Fresh Meat At The Prison Pt. 07

A gay story: Fresh Meat At The Prison Pt. 07

Also, a special thank you to a comment on one of the first chapters wishing the cousin to get his karma, which inspired this chapter.

All characters are above the age of 18.


“Do you have family, Gavin?” I asked.

“No, they wanted nothing to do with me once I was sentenced. It wasn’t even about the crime. They didn’t want to be associated with a felon.”

“Their loss!” I kissed him, trying to convey all my love.

Oh gosh, I totally loved these guys.

“Why did you get shy on me all of a sudden?” He teased.

“Oh? Uh, no reason!”

“Come on. If you’ve gotten all the snacks you want, let’s get going. Just over an hour left to your parents’ house.”

I nodded my head and followed him back to the car from the gas station we’d stopped at. My heart pounded. I peaked over at Gavin as he drove. We had rented this car to drive up to see my parents on their farm. Drake would follow in his truck in a few days, as he couldn’t get as many days off of work.

I didn’t know if I was more nervous about seeing my parents for the first time since getting out of prison or officially coming out as gay or introducing them to my felon boyfriend or being a felon. I think all of the above.

Upon opening the front door, my mom gave me a big hug. Wow, I missed her! She hugged Gavin as he introduced just his name for now and lead us to the kitchen where my dad was waiting for us. My mom had apparently tasked him with finishing the salad.

“You boys hungry? The table is set and ready.

“And who might you be son?” My dad gruffly asked Gavin suspiciously.

“I’m Rory’s boyfriend,” Gavin said neutrally.

My parents froze in shock. Actually, probably less shock and more disbelief of reality finally catching up.

My father turned red and started shouting, “My only son is not a f-” He stopped himself but was furious.

I flinched, and Gavin clenched his fists. I could see him thinking *Don’t kill Rory’s dad. Don’t kill Rory’s dad.*

My dad continued, pointing at Gavin, “I won’t accept it, and no predators are allowed in my house as long as-”

My mother stood up, cutting him off. “John dear, this is MY house, too, and that is MY son you’re yelling at. He’s our only child. Come to your senses, and only join us when you have.” My mom lead me and Gavin out of the kitchen and into the dining room. My mom hugged me again and tried to reassure me. “Don’t worry, your dad will come around. I thought you leaned that way, but he probably was still holding out hope. We just don’t want life to be harder for you than it already is.”

My dad sulked for only about half an hour before he started peaking into the room and finding excuses to bother us. My dad always eventually caved when it came to my mom. He joined us with a mumbled apology and didn’t cause any further issues. He did, though, constantly keep looking between me and Gavin, with a myriad of emotions playing over his face.

The following two days were surprisingly peaceful. I think my dad decided to pretend to ignore our gayness and acted as if I was in high school again and had a school friend over, which was fine with me. My mom and I gardened, and Gavin helped my dad with some work in the barn and such.

My mom prepared us the guest room to share. I think Gavin sensed my slowly improving but still present apprehension, as he only held me all night long, even though I could feel his erection poking into me.

Over the weekend, Drake joined us. Even though my mom was taking my homosexuality well, I didn’t want to push my luck with introducing us as… whatever we were, so we introduced Drake as our friend. I told my mom that as one of the prison guards, he really looked out for me, and that’s all she needed to know to fuss over him and stuff him full of food.

I pulled Drake aside at one point to apologize that we had already introduced Gavin as my boyfriend, but Drake wasn’t fazed at all. He didn’t even seem to be upset and emphasized that he completely understood the situation.

“I don’t care what we pretend to be to other people as long as we know we’re boyfriends,” he said very smoothly.

My mouth popped open. “Is that what we are?”

“Unless you don’t want to be?” He smiled wide.

“Oh yeah! I- yes, let’s be that.” I repeated more softly, “boyfriends.”


During my time home, I got to catch up with other members of my extended family. Most were the same, but some threw an unnecessary rude at me comment here and there. You know, family.

No one dared to say anything to Gavin’s face.

I was happy I hadn’t yet seen my cousin who pinned his crime on me, causing my sentence to prison. I wasn’t sure how I’d interact with him or what was appropriate in this situation. I was sure the reprieve wouldn’t last for long, as there was a family barbecue coming up.

My parents, Drake, Gavin, and I went over to my aunt’s who was hosting. I was on guard and constantly checking my surroundings to try to avoid that certain cousin at all costs.

Returning from using the bathroom, I heard his voice. My body locked up. When I could move, I hid behind a fence and peaked through the boards to see him heatedly shouting at Gavin!

“My parents will kill me. They’re not as accepting as Rory’s mom. They’ll cut me out of the inheritance of the farm. That’s my future!”

Gavin started reading off what sounded like subscriptions to “Gay Porn for Gay Men,” “Monthly Gay Sex Toy Deliveries,” “Men Loving Men magazine,” and charities for gay teens.

“You fucking faggot felon!! I’ll send you back to jail for hacking my accounts!”

“Do it if you can prove it,” Gavin replied. “Or admit your guilt and have Rory’s record overturned.”

My cousin’s face paled. The silence seemed to last forever until he said, “Fine.”

“I’ll be in touch,” Gavin replied and walked away.

I was too much of a nervous wreck to bring it up during that trip, but afterwards, when we returned home, he told me and Drake about it.

It took several months to go through all the legalities of it, but my cousin admitted his guilt. While I had been a young adult, my cousin was underage at the time of the crime, so he wasn’t even sentenced to serve time. He paid a fine and did volunteer work. My record was wiped clean, and my aunt and uncle apologized to my parents about it.

I thought that would be that, but Gavin still did everything he had originally threatened my cousin with!!

When I asked Gavin why he didn’t keep his end of the deal, he smirked at me, saying he’s a convict, so what did I expect?

But I heard him lecturing my cousin on the phone later that evening.

“Do you know what they were going to do to Rory in there? You could have spent your life repenting, and it would never have been enough. Don’t contact any of us again, you piece of shit, or I’ll make what I’ve done so far seem like child’s play.”

Gavin hung up, and we never heard from my cousin again. It was, honestly, a relief.


One of the days at my parents’, they had errands to run in town. They’d be gone the whole day, so I decided to give the guys a country experience! I took them to breakfast to the local diner. Afterwards, we went horseback riding. They had never been! They were true city boys. Drake took to it quickly, while Gavin had to work at it, but with his determination, he was getting the hang of it by noon.

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