Check… and Mate by Ann Douglas

“Okay, just let me know if you change your mind,” Don said as he stepped off to the right and picked up a small duffle bag sitting on the bottom of the bed, explaining that he always kept a change of clothes in his truck, never knowing when or where he might get stuck.

Carrying the bag to the other side of the room, Don laid it on the floor, then bent down as if to check something inside. As he did, the back of his robe rode up, revealing he had nothing beneath it, drawing Mark’s gaze even more.

Before shifting his attention to Don’s ass, Mark had noted that the room around him was even smaller than the one he had at the motel. The low bed that he was sitting on the edge of was pressed up against one wall, with only a small night table next to it. On the other side of the room, where Don had deposited the duffle bag, was a four drawer dresser, upon which sat a nineteen inch television.

“Hardly luxury accommodations,” Mark said. “You’d think they would give you a nicer room, seeing as you’re doing them a favor by staying over to watch the AC.”

“Don’t worry, they’ll be paying enough for that when I put in my bill,” Don chuckled as, not having found what he was looking for, stood back up and turned back to Mark. “Besides, I don’t need more than a comfortable bed and a place to clean up.”

Pressing his hands down on the soft mattress, Mark had to say, it certainly did feel comfortable.

He was about to say something else when he was startled by the loud ring of the phone sitting on the night table. He turned his head back to Don, just in time to see him point his index finger toward the phone, as if to say, “right on time” before moving to answer it.

As he approached, Mark started to get up in order to give Don his seat, but the older man raised the palm of his hand, signaling that wasn’t necessary. Stepping in front of the phone and parallel to Mark, Don picked up the receiver.

As Don began to talk, Mark reflexively turned in the direction of his voice, not realizing that the motion would place his head only inches from the taller man’s crotch. Then, before he could turn back, Don shifted to his right, causing the slack belt to become fully undone, allowing the folds of the short covering to fall fully open.

Now unrestrained, Don’s semi-hard cock, six inches of masculine pride, sprang to attention. The tightly trimmed hair around it matched that on his head, but that was the only sign of age as he seemed to become even harder with each passing heartbeat.

Between locker rooms and gym showers, Mark had seen a fair number of cocks in his life, but never in an erect state and certainly not in such proximity. A surge of excitement filled him as he studied even the smallest detail, causing a stirring in his own manhood. He wasn’t sure if the display had been accidental or deliberate, but Don seemed still totally involved in his call and oblivious to his sudden exposure.

Either way, Mark couldn’t take his eyes off the hard pole dangling before him; nor could he resist the rising temptation to do more than just look. Reaching out, he closed his fingers around the base of Don’s cock, holding it tightly while, at the same time, leaning forward far enough to close his lips around the head of it. The scent of his maleness filled the younger man’s nostrils, even as his tongue rolled back and forth across its length. He worked his way from the underside of the crown, down to the base of Don’s balls, trying to duplicate what he knew felt good to him.

“Excellent!” Mark heard Don say with exuberance, wondering if the technician was reacting to something said on the other end of the line or his initiative.

Trying to concentrate on what he was doing, Mark didn’t notice when Don terminated the conversation. At least not until he felt the palm of the older man’s hand against the back of his head, holding it in place as, taking control, he began pumping his cock in and out of Mark’s mouth. He continued for a few minutes, pressing further each time as the pace of his thrusts also increased.

“That’s right, baby,” he exhorted, “suck my dick. I know you’ve been thinking about it all afternoon.”

Mark knew that to be true, even if he was only able to admit it to himself now. Having taken that irreversible step, there was no turning back now. Today would always be the day he’d sucked a cock, the reality of which far exceeded the fantasy. Time and again, Don’s thickness filled his mouth, until suddenly, it exploded without warning — sending a thick whiteness splashing against the back of his throat.

The abrupt climax took Mark by surprise, especially the volume of Don’s eruption. It quickly proved too much to handle as, trying as he could to swallow it, half of the sticky white sap spilled out of his mouth and onto his face.

“Congratulations,” Don said in soft amusement as he eased his softening manhood out of Mark’s mouth, “you’re now officially a cocksucker.”

“I guess so,” Mark replied with a smile, even as he wiped the remnants of Don’s climax off the corners of his mouth with a wet hand towel that the older man had the foresight to have available.

“Did you enjoy it?” Don asked.

“Yes, I did,” Mark said, surprised at how much he had.

“Good, I’m glad,” Don said with a broad smile.

“Can I ask you a question?” Mark said, a slight hesitation in his voice.

“Of course,” Don replied.

“How did you know that I’d show up,” the younger man asked, “or even that I might be interested?”

“To be honest, I didn’t,” Don answered, “at least not for sure. All I had was a feeling, but since it’s unlikely that we’d ever see each other again after tonight, I had nothing to lose by acting on it.”

“I see,” Mark noted.

“So, I guess the question now is, have you satisfied whatever curiosity you might have had,” Don added, “or do you want to do more?”

“I’m going to say more,” Mark heard himself say, the answer having come without hesitation.


Lifting Mark off the bed and on to his feet, Don put his arms around him, drawing him closer. Realizing that he was about to kiss him, Mark felt a sudden apprehension. While he had fantasies about taking a man in his mouth, he’d never considered what it might be like to kiss one. Nevertheless, despite his trepidation, he followed through, brushing his mouth against Don’s and reaching out with his tongue once the taller man extended his.

To Mark’s surprise and delight, the kiss proved as sweet as any he’d gotten from a woman, his sense of excitement echoing that which he’d felt his first time, back in his teens. True, the bristle of hair against his face did seem a bit strange, but as a second kiss followed, then a third, he didn’t give it a second thought.

As they continued to kiss, trading tongues back and forth, Mark felt Don’s hand slide down between his legs, coming to rest against the bulge in his pants. His fingers pressed tightly against the cloth-covered hardness, sliding up and down, from the base of his balls to the top of the crown.

“This excites you, doesn’t it?” Don asked, stating the obvious.

“Yes,” Mark gasped.

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