Blind Love 05

He knew Noah had a keen sense of hearing and he stood at the same place, calling him, letting him follow his voice. He remembered how they had met and how he had hurt Noah and now he was lost in this strange place with God knows what kind of people, panic grew in him.

Noah sat in the end of the basement parking, cowering behind a pillar, unable to move, crying and scared. He had followed him to this basement because he was looking for Alex.

In the split second he made the stupid decision to leave Kay’s hand to follow him because he was calling for Alex. After reaching this lonely part of the building, did he realise that he shouldn’t be seeing anyone, if he was seeing this person looking for Alex then he was seeing a dead person.

He moved soundlessly, floating a couple of feet from Noah. He was tall with brownish black hair, his eyes half closed were hazel and he was pale. His deeply bruised neck was turned to the left and was hanging a bit forward, eyes bulging, his tongue swollen and protruding out. He was bare chest and his jeans looked soiled with his urine. His bare feet and fingers had turned bluish black due to lack of blood.

He looked at Noah and gave him a terrifying, sad and half formed lopsided smile.

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