THE SUBSTITUTE by theorangeone


THE SUBSTITUTE by theorangeone

Dive into “THE SUBSTITUTE” by theorangeone, a steamy exploration of passion, desire, and unexpected connections. Follow the electrifying journey of two men as they navigate their emotions and the intensity of their attraction. Get ready for an unforgettable tale that celebrates love in all its forms!

First let me introduce myself. I am a 22 year-old collage Junior, majoring in Physical Education. I am a senior diver on our dive team, as well as a National Swimming champion with the ability to make it onto the United States Olympic Swim/Dive team. I am 6’ 3 ½” of pure lean muscle with a six pack that Bud Light would pay money to advertise. Everyone that knows me calls me Swim, ever since I started swimming and diving at a young age. It really seems to fit since it is basically my initials, Steven William Mathews.

To start my story, I have to go back several months to pre-season training.

We start to train for diving competitions about 4 months before the first meet. So it is February, a sort of mild winter for Oregon, and I am learning a new level 5 competitive dive. It is the hardest dive at our competitive level, including a full layout twist with a double pike spinning tuck from the 50 foot platform. This is the dive that will get me to the Olympic level.

We stopped for lunch, and some of the guys decided it would be fun to run outside in the cold weather in our Speedos. Always up for a challenge, I agreed to tag along. Well, to make a long story short, one of the younger freshmen on the team left the door slightly open when he went out. So as I was running back in, some of the water on the side of the pool was slightly frozen, and well…down I went. I did not break anything, thank God, but I did however tear my right quad muscle. I had to wear a half thigh cast for about 8-10 weeks.

So I was in a pretty serious relationship with a girl since we were freshman, and we had a very active sex life. Kamerun was on the track and field team, and was quite toned. Kami, as I called her while in the throes of passion, loved to ride me, chest to chest, while I sat on the bench of my weight set. With the plaster cast on my thigh, this caused a problem, she complained because it rubbed her ass and inner thighs raw from the fiction. After trying several different positions, it was either painful for me, or her, so she called it quits on the fucking until my cast came off. This kind of pissed me off, since I was used to getting it on at least once every day.

Kamerun would still come over and hang out quite often, but all we did was study or watch DVD’s. I was getting very sexually frustrated, and Kamerun was turning into a real bitch. After a particularly stressful day, Kamerun was acting like the spoiled rich brat that she was, and I asked her if she was PMSing. She yelled, “FUCK YOU, SWIM!!” and slammed the door on her way out. Now I lived in the dorms, and shared my room with a 20 year old freshman named Mitchell. Mitch was an architectural major who was also on the college baseball team. We got along fairly well, but didn’t really hangout outside of the dorm. This particular day, he happened to come home just as Kamerun slammed out of our room.

“You must have really fucked up bro, she nearly ran me over!” Mitch laughed. “Yeah,” I said, “I used the three letter word.” “Huh!” Mitch asked confused. I replied, “PMS!!” “Damn bro, you must be a glutton for punishment.” Since I was so pissed off myself, I just blurted out, “well she won’t fuck me anyway, I ain’t had a good orgasm for weeks.”

Mitch totally looked stunned. “Sorry bro, it’s my problem.” As I started to turn the TV on, I got the shock of my life. “I can help you with that, if you want.” I just stared at Mitch for a minute. Now let me just say “straight” out, that I am 100% heterosexual. Mitch was a couple inches shorter than me, but with a very similar athletic body. Since Mitch was a toe head, you could barely see his body hair, so it looked like he had none.

He wore his blond hair rather long in the front, and shorter in the back, making it fall over his face. I guess you could call him attractive, but I really did not know much more about him. “Fuck Mitch, I am sooo not gay. You’re on your way to getting your ass beat!” “Hey, let me explain. I am bi, not gay, first of all. And just think of it as a mouth to suck you, and an ass to fuck. It would not be any different if your girlfriend was doing it.

It would not make you gay, or even bi, you’d be just a guy getting the best blow job of his life.” Well, I did not know what to think. Could he be right? Could it be that easy, to just close my eyes and think he was Kami? “I just don’t think I could do it.” I said.

Mitch started toward me, and sat next to me on my bed, “look, you don’t even have to look at me, I can give you one helluva blow job, and I will let you fuck my ass, I can face away from you so you would not even see me.” Mitch reached for my fly, and I started to jerk away. “Just try it, if you want to stop, I will stop.” So I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall. Mitch slowly started to take my jeans off.

“STOP!” I hollered, “not on my bed dude.” So I got up to go to his bed, letting my jeans fall. Mitch slowly rubbed his hand along the bulge in my boxers, gradually applying more pressure. I was trying hard to forget a dude was about to suck my rod. Suddenly Mitch yanked my boxers down, and flicked his tongue across the head of my 7 ½” cut cock. It rose to attention immediately; at least my prick did not care if it was a male or female mouth.

Mitch started slowly twisting his tongue around the length of my shaft, up and down, as I rested back against the wall. Mitch continued, wrapping his lips around my pink head, and in one swift movement, he had all 7 ½” in his throat. I could not help but release a moan, he was right about one thing, it was the best blow job I’ve ever had, so far at least. As he bobbed up and down, he grazed his teeth along the sensitive tissue of my prick, cause me to nearly blow my wad right then.

Then he engulfed me entirely, and sort of moaned, causing his throat to vibrate on my dick. “Oh fucking shhhiiitttt” I screamed, “I’m gonna blow bro.” With that I had the most explosive orgasm in my life. I just fell against the wall, panting, trying to catch my breath, afraid to open my eyes and see who just blew my mind, when I felt Mitch’s hand stroking my dick. I soon realized he was applying lube, and preparing for an ass fuck.

Before I could catch my breath to speak, Mitch planted his tight ass over my prick, and bottomed out on me, I felt my dick hit his prostate. “Oh my fucking, my fucking ohhhh yeah!” I stuttered, as he rose up, and slammed down again. Not wanting to touch him sexually, I grabbed his hips like I would Kami’s, and began ramming into his tight hole.

After about ten minutes of hard fucking, I felt my ball sack tightening up, getting ready for release, suddenly, string after string of thick cum shot up into Mitch. He moaned as I felt his ass cheek tighten, guessing that he was blowing his wad as well.


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