Stephen Learns by EnglishBoy


A gay adult story: Stephen Learns by EnglishBoy ,

This is a story about a young 12 year old boy in the UK and his sexual awaking

Not to be read by persons under 18 years of age.


You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a women. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story.

A fictional story based on facts that have been embellished.

Bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first

Written by EnglishBoy

Contact me by email

Chapter one

Stephen Bains was typical of boy’s his age, a 12 year old with a slim athletic body; He had dirty blond hair that was down to collar length with a parting to the left. His eyes were dark brown. He was 5 foot 1 inches tall and his voice was just starting to break which was a sense of embarrassment for him on occasion.

He had a pale complexion and full bodied lips covering a perfect set of white teeth, although they did appear to be a little too large for his mouth at times as often they do when young boys start to go through puberty.

He loved music of all kinds and thankfully his close family had looked after his cultural upbringing treating him to all kinds of concerts and exciting festivals.

He was a popular lad at school having a number of friend in his class both girls and boys.

He loved sport and played football, rugby and cricket. He played with some boys who lived near his house which was on a private estate by the edge of a wood. They used to build tree houses and build dams, go fishing and play war games, all the things you would expect from a little 12 year old boy.

He had never kissed a girl and didn’t really show any attention to girls other than talking to them in the class room and play ground.

He was an only child in a single parent family, his Father had died 5 years ago in a road accident but his Mother, Wendy, had been well cared for from insurance policies. She still had to work hard and her main priority was Stephen and making sure that he had all the care he needed.

Since Stephen had started going to Secondary education a year ago Wendy found herself able to start working longer hours.

His school was a 2 mile walk from his house which was lovely on summer days and terrible on wet and windy days.

Just recently his thoughts about girls had started to change and he noticed some of the girls in his class had started to grow boobs.

Two weeks ago he had one of his mates, Roger, come to play on a Saturday and he was staying for a sleep over. They had a lovely day playing in the woods and had met up with some other kids on the estate they knew.

Roger White was also 12 and in the same class as Stephen. He was a little taller the Stephen at 5 foot 3 inches. He had almost jet black hair which was also down to his collar and parted on the left. His eyes were light blue which created a contrast and beautiful appearance. He always seemed to have a ruddy appearance on his cheeks.

Roger parents, Jim and Claire were both well to do and had a large 5 bed roomed house about a mile away from Stephen’s.

Both boys were tanned it being the first week back after the school holidays.

After tea, Wendy said that they were filthy and they needed a shower before going to bed.

Both boys were dirty and sweaty and they knew that they needed to get clean.

“When you have showered come downstairs and watch the film if you like and tell me about your day” said Wendy.

Stephen’s bed room was quite large. Although the house was a 3 bedroom detached house, when he had mates over for a sleep over they always shared his room which had 2 single beds in it.

The boys had obviously seen each other and their class mates naked on a number of occasions at school in the showers but had never explored each other in any way just accepting that they were mates.

Stephens’s room had en-suite toilet and shower facilities. They went to his room and started to get undressed. “Do you want to use this shower or the one in the family bathroom?” Stephen asked Roger. “I don’t mind” “OK I will use the family bathroom and you use my shower.”

Stephen went out of his room wearing just his white cotton underpants leaving Roger standing their in his boxer shorts.

He had a quick shower; it was a power shower in the family bathroom whereas his was an electric one. He loved getting drenched. He started to dry himself off a little and then wrapped the towel around his waste and headed back to his room.

Roger was still in the shower and Stephen walked into the bathroom finishing drying off his hair and was going to hang the towel up to dry. Roger had not heard him come into the room and was washing his 12 year old cock. Stephen noticed that he was stiff and he had never seen Roger erect before, he was soaping it and rubbing it very quickly.

“Hey Rog you alright?” he said. Roger quickly turned away from Stephen “Yes, crickey mate can you give me some privacy?”

“Yes no problem.”

He hung his towel and went into the main bedroom and put his shorts and t shirt on which he wore for bed.

Roger came out about 3 minutes later looking a bit flushed. He still had his towel around him and was drying himself between his legs.

“Sorry for bursting in like that.” Stephen said “No worries I guess I haven’t got anything you have not seen before.”

“Well no, not exactly.” Stephen said. “What do you mean?” “Well I’ve never seen you with a hard-on before.”

“No I guess not” Roger smiled “You know that I told you about staying with my cousin a couple of weeks ago”


“Well he is 13 and he was telling me about wanking off.”

“What’s that?”

“You know when your dick gets hard; if you play with it you get a really nice feeling.”

“Well I know that it feels nice when I touch it when it is hard, and sometimes when it is hard and I lie on it in bed it feels nice as I rub it against the mattress.”

“Yes I know where you are coming from with that Steve but trust me when you play with it like I was in the shower you get a special feeling.”

“Rog, will you show me what you mean?”

“Yes mate but later, it’s not good timing right now, let’s go and watch the film with your Mum.”

We watched the film and were packed off to bed at 9 PM as the news was coming on the TV.

We cleaned our teeth and jumped into our beds.

“Rog, you were going to show me how you play with your dick.”

”OK come over here, but if I show you don’t go telling anyone else that I showed you OK?” “OK Rog”

“Now drop your pants Steve” “What? I thought you were going to show me on you?”

“No but this will not be one way I assure you but I will teach you the way I was taught.”

I dropped my pants and he jumped out of bed and told me to sit on the edge of his bed and lean back on my elbows.

My dick was flaccid and resting on my balls “get it hard then Steve.” “How doesn’t it just do it?”

“Trust me it will soon. OK I’ll do it for you.”

Roger looked at Stephens 12 year old uncircumcised prick. It was about 3 inches long with ½ an inch of foreskin overhang. There were a few hairs growing across the top of his pubis and 3 or 4 just starting to grow down the sides of his prick. There was a ridge where his knob was. He knew that he was more advanced in growth than Steve and was quite proud of that.


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