Ragina joins in on the fun by paddler20


A gay adult story: Ragina joins in on the fun by paddler20 ,

This is a continuation of my story “Simon’s first blow jobs”. This story does stand on its own, the reader just needs to know that Gina’s brothers and I have been meeting up for mutual blow jobs over the last couple of weeks. Gina wants to know what we are up to.

I am in the same 6th grade class as Ragina. Gina for short, is the older sister of Jason and Thumpy. Very rarely, we would eat lunch together however, over the past week she has made it a point to eat at whatever lunch table I was sitting at. Today was no exception, I was sitting alone, and Gina plopped herself down across from me. In between bites of my sandwich, I asked her, “What’s up?”

Boy, did that simple question open the flood gates of questions! Apparently, she was fully aware of her brothers spending a lot of time at my house after school. “They seemed to return home very happy and they have almost totally stopped fighting each other. What the heck are you guys doing over there?” she wanted to know. “They used to fight all the time, now they’re buddy-buddy. What have you done to them?” she asked. “I don’t know, we just play board games and goof around, they never fight at my house unless we’re wrestling.” I said, not making eye contact with her. She asked, “Well can I come over with you guys?” I hummed and hawed and finally said, “Come on Gina, we’re just messing around doing guy stuff, you wouldn’t be interested.” We finished eating and went back to class. I hope I dissuaded her.

I ran into Jason at recess and told him about my lunch with Gina and suggested we forgo this afternoon’s extracurricular activities. He agreed and suggested we just shoot some hoops this afternoon. That should get Gina off the trail. Sounded good to me. After school, I went home to change clothes and then met Jason and Thumpy at the basketball court. We played a couple rounds of Horse and while playing I spotted Gina, checking up on us. So, she wasn’t going to let this go.

We’d worked up a pretty good sweat shooting hoops, so we walked over to a park bench under a nice shady tree. “What are we going to do with Gina? I don’t think she’s going to let this go.” I asked them. Thumpy spoke up first, “No, she’ll be like a dog with a bone.” “I’d like to give her a bone.” I said. Jason and Thumpy both cracked up. “Can we invite her to our playtime, or would she squeal to our parents?” I asked. Jason thought about that for a bit, “Gina’s caught us doing other stuff and didn’t tell on us.” “That’s true” Thumpy chimed in, “but she usually claims a reward for keeping a secret.” “Let’s think on this, but not too long, I really want to bust a nut with you guys.” I said.

I pondered the “Gina” problem most of the night. I think I hit on a possible solution. I’ll have to talk to the guys tomorrow and see if they approve of the plan. I caught Jason and Thumpy at the morning recess and went over my plan with them. Both agreed it was risky but…we must do something! Blue balls are setting in!

Like yesterday, Gina hunted me down in the lunchroom. She pulled up a chair and for the first time in a long time, I really looked at her. She’s very pretty. She’s taller than me, maybe 5’4”, cacao colored skin like her brothers, big brown soulful eyes, with a little button nose, and a killer smile. Which she wasn’t displaying when she said, “What’cha looking at?” I was caught flat footed, I could only say, “I was looking at you, I’d forgotten just how beautiful you are.” Her cheeks lite up and that killer smile appeared. “If you want to come over after school that would be great.” I said. She looked at me a little suspiciously and said she would have to do some chores before she could come over. We ate our lunches and made small talk until the bell rang for class.

I found Jason at recess and told him the plan was a go. Just be sure he and Thumpy wear 2 pairs of socks. The final bell rang and I waited and walked Gina home. I can’t believe I had been so blind to how attractive she had become. If this plan works, it will be amazing if not…I may have to move to a new neighborhood and school!

When I got home, I immediately ran back to my bedroom to tidy up, didn’t want to gross Gina out right off the bat. I also put on a second pair of socks. The brothers came over a few minutes after I arrived. Both had extra clothing, check! Now, we just waited for Gina to appear. About a half hour later we heard the knock on the door. I went out to let Gina in and showed her to my room. The brothers were sitting on the floor cross-legged and there was a deck of cards in the center of the floor. I pulled a pillow off my bed and gave it to Gina to sit on.

Once seated, I grabbed the deck of cards and asked “Whatcha want to play?” Gina said, “Rummy”, Jason said “strip poker”, Thumby said,”Yeah, strip poker” I looked at Gina who had a very worried expression on her cute face and said, “Well looks like the majority rules, strip poker it is.” Gina started to get up, Jason grabbed her arm and said, “weren’t you the one who was curious about what we were doing here? Sit down Sis, trust us, we will not let anything bad happen to you.”

Gina shook her arm free from Jason and started to rise. I asked her to stay, as I would love to see the beautiful woman’s body she was hiding under those clothes. She sat back down, I guess she figured she had two brothers to protect her, and it might be fun seeing the boys all undressed. It didn’t take long, and we had Gina down to her bra and panties. Having the extra socks really improved our game. When she lost the bra, that was it. She had these nice cone shaped boobies, they were perfect in every way said the guy who had never seen a pair totally uncovered. She wanted to quit, but we said that’s ok, we’ll play something else. She started reaching for her clothes and I pulled them out of her reach.

“Let’s play Dare” said Thumpy right on cue. “Ok”, I said, “Jason, I dare you to take the rest of your clothes off”. Jason stood up and stripped down to nature’s finest. I watched Gina’s eyes as Jason reveled his 4” boner. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. Good sign. Jason said, “Thumpy, I dare you to strip down”, Thumpy stood and slipped out of his remaining clothes and sat back down with his 3” rigid tool standing straight and proud. Once again, Gina’s eyes locked on her little brother’s cock. Thumpy said, “Gina, remove your panties”. She hesitated but slowly hooked her thumbs under the waistband and began sliding the panties down her beautifully tan legs.

All three of us boys couldn’t take our eyes off her lady parts, I’d never seen one. She kicked the panties off and covered herself with one hand. Then she glared and me, “Take’em off Simon”. I stood and ridded myself of my clothes while maintaining eye contact with Gina. Her eyes were locked on mine until my cock sprang free of my tighty whities, then I saw her looking at my little 4” stiffy. Yes, this could get interesting.

It was my turn for a dare, I dared “Gina, let me suck on your marvelous titties”. She blushed and nodded. I crawled over to her and cupped one tit and put my mouth on the other and give it a gentle suck. I think I heard her mew! While I was moving between Gina tits, I heard Jason dare Thumpy to suck his cock. When Thumpy moved into position and began sucking Jason’s cock, I looked up at Gina’s face, she was staring intently at her brothers, I saw her lick her lips and the hand that was covering her lady parts was starting to move up and down. Interesting.


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