A Cavity Search Gives New Pleasures Ch. 02

A gay story: A Cavity Search Gives New Pleasures Ch. 02 © Copywrite September 2023. Property of Jacko Lantern.

Author’s note: Thank you for all your lovely comments on the first chapter of this story. I wasn’t sure whether I would continue it but many of you asked for more and I wanted to explore Jimmy and Sam’s potential.

I hope you enjoy.

Jacko xx

Chapter 2

It was Friday and Sam went to work as per usual. He didn’t have to do cavity searches that often but the last one he did, which was on Jimmy, would go down in history as the most erotic experience of his life. He’d never crossed any kind of line like that at work before and never would again. It was a fluke. A rare set of circumstances, but it had been in his mind for the last three days. More specifically, Jimmy had been in his mind.

He wanted to see Jimmy again. There was something about him that had pulled Sam in and held his attention. He was truly captivating with his innocent, piercing blue eyes and sweet baby face that he wanted to do very unspeakable things to. That, combined with the memory of his sexy moans of pleasure while Sam had buried his cock inside his body, had Sam masturbating twice a day. He wished he had asked for Jimmy’s number but he’d left it up to Jimmy whether or not to contact him.

Jimmy wasn’t much different. He couldn’t get Sam out of his head. At the time, he thought that it was going to be a one-time thing but after they were done with the most mind blowing sex of his life, Sam had surprised him and asked if he wanted to meet up again.

During their intensely satisfying tryst in the sterile security room, Jimmy had consented to unprotected sex and letting Sam cum inside him. He knew it was not the wisest of decisions but it had felt unbelievable at the time. He relived that moment every time he’d stroked his cock since then.

After dropping his luggage off at home, Jimmy had gone to a clinic that afternoon to get tested. He’d already been on PrEP but he wanted the confirmation that he was clean before continuing anything with Sam. He was told the test results would take two days and he was eagerly awaiting them. If he was all clear, he was going to immediately message Sam and invite him out for coffee.

Sam was assisting his co-worker Jane with a search of some luggage where they’d found drugs in the lining of the suitcase. He handcuffed the traveler and radioed for his co-worker to escort them to the holding room, the same one he’d fucked Jimmy in, while Sam continued to assist Jane with bagging and documenting the evidence.

Sam was washing his hands after bagging and documenting the evidence for the police and felt a vibration in his pocket. Pulling out his phone he saw the message was from an unknown number and opened it, curious as to who it was.

From: Unknown

Hi Sir, it’s Jimmy. Been thinking about you since we met at the airport and wondered if you’d like to meet up for a coffee this weekend?

Sam grinned widely. He had wondered if Jimmy might’ve changed his mind about seeing him again. He was surprised by the wave of relief he felt and thrilled that he’d called him ‘Sir’, it made his cock swell slightly. He immediately typed a reply:

Send to: Jimmy

Hello Jimmy, I’m glad to hear from you again. I’d love to meet you for a coffee. I live in the Northern suburbs of the city, is that convenient for you?

Jimmy read Sam’s reply and was glad to see that he lived on the north side too, it meant they weren’t far from each other, making potential future get togethers easy. He typed a reply, opting to call him ‘Sir’ again since he knew it turned Sam on:

Send to: Sam

Yes Sir. I live on the north side too. There is a café called Sacred Grounds in Ashbury, would that suit you? I was thinking tomorrow afternoon around 2pm?

When Jimmy remembered that Sam liked to be called ‘Sir’, Jimmy started wondering if he was into BDSM. He had never ventured into any kind of BDSM before and he wasn’t particularly keen on it either, pain didn’t get him off. He did however love that Sam was strong and confident. He could easily see himself being slightly on the submissive side in the bedroom for him as long as nothing crazy was involved. As he was thinking about this, his phone chirped:

From: Sam

That sounds perfect, I’ll be there. I’m looking forward to seeing you again xx

Send to: Sam

Same here, Sir xx

Sam got home to his apartment and immediately stripped his uniform off. He lay down on his bed and began slowly stroking his cock as he thought about Jimmy bending over for him in the holding room. He remembered Jimmy’s whimpers of pleasure when he fingered his prostate for the first time then begging him for more.

Sam increased the speed of his stroking. He remembered the pleasure he’d felt when he’d breached Jimmy’s ass with his cock and the joy of knowing he was his first. He couldn’t believe that Jimmy had let him go in raw, the skin on skin feel against his cock as it was submerged in Jimmy’s ass was utter bliss.

He pumped his fist faster as he remembered Jimmy begging him to fuck him harder, then telling him he was going to explode on his ‘tool’. He remembered his cock being bathed in the exquisite sensation of Jimmy’s ass milking his cock while he came, shooting his load all over the table.

Sam was panting and moaning now, his balls raised up high and tight, close to release. He thought about the satisfaction and pleasure he’d experienced when he buried his cock inside Jimmy and pumped his cum deep inside his ass. The first cum to ever enter him there.

Sam groaned deeply as his orgasm overtook him. “Fuuuck,” he muttered as his cock shot rope after rope of hot cum over his chest and abs. Pleasure spread throughout his balls and cock, tingling all over through his climax. When his balls were empty, he sighed in satisfaction as his entire body relaxed. Sam was really looking forward to tomorrow afternoon!

Jimmy slept in on Saturday since it took him far longer than usual to get to sleep the night before. He finally dragged himself out of bed around ten o’clock and made himself a coffee.

It appeared that his roommate was out for the day so he sat on the couch and watched some tv while he woke up. After he finished his coffee, he made himself some bacon and eggs then jumped in the shower.

Jimmy was really looking forward to seeing Sam again. He briefly considered calling him ‘Sir’ when they met but he thought that was setting too much of a precedent and decided against it. He wanted to get to know Sam the man, not just Sam the sex stud/officer he called ‘Sir’.

Jimmy’s soapy hands slid over his cock and balls, cleaning his 7 inch cock which began to firm up as he thought about what a stud Sam really was. From what he’d experienced so far, he appeared to be the man of his dreams. He was physically gorgeous, sweet and gentle yet firm and confident. The man knew how to fuck like a stallion.

Jimmy’s stroking increased in speed as he remembered how amazing it had felt to be filled up by his hard cock. He’d never realized how intense the pleasure was when you bottom for a man. The orgasm was longer and more intense than any he’d had before and he really hoped Sam would give him another.

He neared his peak, sliding his hand up and down his cock then slid the other back and between his cheeks, circling his hole as he remembered Sam pounding into him before filling his ass with cum.

“Oooh!” Jimmy moaned as his cock shot his load onto the shower wall. He felt his hole quivering as he came, twitching against his finger while his cock pumped ropes of cum. He slumped against the wall, sighing with satisfied relief.

He rinsed off and got dressed, picking out something nice for his date.

“You have arrived at your destination,” the voice on the GPS said as Sam pulled his car over into a parking space. He was a few minutes early and walked into the café to see the back of Jimmy as he talked to the waiter at the counter.

Sam approached him. “Hi Jimmy,” he murmured.

Jimmy turned around and looked up at him with those stunning blue eyes and Sam felt his stomach flutter.

“Hi Sam, I was just asking for a table for us,” he replied with a dazzling smile.

Sam groaned inwardly. He was even more breathtaking than he remembered and knew he was a goner. Jimmy could ask him for anything and he’d give it to him. “Great,” he said as they followed the waiter to their booth in a private corner.

They sat down and ordered their coffee then looked at each other, both grinning with giddiness and desire.

“So, how was the rest of your week?” Sam asked.

Jimmy chuckled. “Well, after the epic welcome home,” Jimmy said flirtatiously, “it was pretty good. Trying to get back into my studies after my holiday is challenging though,” he said.

“I can imagine. What are you studying?” Sam queried.

“Architecture. I’m in my final year of my degree.”

“Wow, that’s cool. I’d love to see some of your drawings sometime,” Sam said genuinely.

“Sure,” Jimmy said smiling. “So, listen, I wanted to let you know something that we didn’t exactly discuss in the moment on Wednesday,” he said with a slight chuckle.

Sam felt nervous. He really hoped he wasn’t about to be hit with bad news. “Sure, go ahead,” he said.

“Well, I’ve been on PrEP since I first had sex a couple years ago–”

“Wait, I thought you hadn’t before?” Sam interrupted, with a confused expression.

“I had never bottomed. In any way, shape or form … until you,” Jimmy clarified, blushing slightly.

Sam grinned and nodded, glad to know that he had, in fact, been the first man inside Jimmy’s sweet, sweet hole.

“But after what happened on Wednesday, I went to get tested, just to be extra careful and I’m completely clean,” Jimmy advised.

Jimmy saw Sam let out a sigh.

“You had me scared for a minute there. I thought you were about to give me bad news,” Sam said.

Jimmy chuckled. “Sorry, I should have started with telling you it was nothing to worry about.”

Sam nodded. “I got tested too, for the same reason. And I’m also completely clean. I’ve never had unprotected sex … until you. It was the heat of the moment I suppose,” he said, smiling.

Jimmy smiled and nodded in agreement. He was glad to hear that, it shows that Sam is like him, usually careful but got swept up in the moment, and what a moment it had been!

“That’s reassuring.”

Sam nodded. “So, now that we’ve got that out of the way. I also want to tell you that I’ve never done that before. Ever. With anyone.”

“Really? You sure seemed to know what you were doing,” Jimmy said, teasing him.

Sam stared back at him with a glint in his eye and a smirk that hinted at very sexy thoughts. “Oh, I do,” he said confidently. “But more specifically, I’ve never done that at work. I’d never cross that line, and won’t again, but for some reason … I couldn’t resist you,” he said, devouring Jimmy with his eyes.

Jimmy had butterflies in his stomach even as his cock twitched at the sexy, seductive look Sam was giving him. This man just oozed sex appeal.

“I’m glad for that,” Jimmy breathed. His voice failing him, half due to arousal and half due to nervous excitement.

Sam moaned. “Fuck, you have no idea what you do to me,” he murmured quietly.

Jimmy chuckled. He did. He knew because Sam had the exact same effect on him. “Pretty sure I do. I don’t give it up to just anyone,” he murmured.

Jimmy saw Sam let out a breath and watched as he ran a hand through his wavy dark hair. He noticed his arm muscles bulge and flex from the movement and for a moment, Jimmy regretted that he didn’t have a view of Sam when he’d given him his ass virginity. I’ll to make up for that, he thought.

“Okay, look. Obviously, there’s chemistry here. But what are you looking for out of this? I want to make sure we’re on the same page,” Sam said.

Jimmy appreciated that Sam wanted to be clear about this. “Well, despite our first interaction,” he said chuckling, “I’m not into casual sex. That was a unique set of circumstances, as you’ve noted. I prefer dating and relationships, is that what you’re looking for?” he asked, hoping they were seeking the same thing.

Sam smiled warmly. “It is. Like you, I’m not looking for casual sex. I tried it years ago and, aside from the fact that sex isn’t nearly as satisfying when it’s with a stranger, I’m looking for a potential relationship because that’s what I want in life. Someone to enjoy it with,” he explained, hoping he wasn’t coming on too strong.

Jimmy smiled. Sam literally just gave the perfect answer. If Jimmy could have said what he wanted to hear, that was exactly it.

“Me too,” Jimmy agreed.

They spent the next hour getting to know each other and ordered a piece of cake to share with their coffee, it was romantic in a cute way. It turned out that they had a few things in common, they both liked to surf and went to the gym regularly. Their music tastes were similar, though each had bands they liked that the other hadn’t heard of and they agreed to look them up. They’d talked about their favorite movies and it turned out that Jimmy hadn’t heard of Sam’s since it was an older film.

Sam invited Jimmy over to his house after coffee for dinner and to watch his favorite movie since Jimmy hadn’t seen it before. Jimmy gladly accepted the invitation and drove to Sam’s apartment, meeting him in the lobby.

Sam walked into the lobby and saw Jimmy’s back. He couldn’t help himself; he walked up behind Jimmy and hugged him fiercely from behind, and laughed when Jimmy let out a little shriek of surprise.

“Don’t do that! You gave me such a fright,” Jimmy said, laughing with Sam.

Sam smirked. “Sorry.”

“Uh huh, you look sorry,” Jimmy said sarcastically, still chuckling.

Sam took hold of Jimmy’s hand and squeezed it affectionately as he led him to the elevator. They went up to level 5 and Sam unlocked the door, holding it open for Jimmy as he entered. He watched Jimmy intently as he looked around his apartment, taking in all the details of his home.

“Oooh, I love your couch!” Jimmy gushed.

Sam felt a swell of pride. He loved his couch too. He figured that since he works so hard at the gym, he should invest in something to relax in. He’d bought a soft, pillowy leather sofa that reclines and has cup holders on the sides.

“Thanks, I love it too. Go ahead, have a seat and test her out,” Sam encouraged.

Jimmy sat down and moaned. “Oh. My. God. It’s even more comfortable than I expected,” he drawled.

Sam chuckled and walked over. He leaned forward, placing one hand beside Jimmy’s head, his face hovering inches above. “How about now?” he asked as he pushed the back and made it recline which automatically pushed the leg rest out.

Jimmy gasped in surprise. “Wow, I never want to leave this couch,” he moaned.

Sam smiled as he stood back up. “Would you like a beer?” he offered.

“Yes please.”

Jimmy relaxed on the couch that felt like a cloud. It was the most comfortable thing he’d ever sat in. Or lay in. Basically, he wanted to live in it. He watched Sam walk to the fridge and bend over to grab a couple beers. Jimmy smiled at the view of his perfect ass and wondered if he’d ever bottomed for anyone.

“Here you go,” Sam said, passing Jimmy a bottle and picking up the remote as he sat next to him and reclined his seat too.

Jimmy could feel the heat radiating off Sam’s body. His skin tingled where their thighs touched and he was glad he’d rubbed one out this morning because Sam had the power to make him hard in an instant.

Sam turned the tv on, found the movie and started it. They were practically laying in a leather bed and Sam confidently put his arm around Jimmy, pulling him close. Jimmy found himself easily melting into Sam’s warm, strong body. He placed his hand on Sam’s thigh and left it resting there while they watched the film.

There was a unique comfortability in the situation and it had nothing to do with the couch. Jimmy just felt safe and welcome. The film was good and Jimmy was enjoying it but he was definitely slightly distracted by the gorgeous man beside him, who was lightly stroking his arm affectionately.

Sam loved the feeling of Jimmy’s body pressed against his. From the moment he saw him in the coffee shop he’d wanted to take him home and claim his body again but at the same time, he wanted to get to know him. He knew if there was going to be anything more between them, they needed to get to know each other and build on that first, not that it was easy though.

When Jimmy’s fingers began tracing patterns on Sam’s leg, his skin tingled all the way up to his cock. He took deep breaths, willing his cock to stay down and not create an obvious tent. He was failing.

“Jimmy, if you keep doing that, I might have to start searching you again,” Sam warned, his arousal making his voice slightly rough.

Jimmy turned wide eyes at him. “What? What am I doing?”

“Your hand,” Sam said, and saw Jimmy look at his moving hand and suddenly stopping his movements. “Though it feels lovely, it’s also particularly distracting,” he murmured huskily.

Sam watched Jimmy stare at his hand for a moment then, he saw a mischievous grin spread across his face as he began moving it again. Sam inhaled sharply. Jimmy now knew the effect he was having and he was persisting. Jimmy wanted him to go searching on his body again.

Sam groaned and leaned over, capturing Jimmy’s mouth in a scorching kiss. Jimmy returned his kiss with equal passion. Their tongues dueled and explored the other’s mouth. It was like a switch had been flipped and neither was holding anything back. Hands began grasping and groping each other as they continued to kiss.

Jimmy was tugging and pulling at Sam’s shirt, Sam paused kissing him for a moment to whip it off over his head and resumed kissing him. Jimmy only had a moment or two to admire his toned torso with a light sprinkling of dark hair before his eyes fluttered closed when their lips met again.

He let his hands explore the skin on Sam’s body, feeling every inch of his strong shoulders and hard pecs. When he found Sam’s nipples, he heard him moan as he trailed kisses over Jimmy’s cheek and down to his neck where he began nibbling and sucking.

Sam had now climbed on top of him on the reclining sofa and was grinding into him. Their cocks rubbing against each other through their pants. Jimmy gripped Sam’s glorious, firm round butt and pulled him close, increasing the pressure as he circled his hips, rocking up into him and panting in pleasure.

Sam groaned when Jimmy gripped his butt and thrust his hips up against him. He had thought about this moment for the last three days and there were things he desperately wanted to do to him.

“Jimmy,” he panted, “let’s take this to the bedroom,” he suggested and lifted himself off Jimmy.

He stood, holding his hand out in invitation. Jimmy didn’t even hesitate with taking it and following him to the bedroom. Standing beside the bed, Sam swiftly lifted Jimmy’s shirt off over his head and took a moment to enjoy the view. He had beautiful, golden skin and a toned body. He was smaller than himself but proportionate, he was in great shape.

Sam bent down to take one of Jimmy’s nipples into his mouth, sucking and lightly nibbling while tweaking the other with his fingers. He heard Jimmy moan and felt him thread his fingers into his hair, holding him close as he covered his chest with kisses and nips. He made his way to the other side and bathed the other nipple in the same attention.

Sam stood up and unbuckled Jimmy’s belt, undid his pants and lowered them. He waited as Jimmy stepped out of them then Sam firmly guided him to the bed, pressing him back.

Sam took a moment to enjoy the view of Jimmy’s body completely naked as he lay on his bed. Jimmy had a perfect cock, slightly smaller than his own but perfectly proportioned to his body. He began removing his own pants, keeping his eyes on Jimmy.

Jimmy lay naked, watching Sam undress and licked his lips. He’d only seen his body covered by his uniform last time and now that it was revealed to him, he was extremely pleased with what he saw. Sam had a perfect body, strong and toned. So deliciously masculine. He didn’t shave or wax his chest which Jimmy loved; he thought it accentuated his masculinity.

When Sam began removing his pants, he gave Jimmy a look of confidence that was so utterly sexy. Jimmy’s cock jumped a little in excitement as he watched him lower his pants. Finally, he got a good view of Sam’s fully erect 8 inch cock. It was beautiful and his mouth watered, wanting to taste it.

With that thought in mind, Jimmy suddenly climbed to the edge of the bed.

Sam felt a moment of concern, maybe this was going too fast for Jimmy. That concern was immediately extinguished as Jimmy sat on the edge of the bed and took hold of Sam’s hard cock, stroking the length as he grinned up at him.

Sam looked down and watched Jimmy as he slowly leaned forward, keeping their eyes connected as Jimmy licked the drop of precum off the tip of his cock and closed his eyes, moaning as he swallowed it.

“Fuck,” Sam moaned, desperate for Jimmy’s tongue to touch it again.

Surprisingly, he almost felt like Jimmy’s prey. Kept on the edge and there to be enjoyed when he pleases. It was a unique and new feeling but not one he disliked.

Jimmy lowered his head and slowly, softly licked the length of Sam’s cock. When they’d fucked the first time, he was a novice and was happy to let Sam lead. But this, this he knew how to do and do well. He was teasing him on purpose. He knew it was equal amounts arousing and frustrating for Sam. Jimmy licked the tip again and heard Sam growl slightly in frustration.

Jimmy chuckled before lowering his mouth down as much of Sam’s length as he could. Sam was large, of that Jimmy had no illusions but he’d sucked cocks almost as big before. Jimmy began working the length, relaxing his throat to take him even deeper as he sucked.

He used every trick he knew. He paused to lick and suck his balls one after the other which earned him a deep moan. He then slid his tongue slightly behind his balls, over his taint and almost to his hole.

“Fuuuck!” Sam groaned, gripping Jimmy’s hair tightly, sending delightful tingles all over his scalp.

Jimmy moaned, enjoying that he was getting Sam so worked up and went back to his balls briefly before sucking on his cock. After a minute or two, Sam used his grip on Jimmy’s hair to pull him off.

“Lie on the bed,” Sam said in a commanding voice.

Jimmy grinned triumphantly and immediately did as he was told with excitement.

Sam looked down at Jimmy staring up at him, obvious lust in his eyes. Jimmy’s chest heaving up and down as he panted in arousal. Sam couldn’t help but smirk. He could see how much Jimmy wanted this and felt a swell of pride that he’d obviously left such a good impression on him with their last sexual encounter, turning him into an eager bottom. He was going to devour Jimmy.

Sam crawled onto the bed and kissed Jimmy on the lips briefly, pulling away as Jimmy tried to deepen the kiss, causing him to whimper slightly. Sam chuckled lightly, thinking about how he wouldn’t be sorry for the loss of contact for long. He kissed his chest and began making his way down over his abs, placing kisses along the way.

Jimmy had a gorgeous body and Sam was enjoying tasting every inch. The sight made Sam’s cock achingly hard, desperate to feel the depths of Jimmy’s body wrapped around it again. He continued his path of kisses till he reached Jimmy’s beautiful cock and licked from the root to the tip, picking up the drop of precum and tasting his essence.

Jimmy moaned as he felt the wet warmth of Sam’s tongue lick his length. He then took almost his entire length into his throat in one go. He began raising his head up and down, sucking on his cock with talent. He was moving his tongue the entire time, finding all the sensitive places along his length.

Jimmy threaded his fingers into Sam’s hair as he engulfed his cock, wanting to hold him in some way. He looked down and their eyes connected. Sam, in his usual cockiness arched a brow as he did something particularly thrilling with his tongue to the head of his cock and Jimmy moaned, his head falling back onto the bed.

Sadly, Sam let his cock slip out of his mouth and Jimmy missed it immediately.

“Do you remember what I said about my other searching tool?” Sam asked him.

Jimmy looked up, trying to clear the haze of lust to think clearly. “What?”

“You’ll find out,” Sam murmured with a smirk as he lifted Jimmy’s knees and dove into his ass crack.

Jimmy cried out as he felt Sam’s tongue start to firmly lick his tight hole. Sam was a master at it. His warm tongue was licking, flicking and swirling around it as he used his hands to push Jimmy’s knees up to his chest, fully exposing his ass for Sam’s perusal.

Jimmy was quivering with pleasure. His ass was being worshipped in the most wicked of ways and it made his cock leak on his abs, leaving a small pool. He’d never felt something so unbelievable. Well, maybe just one other thing and he couldn’t wait for it to fill him again.

“Fuck … Sir, that feels so good,” Jimmy moaned breathily, glad his mind could think enough to remember how much Sam liked being called ‘Sir’.

He literally felt Sam moan against his sensitive hole as his tongue delved into his tight ring. It sent shivers all over his skin, both from the sexy sound and the pleasure of the physical vibrations.

When Sam heard Jimmy call him ‘Sir’ it sent a tingle down his spine. He couldn’t explain it but it filled him with a primal feeling, like he needed to claim Jimmy yet protect him also.

Sam paused his tongue fucking. “You’re fucking delicious,” Sam purred before sucking on Jimmy’s taint and enjoying his cries of pleasure.

He was getting desperate to plunge his cock into Jimmy so he stood up and walked to his dresser where he retrieved a bottle of lube. He knelt between Jimmy’s legs and began circling his hole with slippery fingers before sliding one into his depths.

“Oooh fuck!” Jimmy cried out.

“Mmm, still so tight,” Sam murmured hungrily.

Sam began sliding his finger in and out, exploring his sweet, tight hole to his delight. He curled his finger and found Jimmy’s prostate and watched Jimmy’s eyes roll back as he gasped.

“You like it there, don’t you?” Sam asked sexily.

“Yes, Sir. Oh, please don’t stop,” Jimmy begged.

“Never,” Sam promised and continued fingering his hole.

He added a second finger, stretching Jimmy further to prepare him. Jimmy didn’t flinch, Sam wasn’t sure he even registered that he’d added it. He continued playing with his prostate, working him into a quivering ball of sexual need till he broke.

“Sir, please!” Jimmy cried, “Please fuck me, Sir,” he begged.

Sam couldn’t contain the almost growl that escaped his throat. He had no idea where it came from it was just instinctual. He was going to claim Jimmy’s tight ass again so he knows no one will ever make him feel as good as he could.

Jimmy was literally trembling. Literally. He’d never felt a desperation like this before. He needed Sam to enter him. Fill him and fuck him till he saw stars. After he begged Sam to fuck him, shivers ran down his spine when he heard the growl from Sam. It was So. Fucking. Hot!

Sam looked at him and connected gazes. “Are you happy to go bare again?”

Jimmy nodded. “Yes, Sir,” he replied, knowing they were both clean.

Sam smiled. “Good boy,” he praised.

Jimmy felt a thrill at being called ‘Good Boy’. He watched Sam cover his cock in lube and lifted his knees to his chest again, presenting his ass to him. Sam leaned forward, lining his cock up with Jimmy’s hole and began to apply pressure.

It slid in easier this time. Jimmy was so aroused and ready for it that his ass put up very little resistance. It didn’t hurt, he just felt full. Deliciously full. He noticed that Sam had paused and appeared to be taking deep breaths.

“It’s okay. Keep going,” Jimmy encouraged.

Sam groaned and began sliding his length inside Jimmy’s tight channel.

“Oooh! … Yes, Sir! … Fuuuck,” Jimmy moaned in delight.

Sam moaned when his length was finally, fully submerged inside Jimmy. It felt right. Like this was where his cock belonged.

“You feel sooo good,” he groaned in pleasure as he lowered himself down to claim Jimmy’s mouth in a passionate kiss.

He felt Jimmy wrap both his legs and arms around his body, clutching him tightly as he kissed him back with ferocity.

Sam withdrew almost his entire length slowly then drove it back in. He both heard and felt Jimmy’s cries muffled by their kiss. He raised his head and looked down into Jimmy’s eyes as he did it again, withdrawing his cock and thrusting back into his ass. He saw Jimmy’s eye’s roll back as he cried out in pleasure.

Sam swelled with pride at seeing the effect he had on Jimmy. Knowing he was giving his body pleasure beyond anything he’d had previously. He started up a steady pace, thrusting in and out deeply. He took hold of Jimmy’s arms, laying them above his head and intertwining their fingers, pinning him in place as he plundered his tight ass.

He kept up this pace for a while, not hard or fast enough to make him cum yet but enough to give them both exquisite pleasure. He loved hearing Jimmy moan and mewl as he sucked on his neck and thrust into his body. He just couldn’t get enough of him. He was intoxicated by this beautiful man beneath him who held so much power over him but had no idea.

Jimmy was in heaven. No, it was better then heaven. The last time Sam fucked him had been mind blowing but this time, this time it was life changing. He’d never felt so completely possessed by another person and he’d never imagined he’d love the feeling so much.

He was gladly submitting his body to Sam. Letting him fuck and mark him as he pleased. He was sure he already had at least one hickey and possibly a bite mark. As he lay on his back, arms pinned down above his head by the sex god above him his body was reaching heights of pleasure he’d never dreamed of.

Every thrust in and out was putting pressure on his sweet spot and pushing his body toward an epic climax. He felt the pressure building and it was a mix of sweet pleasure that he never wanted to end combined with a desperation to reach his orgasm. Sam had been steadily fucking him for a while but his thrusts were becoming faster and harder now.

“Oh god … Yes, please fuck me harder, Sir!” Jimmy cried in passion.

Sam groaned. “Fuck yes! I’m gonna make you cum so hard on my cock,” Sam rumbled in his ear.

“Yes, Sir! … Give it to me, make me cum!” Jimmy pleaded, panting with exertion.

Sam thrust harder, his pelvis slapping into Jimmy’s butt with every thrust. His ass felt so damn good, it was tight and velvety soft. Sam felt a guttural need to fill him with his cum but he wanted to feel and hear Jimmy cum on his cock first.

He raised his body up on his hands to get a better angle so he would hit Jimmy’s prostate harder. He still had his hands on Jimmy’s, holding him in place as if he was scared to let go, like he might escape if he did. Not that Jimmy seemed to want to.

He saw Jimmy’s back arch as he hit his sweet spot repeatedly. He was moaning and crying out his pleasure as Sam pistoned in and out of his sweet hole.

“Yes, Sir! Fuck yes!” Jimmy cried out. “I’m gonna cum!”

“That’s it, cum on my cock, Baby,” Sam moaned, desperate to feel Jimmy’s body milking his seed into him.

“Oh fuck … I … I’m cumming! Fuuuck!” Jimmy cried out as he reached his orgasm.

Jimmy’s ass clenched around Sam’s cock, squeezing and milking it as his cock shot ropes of thick cum all over his abs and chest. He looked glorious in his moment of bliss, Sam thought. Total perfection.

Jimmy’s ass clenching around his cock was pushing him to his limit.

Jimmy came harder than he ever dreamed possible. His cock was pumping cum like it would never run out and his entire body shuddered as pleasure washed over his entire being. Sam’s thrusting never ceased which seemed to only prolong his pleasure.

“Good boy,” Sam murmured as Jimmy’s ass kept clenching around his thick cock. “Milk my cock. I’m gonna fill you with my cum,” he groaned.

Jimmy felt a massive emotional high as he heard Sam call him ‘Good Boy’ when he came. He needed his cum. He needed that feeling of completeness when his ass was filled with Sam’s load.

“Yes, Sir … give it to me, cum inside me!” he pleaded.

Jimmy felt Sam’s cock swell even larger inside him, rubbing over his prostate and sending tingles everywhere.

“Oooh fuck … I’m gonna fill your ass,” Sam muttered with strain in his voice.

Sam thrust hard one last time, burying his cock as deep as possible.

“I’m cumming! Oooh,” Sam grunted as he came.

“Yesss … fill me, Sir,” Jimmy moaned in satisfaction.

Jimmy felt Sam’s cock pulsing and jumping inside him as he released his load. The warmth from Sam’s cum flooded the inside of his ass and he moaned in pleasure, feeling the final part of what he’d been craving for the last three days.

Sam groaned and shuddered as he released the last of his seed inside Jimmy. When he’d heard Jimmy begging him to fill him with his cum, it set off something primal. He wanted to bury his cum as deep as possible and it felt unbelievable. He’d never experienced something to sexually gratifying.

He collapsed on top of Jimmy, letting go of his hands to hold some of his weight off him. He placed gentle kisses on Jimmy’s cheek and neck, a stark contrast to the almost feral lovemaking he’d just given him.

“Are you okay?” Sam asked, hoping he hadn’t hurt him when he was roughly pinning him in place and pounding his ass.

Jimmy chuckled beneath him. “Are you kidding? I’m fucking amazing!” he exclaimed.

Sam chuckled. “Yes, you are,” he murmured, thinking that Jimmy was definitely, fucking amazing. The best fuck he’d ever had by far.

Sam lifted his head and kissed Jimmy deeply but this time without urgency. His cock was still satisfyingly, deeply buried inside his ass. Holding his cum deep inside and preventing it from escaping.

Jimmy wrapped his arms around Sam, gently stroking his back and they luxuriated in their post orgasmic bliss. He was again stunned by the contrast of how passionate and sexually confident Sam was during sex with how gentle and caring he was afterward.

Satisfied wasn’t a strong enough word for how he felt. Complete was more accurate. Like the missing piece of a puzzle had been clicked into place. Jimmy chuckled at that thought while they were mid kiss.

Sam lifted his head and gave Jimmy an amused look. “Something funny?”

“Just an errant thought,” Jimmy said.

“Do tell.”

“Okay but don’t freak out. I was thinking that I feel complete now, like the final piece of a puzzle has been put in place …” Jimmy explained.

“Why would that freak me out? I get it, I kind of feel the same way. It’s natural to feel a sense of completeness after the best sex you’ve ever had,” Sam said smugly, looking at Jimmy with a smirk.

Jimmy smirked back. “Yep, I’m that good,” he said, returning Sam’s smugness in humor.

“But why did that make you laugh?” Sam asked.

“Because then I thought that the missing piece of my puzzle is your cock, put in its place.”

Sam laughed and so did Jimmy. The movement unfortunately pushed Sam’s cock out of him and they both moaned at the loss, still chuckling.

Sam rolled onto his back and sighed happily. “That’s definitely where my cock belongs,” he agreed.

Jimmy rolled over and snuggled into Sam’s chest. Sam gently stroked his back while they relaxed. A couple moments later Jimmy’s stomach rumbled and they laughed.

“You in the mood for pizza?” Sam asked, “We could order some and watch the rest of that movie,” he suggested.

“Sounds perfect,” Jimmy agreed.

They got up and rinsed off in the shower before getting dressed again. They ordered their food and restarted the movie where they’d stopped watching.

This time, Sam pulled Jimmy close on the reclining couch and Jimmy happily snuggled into him, resting his head on Sam’s chest and draping a leg over one of Sam’s while they watched.


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