Step Out of the Vehicle by SciFo

Step Out of the Vehicle by SciFo

“Step Out of the Vehicle” is an enthralling gay sex story that explores forbidden desires and unexpected encounters. Join the characters as they navigate passion and vulnerability in unexpected places, drawing you into a world of adventurous romance. Dive into this captivating tale and discover a journey that promises to ignite your imagination and senses!

1. The Throbbing Beat

Officer Daniel Rawbone’s eyes narrowed as he watched the small Honda speed away from the Throbbing Beat Bar. He had seen the two provocatively-dressed blond boys exit the bar arm-in-arm, laughing familiarly before getting into the car and driving away. Damn faggots. Daniel started his patrol car and gunned the big V6 engine, spinning the rear tyres as he swung out of the parking lot in pursuit. They were speeding along The Narrows — a long stretch of dark road — before he caught up with the Honda to pull them over, the lights from his red and blues flashing all over the dark fields beyond the trees that lined the road.

“License and registration.” He ordered grimly through the car’s open window, switching on his flashlight to reveal the young boy’s scared face as he did so. The boy needn’t have worried. Officer Rawbone’s bark was worse than his bite. He just wanted to rattle these boys a bit. Make them see that they weren’t invisible. Maybe they should reconsider their degenerate lifestyle. He lowered the beam of his flashlight to check again what they were wearing, although he had studied them both pretty closely as they walked out of the bar. The boys who frequented the Throbbing Beat had a sort of uniform in these warm summer evenings — very tight jean shorts that revealed the shape of their asses and bulged obscenely at the front. Disgusting. These boys were no exception. The driver seemed particularly well-endowed.

“Was I speeding, Officer?” The boy asked tremulously.

“I didn’t get a clear reading.” Daniel muttered. “Just a warning this time. Keep the speed down, OK? And don’t drink and drive.” He let the relieved boys go and went back to the patrol car to douse the lights as the red tail lights disappeared down the lane. He felt strangely agitated, and was surprised to realize he was sporting an erection. Something about those pretty boys in tight shorts seemed to have this effect on him.

Damn them.

But it wasn’t the first time. This had happened before. He remembered the Latino guy in the white jeans very clearly. He had pulled him over that night and ordered him to step out of the car. His tight jeans were obscene. Disgusting, really. Full of throbbing man meat with obviously no underwear. Daniel could see the clear outline of his big dick pressing up against the soft, stretchy fabric which molded itself to the guy’s very impressive manhood.

“I need to check you for drugs. And weapons. Turn and face the vehicle, and put your bands on the roof.” Rawbone ordered. He had felt his way up the boy’s legs, gripping his leg muscles and palming his tight buttocks thoroughly in order to check for drugs in his back pockets. Then he had done a prolonged search of the boy’s inner thighs, forcing the guy’s legs apart and sliding his hands all the way up until he could feel the curve of the guy’s butt and the bulge of his balls right at the top of his thighs.

After releasing the boy with a warning, Daniel sat in his cruiser and lit up the joint he had confiscated from the gay boy’s cup holder. He inhaled deeply as he massaged the throbbing erection between his legs. Damn it felt good. He unzipped himself and let the drug flow through his body as he released his cock from his pants and started to pleasure himself. He thought angrily about the tight white jeans and how outraged he was that young men went around with no underwear and such revealing pants. Officer Rawbone had not been able to stop himself — he had masturbated in the patrol car, creaming over his uniform pants which he’d had to put straight in the wash when he got home. He was rock hard even now as he remembered that night.

His eyes flicked to the mirror as another car’s headlights came into view, travelling too fast. A silver Acura with just one occupant sped past. He pulled out after it, accelerating to catch up with it before switching on his light bar again. The Acura pulled into the entrance of a farm track and stopped. Daniel walked to the window and shone his flashlight first onto the driver’s legs then his bulging crotch. He wore a cutoff shirt that left his stomach bare, and incredibly tight, faded jeans.

Another one, Daniel thought in irritation, letting his beam dwell on the young man’s nipple rings that protruded through the clingy material of his black T-shirt, before illuminating his well-groomed face. Daniel had to admit the guy was very good-looking in an effeminate sort of way. Earrings twinkled in the light of the torch.

“Step out of the vehicle.” Officer Rawbone ordered, and watched the young man closely as he climbed out. His tight jeans emphasized the twin ovals of his firm ass cheeks and the obscene bulge of his manhood. Fucking disgusting. And shit, he had a huge bulge at his crotch. There was something pretty big between his legs, the officer noted, although he didn’t intend to include that detail in his report. The gay boy had an athletic figure which Officer Rawbone found oddly exciting. He was an attractive guy. The boy exuded confidence and you could tell he was proud of his lean, muscular body which he obviously worked on.

Officer Rawbone also liked to keep himself fit, unlike most of the soft, flabby cops in his precinct. Daniel liked to lift weights and use the bike, rowing machine and stairmaster to keep himself in shape. He liked fit men, and enjoyed comparing himself to the other guys at the gym, watching their muscular arms and torsos as they lifted weights, subtly competing with them as he built his own physique. He let his eyes roam over the gay boy’s pecs and tight abs. Not bad. Not bad at all.

The officer went back to his patrol car to check the boy’s credentials. Jason Lyndsey. He had an expired tag on the Acura. Daniel looked at the boy’s tight ass in the headlamps — like a baby peach in those figure-hugging jeans. He turned off his car, plunging the scene into darkness. Later he wondered why he had done that. It also shut off his dash cam so the scene wasn’t recorded, which was against police protocol.

“You have an expired tag, Lyndsey.” He told the boy sternly.

“Oh yes I meant to get that taken care of, but…” Jason tailed off.

Daniel felt a flash of anger at this pretty boy for no reason he could articulate, and told him to turn around, spread his legs and put both hands on the roof of the car. Gripping him by both wrists, Daniel pressed his body against the young man, crushing him against the car.

“Just come from the Throbbing Beat?” He hissed into the boy’s ear.

“Yes.” The guy responded calmly. He didn’t seem in the least bit intimidated which made Daniel suspect he might be high or something.

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