Holding the Elevator Doors Open


“Is this what you fucking want, you fag?” he said and grabbed my crotch.

What surprised me was that his grip was, although not sensual, much gentler than what I assumed it would be if he was actually trying to hurt me. It was just a slight pressure on my balls and my soft dick.

“You like that, you perverted fucker?” he said, but the sting in his voice was gone, and it sounded more like dirty talk, which he noticed too and his voice almost went before he finished the sentence.

I said nothing in response. I instead looked into his eyes without moving a muscle, letting the moment stretch out, letting the awkwardness take over. He would soon let go and scurry away.

But he did not. I guess he was a little at a loss for what to do next, having acted impulsively. His hand remained on my crotch.

Then my dick slightly stirred, an automatic response to the gentle pressure on it. He noticed it too and quickly looked down and then looked back up. But he still did not remove his hand.

My eyes never leaving his, I reached down and undid my belt. I could hear his breathing get heavier, and the pressure on my dick a bit harder as it grew a little more, or was it his hand gripping my crotch a little tighter?

I raised one hand slowly and rested it on the back of his neck, and then I gently pushed him down.

He hesitated, unsure for a moment what to do, but his legs buckled and he clumsily got to his knees, letting go of his grip, and his face was right at my crotch.

I undid the button and then unzipped, my bulge clearly visible now, tenting the front of my pants, and then I reached behind him and closed the door. It shut with a click. I then rested both my hands on the back of his head.

He glanced up at me and I nodded at him. And then, his hands hesitatingly went to my waist, dug his fingers underneath the waistband of my trousers and my underwear and began to pull down.

As my pubes and then the base of my shaft came into view, he stopped and swallowed loudly.

“It’s okay,” I said, and I ran my fingers through his hair.

He pulled my trousers and underwear down with purpose, all the way past my knees. My semi-hard dick sprang out and swayed free right in front of his face, and once the motion stopped, it stood halfway up, the precum-smeared tip pointing directly at his mouth barely an inch away. His was breathing with his mouth open, and his hot breaths on my dick made me grow harder.

With one hand, I reached down and grabbed my shaft, and with the other hand, I gently pulled his head toward my waiting dick.

The familiar satisfying warmth slowly engulfed me, and I quickly became erect all the way and the head pushed against the soft back of his mouth. I was about 5 1/2″, so people with experience had not much of a problem taking all of my dick in their mouth, but clearly, my neighbour was inexperienced, it was probably his first time ever. He began to choke when I took my hand away and tried to slowly shove all of my throbbing dick into his warm mouth, so I pulled back a little.

I put both my hands on his head again and, building a slow rhythm, began to rock his head back and forth, my hard dick sliding in and out of his mouth.

His inexperience was painfully clear as he sucked on my dick as if he was trying to suck the my cum out from my balls. I told him, “Ease up a little on the sucking.” He obeyed.

I began to thrust my hips forward and backward in rhythm to his head moving back and forth, the tip of my pulsating dick poking the back of his mouth, and he made some involuntary choking sounds among other sounds, all in rhythm to our movement.

His teeth scraped my shaft and the base of the head, shooting sharp pains through my body. I told him, “Careful with the teeth.” He did his best.

I began to thrust a little faster. Saliva coated the whole of my dick, little specks of it glistening on my pubes, and some of it ran down my balls swinging underneath.

I reached down and grabbed his hands that were awkwardly still on my trousers, and pulled them up and placed them on my ass. I put my hands on top of his and squeezed, making him squeeze my butt.

Then I thrusted faster and harder, his groaning and all the other involuntary slurping sounds amplifying with my movement. I was really fucking his face. And he was actually pulling my ass into him in rhythm, squeezing and rubbing, and his fingers dug into my crack, parted my ass, and he ran his fingers over my sweaty asshole as he kept on sucking my dick faster and faster.

Very soon I was ready to cum. I gripped his hair tighter and thrusted faster. “I’m gonna cum in your mouth,” I announced to him.

He tried to pull away, but I did not let him. Instead, I fucked his mouth even harder, keeping up the pace until finally I moaned loudly and my eyes rolled back. I held him there as I shot my load into his mouth, my dick taken by spasms and my ass clenching and unclenching with his hands still gripping tight as I spurted and spurted. It seemed to last a long while, and I wanted it to last for even longer. His tongue was moving inside his mouth against my dick, swirling in the load of cum.

When my muscles finally relaxed, and I shot all I had, I said, “Swallow it,” plugging his mouth with my still-hard dick.

He looked up at me. There were tears in his eyes from my dick rubbing against the back of his tongue.

“I said swallow it,” I said, more confidently, recognising the fact that he would already have spitted it all out if he really wanted to.

With a big gulp, he swallowed my cum.

I let go of his hair and pulled my hips back. My dick slid out of his mouth and it hung front of his face, now half-erect again. He wiped his mouth and his cheeks with his sleeves.

“That was fun,” I said as I used the hem of my shirt to wipe my shaft.

He suddenly got to his feet and he went at my throat, and his face was contorted into something painful, probably ashamed of what he had just done. He pushed me back a little, but I resisted and we stood there struggling for a second as I got my bearings right. I grabbed his wrists and slowly pulled his hand away. I thought for a second of retaliating, maybe socking him on the jaw, or kneeing him on the crotch, but the pained look on his face was pitiful. He was a broken man, his ideals and value completely shattered in this brief moment of lust, and he did not know how to react other than with violence. To beat him up now would break him even further, and it might not bode well for his wife and daughter. I then thought of being the bigger man, offer some consoling words, but he would only see that as sanctimony and it might infuriate him even further.

I pulled his hands down, trying to be gentle but firm and then I pushed him back toward the door. And then I said. “I’m not breathing a word about this to anybody. I promise.”

And then I slowly loosened my grip, until I released him. He stood there awkwardly for a second as I pulled my trousers up, half expecting him to put his knee to my head. But he did nothing. Instead, he turned abruptly, opened the door, and left.


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