A Cumdump's Journey Pt. 12

A gay story: A Cumdump's Journey Pt. 12 Chapter 12: Whored out

My intense anal-cunting by Bobby was like a short interlude book-ended by two character-defining experiences at the hands of Paul. At the beginning of my summer leave, Paul had initiated me into the idea of giving up control over my sexual encounters when I’d agree to spend an evening sucking off any man he commanded me to. That event had been a soft introduction; it was me who had gone from apartment to apartment with time to breathe in between each encounter and I wonder now whether he’d chosen particularly attractive men to make the initiation easier for me. I’d given up control to him, and yet each time I was pleasantly surprised by the men who’d opened their doors to me.

Unbeknownst to them; these two men – Bobby and Paul – were working in tandem to slowly break down my inhibitions, one by one; each man with a different focus. Paul was training me to psychologically submit my body to another man’s will, and Bobby was training me to physically be able to endure extreme anal and throat abuse from a very large cock. Together they were pushing me further down this path of becoming a cumdump. Paul’s final act would seal the deal, breaking down the very last remnants of doubt or reluctance to be a hole for use by any heavily-endowed top who needed to nut.


The weekend began like most others. I had been feeling like my libido was at zero since meeting Bobby in the woods that night when he dug me out without lube or poppers. The past few days, I had been focussing on convalescing; the muscles ached throughout my body, but in particular my anus was feeling raw from the deep, intense and merciless fucking it had endured. As long as I could still feel the aftermath of that night, I didn’t have any urge to get fucked again. By the final weekend of my summer leave, I was beginning to feel frisky again though. I started checking Grindr more frequently again, and although I didn’t dare text Bobby, I found Paul springing back into my head. I decided to send him a message since there had been radio silence from him since the night he send me around the city to suck off a dozen-plus men and, of course, to swallow their warm loads.

> Hey!

It was unimaginative, but I couldn’t really think of what to say.

> Finally…the cock-whore surfaces. 😉

He was crude with his messages, and often jokingly insulted me, but I didn’t mind one bit. I found he was the one person I could be completely open about my darkest fantasies with.

> Sorry man, been enjoying the sunny weather.

> Let me guess, it’s made you hungry?!

He knew me well apparently. We exchanged a few more pleasantries, and finally he broached the subject of us meeting up.

> Glad you got in touch; I have a party planned tonight and the star has dropped out.. 🙁

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, but I was sure that Paul’s idea of a party would not be the same as what I understood. Nonetheless, I took the bait:

> The star?

> I need a bottom, I’ve some friends coming round and they’ve confirmed.

Wow! I thought to myself; I knew exactly what he meant. I had told him a few weeks before that my wildest fantasy would be the Horse Stud Party in Berlin. To be strapped up and fucked by a line of men. I felt hard instantly; but there was no way. That was my extreme fantasy, in reality there’s no way I would be able to go through with that.

> Cat got your tongue?

Paul followed up after I failed to continue the conversation. In truth, it had been a while since I’d had that sinking feeling of near-dread and nervousness at the thought of some sexual escapade. I hesitated another moment, reflecting on the past few months – nothing until that point had been ultimately regrettable; I had frequently jerked off to memories of my hole being passed around in the woods, as well as my throat being made available to any guy Paul wished. I breathed deeply and began typing.

> You’re kidding me, right?

> Come on. I know you’re hot for giving up control! I’m inviting my friend with the 11-inch cock…

Paul knew how to reel me in, and I felt a grin slowly spread across my face. Yet still, I wasn’t quite convinced.

> Giving up control to suck off guys was hot…but that was one guy at a time.

> What if I got another bottom, you could tag out whenever you wanted

It seemed like a pretty fair deal. Here was a guy I knew and trusted – or at least didn’t have any reason to distrust – holding up my deepest fantasy on a plate for me. Surely, I would be insane NOT to accept. One more deep breath, and I mustered the courage to reply.

> OK, deal!

> YES! This is going to be sooo hot!

I was immediately turned on, and I pushed the sense of nerves down and out of my mind. I knew that if I really considered the implications of what I had agreed to, I would likely chicken out. It was my last weekend off before starting back at work – I deserve some final fun of freedom! I told myself. Knowing I had a way out if things got too much was reassuring and I set about planning my preparation for that night. If I ate now, I could wash out later and be clean for several hours; definitely enough to get me through what Paul had planned for the evening.

The rest of the afternoon passed off mostly uneventfully. I had a few errands to run, and by coincidence I found myself close to Paul’s place. My thirst for cock and horny chat was becoming ever more invasive in my life; so much so that I would find myself checking my Grindr screen – refreshing constantly – even on the metro. This time though I got a shock. A profile a couple of hundred meters away using my picture. And in black and white the words: “Cumdump tonite”.

My heart skipped a beat. Shit! I knew immediately it was Paul; using the photos I had sent him a few weeks before on the last night I’d agree to be part of one of his fantasies. My hands were shaking as I clicked with apprehension on the profile picture.

– Cumdump taking loads tonight. Get in touch for details.

FUCK! What had I actually been thinking? I jumped out of the train, climbed up to street level and wandered aimlessly for half an hour. Slowly, the initial shock wore off and, despite my embarrassment, my mind somehow began justifying his behaviour. I reasoned with myself that it would logical for him to have set this profile up, what else had I really expected, and in reality what difference did it make if it were me or it were Paul inviting these men to fuck me – what difference did it make if it was one guy per night or 3 in a single night. Finally my heartbeat slowed and I had succeeded in convincing myself that this would be a totally normal event. I still don’t fully understand it, but Paul had a hold over me and I hated the idea of letting him down.

I carried on the rest of the afternoon with my errands, once again pushing the reality of the situation out of mind – a skill I was becoming a master at – and began to get ready for the evening. Only months ago, I would have been mortified even to have my face on Grindr, let alone to have it accompanied by such crude words – and now here I was justifying it; somehow finding arousal from it. This side of my character had been unleashed in a way that it was becoming more and more difficult to control; bulldozing my inhibitions one by one. It was as if once out of the bottle, it was impossible to get the genie back in again. That night would be the final nail in the coffin of my former prudish self.


Paul told me to be ready for 10pm, so I spent a lazy evening getting ready, listening to music, even watching a bit of porn, and having a drink to knock any anxiousness that may have been simmering below the surface. I set off at 9:15; timing my arrival perfectly so I had a few minutes to get a little fresh air before I headed for Paul’s place. I resisted the temptation to check Grindr again and marched with determination up to his building; he buzzed me in and a few minutes later I found myself standing in the familiar corridor, knocking on the large, dark blue door. With a loud crank, the door swung open, and Paul invited me in. I had previously been here only once, and hadn’t ventured past his entryway. I’d been there for one clear reason; to relieve him of his load before setting off again into the night.

This time Paul began much softer, welcoming me into the main room which he had already set up for the night. It was a large – at least relatively large for Paris – apartment with an open plan design. The rooms were delineated more by glass and partitions than walls. He invited me to take a seat on the coach and I could clearly see his bed across the room. It was quite high; almost like it was raised on to small stilts; this – I learned – would be practical for later. He started by offering me a drink. The fun seemingly wouldn’t start for another short while yet.

“How are you feeling?” he asked me gently.

“Good” I replied, clearly showing my nervousness; suddenly wondering where the other bottom was.

“The point is for you to enjoy yourself tonight, ya know,” Paul re-assured me, and his words did go some way to settling my nerves. “Here I have something to help,” he continued, reaching into a drawer beside the couch.

“I don’t want to do any GHB tonight,” I interjected meekly.

Paul grinned, turning back to me and holding out a small sachet of a white, slightly rose-tinted powder.

“Don’t worry this is nothing like GHB; you’ll totally keep your head clear but just be super horny – and no come-down,” he assured me. “It’s 3-mmc….and it’s legal.” With that he practically forced the sachet into my hand. I inspected it warily.

“So I snort it?” I inquired, feeling a little embarrassed at my lack of experience.

“Yeah, start off small – see how you like it” he said, handing me a flat board, plastic bank card and a 10 euro note.

He waited beside me on the couch, watching intently with a look of anticipation on his face. Fortunately, I had some experience with coke. It wasn’t my drug, but I had dabbled and I knew how to go through the motions well-enough. I set about racking myself up a small line.

“Go on a bit more…you want to feel something at least,” Paul grinned, pushing me to set up a bigger line.

“You want one?” I asked him, expectantly.

“Not yet…I’ll join you in a bit, but you go ahead; it’ll help you chill out.” He replied firmly. One line it was.

When I had set it up, I cautiously rolled up the 10 euro note and brought my head slowly down to the board. In one swift snort, I hoovered up the fat line and sat up straight again. I felt a slight stinging in my eyes and a coldness in my sinuses, but nothing too uncomfortable. Paul continued the conversation like it was nothing out of the ordinary and soon I’d practically forgotten that I’d done it – feeling almost instantly more at ease in the apartment.

Thirty or some minutes passed, before I realised I was getting a little twitchy. My hands rising constantly up to my face, rubbing it and pushing my hands through my hair; my jaw and lips beginning to become energised ever so slightly.

“How you feeling now, kid?” Paul asked.

“Great…I feel great!” I fawned enthusiastically. And I did. A feeling of tingling ran all over my body, and I genuinely felt 100% at ease, more than ready for the events of the night.

“Perfect, then it’s time to get started…strip down and get yourself over to the bed.” He commanded, and I immediately followed his instructions.

I was stripped down to my underwear waiting on the bed, when Paul emerged from the kitchen and walked towards me. Without a word, he reached across and pulled off my remaining item of clothing, took me by both legs and turned me over. He then ordered me onto my hands and knees. Beside me there were all shapes and sizes of pillows, and I instinctively grabbed two large ones to rest under my stomach. Once in position, Paul immediately began applying a thick white lube to my hole and gently fingered my snatch.

“HOLY SHIT!” I moaned. He had barely touched me and I was already in ecstasy. I moaned and grinded myself back onto his hand, trying to feel him penetrate me further. This was just the warm up though. After another moment or two, he moved away, I looked back ready to beg for him to continue, but he was just putting on some music. As soon as it came on, the volume went up and I was right into the beat. Paul came up beside me.

“Listen…some of the guys coming, they’re not comfortable being seen; so you’re going to have to wear this…”, he explained, lifting up a black piece of cloth in front of my eyes. “It’ll be amazing for you, I promise!”

Without waiting for an answer, he lifted the heavy, soft, black fabric over my eyes and I felt him tie it behind my head. Just like that everything went dark. I didn’t care though – within seconds my vision was flooded with swirling colours and I began rocking my head to the rhythm of the music. I now only had my hearing to discern what was going on and it was piqued right at that moment as I heard the buzz of the intercom. Paul’s footsteps moved away to the door as he let an unknown person into the building and soon after into the apartment.

I heard men greeting one another and I soon realised that there was a number of men now in the apartment; three or perhaps four had arrived all at once. I heard them making small talk and certainly it seemed like there was a party mood in the air. I for one was being whisked away on a high of heavy music beats and tingles still rushing through by body. The thrill of anticipation was becoming almost too much.


I was crouching impatiently on the bed; on all-fours, propped up on some pillows facing away from the commotion; my asshole totally exposed as the men entered the apartment. A hand touched me on the back and wasted no time running down to my ass. Fingers explored my hole gently, more lube was applied and at long last the first penetration of the night. I was so horned up at this stage that I immediately pushed back on to the invading phallus. My sphincter had been quivering in anticipation since the moment the men entered the apartment, and with no visual stimulation, I was acutely aware of my hole’s longing to be fucked. My thirst for cock must have been amusing as a loud roar of laughter erupted; making me suddenly aware that I was surrounded by men.

Were they naked? I wondered, what age were they? Were they hot? I had only my imagination to go by, and in the state I was in, it ran wild. I relished the feeling of a cock knocking at my backdoor. From what I could tell, it seemed to be a reasonable thickness, nothing I wasn’t able for – since my pussy had been violently and unyieldingly prised open by Bobby XL; I no longer struggled to adjust to a cock entering my hole. I felt this was a reasonable warm-up; surely Paul had planned it that way.

My mouth was dry and my heart was beating erratically as the unidentified man behind me thrusted over and over into my sloppy hole. As he fucked me, I felt what I presumed was another man generously squeezing more lube on to my ass. It seemed to be running everywhere; over my cheeks, into my crack and started to run down my legs. Ordinarily, I would be reaching for a towel to keep the whole place clean, but this time I couldn’t care less; the sloppier the better. I wanted to feel this cock – whoever’s it was – sliding effortlessly in and out of my cunt. Through all of this, hands stroked my body and I was swimming in euphoria. I was as high as a kite, and a physical sense of disinhibition was rising in me. I began moaning loudly as I felt the man’s body and balls slam harder and harder against me with every thrust. Then a loud grunt, and a violent push forward as the stranger crashed down on me; the faint sensation of his throbbing cock ejecting its load deep into my colon was barely perceptible, but it sent another wave of tingles through my body. I felt a light pressure on my lower back – what I would later realise to be a thick, black pen – as the man marked me and Paul’s voice whispered sneeringly in my ear:

“Your first load of the night…” I thought I could sense his wide grin.

I had only a moment to consider what he was saying before I felt the cock withdraw from me and another man mount me from behind. His dick was not as thick, and it travelled easily right to the base as I felt his balls – like those of the previous anonymous man – slap against my butt cheeks. His cock was long though and I moaned at the sensation of his pork sword digging into my guts. With only a moment’s pause, the thrusting began again in earnest. This time the guy seemed to be frantic; his pumping became quicker and quicker until after what seemed like a relatively short time, he too shot a load deep into my bowels.

Between all of this fucking, I could make out only some sounds of what was happening around me. The buzz of the door has gone at least twice – perhaps three times – since my sphincter had been spread open by the first, thick cock. I imagined a room full of beautiful hunks of all colours and creeds, with large, throbbing, juicy boners, lining up to take their turn on my waiting hole. In reality I could hear some guys chatting over on the couch, seemingly not paying too much attention to me as the soiree passed its first hour. For all I knew these men could be anyone, but something told me Paul had a type and deep in my mind, it aroused me to think of my insignificance to these Tops. The fact that they just continued their

evenings, having drinks and enjoying the night, coming to fuck the worthless bottom boy when they needed to bust a nut, but otherwise ignoring me, makes me hard to this day.

A few minutes passed, as I waited for another man to mount my hungry cunt. I almost started to become agitated thinking no-one was going to fill my hole after only the second load. I wasn’t disappointed for long though. I was still lost in a world of my own when – without warning – I felt a cock slap me hard across the face, then rub its mucusy discharge all over my cheeks and forehead before entering my mouth. Its overbearing volume however was soon too much for my relatively small orifice. I tasted the sweetness of its gloopy pre-cum and breathed in heavily the faintly musty smell of an alpha male.

My saliva served to lubricate the cock only momentarily before it was withdrawn and I smelled the instantly-recognisable aroma of a fresh bottle of poppers. My heart beat took off racing wildly like never before, my head spinning and colours swirling as I longed to feel the massive schlong spread open the walls of my fuck-tunnel. I heard him moving slowly from my head to behind me and his hands took a hold of my hips. It seemed like on this elevated bed, my asshole was perfectly aligned to be exactly at the right height for these men to fuck me hard with minimal effort of crouching or bending over. He steadied himself and I felt the tip of his cock gently piercing my anus. His fat, mushroom-gland teased my sphincter pushing in slightly and pulling out, as he waited for the poppers to completely take hold of me; I felt my sphincter relax and blossom open for his waiting phallus. He knew the moment was right, and his hands moved from my hips up to my shoulders. He steadied himself again, his cock perfectly lined up to my rectum and with a long, hard thrust his massive dong penetrated me to the base. I moaned loudly, falling forward onto the bed, but his body followed me, not allowing even half an inch of his meat’s agonisingly long length to withdraw from me. He held himself inside me while he massaged my shoulders roughly. I couldn’t believe the feelings rushing through my body and desperately wanted to feel him fucking me. I began to beg him to do it.

“Argggghhh fuck my cunt hard!” It was vulgar, but in the heat of the moment, I needed to feel this man’s throbbing dick shredding my hole.

He began fucking me in long, deep thrusts. Long stokes out with a momentary pause as my empty fuck-chute gasped for air, and made noises like mixing a thick, sloppy soup; followed by a long, deep, intense stroke into my colon which made me shout out each time. My hole gaped wide open, and this anonymous man was plunging in and out relentlessly. I didn’t even have to try to keep my sphincter relaxed; lost in my own world of anal stimulation which ravaged every erogenous nerve in my body. My sense of time was totally eliminated, but I could hear Paul telling the guy that he should add more lube before I felt a cold thick sludge flood in my anus again. It was a relief and I realised that he had been going at my cunt now

unabatedly for a long time. Cheers were building in the room as my hole took a beating from this man for what felt like an eternity. The drug had slowly started to wear off, and I had an urge to pull myself free.

“You ain’t fucking going nowhere!” The gruff voice commanded and a flurry of even harder thrusts rained down on my abused sphincter.

Finally, when the cumshot came, I was relieved and Paul stood beside me to calm me. He probably sensed my reluctance or desire to take a break and – reading my mood perfectly – suggested I take another hit of the 3-mmc. He held up a key for me and I snorted it without thinking, as he rubbed my shoulders and helped to relax my tense hole. Still I heard the door of the apartment cranking open and slamming shut; yet I had no idea if it was more men arriving or men leaving. Paul soothed me and I let myself float away again with the music. Finally, the impatient crowd could wait no longer and I felt a cock stroking again at my backdoor.

Over the next several hours, my boy-pussy was used by countless men as I rode the wave of euphoria I had never known before. As soon as one cock withdrew, I immediately wanted to feel another man inside me, and nothing was greater than the ecstasy of feeling a thick dick throb and dump its load far into my guts. I soon found as well that my craving for the 3-mmc was also pretty intense; as soon as the buzz even hinted at wearing off, I was calling Paul for another key to snort. He kept me on a constant high over the next several hours as man after man impregnated me with his sperm. I remained oblivious to who the men were, never to know whether any man sitting opposite me in the metro had deeply penetrated my boycunt and seeded it with his nectar. Any one of these men could see me in the street and consider me only a hole which they had bred and used as nothing more than a receptacle for their cum and I would be forever none the wiser.

Finally, in a moment of calm, Paul was whispering something in my ear, although I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying, so I got a shock when he lifted the blindfold and my eyes had to adjust to the light. I’d nearly forgotten at that point that he had put me into this sensory deprivation. As I became accustomed to the light, I looked around for the first time. There were still four men in the apartment chatting on the couch.

“Take a break and get a drink,” Paul advised me calmly, helping me out my position and guiding me to the kitchen.

My hole gaped between my legs and it felt slimy and messy, and I loved it. I went briefly to the toilet to pee, and was sure to hold my sloppy, cum-filled hole closed as much as possible. It was at that moment that I noticed the tally marks on my back; I counted them excitedly – nine cumloads had been dumped into my pussy. Without any guidance from Paul, I found myself climbing back onto the bed with my hole exposed in the air, lining myself up another line of 3-mmc; desperate to hold on to the incredible sensation racking my body. As I made myself comfortable, the front door clanked open again, and I looked back, catching the eye of a 50-something, body-builder-type who immediately began stripping down and marching towards me. I braced myself for the next onslaught of fucking that would take me through to the morning.

Paul had successfully drawn me into his fantasy; the whole night he had me wrapped around his finger. He fed me drugs and I sank deeper and deeper under his control, not once resisting having my hole used as a living flesh-light.

The following few hours passed mostly as a blur; even though I now had the freedom to see the men that were fucking me, I didn’t particularly care who they were. I paid most attention to their cocks as I looked back to see who would mount my hole next, girding myself with excitement when an especially well-hung top began approaching. I longed to feel the deeply profound intrusions such a large appendage would create; the fullness and satisfaction of being a man-cunt for another man’s penis – I was in heaven.

At some undetermined point, I realised that it was bright out and I finally brought myself to look at the clock; it was 12 noon on the Sunday afternoon. I’d been taking loads for over 12 hours and it seemed there was only one guy left in the apartment. I’d been pumping on my own cock for hours, but the 3-mmc had severely suppressed my ability to orgasm – not that I hadn’t been enjoying myself anyway. I quickly took another hit, while I waited for the guy to finally come up to me on the bed. When he did, it was quick and uneventful, I felt mildly disappointed. Nonetheless he dumped his load like all the men before him and marked his tally on my back.

“I haven’t seen a scene that hot since the last time I was in the sauna…” he told me as he unmounted and quickly gathered his stuff to leave.

Paul told me I could go get washed up and he disappeared into the back room. I realised the line I had just snorted would take a while to hit and I still had some to go in the sachet. I walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up and looked in the mirror to take count. 17 cumloads in 12 hours. Fuck!, I told myself, seriously turned on by what I saw. Briefly, I thought about the lies Paul had told me to get me here; the other bottom, the friend with an 11-inch cock. Maybe I’d taken him that night without realising, I really didn’t know or care; instead I felt thankful that Paul had persuaded me to do this.

Then I saw it right above the tally; at some point in the night – unbeknownst to me – someone had taken the marker and written ‘CUMDUMP’ in big letters across my back. Looking at it; I felt so horny and amazed at what I had managed to achieve. I had an urge to continue and knew there was no way I wanted this weekend to end. The stranger’s words rang again in my head – he hadn’t seen a scene like that since he was last in a sauna. That’s what I have to do! I gasped to myself, it all seemed so clear.

I’d lost count of how many times guys had asked me to accompany them to one of the many gay bathhouses in Paris. At first the idea seemed strange to me and I’d no idea what to expect, but with some research I soon learned that this was a euphemism for a sex den essentially – albeit with fancy decor. I knew from looking online that one of the most popular saunas was not far from here; in the 18th – the same district as Paul’s apartment. I looked at myself in the mirror and a smile spread across my lips; the weekend didn’t have to end yet. I was hornier than ever and the man had just given me the perfect solution.

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