Ajay’s Tale by Randygay

Our relationship was based on sexual gratification in the beginning but soon moved to a different perspective. Our meetings would usually, even if there had been only a gap of just two or three days between them, consist of frantic efforts to reach the others body, removing clothes as fast as possible and indulging in acts that brought about quick culmination and ejaculation.

Mouths applied to already hard cocks in a 69 or as soon as he was stripped of his clothes I would make him lie on his back with his legs at ear level so his ass was exposed completely and run my tongue from the base of his balls to this ass hole a few times taking him almost to the point of spilling his seed, then would quickly enter his ass and fuck him as deeply as possible.

Most of the time we would ejaculate simultaneously me deep in his ass and he spraying his own chest and sometimes even me with his cum. Then would begin the more thoughtful phase of our love making where we sought to pleasure the other rather than indulging in instant gratification. We were supremely content with each other, and during the two years we spent playing games and having fun, I never thought of any other boy.

Ajay was 19 years and one day old when I met him and first had sex with him and Raja. He was 20 years and four months old when Raja left for Chennai and we knew that soon he would complete his schooling and would have to start working also that his parents would be looking for a bride for him. We knew we had just a year or so to enjoy ourselves, which believe me we did. He was 22 years and four months old when the ending finally came.

A week or so after his 22nd birthday I saw that his face, once so smooth and innocent, with only the faintest tracings of down, had begun to show development, albeit delayed, of the typical thick Tamalian moustache. The scanty hairs which had decorated his chin were now beginning to turn into coarse stubble that covered his cheeks as well. His features, which had till then retained a childish and innocent cast, now began to coarsen and mature. Even his once luminous eyes began to dull.

His slender and boyish cock, with its rosy pink head peeping out of the foreskin was now more of a man’s cock. His slim and hairless body had matured, developed muscles and tracings of hair on chest and belly. The once scanty pubic hair that was like silky down, and with which I had loved to play, was now a thick forest of rough curls from which his cock and balls emerged. The strip of skin from his balls to his ass hole, once smooth and hairless, a favourite path for my tongue, and the licking of which was a sure fire way to excite and inflame his passion, was now covered in hair, and no longer inviting.

His parents had fixed his marriage for the next auspicious day, about 5 months in the future. We knew that the time to part was drawing closer. The frequency of our lovemaking seemed to become further and further apart as the final day drew closer. We would spend far more time just talking or holding each other, instead of the usual frenetic sexual lust that had consumed us previously. Right up to his 22nd birthday, which he had spent with me, [It had become a tradition. He had also spent his 20th and 21st birthdays with me] our every meeting had been based on the lust and desire we had felt for each other’s bodies. Now as the shadow of his maturing body, changing appearance and his pending marriage fell over us, we understood that something wonderful was ending.

Sometimes a boy passing on the road will trigger a memory of those times and acts. I sometimes see a young boy and have to stop myself from calling out Ajay’s name. Have to remind myself that Ajay is a thing of the past and something that ended a long time ago.

Eventually we parted, without regret, without any bad feelings. We still meet sometimes. But never refer to our past, the games we played or the desires that sustained our relationship for around the four years we had known each other intimately. Ajay’s wife has produced only daughters. I often wonder, if he had had a son, would he have allowed his son to visit me.


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