The Hardwoods: Kevin Learns to Love the Cock by DKPeter

“Alright,” I cried. “It was me. I’m sorry, okay.”

My mother sighed, “you don’t sound very sorry, but you will be. Go to the dining room. Remove your pants and underwear and lay over the table, you know the drill. I’m going to spank you myself for you lying and trying to blame Luke. Then I’m going to tell your father.”

I know that complaining about it would only make it worse, so I just headed off to the dining room. I took off my pants and underwear, leaving them on the floor. I went over to the table, facing it and leaned over with my stomach and face against the table. I was thinking how I could get even with Luke while I waited for my mother to come to me. I wasn’t as good at lying and getting others in trouble like he was. If only mom and dad could see the way he acts towards me when they are not around.

“So,” my mother said. “How many slipperings do you think you deserve?”

Her favorite means of discipline has always been the slipper. I was hoping she would just use her hand. She also always gives me more then what I say, so I always give her a lower number then I think I deserve. “ten, ma’am,” I replied.

“I think that fifteen would be a better number,” she stated. “I’m very disappointed in you, Kevin.” She put the slipper against my exposed ass. I could feel the coolness of the leather. Then, without any warning, she pulled back and slapped me with her slipper squarely in the center of my ass. “One, ma’am!” I cried out.

She then brought it back again and slapped me left ass cheek and then quickly slapped my right ass cheek. “Two, ma’am! Three, ma’am!” She paused briefly and then repeated the same two strokes. “Four, ma’am! Five ma’am!” Again another pause and then a slap on the left cheek and one on the right cheek. “Six ma’am! Seven ma’am!” She didn’t pause this time and just continued to slipper away at my reddened ass. “Eight, ma’am! Nine, ma’am!” Tears were forming in my eyes. I had to control myself from moving around too much. “Ten, ma’am! Eleven, ma’am!” I was beginning to hop around on each foot. My ass felt like it was on fire. Mother placed her hand against the small of my back to hold me in place. “Twelve, ma’am! Thirteen, ma’am!” She paused this time and placed the slipper against my left check. Then she slapped it with a loud whack that caused me to yelp. “Fourteen, ma’am!” She paused again and did the same with my right cheek. That caused me to cry out and the tears started to stream down my face. “Fifteen, ma’am!”

“Okay, I think you had enough,” my mother said. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

It is always the family ritual to give thanks for the spanking and to state why you received it. “Thank you for spanking me, ma’am,” I said between sobs. “I’m sorry I lied to you and tried to blame Luke. I’m also sorry for smoking.”

“The slippering I gave you was for lying to me and trying to blame Luke for your misbehavior,” my mother informed me. “Your father will discipline you for smoking.” I just nodded, knowing it was pointless to argue. “Pick up your clothes and get washed up. Dinner will be ready soon.”

I grabbed my pants and underwear and raced upstairs. I went to the bath room and showered up. As soon as I got out I saw Luke in the hall.

“I don’t know how you do it,” I said to Luke.

“Did what?” he said his voice clearly saying he knew what I was talking about.

“The cigarettes that you put in my room.”

He laughed, “well, it wouldn’t be there if you just sucked me off. If you don’t want something to happen to you next week I suggest you wrap those lips around my cock.”

I marched off to my room without answering him, even though the thought of doing that did really turn me on.


It was Saturday night, right before our bed time. Me and Luke were downstairs in the basement in the spanking room. It was a small square room with a dresser against the wall opposite the door and a wooden chair sitting in the middle. Above the dresser hanging on the wall were three paddles with the names Kevin, Luke and Rosamund engraved on them. (Rosamund was my mother’s name. She must get spanked by dad too, but I’ve never seen it.) Luke and I were facing the wall stark naked waiting for father to come down to spank us.

“Just remember,” Luke whispered to me. “You know how to stop the punishment ass whoppings from happening again next week.”

I was about ready to answer him, but stopped when I heard the door open up. He doesn’t like it if we were in here talking to each other. With my face still to the wall, as we have been instructed to do, I could hear the scrapping of the wooden chair against the concrete floor as he sat down.

“Your mother told me what happened, Kevin,” my father said. “You are going to get some punishment spankings on top of your deterrent spankings tonight. Go over and get your paddle and bring it to me.”

I went over to the dresser, took down my paddle and handed it to my father. Without needing to be told so I laid over my father’s knee in the traditional spanking position.

“Right,” my father said approvingly. “You will get twenty-six licks as you always do. After I’m done you are to go back against the wall and wait until I’m done with Luke. After that you’ll get fifteen swats for you unacceptable behavior. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” I replied.

Without another word, he swatted my backside with the paddle. Usually the first two my father gives me are not very hard at all. It was no exception this time. Yet, I know from experience the punishment spankings I was in for won’t be as gentle.

“One, sir. Two, sir.”

The next few that made contact come down with the same amount of force. I could feel them but there didn’t cause me any real discomfort. Except for the embarrassing position that I was in.

“Three, sir. Four, sir. Five, sir. Six, sir.”

He started to pick up the pace a little bit now, but he didn’t strike me any harder.

“Seven, sir. Eight, sir. Nine, sir. Ten, sir. Eleven, sir. Twelve, sir.” The slippering I got just a few hours ago on top of this was already causing my ass to feel very hot, even though he wasn’t hitting me very hard. “Thirteen, sir. Fourteen, sir. Fifteen, sir. Sixteen, sir.”

Now he started to use more force with his swings. Again, nothing unusual, he always strikes me harder during deterrent spankings about half way through. “Seventeen, sir! Eighteen, sir! Nineteen, sir! Twenty, sir!”

I was kicking each time the paddle feel down on my red ass. I was growing very nervous for the punishment spankings I was going to get, since I usually never felt this bad when I got my deterrent spankings.

He began to slow down as he finished the last six licks. I was silently sobbing. “Twenty-one, sir! Twenty-two, sir! Twenty-three, sir. Twenty-four, sir. Twenty-five, sir. Twenty-six, sir.”

He finally stopped. I slowing raised to my feet as he handed me my paddle to put back on the wall. “Thank you for spanking me, sir,” I said repeating the ritual after every deterrent spanking. “I promise that I will be better.”

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