A Boy Who Came In from the Cold Ch. 07 – OLD HABITS DIE HARD

The woman beneath him was perfectly smooth and sleek, her tanned body oiled and hairless all the way up her lean thighs and flat belly. Her mound was waxed and the same golden brown as the rest of her body. A large, dark, semi-erect penis jutted up proudly from the junction of her long legs. Heavy, hairless balls hung down between her thighs. She was a He!

“Fuck!” he exhaled, still blinking at her twitching cock.

Isolde held him loosely, her expression unchanging as he stared at her. In that rich, lazy, husky voice she… he purred; “Would you like to? Fuck me, I mean!”

Rayne swallowed again, heart racing though he was slowly getting over the initial shock. He had never fucked a Tranny before. Isolde wriggled and pouted at him, pretending disappointment.

“You don’t want me now that that you know what I have between my legs? You want a ‘real’ pussy?”

“Ant ‘will’ be disappointed!” Daniel chuckled, still watching from the doorway, his arms folded across his bare chest. “His little rent boy is straight after all!”

Rayne’s eyes narrowed, though he purposely did not look Leland’s way this time. Firmly he pulled his wrists free of Isolde’s hands and then, when she sighed a little resignedly, he bent over her and wrapped his lips around the head of her cock. The sigh deepened and ended in a little ‘ohhh’.

Even her semen had a sweetish taste to it, almonds and rose-water and a hint of something sharp like lemon. He swallowed her deeper at once, eyes closed, relishing the thickness of her shaft as it filled the space between his jaws. He nodded his head gently and she writhed beneath him, urging herself up into his mouth hungrily.

“Oh you sweet boy. That feels so… ohhhh!”

Rayne knelt up over her, feeling the fingers of one of her hands curl into the dark nest of his hair, pushing his mouth down harder onto her rod. He opened his eyes and looked towards her. Isolde was rubbing her breasts eagerly with the other hand. Taking a deep breath through his nostrils he swallowed her all the way down and nuzzled the silky smoothness of her pelvic mound. Isolde cried his name; a soft, fractured note that was almost a plea.

He parted her legs again and stroked one finger between her cheeks, tickling and teasing until he felt her ring accommodate him. The slippery probe eased into her and she rose up off the bed covers like an eel.

“Ohhhh…. Ohhhh!” she keened, her voice raising half an octave.

As she released his head he knelt upright between her thighs and rubbed himself between her firm, brown buttocks. Isolde cried out his name again; “Rayne… Rayne… Mai oui!” as he urged himself into her, feeling her legs encircle him, pulling him down. Isolde was tight and wet and he had to buck hard to bury the full length of his erect prick all the way inside her the way she wanted it. Once he was sheathed in her, he felt her snug passage begin to relax a little. Astonishingly, she must have been quite nervous although it had never shown in her face as she held him, keeping him from fleeing her seduction. Now he crouched over her once more, thrusting eagerly as he kissed her neck and breasts again.

“Is this what you want?” he huffed in her ear.

“Ohhh… oui, vraiment!” Isolde sighed, grinding her firm arse against his groin deliberately. “So beautiful and so good in bed! Your cock feels so good in me! Perhaps you are not such a little boy after all!”

He fucked her quick and hard, a smile on his face that would not quite go away even when she squeezed tightly around him as she reached her hot, squirting climax. He bent his head, lips parted to catch a little of her semen in his mouth then pushed himself fiercely into her, as deep as he could go, slumping in her arms, across her breasts and echoing her cry of passion as he came long and hard inside her. His limbs trembled and failed him as he gave in to the climactic impulse and he felt his own spill lubricating her rectum, easing his withdrawal from her hot, needy body.

“That was… somethin’ else!” he panted at last.

Isolde rolled him onto his side and wriggled out from under him with a beaming smile.

“You are a sweetheart,” she purred, ruffling his hair as she rose and sashayed through to the shower room. He watched her go, appreciating the curves of her firm arse and the long, slim, shapely lines of her legs.

He washed quickly at the basin in the WC and applied some more sun oil. Isolde was still singing in a deep husky voice in the shower when he wandered back out to the rear deck with his sunglasses perched on top of his head. He felt like singing as well. Dan Leland glanced up at him from the broadsheet newspaper that was open across his lap.

“That was kind of you,” he said quietly. “Not every man treats Isolde so gently.”

“I wasn’t gentle,” Rayne pointed out.

“You were not fazed either,” the elderly pornographer responded, a slight smile pulling at his lips beneath his immaculate moustache. “It was a shock, but you handled it well.”

“She seemed to think so.” Rayne poured himself some grapefruit juice and knocked it back in one. “Can I borrow some money?”

“Am I a loan facility now?” Leland eyed him speculatively.

“You got a free show back there. ‘And’ last night,” the younger man reminded him seriously. “Don’t think I didn’t know you were watching.”

Daniel seemed to deliberate for a moment.

“How much do you need?” he asked finally.

“I just want some fags, and maybe a beer or something while I’m out.” Rayne put his hands on his hips and let Leland silently appraise his naked body for a little while longer. At last the bearded fellow nodded his head and reached for a leather money belt beneath his chair. He counted out four hundred franc notes and two fifties.

Before handing them to Rayne he said; “You would look good on film, still. I’d want you to pass the doctor first; some of the actors I work with are big in this industry. We don’t use rubbers and I like all my boys to be clean. Do you understand?”

Rayne’s pale green eyes widened slightly.

“You seriously want to film me again? For real?”

“If you are willing to work with me. The money will be good.” Leland tapped the wad of Francs against his long brown thigh. Rayne’s gaze flickered to the notes then back to his face.

“For real?” he said again.

“If you agree to play by my rules,” Leland told him. “Ant says that you need a lot of money, and quickly. I can arrange for you to make that kind of money, but I don’t work with whores and I don’t work with Junkies. Do you understand?”

“I have to see a doctor?” Rayne chewed on his lip, his pupils widening slightly.

“Do you think that will be a problem?”

“I dunno,” the younger man exhaled warily. “I think I’m clean but it’s been a while since I had a medical check up.”

“I will arrange it,” Leland leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, the money cupped loosely in his hands. He was looking at Rayne’s long, slim, pale arms. The boy put his hands behind him automatically. “If my medical advisor says you are clean then we begin shooting in five days.”

“Jesus!” Rayne breathed the word out through lightly clenched teeth.

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