04. The Adventures of Chance Fletcher

A gay story: 04. The Adventures of Chance Fletcher CH 04 – The Adventures of Chance Fletcher – Changeroom Encounter

As busy as Chance was with his consulting business, he also believed the old maxim of “Work hard, play hard” and this wasn’t always sexual. As Chance was about to discover however, sometimes the two could cross over.

Whenever he had the opportunity, Chance enjoyed playing hockey, had since he was a kid. The speed of the action suited his personality, and he had been playing with the same set of guys since high school. Chance had seen most of these guys go from that time to the current time, from girlfriends to wives and from weekend keggers to kids birthday parties. None of them had ever given him grief when he’d come out, in fact not a single one of them had treated him any differently and Chance felt comfortable there.

Naturally the commitment level had fallen off, not all the guys were there all the time, Chance included, life had gotten a lot more full since their high school years, but somehow the same general crew of guys had stuck together and still managed to play in their “beer league” together. As was typical of guys, none of them were overly close, but they knew if they needed each other, they’d be there.

One guy had always seemed a little different, and he’d certainly caught Chance’s eye many years ago. Brad was probably an inch or two shorter than Chance’s 6’2″ height and where Chance had a larger build, Brad was more of a swimmers build but still muscular and really well proportioned. When Chance had seen the new Top Gun movie, he realized Brad looked just like the guy who played Rooster, the actor Miles Teller. Brad even had the cute little mustache the character had, that somehow really worked on him all complimented by a great head of wavy, rich light brown hair.

The reason Brad seemed to stand out was nothing that unusual or really anything that Chance could put his finger on – so to speak. Anyone who has ever played any kind of sport that involves group showering at the end will tell you it’s pretty homoerotic, even if some of the guys are oblivious to it. Lot’s of goofing around, teasing and comments, showing off in a lot of different ways, but of course nothing ever happens. Right? However Brad had always seemed like he was aware of it, enjoyed it and perhaps wanted more of it. Chance had never really seen his hockey friends as anything more, and that was okay with him. However, Brad had always kind of been on his radar.

It was a bit of a surprise however when Chance finally was able to head into the changeroom to find Brad the only one still there. Chance had been catching up with one of the refs who had also been around since Chance was in highschool. They’d had a great conversation and it was nice to renew that connection, so he wasn’t really thinking of anything when he pushed open the door to get his gear off and head for the showers. Yet there was Brad.

It looked like he hadn’t gotten off the ice that much further ahead than Chance, as he was still unlacing his skates and only had his helmet and gloves off. Chance sat down on the other side of the U-shaped benches that faced into the room where a couple of more benches were in the centre. The change room was basic, it was a simple community rink after all, but around the corner was another large room, same U-shape configuration with showers and off to the side of all this were toilets and sinks. Made up of large cinder-block walls, painted in the traditional pale colours of public facilities all over the world.

“Hey Brad, how’ve you been?” Chance asked as he pulled off his own helmet and gloves.

Brad glanced over, catching Chance’s eye for a moment before looking down again “Not bad.”

Chance noticed both men were now getting all their gear off at about the same speed, Chance couldn’t help but notice that Brad was still……beautiful.

“Not bad?” Chance responded, “That doesn’t sound awesome.”

“I guess not,” Brad said with a bit of a sad laugh.

Though they had never been overly close, there was a long history between the two men, so Chance continued.

“Seriously man, what’s going on? You want to talk about it?”

“I guess I’m not my usual self, I know that for sure. In fact that may be the only thing I know for sure.” Again with a little laugh, the hurt in his voice was evident.

Chance decided in that moment that there was no way he could just ignore this, he knew someone needed to talk to Brad and that these guys were the worst at asking for help of any kind. He figured if there was one thing he could do it was listen.

Chance walked over, now in his very sweaty underwear, and sat down on one of the centre benches across from Brad.

“This sounds like you’re dealing with a lot bud, anything I can do? Seriously, what’s going on?”

Brad, also stripped down, sad down a little defeatedly.

“I’ve been having a bit of a struggle I guess. My wife and I broke up, just wasn’t working, and I’ve asked myself a lot of questions before and after, and I just don’t know what I want or even, I guess who I am.”

“That’s really normal”, said Chance “Whenever you go through a breakup you can’t have to put the pieces back together and sometimes they fit in different places now, that’s not a bad thing, it just suck to have to go through it.”

“Yeah, you’re right, I know, guess I’m just in the middle of it right now.” responded Brad and paused as if thinking about it.

Then he got up, “Okay, I gotta get showered, I’m feeling pretty gross.” Pulling off his underwear he headed for the shower.

With Chance still being seated he was treated to quite the sight of Brad’s beautiful cock hanging low and much longer than Chance would have guessed. As Brad walked away Chance realized his imaginings about his ass were definitely on point and he was not disappointed. Beautiful.

Chance stripped off his own underwear and followed Brad to the showers.

Brad had taken one of the corner showers, that way you could have two streams of water hitting you from two sides, and Chance did the same in the other corner.

“So what have you been doing to keep busy since the divorce?” Chance asked.

“Oh I’ve been trying to date I guess, but that hasn’t been working out too well, I don’t know, just seems kind of flat. I’ve been playing a lot more hockey, working overtime more than I should and really getting into some Netflix series, so obviously that’s helping me a lot.” Brad finished with a laugh.

Chance recalled Brad was a corporate lawyer, so working overtime would not be difficult to get lost in if that’s what he wanted to do.

“I get that, sometimes it’s hard to know what to fill your time with, when you suddenly have so much. So you haven’t met a hot new woman to take her place yet, huh?”

Brad laughed, “No, no hot new women, I think my dating life is one of those things I need to figure out.”

Chance turned to face the room to rinse the shampoo out of his hair, he tilted his head back, closed his eyes and let the water run down himself, feeling it spray over his tight muscles, relaxing him and taking away some of the soreness from the game. He wiped his face with his hands and opened his eyes to see Brad staring at him in a curious way.

“Oh,” thought Chance “Maybe I know exactly what he’s been missing.” Involuntarily Chance’s already impressive member swelled a little and Brad – who still hadn’t noticed Chance catching his stare – inhaled sharply as Chance’s cock twitched and lengthened slightly. His purple cock head began pushing out from its uncut sheath. Chance watched as Brad’s eyes, now hungry, made their way up his body, over his six pack, full, well-shaped pecs and gorgeous sculpted arms, taking in his broad shoulders to meet his own eyes, that went from hungry to surprised in an instant.

Brad looked away in a hurry. However, as he turned away, Chance could see that Brad’s eyes were not the only body part betraying him.

Chance went back to showering, but caught a change in the way Brad was holding himself, he and Brad stealing looks at each other as they showered. Brad was definitely letting himself be seen by Chance, almost purposefully posing in attractive ways; arching his back, putting both hands on the wall and jutting out his hips to rinse himself off, even doing little vertical pushups.

Whenever he would pull one of these sexy little moves, he would glance over quickly to see if Chance had noticed. None of this was lost on Chance who was getting increasingly aroused by this show that he was sure Brad thought was really subtle.

Chance realized they were the last ones at the arena. One of the pluses of being the last team to play was that the games ended late, no one else would come in to use the rink that night. He’d been around long enough to know when a man was flirting with him or at least found him attractive, no matter how subtle the other man thought he was being.

The steam was almost as thick as the innuendo and sexual tension in the locker room between the two men, while Chance was hesitant to take advantage of Brad in a vulnerable state, he was also aware through their conversations that this might be exactly what Brad needed and wanted. He was debating this internally, when Brad turned, looked at him fully, and this time, did not break his gaze. The signals were clear.

Not wanting to scare the other man off, Chance just held eye contact and began stroking his cock. Brad immediately mirrored Chance’s moves. Slow, deliberate moves, up and down his cock which responded immediately. Brad’s beautiful penis also responded as fast, getting bigger, getting girthier and there was no mistaking what Brad wanted now.

Chance crossed the shower room, holding his gaze, but not sure what would happen next, and before he could do anything else, Brad went down on his knees and wrapped his hands around Chance’s ass and took his dick into his mouth, making it even more stiff and ready. Chance was impressed, as Brad took one hand away from his ass and grabbed the base of his rock hard cock and really began to worship it, sucking, licking, caressing with his tongue. This was definitely not Brad’s first time. The man knew his way around a dick.

Chance took a shot with a provocative comment, “Someone’s a very good little cocksucker, aren’t they?” and like a switch had been thrown, Brad moaned and doubled down on his feverish activity. That was definitely the correct thing to say. There was no confusion in Brad’s mind about what he liked or what he was apparently.

Chance grabbed the back of Brad’s wet head and pushed him further onto his cock till he heard him gag lightly. “You like that?” he asked and Brad moaned and nodded slightly and continued sucking, and using his tongue like the expert he clearly was.

Brad kept going, hungry for more, eager to please, until Chance reached down and lifted him up so the two men were facing each other, both extremely aroused and very ready for more. As he did this, Brad looked up at Chance a little unsurely.

“What do you want?” asked Chance huskily.

“I….I don’t know…” faltered Brad.

Chance pushed Brad up against the wall of the shower, pinning him, while pulling the other man’s arms up over his head and holding them there with one hand. He then leaned in closer, pushing his body up against Brads, and using his free hand to wrap his and Brad’s cocks together and lightly jerk them up and down at the same time. Brad’s knees almost buckled as he moaned and turned his head up to Chance. They kissed. Gently at first, almost tentatively. Chance pulled back, trying to read Brad’s face, but Brad was just pushing his face forward for more.

Chance could feel Brad’s hips moving in time with his stroking motions and leaned back in to kiss him deeper. Brad moaned as he surrendered his mouth, his tongue finding Chance’s and wrapping around it. Their tongues danced together as each man’s kiss deepened, both men enjoying the closeness, the passion, the intimacy. Brad actually let out a small whimper and Chance pulled back again.

“What do you want?” asked Chance again. “You know you know the answer.”

Brad pulled his hands out of Chance’s grip above his head, kissed him hard on the mouth, and turned to face the wall, putting his hands up and bracing himself with his ass pressing into Chance’s groin.

Chance moved forward, wrapped his arms around Brad’s beautiful torso, his fingers caressing his nipples and pressed his face into the other man’s neck. Into his ear, he said it again, slowly, deliberately, “What. Do. You. Want?” It was pretty obvious, but it was a huge turn on to have the other man say it.

With Chance’s cock nestled between his ass cheeks, Brad whispered back, “You, I want you. I want you in me, I want you to fucking own me. I want you to fuck me.”

Chance kicked the other man’s legs apart a little wilder, got down on his knees and began teasing Brad’s hole. Nice, sloppy, slow tongue massages, wide over the general area to get Brad nice and loose. Once he’d gotten him relaxed, it didn’t take long, Chance tightened up his tongue and began probing harder, broaching his limits. Brad was now moaning and whimpering whenever Chance seemed to be hitting a particularly sensitive spot, and right now it seemed it was all sensitive.

Chance stood up, Brad pushed his ass out further and felt a large, hard, hot cock at the entrance to the core of his being. That was all the encouragement Brad needed and he pushed back even further, as if he was willing Chance to be inside of him.

Chance gripped Brad’s hips, and began to push, slowly, steadily, his thick saliva as lube and a very receptive hole his goal. He heard a low groan coming from Brad as he pushed inside, and slowed his push, but Brad reached around, urging him on with his hand so Chance complied.

Finally, all of Chance was embedded inside Brad and once again Brad proved that this was not his first time. Brad began pushing against him and Chance returned the movement. Soon their thrusts were matched up in rhythm and power. As Chance hit Brad’s prostate, his whimpers turned to grunts as the pleasure ripped through his body. Desperate for more, Brad began pushing back harder as if he couldn’t get enough of Chance’s cock inside him.

Noticing this, Chance backed up, still inside Brad, picked the other man up in a bear hug and sat down on one of the benches in the middle of the shower room. Brad caught on immediately and allowed himself to be carried, found himself being even more turned on by it, and when he sit down, began enthusiastically bouncing on Chance’s swollen thickness.

The entire situation was so erotic, this man who’d been a low-key, sort of forbidden fruit (so to speak) crush of Chance’s for a long time was actively being impaled on Chance’s hard, thick cock and he was incredibly turned on by what was happening and the obvious enjoyment that Brad was getting out of the whole thing.

Chance reached around and began jerking Brad off while fucking him at the same time, Brad grabbed his hand, turned around to face Chance and hooked his legs around him, opening himself up even more for Chance’s thrusts.

Brad bucked and rocked this way for a while, feeling the deepness of Chance inside of him. Relishing the closeness, the connection that can only be had when one man fucks another. That shared male connection. Brad then looked Chance in the eye, and said, “Fuck me on the floor, I want to watch you cum inside me.”

That was all the encouragement Chance needed. He skillfully lifted Brad up and laid him on the floor that was as hot, wet and steamy as the energy they were sharing with each other. Brad threw his legs wide and Chance grabbed his hips and angled him for the perfect entry. Deep, penetrating and aimed to perfection for Brad to enjoy every thrust. Chance slowed his movements, going deep and pulling out long, making each push feel like the first. Brad grabbed Chance’s arms and squeezed, almost pulling himself on to Chance further, willing him to go into his depths. Drawing out the pleasure with the slow movements all the while looking deeply into Chance’s eyes.

Then as he continued to look at Chance he moaned “Fuck me hard, breed me, please breed me, I want to feel you cum in me.” and thrust back at Chance causing Chance’s balls to slap his ass.

With this Chance hooked Brad’s legs over his substantial shoulders and went as deep as possible. His body desperate to plant his hot seed as deeply as possible in the deep, tight hole.

Chance began power fucking Brad, whos cries of pleasure intensified, “Yes, yes, there, oh fuck, there, fuck, yes Chance, right there” was a steady background to Chance’s piston-like movements. Out of nowhere Brad, who was not touching himself in anyway, cried out in surprise, “Oh God, I’m cumming, fuuuuuuuuck” and with that statement and a wild look in his eye, Brad began pumping out thick, ropes of hot cum, spraying up between himself and Chance and covering both their chests.

As Brad came his ass clamped down, and that was the last bit of encouragement Chance’s cock needed as Chance felt himself explode outward and his balls began pumping into the other man. Brad realized what was happening at the tale of his own orgasm and he began tightening his ass to milk every drop of Chance’s seed he could get. Chance felt like he came forever, his cock spasming, again and again, it felt like several orgasms combined. It was intense, powerful and when it was over, Chance collapsed on top of Brad completely spent.

The hot water continued to hiss, coming out of the shower heads as the two men lay on the floor in each other’s arms. Chance, still inside Brad, Brad with his arms wrapped around Chance. It felt good, it felt right to both men.

Chance partially sat up and rolled off Brad, “Sorry, I’m probably crushing you.” he said

“Oh you could crush me more, I wouldn’t mind at all.

Chance chuckled, making no move to get up. “So is this what you meant when you said you had some questions?”

“Uhhhh yeah, I mean…I think I know some of the answers, I’m just having problems integrating them into my current life I guess, if that makes sense.”

“Yeah, that makes a lot of sense,” Chance responded. “Certainly a conversation I have had with myself at one time.” he chuckled.

“I hope that was cool, I mean, I hope I didn’t just cook our friendship”, said Brad tentatively.

“No! No way, not even close. That was really intense but in a really great way.” Chance replied. “Speaking of which, have you had anything for dinner yet?”

Brad responded, looking a little surprised, “No, I haven’t, you want to grab something?”

“Oh I want to grab a lot of things, but first let’s go get a burger or something at the pub.”

Brad laughed, letting the last of his tension drain away, “That sounds awesome, guess we should finish showering.”

“Hey, that’s what I was doing before you jumped on my dick.” said Chance with a smile as he helped Brad off the floor.

“True.” said Brad, “but I’m not going to say sorry.”

“Ha! Don’t you dare.”

With that, both men went back to rinsing off the collective cum, and headed out for beer and burgers and a lot more adventures in the future.

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