Pleasure Spa – Ch. 03 by selfctrlx 

He let go of us and started to walk out of the room. It was definitely not what I expected. I was again conflicted with the thoughts of pulling him back for more. There was unfinished sexual energy between us. Was this the moment to dive back into it? With them both here, the unspoken truth that something would transpire between us made me want to initiate it now. Did I have that option?

Aiden left the room. My eyes focused back to Sebastian. He let out a slight chuckle as he took a seat on the bed. I didn’t know what move I should’ve made.

As I weighed the thoughts, Sebastian pulled me down on the bed, distracting me with my thoughts. It was unexpected but I didn’t object to our bodies coming into contact and him pulling me into a kiss. He was as horny as ever and I could admit I was too but when did we get the green light?

I pulled back. “Why didn’t you do that moments ago.”

“I don’t know. I mean the look on your face. Looks you needed a distraction from yourself. What were you thinking?”

“Couldn’t you tell?” I asked, falling to Sebastian’s side as I laid on the bed. “The difference now, I don’t know how to put it together… but you know, and you know!” I placed my hands on his body to make sure he got what I was saying. “I definitely thought we all were about to explore each other.”

“See there it is, that.” Sebastian said. “Why you’re here.” He turned to face me, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “The innocence? But that thing underneath it.”

I reveled with the idea. “I have to admit, the curiosity is getting to me. I wonder why me. Care to fill me in?”

Sebastian chuckled softly, glancing around as if to check if it was just us, but it was obvious we were alone. “I just think, like me, there’s a purpose for you. Though I haven’t completely figured you out, yet. I’m beginning to see…”

Intrigued, I leaned in closer, eager to hear more on where this was going but was met with his lips as he pulled me into another make out session.

“First things first,” Sebastian spoke, once we parted from kissing. “You’re a great kisser.” There was laughter as if there was a joke, but he continued. “Get dressed. Aiden will fill us in once we meet in his office.”

I frowned a bit, at the open-ended answer. “Fine.”

Sebastian smirked knowing he was leaving me hanging and I decided to get up, hoping I had reciprocated the feeling by not continuing making out or going further.

I slid the pants on that was on the bed, before pulling the robe open to fully pull them up. “So many secrets to be discovered.” I couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of uncovering the official plan. “Maybe Aiden being in my bed in your place would answer my questions.”

“Oh?” Sebastian sat up. “Let’s not act like I can’t pull you back on this bed, get you out of those close and fuck you right now.” I was only teasing. “I know you want me to.” he said.

My eyes widened in astonishment and excitement. “Seriously?” I questioned. I was almost lost for words. I looked at his body as he sat there. Tempted by the option being said aloud. The view of his toned muscular body, half covered with the rob but revealing just enough to entice you.

He finally stood, finding a similar outfit in the dresser to put on. Almost ignoring me but continuing. “Just wait until I do,”

The idea did shut me up. Once we were dressed, I followed him out of my room as he made sure to pick up the keycard and place it in my hands before the door shut.

As I processed Sebastian’s words, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement again. Reminding me of the innocence I must have possessed somehow. There was a realization as I was being led to where Aiden must’ve been. It was all new to me. I couldn’t say or do more, at least not until I knew more details. That much was apparent. What Sebastian had that I didn’t was going through this experience before. I took note of it in that moment, as we passed through the hall, seeing the empty areas with some staff and how they greeted him. There was a similarity to Aiden.

My nerves almost took over on the walk up to Aiden’s quarters. The lavish designs that was present downstairs was similar here. Larger and more spacious, I looked around at the office area where I could see him through the glass, to the living space we entered at the top of the stairs. It all came to life under the sunlight that shined in through the glass panels on the ceiling.

“It’s nice that you two are getting along,” Aiden’s first words when we entered. “I almost expected a level of resistance.”

“None on my end. I see why we have him here.” Sebastian stated.

I waited to hear the reason.

“You do?” The thought piqued Aiden’s interest as well as mine.

There was a silence before Sebastian followed up. “There must be a new objective. Similar to my role here, I can only imagine what possibilities Chris will bring.”

No Cristiano? Christoff? I was almost surprised hearing Sebastian address me as just Chris. I glanced at him seeing if there was a difference in his presence now that we were in front of Aiden.

“See. I definitely chose wisely with you” Aiden began, an excitement in his tone. “And now with Chris.” his attention shifted to me. I tried not distracting myself with the way his eyes looked into me. I could just hear his thoughts the way he looked at me. “Damn, I want to fuck you so bad.” I heard or imagined he was thinking. I couldn’t escape the desire for some reason.

“How do you want me? — What do you want me to do.” I stumbled over the words, sounding more nervous than I anticipated.

“Already up for the tasks? Have a seat.” Aiden directed us to sit. I found myself quickly sitting in front of his desk. I glanced over every corner noticing all the paperwork, and other documents. “Now the task at hand and don’t fault me on how this sounds but if I do say, you are not here by accident,”

I was slightly surprised. I didn’t fully expect a plan outside of my arrival but the idea that the pieces were being revealed had me on the edge of my seat.

“I knew of your previous work when I bumped into you. Coincidentally, you showed at the time I considered the idea.” Aiden continued. I was unaware that my work history would come into play. Previously I had dabbled into plenty of roles of entertainment, events planning, launches and other things but I didn’t see the connection. “So, when I proposed that you experience this place the same way I do, that is the task.”

“That’s it?” There was something I didn’t get. Was it that simple? Did I want there to be more to it? “What’s the catch,”

“No catch. we are considering expanding and I believe you will be great in assisting with that. And if just so happens that I get to fuck you. Great. If the two of you fuck. Also, great. Unless you two already have?”

There was a second of confusion. Was I being pranked? The level of directness was turning me on but when paired with a work-related task, I didn’t know what to do with the concept of both at the same time.

“He would’ve loved to,” Sebastian stated, dismissing it like it was all on me. I could see the game had begun.

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