How I paid for college by MountainMan1


How I paid for college by MountainMan1

Discover a captivating tale of love, ambition, and unexpected encounters in ‘How I Paid for College’ by MountainMan1. Join a journey where passion meets perseverance, and explore the thrilling world of gay romance that defies expectations. Dive into this enticing story today!

– This is gay fiction. If you don’t like reading about gay stuff, stop reading and don’t vote. If you’re going to downvote or write nasty comments, criticize my grammar and spelling, not subject matter- This is a complete work of fiction. Nothing in this story actually happened and the people are not real.

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During the summer of 2003 I was between relationships and looking for a good time. I was 19 years old and was always straight acting in public but I often had thoughts about other men, but not often the desire or courage to act upon them. I was just out of high school and had a little experience with girls but wasn’t sure if this is what I really wanted.
I had experimented with a friend when I was in 7th grade and had traded blow jobs with him but things got weird after a certain point and we moved on to other friends. I had discovered gay porn on the internet and had taken a fondness to watching clips online of anal barebacking. I really enjoyed the idea of being dominated and penetrated by another man’s cock and providing that man with a receptacle for his semen.
I would often jerk off watching bare backing clips picturing myself as being the dominated bottom, often underneath a bulky bear-man wielding a thick cock with a mushroom shaped head.

During this summer I had a pretty snazzy apartment paid for my uncle Jake, who stated I needed a summer away from home to get a bearing on life before starting college. He was pretty cool and we also smoked a lot of weed when we hung out. He filled the role of a big brother character ever since my older brother Dan left for college on the west coast.

The apartment was in the well-off suburbs of Richmond, VA, surrounded by wealthy families as my parents thought it would good for me to put me up in a classy area instead of a college neighborhood. This left me with few options for friends, although I had tons of fun playing video games, walking around town, and taking bong rips whenever it seemed appropriate.

My uncle kept me well stocked with weed and groceries and hadn’t asked for anything in return yet. One weekday afternoon he had stopped over and had a friend with him, a middle age man named Steven who small gut but solid overall build with thick arms and legs. Uncle Jake explained that his friend Steven was a member of a group of local men whom sponsored high school grads to help get them on their feet on their way to the local college. Steven had selected me after hearing about me from my uncle and seeing a picture uncle Jake had provided him and it turns out he had been paying my way in Richmond so far.
Uncle Jake went on to explain that Steven would fill a mentor roll in my life this summer and would be spending a lot of time with me. I immediately thought this would be pretty cool given all that he had provided for me so far, and the fact he was keeping up with us on the bong tokes. Uncle Jake told me that Steven would take care of all my needs as long as I met Stevens requests and lived a responsible life as per Steven’s standards.

I didn’t question what would be asked of me and just played along as I accepted a drink served to me by Steven. I downed it quickly without asking what it was, and assumed some alcoholic content. I listened intently at their laughter filled conversation as they spoke of other ‘good partnerships’ between local mentors and boys heading off to college.

Uncle Jake told of another local man Jim who had taken a college freshmen into his home whom had been having trouble paying the rent at the local dorms. Uncle Jake described the boy being able to live in a mansion while his classmates suffered it out in the dorms and all he had to do was help with house cleaning, computer repairs, and anything else Jim needed taken care of. I was excited to hear that this type of support was available, it almost too good to be true and I wondered why I hadn’t heard of getting help this way before.

Before long, Uncle Jake excused himself and went outside. Steven moved to the same couch as me, and poured me another drink. I began to feel a weird warm, fuzzy sensation in my abdomen and a bit giggly at the same time. I felt a little surprised and felt sure what I was feeling was more than just the weed and the one drink. Steven continued talking to me, but more intimately as time passed. I felt more drawn into his conversation and felt very weird, a strong attraction seemed to be coming over me as I watched his solid arms flex occasionally and chiseled clean-shaven face.

I oddly enough didn’t feel any anxiety about my increasingly intoxicated mental state. Steven said “I hope I’m not talking you to death about life here in Richmond. Believe me, we can be a lot more fun than my stories sound. I’m sure you’re already feeling a bit woozy from the drink we gave you. Your uncle Jake has taken off for the rest of the afternoon to let us have a chance to get to know each other.”.
I felt like I had been setup but I didn’t feel sad about it at all. I felt nothing but thankfulness for the accommodations Steven was offering me, and felt to somehow pay him back, although I had little to give other than video games and my car I had saved up for with my high school summer jobs.
“Steven I don’t know what to say about all this except for ‘Thank-you’, Ive never had anyone do anything so nice for me before. I’m at your disposal for at least the rest of the summer, but I could get busy with college.” I said.

“Don’t worry about that, I’m sure you’ll find something you can do for me. You took a couple of hits of X, mixed in with your wine, when you downed that first drink, with your uncle’s help, and I think its going to do a good deal with helping you adjust to your new life here with me.”

I felt so excited and happy at this point I was almost thankful for him having slipped me something in my drink. I hadn’t tried X before so I had no idea what to expect and was quickly being completely taken in by the feelings now effecting my mind and body. I wanted nothing more than to hear Steven’s voice talking to me and to give him anything he wanted in return.

“Well there’s really only one way I can think of asking you for something in return boy, but you have to be accepting of it or I’m afraid our arrangement might not work out. I need a younger man such as yourself to be my breeding partner. My wife died a few years ago and I haven’t had my physical needs met for some time. I can’t bring myself to be with another woman in her absence but I still have desires for men still around from when I was your age.”


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