. He trembled and sniffled.
“I love you, too, Max.”
“I love you, Colby. My beautiful Colby.”
God, Colby had turned me into a sap, but I just couldn’t help myself. I gave him some more kisses and then let him wash me all over.
After we got dressed, I wanted to take him out for breakfast. We swung by my apartment first so that I could change my clothes. I gave Colby a quick tour of the apartment and he sat on my bed and watched me get changed. He was trying to be discreet about watching me walk around naked as I figured out what I was going to wear, but I could feel his eyes on me.
I was putting on deodorant and I turned my head and caught him staring at my flaccid dick. He was so engrossed he didn’t know I was watching him. I smiled to myself and pretended not to notice that he was staring.
Once I got dressed, we headed to the Flying Biscuit for breakfast. I’d rather have something simple like a bagel, but that was what Colby wanted.
“So what do you want to do today?” I asked.
“I don’t really have any preferences… but I’d like to spend it with you.”
“Well, I can arrange that,” I grinned. “Let’s do something fun. How about bowling?”
“I’m awful, but I’ll give it a try.”
“I’m pretty good. I’ll help you out, baby.”
We headed over to ‘300’ to bowl a couple of games. Colby was indeed really bad, but we still had a good time. I gave him some pointers and helped him out and I think he liked the close contact of my lessons more than anything. Normally I play with Tank and we get really competitive. With Colby, we just had fun and laughed. I loved that he didn’t take himself seriously and was just having fun.
After we finished, we headed back towards home. We stopped and got a coffee and sat down at a table and enjoyed a quiet moment.
When my cell phone rang, I fished it out of my pocket and saw that it was Tank and answered it. “Hello?”
“Hey, Max. How’s it going?” Tank asked.
“Not bad.”
“You up for a movie and the pub tonight? Petey’s dying to see some sci-fi something or other.”
“I’m not sure. Let me ask my boyfriend.”
“Wait. What?!”
I chuckled and covered the phone. I could hear Tank’s muffled voice. Colby was smiling really big.
“Boyfriend?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, that’s what I said. You wanna go to a movie tonight, baby? Pete wants to see some sci-fi movie. Then we usually go out to a pub or sports bar.”
“Sure. That sounds fun.”
I put the phone back to my ear. “Tank? Me and Colby are in.”
“Congratulations, you dog.”
I could hear Pete in the background asking what was going on and I laughed.
“We’ll meet you guys at your place,” I said. “See ya.”
I hung up the phone and chuckled.
“We’ll probably get back late tonight,” I said. “You wanna spend the night at my place?”
He nodded and smiled at me. I drove him back to his apartment and he packed an overnight bag, then we headed to Tank and Pete’s place.
When Pete opened the door, he looked shocked for a split second, but recovered quickly. He gave both me and Colby hugs, then invited us in.
“You look really good, Colby,” Pete said. “You’re good as new.”
“Thanks,” Colby said.
Tank walked out of the bedroom. “Whoa. Look at you, buddy,” he said to Colby. “Looking good.”
I grinned at Colby, who seemed a little embarrassed by Pete and Tank’s compliments.
Colby and I rode in the backseat of Tank’s F150. After Tank turned out of the apartment complex onto the street, he reached over and grabbed Pete’s hand. I reached over and took Colby’s hand and a little smile appeared on his face as he continued to look forward.
Colby insisted on buying my ticket, so I let him. At the concession stand, I ordered a combo with a large popcorn and two sodas. The movie was kind of cheesy, but it had some pretty good effects. After we finished the popcorn, I put my arm on the back of Colby’s chair and I felt him lean back a little bit so that he was touching my arm.
After the show, we headed down to our usual pub and found an empty booth. I bought the first round of beers.
I held up my beer. “To Colby,” I said.
We all clinked our glasses and took a drink. Our conversation was friendly and comfortable. As I suspected, Colby and Pete got along great. They were animatedly talking about the movie and laughing with each other. I looked over at Tank and he smiled at me and nodded his head slowly.
I nodded back and sipped my beer. We talked for a while longer, then decided to call it a night. I was eager to get Colby home. We walked out of the pub, with Colby and Pete walking together in front of Tank and me.
Tank slowed down, then grabbed my arm and held me back. “He’s great, Max,” Tank said. “Whatever you need to do to keep him…”
“Don’t worry. I’m not letting him get away.”
“He loves you, Max. You know that, right?”
“I love him, too, Tank.”
As they turned the corner to head to the back parking lot, Pete was giggling in response to something Colby said and then put his arms around him and hugged him.
I looked at Tank and laughed. “I think Pete’s got a new best friend.”
“Yeah. He–”
“Leave us alone!” Pete shouted from a distance.
I looked at Tank and we raced around the corner to find Pete and Colby surrounded by a group four redneck thugs.
Pete stood in front of Colby, with his chin up in defiance. Colby was shaking like a leaf in the wind. I was ready to kick ass, but Tank grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“Is there a problem here?” Tank asked. His voice was deep and menacing.
Now, Tank is big. He’s 6’3″ and like 240 pounds of muscle. His head is shaved bald and he’s got a huge tribal tattoo from his neck to his wrist. He can look pretty damn intimidating.
“Yeah,” the guy out front snorted. “These fucking faggots are all hugging and shit.”
“They need to keep that shit in the closet,” another one chimed in.
I squeezed my hands into fists. I wanted to jump in and pound their fucking heads in, but I let Tank take the lead. He was calm and cool. I looked at Colby and tried to let him know that he was safe. He took a deep breath and the shaking slowed, but he still looked scared.
“These guys bothering you, baby?” Tank asked Pete.
“Yeah,” Pete said. “They were shoving me and Colby.”
The assholes’ eyes widened as they realized what they got themselves into.
“Is that right?” Tank asked the assholes. “You put your hands on our boyfriends?”
“I think we need to teach them some manners,” I said. “What do you think, Tank?”
All four guys stepped backwards, clearly intimidated by Tank and I. We moved ourselves between them and Pete and Colby. Tank stepped towards them and they moved back. One guy tripped and fell down onto his ass. It took all I had not to bust out laughing.
“I think you owe our boyfriends an apology,” I said.
“Fuck that shit,” the leader said.
“Now you’re starting to piss me off,” Tank said calmly. He lifted his fists and cracked his knuckles.
“We don’t want any trouble,” the wimp said as he picked himself off the ground.
“Then apologize,” I said.
The four of them muttered ‘sorry’ and then scurried away like rats.
“What a bunch of pussies,” I laughed.
Tank laughed as well, but Pete looked at me with wide eyes and cut his eyes to the side. I looked over where he was indicating, and Colby was on the verge of tears.
I quickly put my arm around his shoulders and walked him back to Tank’s truck. I helped him into the backseat, then got in on the other side.
“Come here, baby,” I whispered as I put my arms around him.
“What’s wrong with me, Max? Before I would have stood up to those assholes. I just stood there like a wimp about to cry and piss myself!”
“You were assaulted, Colby. Your physical wounds may have healed, but mentally… that’s gonna take longer. Just give yourself some time.”
“What if you and Tank hadn’t been there?”
“I think you and Pete would have been fine. Pete may be little, but he’s scrappy. We work out together three times a week. Why don’t you join us? They also offer self-defense classes. We can take one together.”
“You don’t need a self-defense class.”
“Maybe not, but I think it would help your confidence. And it would give me an excuse to get to spend more time with you.”
“I’d really like that, Max. And… um… You don’t need excuses to spend time with me.”
“Good. I’ll check into it on Monday.”
After Colby and I brushed our teeth together at the sink, we headed to my bedroom. I helped him get undressed and settled into bed. I quickly pulled my clothes off and laid down next to him. He took the brace off his wrist and set it down on the nightstand.
“Please be careful,” I told him.
“It’s feeling a lot better.”
He turned onto his side and ran his hand over my chest and my abs.
“Your body is so amazing,” he whispered.
“I’m glad you like it.”
He kissed my arm, then my chest. I closed my eyes and laid back as he kissed a trail down my body. I felt his tongue flick over the head of my dick and I groaned. I twirled my fingers through his blond ponytail, then untied it and let his hair fall. As Colby’s mouth surrounded my hard flesh, I stroked his silky soft hair.
“Oh, baby,” I moaned as Colby sucked me.