Shy Boy Ch. 03 – The Change

Shy Boy Ch. 03 – The Change

Dive into “Shy Boy Ch. 03 – The Change,” where passion and self-discovery intertwine in an electrifying tale of love and desire. Follow the journey of two shy hearts as they navigate the complexities of attraction and intimacy, leading to a transformative moment that will leave you yearning for more. Don’t miss this captivating chapter filled with emotion, tension, and unforgettable encounters!

The time that Eric and Travis spent with each other remained consistent and often very steamy.

Leo, on the other hand, wasn’t around as much as he used to. He took it very hard after his parents’ divorce and moved out of the neighborhood with his mom.

The dynamic between the friends seemed to waver. Eric kept Travis very busy with his many sexual fantasies that they brought to life. However, he did become less friendly towards Travis.

They only interacted when it was time for Eric to get his dick sucked or maybe to play a new game that he bought. As time progressed, Travis grew closer to Eric’s older sister Sophia and less so with Eric.

Sophia would prove to be a voice of reason and someone truly accepting of Travis’s differences. She was the first person to spot Travis’s sexual preference, it wasn’t hard because she was bisexual. At least, that’s what she told him.

A week later, Travis’s social life would be flipped upside down, his sexual activities and appetite would be revealed to his general friend group. Apparently, his “friends” told everyone that Travis was gay behind his back.

He was absolutely devastated by the betrayal from his best friends for literally all his life. To make matters worse, he was told that Eric’s family was moving, and he would never see Sophia in person again.

Travis spent almost a month without directly interacting with people around him outside of his parents. Even after hearing the news about Sophia and Eric moving, he just bottled up his feelings.

He and Eric’s interactions immediately stopped after the betrayal. Eric tried to contact him, but the trauma never disappeared or healed. He just separated himself from the gang.

Honestly, Sophia was the only person who never treated him differently. In fact, she embraced him more closely than she did prior to his outing. It’s almost as if she took him under her wing because she knew that she wasn’t going to be there for him.

The days, weeks and months seem to whisp by until it was their final day together. They spent every weekend attending parties together, watching movies at the local theater and he accompanied her while she got a tattoo.

“Stars just resonate with me, and they look so sexy on me, don’t they?” Sophia asked as she gestured to the line of stars tattooed below her waistline.

Travis smiled for a moment as he observed her tattoo. “Soph, you know I love blue, and the stars look so cute. Next time we visit a tattoo shop, I’ll be getting one too!”

Life moved on with Travis, it was like he was missing a piece of himself without Sophia and even Eric. He didn’t have a sister to talk about guys and he didn’t have his “best friend.”

Travis continued to explore sexually after his grooming experience with Eric. For the beginning of his adult life, his sexual experience was limited only to Eric. Now, he had a new cock in his mouth every weekend and sometime during the week after work.

The men came and went without leaving much impact on him. It wasn’t until Darren spontaneously approached Travis at his favorite sub shop.

Ever the introvert, Travis was mentally in his own world as he pondered what sandwich he wanted to eat for the day. He typically orders their chicken bacon ranch melt sub but, something was different today. After much thought, he ordered their special pizzeria sub.

Travis felt an unfamiliar presence standing closer to him than the other people in line. He glanced at his side and noticed a tall slim man standing just a few inches away from him.

“That’s my favorite from them.” The man said just a moment after Travis turned his head towards him. He was at least a foot taller than Travis; his skin was caramel in color, an almost bald buzz haircut and had a naturally toned built body.

Travis looked up at the man who spoke to him with a warm smile. “I’m usually a chicken bacon ranch sub person but something told me to try something different today.” He smirked as he addressed the man and glanced back to the server prepping his pizza sub to be placed in the oven.

The man ordered the same sub as Travis and moved forward in the line along with Travis. “It’s nice to meet you I’m Darren but, people who know me call me D.” He was confident and direct as he spoke with Travis almost as if they were the only people in the restaurant.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Travis.” He said with rosey cheeks, and he tried to fight back a dorky smile that he felt growing on his face.

Their conversation progressed as they moved forward in the line and retrieved their subs. Darren presented himself as a funny extroverted person and he was very interested in Travis. Time seemed to freeze every time they interacted with each other and would only move when they had to interact with the server.

“You should take my number so we can continue this.” He smirked flirtatiously as he looked down at Travis.

Travis unlocked his phone with his thumb print and fumbled through the keypad as he nervously tried to save Darren’s number. A man has never feel this way before, it was almost as if he was a high school boy who was standing by his crush.

Darren took Travis’s phone from his shaking hands and keyed in his phone number. “Someone got you nervous or scared I see.” He said in a deep flirtatious tone of voice.

“Umm, no I’m not! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t add the wrong number thank you sir.” He said abruptly as he shied away from Darren with his face red as a cherry from sheer embarrassment.

“Don’t be a stranger now, let me know when you get home so we can talk more after you eat.” Darren said in a flirtatious tone of voice as he rested his hand on Travis’s shoulder before they parted ways.

Travis rushed home on autopilot, almost unaware of the cars around him or even what turns he took to make it home. His only thought was to get home to eat and more importantly, talk to his new crush Darren.

He hurriedly took a shower and ate his sub before he got comfortable enough to call Darren. He almost choked while snarfing down his food, but his only thought was hearing from his new friend.

Travis called Darren after climbing in bed and getting comfortable. The conversation continued like they never stopped talking. They both got to know each other and exchanged flirtatious remarks.

Travis’s hormones were raging throughout their entire conversation especially when Darren said something sexy. Travis would let out a shallow breath periodically as he teased his hole with his finger and slowly stroked his dick.

“You’re sounding very hot over there. You got my dick hard as fuck, tell me what you’re doing baby.” Darren reached over to his nightstand, snatched a bottle of lube and squeezed a fist full in his hand before he massaged it on the entire length of his thick ten-inch uncut dick.

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