The New Neighbors

A gay story: The New Neighbors

My wife and I had been living in the same house for almost ten years when our oldest neighbor decided that he was going to sell and move in a townhome because of his age and the cost of owning your own home. We couldn’t blame him for that and just hoped that who ever bought his place was someone that we could get along with and would fit into the neighborhood.

It turned out that the couple that bought his place were a very nice couple with one boy who was just out of highschool and going into college come fall. We got to know the couple fairly well the husband worked as a regional manager for a larger corporation and was always on the road. His wife became pretty good friends with my wife and they spent a lot of time on the weekends going around to garage sales and hanging out.

That left me with a lot of time on the weekends to hang around the house and do yardwork work and what ever else I found to do. Over the next few months I got to know the couples boy pretty good he was a decent guy liked sports and music seemed really nice he was like able for a nineteen year old. He wasn’t smart assed or rude like a lot of younger guys his age he was very well mannered. He was very athletic looking and into sports. I would catch myself looking at his ass when he was outside in their yard. He was always wearing gym shorts that showed off his butt and I had always had a thing for asses and his was perfect nice and tight. I had never thought about another guys ass before but when I saw him outside in his gym shorts I would find myself thinking about his.

The more I got to know him the more we became pretty good friends. The one thing I noticed was that he never had any girls over or seemed interested in them he was kind of a loner always seemed to be by himself.

One Saturday his mom and my wife were going to take the day and drive up to the casino for the afternoon they said they wouldn’t be back until later that night. His dad was on the road for another week and he was home alone. I saw him outside in their backyard and asked him if he wanted to come over later and eat dinner and hang out for a few hours he said sure that would be great. We talked for awhile and I decided I would ask him about his girlfriend, he answered me saying he didn’t have a girlfriend that he had never met a girl he was really into. I said he could tell me about it later when he came over to eat and that I would see him later on.

I went ahead with what I was doing and after about thirty minutes I found myself thinking about the young neighbor. I felt my cock straining against the leg of my jeans as I envisioned his bare ass and his young cock and balls. I found myself wondering how big he was and if he was circumcised or not? The more I thought about it the filthier my thoughts became, I found myself thinking about his asshole and imagining what his tight puckered little shit hole looked like?

I startled myself with the thoughts I was thinking. I had never thought like this before, well I guess honestly I probably had but not very often but there was no denying it now I was completely turned on and hard as a rock I gave up on what I was doing in the garage and went in the house. I made it into the living room and onto the couch where I managed to get my pants down and my cock out as I sat on the couch I began pulling on my cock thinking about what it would be like to take my young neighbor into the bedroom and put him over the corner of the bed and take his little pink virgin butthole. As I jacked off I envisioned him moaning and squirming on my cock as pumped his dirty little shit hole. I stroked my cock until I felt my cum squirting all over my fingers, looking down at my hand I saw that I had splattered it all over my t shirt as I sat there catching my breath I started to feel the feelings of guilt trying to creep into my mind as I thought about what I had just done.

As I sat there in the aftermath of my of orgasm I realized what time it was and that I had offered to fix dinner for my young neighbor. I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom to shower and then get things ready for dinner.

Mark came over about six o’clock he was wearing his normal attire gym clothes and tennis shoes looking casual. I noticed he smelled good like he had just showered and cleaned himself up rather well. I asked what he had been up too? He said he had been playing basketball with some of his buddies and that he thought he had tweaked his back a little bit but he would fine by tomorrow.

I fixed some burgers on the grill and we ate and talked about what ever came up. I asked him if he drank? He said once in awhile he would have a few drinks and I asked him if wanted something to drink he said sure. I made us a pitcher of screwdrivers and we talked some more about school and his plans. After a few drinks he was loosing up and talking pretty freely about himself.

I noticed he was looking uncomfortable and asked what was bothering him? He said his back was sore. I asked him if he thought maybe he wanted me to try and loosen it up by working the muscles loose in his back? He said sure and asked me what I wanted him to do?

I said if he wanted he could go lay on the bed in the spare bedroom and I would get something to put on it. I showed him to the bedroom and went and grabbed some lotion out of the other bedroom. When I entered the spare bedroom he was laying on the bed still fully clothed waiting on me. “You’re are just going to rub my back?” He asked me as I entered the bedroom.

“Yeah if you want me too?” “It might help to loosen it up.” I answered as I put the bottle of lotion on the nightstand.

“Ok thanks I appreciate it, it’s really sore!!!” He said as he turned his head to watch what I was doing.

As I sat the bottle of lotion on the nightstand I casually said, “Mark go ahead and take your shirt off so I can use some of this lotion it’ll help!!”

“Sure.” Was all he said as he rolled over and sat up.

He pulled his shirt over his head and laid it on the floor beside the bed then laid back down and rolled over on his belly. I instantly noticed how tan and muscular his upper body looked, he was in very good shape but then considering his age that was pretty normal. I asked him if he was ready and picked up the bottle of lotion squirted and bunch into my hand and began rubbing my hands together working the lotion around then I reached down and firmly started rubbing his shoulders. As I squeezed his shoulders he groaned saying, “Uhh that feels good!!!”

Hearing him tell me that what I was doing was feeling good I started working my hands down over his shoulder blades then back up towards his neck using my thumbs to massage the back of his neck. Each time working my hands lower down along the sides of his ribcage. The lower I worked my hands the more his moaning became louder and his breathing became heavier. Mark was starting to get into the massage I was giving him.

I myself was starting to enjoy the idea of making him feel good. I could feel my cock starting to press against the material of my jeans as continued to squeeze his shoulders and firmly run my hands down over his ribcage and lower back. I could feel my hands brushing up against the waistband of his gym shorts as worked on his lower back. I nonchalant let my thumbs slide under the waistband of his shorts and make contact with his butt crack as I worked on his lower back. I felt his body tense when he first felt me touching his ass crack then he relaxed and loosened back up. I continued working my hands up and down his back gradually becoming more aggressive as I went.

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