A Deal's a Deal! Vol. 01: Capture

A gay story: A Deal's a Deal! Vol. 01: Capture A Deal’s a Deal!

A series of short stories

Part 1: Capture


This is my first attempt to turn years of notes and scribbles into a cohesive story with a narrative. It is intended to be three parts.

I had planned to release all three parts at the same time, but I soon learned how much effort goes into creative writing and decided to release part one and follow on with the rest, once I have time to work on it.

I was unable to find an editor and there may be some grammatical errors in the story. I apologise, and I hope you manage to enjoy the story anyway. If you feel willing to offer advice on this then please send me a DM.

Special thanks to CalMaple and KenjiSato for their help to get this story written.


This is part of a series of erotic short stories featuring two men. This is written in the second person, so it’s a story where you are one of the two men.

The story finds you as a young heterosexual man in college, and through playful mischief, you find yourself on an erotic journey with an unlikely partner. This will be written in the past tense.

This first part describes the events leading to the protagonist performing a sexual act on his gay friend and the unusual dynamic leading to its continuance. It also covers the disappearance of feelings of revulsion from the protagonist, and the antagonist trying to remain ethical when placed in an unexpected position of power.

Despite the thoughts of resistance, reluctance or denial, the experiences are all consensual.


There are only two main characters.


A college student staying in a dorm with several other students, you are (initially) a heterosexual man who enjoys wrestling, working out at the gym and playing video games. You have a girlfriend named Claire, who also stays in the dormitory.


A little taller than you, but somewhat overweight; John is mischievous, but a well-meaning person, who also stays in your dorm. When the story begins, you and John have known each other for some time, and generally enjoy one another’s company. You have spent time drinking, playing video games, and playing pranks on one another.

John presents himself as a typical college guy, and you have respect for John, since he was also athletic before becoming injured and gaining weight. John is gay, but it’s not something he broadcasts, and generally, only mentions when asked about it.

John has blue eyes and black hair, and typically wears denim jeans and a T-shirt. He has a loud laugh and a bright smile; a devious smile that sometimes gives away an upcoming prank.

Humble Beginnings

You stared coldly at John. You could almost feel the desperation emanating from him. He sat with his shoulders sunk, staring back at you. You checked your own cards for the first time, and thought ‘oh my,’ but kept your face blank.

John was not having a good night; he never did though, and you found yourself feeling slightly guilty. He probably only came for the social aspect of the evening.

John went another fifty dollars down; fortunately, going fifty dollars down to you wasn’t the worst outcome, since you were friends.

The game finished up and you and John sat drinking a beer. It was Claire’s birthday later in the week, and John revealed that he couldn’t afford to go out. You, sensing an opportunity, offered to forgive John’s debt, but only if he arrived at Claire’s birthday in drag, without telling anyone.

“Are you fucking serious, dude?” John replied, laughing and somewhat relieved. You confirmed your demand and laughed at John’s predicament. This was the latest in an ever-escalating series of pranks between you and John.

“A deal’s a deal, then,” John said, offering a handshake.

Which you received, and mockingly replied, “A pleasure doing business with you.”

Later in the week, you were waiting at the bar, gleefully awaiting John’s humiliation when he finally walked in. He had gone the distance — miniskirt, stuffed bra, wig, makeup, and high-heeled wedges. The whole bar turned around and laughed, you could barely control yourself, when John arrived next to you at the bar.

His clown-like made up face uttered, “Okay… are you satisfied now? I’m changing.”

To which you replied, “Nuh-uh. We never agreed on how long you had to wear it. A deal’s a deal.”

For the entire night, John was the butt of every joke; you felt a little guilty. Your prank had gone a little too far and a few times, you saw John without his signature smile.

“All right, that’s enough,” you said cheerfully, slapping a hand onto John’s back. “Head back, and get changed.”

John turned to you, smiling, before his signature mischievous grin appeared on his face. “I can’t go back on my deal, we’ll need another bet,” he said, before feigning thoughtfulness, and continued. “If you can beat me in a best of three at wrestling, then I’ll give you fifty dollars, but if I win, then…”

Clearly, John had intended, or assumed, he would lose because he hadn’t thought about what he would like to win.

“Ahhh, lick my balls,” John continued abruptly, causing you both to erupt in laughter.

The next day, John summoned you to the common room, which was empty, aside from some basic furniture and a television. As usual, a giant bag impacted you almost as soon as you entered the room, almost sending you back out the door. You laughed and threw the bag to one side, as John, who was clearly ready for action, said, “Right… Best of three, loser has to forfeit.”

You began to laugh immediately, and said, “John, buddy, I have wrestled for years, wouldn’t it be easier to just hand that over?” whilst gesturing to the fifty dollars on the table. It seemed fairly obvious that John had accepted the outcome in advance.

“You pussying out?” John said, mockingly.

“Fine, I just hope I don’t hurt him, actually,” you thought to yourself, suddenly realising you’re wrestling in a room with wooden furniture. You were a little hungover, but John wasn’t exactly Brock Lesnar.

John took off his hoodie; it was the kind without a zip on the front and you shook your head and let out a barely audible laugh, as John inadvertently exposed the bottom of his belly. John, then removed his shoes, leaving him wearing a T-shirt and jeans. You thought the jeans should make the job a little easier, the strong material making for a good grip.

You were only wearing gym shorts, having removed your T-shirt to avoid it being damaged during the bout.

The first round went as you expected, you pinned John on his back with relative ease. He fell over like an upside-down bowling pin.

The second round appeared to be going slower as expected, until John used his bulk to bullrush you, causing you both to trip over a chair.

“Oh sh— are you okay?” John asked, with a genuine look of concern. He had landed on top of you, and knocked the wind out of your lungs.

You gave a thumbs up with a smile, and wheezed, “Guess that one’s yours!” causing John to laugh and look relieved.

A creeping dread began to overcome you as you realised you were in a one-one tie in a best of three, and another mishap would mean you face a rather unpleasant forfeit.

The third round began, with both you and John being somewhat more cautious. John, being significantly heavier, didn’t want the silly bet to end in injury. Humiliation was a good outcome, but a wheelchair would not have been.

You realising losing was a possibility, started fearing that your tongue may actually touch John’s ballsack. A wheelchair may have seemed a somewhat comparable outcome for you.

As luck would have it, you would have plenty of time to think about the outcome. John had pressed your back against the wall, and given the weight difference you were essentially stuck there. John was laughing hysterically at this point, his shoulder pressed against your sternum, keeping you stuck to the wall. Neither of you were going anywhere.

John stopped laughing and paused momentarily, before dropping to his knees and then lifting you clear of the ground. Your heart thumped for a moment, and you wondered if John was about to suplex you onto a wooden floor?

Your fears subsided, well sort of.

You no longer feared being suplexed, but John had rotated you a full ninety degrees and you were now pinned against the wall horizontally. You had managed to put a hand on the floor to stop John pinning you; however, this resulted in John rotating you a further ninety degrees. You found yourself upside down, pinned to a wall with John’s crotch pressed against your cheek. It seemed that you were facing the inevitable now.

Your heart sank and you dreaded what he had in store…

You lay on the floor, listening to John laughing hysterically. Unfortunately, you landed in a North-South pin (also known as a sixty-nine), so you were listening to John laughing whilst, his crotch was resting on your cheek. Somehow, John’s crotch felt warmer than the rest of his body, and it radiated into your cheek.

“Oh my god,” John said, chuckling, as he got to his feet. He offered you a hand, which you took, and he pulled you to your feet.

“I’m not sure that was tournament legal!” you laughed, as you protested.

“Them’s my rules, son!” John says, the mischievous grin now on his face. John takes one if the wooden chairs, which had been placed to the side, after both of you tumbled over it, and dragged it to the centre of the room; making as much noise as possible by dragging the legs of the chair along the floor.

“I believe you remember the terms of our arrangement,” John said, as he sat on the chair and dramatically began searching in his pants, as though he was having trouble finding his balls. “Would sir kindly assume the position?” John said, with a grin on his face. “Or, will sir be pussying out this afternoon?”

“What the f—” you gasped, as John burst out laughing. Feeling lightheaded, you walked over to John and knelt in front of the chair, between his legs, but a little too far away. You weren’t actually about to do this, right?

“You’re playing chicken with the wrong guy,” John said, smirking. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his hairless balls.

“Gahh… Jesus,” you whispered, as John placed one hand behind his own head and with his other hand hung his balls near the edge of the chair.

“They aren’t going to lick themselves,” John chuckled, believing he was about to call your bluff and would soon be gloating about you ‘pussying out’ to the same friends, who had laughed at him in drag.

You thought about telling John to fuck off and walking away.

“A deal’s a deal,” you said, looking up at John. The sweet and sharp smell of sweat hit your nose, as you got close; followed by the velvety-soft feel of skin on your tongue, as you tried not to gag and move your tongue over John’s ball sack. As your tongue ran along his balls, you got the taste of salt and sweat in your mouth.

“Hah-ahhhhhhhh.” John’s laugh was interrupted by a mixture of surprise and pleasure. You could have pulled back then, your forfeit completed and your humiliation accomplished. You knew John was going to have a field day when he told people about this.

You felt dread at the humiliation of licking another man’s balls, and revulsion because you were straight, and this felt wrong. You took your tongue off of John’s sack, made it wet, and then made your tongue broad and flat, as you bathed the other ball.

John’s mobile phone jingled and he started screwing around with it. You ignored it, you made your tongue wet and worked it from the bottom middle of his sack to where the sack meets the shaft.

“A deal’s a deal,” you thought, and he had gone full drag with no half measures. “He’s going to embellish this story anyway,” you thought to yourself. The musky scent of John’s balls filled your nostrils, you wet your tongue again, and went back to the first ball. “Better make sure I got it all,” you tell yourself.

John sighed and moaned gently, his demeanour had changed from mischievous to something else. You realised he was holding his cock up in his hand. “Wait a minute… is he—” your thought, interrupted by the sound of someone coming up the hall toward the common room.

You bolted upright in a panic, and then immediately thought you’d made the situation worse by trying to hide it. After all, it was just a dumb forfeit after a bet.

Your girlfriend Claire walked in, and politely greeted you and John. “Oh, hey guys, how’s it going?”

You were prepared for John to gloat, and tell her about your humiliation, but he said nothing. In fact, he told Claire that you both had moved the furniture because he lost his ID. You realised during the conversation, that you could still smell and taste John’s ball juices on your lips.

Claire left the room eventually and you and John looked at each other and burst out laughing. Thank god that’s over, you thought to yourself. You washed your face but you were sure you could still smell John’s musk clinging to you.

Later that night, Claire and the dorm mates headed out, and you were sitting alone at the computer in your room, looking at some schoolwork. Your phone vibrated, and it was a message from John reading, “What r u upto? Just got fortnite, come have a look!”

You felt slightly nervous, the humiliation of being ‘forced’ to lick his balls was still fresh in your mind, as well as his musk, which you were sure you could still detect, despite washing your face several times. You ignored the nervous feeling, reasoning that the forfeit had been done, and it was in the past.

The schoolwork was boring, so you headed through to John’s room. You opened the door and exclaimed, “Motherfucker!” as you saw John sitting there on the wooden chair from the common room, wearing only a T-shirt.

“Did he actually bring the same chair into his room?” was somehow the first thought that entered your mind.

John had pulled his T-shirt up slightly, leaving the bottom of his belly exposed. Lacking any trousers, John’s large, hairy and surprisingly muscular legs were exposed. He sat with his feet planted firmly on the floor and his legs apart.

“What the fuck, dude,” you said, laughing at him. John beamed a smile which slowly became a mischievous grin.

“We got interrupted.” John wagged his finger for you to come and kneel between his knees. The bastard was right, you thought, reasoning that since it was interrupted the forfeit had not been completed.

“A deal’s a—” John started to say.

But, you interrupted, “A deal, yeah, yeah. I was wondering why you let me off the hook, my face still smells like your fucking balls,” you said somewhat exasperated, John erupted in laughter.

“At least you’re used to the smell, and I guess, familiar with the taste,” retorted John, grinning and enjoying your torment.

You groaned, as you walked over and placed your hands on his knees; you lowered yourself down.

“Do you really need to have your dick out, man?” you asked, hoping he might cover it up; as you were eye level with it, and having it pointed directly at you was somewhat disconcerting. It was flaccid at least, you reasoned with yourself.

“Deal’s a deal, bro. Let me help you out, though,” he said laughing, as he took his cock in one hand.

You leaned forward and reasoned it would be better to just do it quickly, and hope that he would get bored and let you off the hook.

Your tongue felt the soft, hot skin of John’s ball sack, still as salty as before; as clearly, the bastard hadn’t showered. You licked John’s balls like you were lapping an ice cream, and not really paying much attention— until John let out a big groan. You moved your eyes from his balls, and looked upward to see that John, he had relaxed his head back. Even worse, John had a massive erection, which you deduced from seeing the top of his cock poking out from his hand.

John brought his head forward and looked down on you, into your eyes.

“Did I say stop?” he asked, his demeanour again slightly changed.

A thought in your mind told you to say, “Fuck off,” and end the forfeit. You began to feel your cheeks flushing in response to John’s question.

Another thought, louder and unfamiliar, said, “He did not say stop.” You made your tongue wet, and started slowly massaging him with your tongue. You made sure your tongue was always wet, and that you always licked with your tongue relaxed, to make sure you licked as much of his ballsack as possible with each stroke. You also found that your eyes were firmly locked to his. He took his phone out, and started doing something with it. With eye contact broken, you focussed only on making sure you kept polishing his balls. You found yourself thinking you were doing a good job, as his balls were now dripping with your saliva, and every part of them had been thoroughly massaged by your tongue.

Your heart sank, as John began to move his hand slowly up and down his cock. The sick fuck had started masturbating, and he was definitely watching porn on his phone, you thought to yourself. At this point, you thought about stopping; this had gone too far, now he was using you to lick his balls while he jerked off. Just as you began to pull back, John locked eyes with you again, and began to tremble. You stopped licking, and remained still, with his left ball resting on your tongue.

“Oh my go-AHHhhhh!” John screamed.

You were terrified stiff, as you watched a huge shot of cum fire directly upward from John’s dick, whilst he was jerking extremely quickly. It felt like you watched in slow motion, as the cum shot up and then dropped back down on his hand, his dick, his balls— as well as your tongue and your cheek.

For a moment, you felt like you were watching this happen, rather than taking part in it. You could see John cumming, as your tongue was on his ball, your face between his legs.

You were frozen, as the salty sizzle of cum was assaulting your tastebuds. The distinct smell of spunk flooded your nostrils. You could feel the hot, sticky, wet mass that landed on your cheek, as it slowly began to drip down your face and off your chin.

“What the fuck…” you thought to yourself, “did he—”

“I didn’t say stop,” John said, staring directly into your eyes.

And once again, you are fixed on making sure his balls are thoroughly massaged and cleaned by your tongue. As your tongue gently transited over his skin, you started finding little bits of cum, which attached themselves to your tongue, constantly intensifying the flavour of spunk.

John let out a long, satisfied sigh, and he stared down at you diligently cleaning up his mess.

Being in a state of shock, you felt your emotions muted and dissociated from reality. The globs of spunk sticking to your tongue was only a sensation without meaning. At least, until John spoke again.

“The sweet taste of victory… well that’s probably not what you’re tasting right?” John said smiling, one hand still holding his cock and the other on the back of his head. You were too stunned to react and simply just kept licking John’s balls gently, as smaller drops of semen continued to drip down onto your cheek from his cock laden hand. He briefly looked at his phone again and smiled, and then he made eye contact with you again and finally put down his phone.

“Oh, payback is a bitch, right?” John said mischievously, and laughed, as he released his cock and it slapped down softly onto your face, causing a few more dregs of cum to land on your cheek. John placed a hand on the top of your head and gently pulled you close, so that his balls and cock were splayed over your face. His balls were spread out either side of your nose, the end of his cock rested just above your left eye. He then slowly pushed your face away, so his balls dragged over your chin, spreading out the cum that was already on your face, and his cock painted a line of residual semen over your eye and down your cheek.

As he was slowly dragging himself over your face, he spoke. “You got me to come in drag, now I have come and dragged,” he said, with a mocking tone.

John locked eyes with you afterward for a moment, one hand still on your head. He broke eye contact to admire the mess he left on your face.

You felt a tremendous wave of humiliation overcome you. John had literally just made you lick his balls for at least ten minutes; he jerked off and spunked on your face; then, taking his time to appreciate the desecration. Worst of all, you had to endure the taste of his cum, as if his balls weren’t bad enough!

John released the hand on your head, still locking eyes with you. You placed your hands on his knees, got to your feet, and backed away— not breaking eye contact, until you turned to open the door.

“Hey!” John said, now back in his normal demeanour. You snap back to reality, and look back to John with one hand on the door.

“You got a little something” John said mockingly, pointing at your cheek, before laughing with a gentle smile.

Suddenly, as though returned to your body from another dimension, you began to react to the events.

“Oh, eh… ahh, fuck off, John!” you exclaimed jokingly, the tension apparently broken. You laughed defiantly, now that the forfeit was over. Your head was overwhelmed trying to process what had happened.

You turned and walked back to your room. You stopped suddenly, and realised you had better head to the bathroom and clean the spunk off of your face. Probably should brush your teeth, you thought, as you realised you can still taste the salty, sizzling taste of cum, and the faint saltiness of John’s balls.

You imagined with abject horror, how Claire might have reacted, if she had seen you exiting John’s room sporting a facial.

Your thoughts were chaotic. He had achieved payback and then some; he had subjected you to the ultimate humiliation. But, he couldn’t tell anyone; it would be a disaster for both of you and that’s only if anyone actually believed him. You took the forfeit, but should you have stopped? “What the fuck?” was repeating in your head.

The next day, you were trying desperately to erase the memory from your mind. John had had his fun, and now you had to think about revenge, and his wouldn’t be sucking your balls, that’s for sure.


Heads, I Win; Tails, You Lose.

In the day immediately following your desecration by John, you were filled with dread. You lay in bed wondering if he had told anyone already, and imagined him telling people whilst you were present.

“Why didn’t I just stop,” you thought to yourself, sitting upright in your bed with your head in your hands. You reasoned once more, that it was simply a forfeit, and that was why you had allowed it to happen.

You didn’t encounter John, until later in the day— you ran into him in the kitchen. Thankfully, John was clothed with shorts and a T-shirt. He was cleaning some dishes in the sink and greeted you as you entered.

“How’s it going?” John asked. You were surprised by his relaxed demeanour. He tried in vain to make some small talk; you could barely follow the conversation. Your heart thumped, as you waited to hear how he had revealed your humiliation to the world.

John paused and looked at you. He had detected the tension, and realised that no amount of chit chat was going to bring the hairs on the back of your neck to rest. John grabbed a towel and started drying his hands and turned to face you directly. He was silent and thoughtful for a moment.

“Listen… I told your mom,” John said flatly, with a sympathetic expression.

“YOU F—” you are cut off mid-sentence when John’s expression turns to a mischievous smile. “…ing dick,” you alter your sentence midway through, upon realising that John was not being serious.

“Relax, for fuck’s sake. Who would I tell? Who would believe me? I might be a dick, but I wouldn’t tell anyone about that, besides… you honoured the deal,” John explained, desperately. He had an expression of concern, and you felt at ease.

“Thanks, man,” you said, smiling with relief.

“I probably went too far, you know—” John said, but was interrupted by you.

“A deal’s a deal,” you interjected, hoping to relieve John of tension and the guilt he was feeling. It was a silly forfeit that went too far, you thought. John raised a single eyebrow and smiled.

You didn’t want John to feel guilty; maybe he did go too far, but he had suggested the forfeit flippantly, as he did not believe he would win. You paused for a second, as you had a flashback to the moment his jizz was rocketing upward.

“All right, I won’t DRAG it out,” John said, and locked eyes with you for a moment, before mischievously smiling and leaving the kitchen.

You pondered that suspended eye contact for a second, but you decided that you were overthinking it. Never mind.

Barely an hour later, you were sitting, watching South Park when your phone vibrated – a notification reading, “Message from John,” which made you somewhat anxious.

“Hey dude, Wanna come through for a coffee and some Mortal Kombat?” was the message. You had several reasons to be anxious, mostly stemming from John having recently used you, like one of those machines they use to polish bowling balls. It seemed like he felt guilty, and you really did not want to talk about it again.

Why did I do that, you thought to yourself, the thought seemingly secondary to anxiety of having to talk about it at all. You reminded yourself that it was just a forfeit and that you really had to do it, you couldn’t pussy out after all.

You did know that he had recently purchased a new game, and you did need a good coffee, so you decided to risk it. “Sure, get me a cup ready, I’ll be right through.” Worst possible outcome would be another awkward conversation, so you thought.

As you arrived at the door of the game room, you were slammed by John’s enormous bag and knocked off balance, followed by his loud and hysterical laughter. The bag was usually laden with books that John needed for class; the books often never left the bag before being returned. John did this so often, that you wondered if he ever intended to read the books at all, or if he just needed a heavy something to fill his bag with.

Preoccupied with thinking about your previous abasement, you had forgotten about John’s signature prank. The initial annoyance was overcome by relief – he was back to his old tricks! He must have gotten over it already.

“Dude, seriously!” You laughed and recovered your stride. John was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt, he sat grinning holding a game controller in one hand, as you recovered your balance. There are three cups on the table — two with coffee and one spare, you assumed someone would be joining you.

“All right, I’ve decided to offer you a deal!” John said, with a smile. “If I beat you, then I get to rub my balls in your face, but if you win, then I no longer get to rub my balls in your face.”

You were frozen by his last remark, you thought the forfeit was at an end. You opened your mouth to speak, but then remembered that you had not allowed him to change out of his drag outfit immediately. John realised that you had figured the situation out, and then clicked his tongue and pointed at you.

I’m not doing this again, you thought to yourself, once was enough to satisfy the forfeit, and now he’s taking the piss.

“A de—” John barely began to speak, when you interjected.

“Yes, no… fuck you… okay,” you blurted out. You didn’t need to hear that again. Your ego was on both sides of the proverbial line. On one side you didn’t want to be humiliated by John; on the other, you didn’t want to be a pussy by refusing to take the forfeit.

“You’ve got to pay more attention to detail,” John chuckled, mischievously.

He must be in a generous mood, you thought; he knew you’d beat him at least once, over the course of the evening. It seemed he wasn’t quite done with revenge for the drag incident, but he wanted to keep you nervous just a little longer.

“Wow really? I’ll take that deal! Thanks, man,” you said, with a smile.

“I am a generous god,” John replied, doing his most cringeworthy Xerxes impression.

It didn’t get off to a great start, you watched with horror, as John obliterated your character.

“Fuck!” you exclaimed, closing your eyes with dread.

“Steady on, you’d need to buy me a few drinks first,” John laughed, so did you — to be fair to him, that was pretty funny considering the grim situation. John straddled over you on the sofa and gently pushed your head back into what you can only assume was the optimal ball-rubbing angle.

You thought that once was too often, for a straight man to have such close contact with another man’s testicles. For the second time, you watched as John freed his flaccid cock and large hairless balls from his zipper, and dropped them over your eyes. You could feel the intense heat from his balls, radiating through your eyelids.

“Haha — nice eyeballs!” he said, laughing, as you began to catch that unwelcome scent of testicle. A scent no straight man ever wanted to be familiar with.

John began to gyrate his hips, pressing his balls into your face and rubbing them up and down your face, the sweat leaving a scent stuck on you like some kind of obscene aftershave. The whole time he was doing this, you could see his flaccid cock moving up and down between your eyes.

John grunted and hopped down and said mockingly, “Aren’t you grateful? I never ever made you lick them.”

You stared at him, narrowed your eyes, and said, “Piss off, John. Round two… it ends now.”

Round two commenced, and you were thrashing John, but right as you were about to deliver the final blow, the controller stopped working in your hands— the battery had died. “What the…” you said, and turned to John who stared directly at you, whilst mashing keys on his joypad. You heard, “Player one wins,” from the console; John still grinning and staring directly at you. He didn’t even need to pay attention to win that one, and he could barely control his laughter at your situation.

“No fair!!” You yelled, as you headbutted the controller.

“Act of god, one obviously not as generous as me!!” said John, breaking down into hysterical laughter. You started to wonder if god was playing a cruel prank, or if John somehow knew the controller would run out of batteries.

He once again straddled your face on the sofa, except this time, you assumed the position without encouragement. You thought that it would be better to just get it over with. John was so confident, he didn’t even put his dick away, somehow you only noticed that, as you watched his balls descend toward you.

John began gyrating his hips again, but somehow his cock seemed bigger than before, as it ground up and down between your eyes; it also appeared to be growing, as John drove his sweaty ball juices into your skin.

You felt a shortness of breath, as you came to a horrible realisation. “Oh god, no,” you tried to say, but John’s balls muffled your words. John’s dick reached full size, leaving a small trail of pre-cum on your head.

“Oh god, yes,” John replied, mockingly. As John climbed off the second time, he slapped you across the face with his cock and said, “Whoops! Pardon me, good sir!” barely able to contain his amusement.

You recoiled in shock, as John giggled whilst replacing the battery on the joypad. You realised you were still sporting a snail trail between your eyes and on your forehead; as you attempted to wipe it away, John threw the joypad full force at your crotch.

“Urghh! Damn it, John!” You half laughed and half screamed, the tension of the situation broken by John’s clowning around.

“Well, there might not be any point in cleaning anything yet,” John giggled, and you felt a chill down your spine. If you didn’t win a round soon, you’d be in for a bad time, you thought to yourself.

“Fight!” the third round began, and playing for the last shreds of your self-esteem, you managed to completely flatten John’s character. “Hahahaha! It’s over, John!!!” and you threw your hands up in victory.

You felt a tremendous wave of relief come over you. You had broken free of John’s agreement. Your body felt light, as the elation of knowing you no longer had to choose between ball tasting or pussying out flowed through you.

Your joy was cut short, however, as John dragged your legs from the sofa, causing your ass to drop down to the floor and leaving your head at the seat. John straddled your face on the sofa, his legs gently placed over your arms.

“What the f—” you began.

But John, staring into your eyes, cut you off and said, “I told you, you’ve got to pay more attention to detail. There was no rubbing-of-balls-on-the-face deal.”

Your mind once again was on a knife’s edge; the dilemma of choosing between reneging on a deal, or enduring another session of ball worship to John. You offered some token resistance to John pinning you to the sofa, but without the ability to solve the dilemma, token and short lived was all it was.

John grinned, as he stared down at you; his cock and balls just inches above your face. You knew he was right. He had just been rubbing his balls on your face, embedding his musky scent into your face, for his own amusement.

You felt that feeling, as though you were seeing yourself from the outside, the feeling of dissociation. You see John standing over you with his cock and balls out, and you staring up at him, offering no resistance.

Still staring down into your eyes, John gently took hold of the back of your head and held it in place, as he lowered his balls onto your face. You were physically held down by his legs resting on your arms.

He started dragging his cock and balls over your face, applying a whole new layer of musky sweat onto you.

“We didn’t have that deal, I just enjoy doing this,” you heard John say, who, by this point, was erect and throbbing. Unable to move, and only being able to breathe the musty air available; just wait it out, you thought, it must be the last forfeit.

He elevated his cock and balls away from your face for a moment, and placed the empty cup from the table just above your head. You understood pretty quickly; he planned to ejaculate into the cup. Small mercies.

“It’ll be easier for you to polish my balls, if you stick your tongue out,” John said, but it sounded more like a command. You peered up into his eyes from between his cock and balls.

Again conflicted, one part of your mind screamed for you to bite him, but you listened to the part of your mind that told you to make sure your tongue was as wet as possible. And so you put your tongue out for John.

John smiled, and said, “Good boy.”

You realised that this whole thing was premeditated, down to the last detail. John’s smooth, dry balls were gently lowered to your waiting tongue, Being used to the smell, gave you additional clarity to appreciate the salty, musty taste, as the velvet sack skin made contact with your tongue.

Your tongue was stationary, initially, until John prompted you, “This will last a lot longer if you don’t get to work, ball boy.” You dutifully started massaging his balls with your tongue; in an attempt to get it over faster, you cupped your tongue around his balls, just like your girlfriend did to you.

“Oh my god… wow… god damn,” John moaned with pleasure, with your new technique. His dick was resting perfectly between your eyes, you could see him throw his head back and sigh. He started to jerk himself off with his right hand quite quickly, and you felt his body start to twitch in a terrifying way that indicated desecration was headed your way.

You started to come back to reality, and regained some control of your faculties. What were you doing, you thought to yourself, realising that this forfeit may not have been about your humiliation anymore.

Suddenly, John stopped and you saw him peering down into your eyes. “Urgh, a little dry,” he remarked, and then torturously, slowly formed a ball of spit that he dropped toward his cock. You watched the saliva fall and land on his cock, right where it met the balls. The saliva slowly flowed over the side, and began making its way onto John’s balls and into your mouth. You could taste John’s secondhand coffee, and just when you thought you couldn’t be violated more, you had John’s saliva inside you, which had flowed over his cock and balls, adding insult to injury.

John dropped another huge ball of spit on his cock and began to masturbate rapidly, whilst you dutifully tongued his now-glistening sack. More and more of his saliva reached your tongue and got in your mouth; it felt like he was infesting you.

You could feel what was coming, and you were already dreading it, You had little faith in John’s ability (or desire) to cum in the cup, and you were helplessly trapped in position.

You knew how much satisfaction cumming on your face would give him, never mind the satisfaction of watching you run around trying to get it off.

“Oh fuck… Oh fuck, ball boy, that’s right,” John uttered with short sharp breaths, rising slightly, as he reached climax, meaning you needed to push your neck forward to make sure you could lick his balls properly.

You thought to yourself, “I’m just making sure I keep licking his balls because I want him to finish faster.”

John would later claim that he was trying to reach for the cup and missed, but from your perspective, John took his free hand and placed it on your forehead, which pinned you in place.

Allegedly unable to find the cup, John elevated slightly and moved backward so that the tip of his cock was directly above your mouth and pointing between your eyes.

John released a huge roar as he orgasmed, looking directly into your eyes. You stared back into his eyes, your tongue still out, as you were licking his balls just a second before.

The first spray landed on your left eyebrow, with some of the heavier parts landing on your left cheek. You immediately felt the heat from the spunk, the thinner fluid running down your cheek and the thicker part staying stuck where it landed. The distinct smell of cum filled your nostrils. There was a pause, and you thought, for a moment, he had already jerked off that day, or somehow you got lucky, and he had missed your face.

Unfortunately, John was still jerking hard, and the second spray came. However, it was more of a squirt than a spray, and a huge amount of hot, thick, sticky cum landed on your left cheek, and spread all the way over your upper lip. The smell of cum was now overpowering, it felt like it was infecting your head. You had tried to move with your arms, but they were no match for John’s bodyweight. You tried to move your head, but John was “accidentally” holding it in place.

Unbelievably, John was somehow still jerking and then changed tack. He used the hand on your head to move it side to side slightly, whilst still jerking, and miraculously, still producing semen. He couldn’t have ejaculated much more, you thought, but somehow it felt like he managed to cover you from cheek to cheek. You could feel hot cum pooling in some places on your face and flowing off others.

You heard John moan one last time, as he stopped jerking off. “Oh fuuuuuck.” John laughed, and said, “Close your eyes, you don’t want them to sting.”

You had given up any thought of resistance, and closed your eyes. You could feel John shuffle around a little bit, but he never took his weight off of you. After a few minutes, the only difference you were aware of, was that John’s cock was placed on your tongue, due to your mouth still being open; any cum that was still on the cock, or was still dripping out post-orgasm, was slowly sliding or dripping its way down your tongue and into your throat. You could feel the sizzling sensation, as it trickled, as well as feeling some of the thicker, stickier globules reaching the back of your throat, causing you to swallow.

This prompted John to say, “Good, ball boy.”

You felt used, dirty and trapped. You lay passively with another man’s cock resting on your tongue.

Eventually, John told you to open your eyes, and you did so obediently. You met his eyes; he was still straddling you, his cock resting on your tongue. “You should go and get cleaned up,” John suggested. He paused to smile, before he held onto the back of your head and lowered himself down again, dragging his balls from the bottom of your chin all the way to your hairline, before getting off of you. You felt that this was done to humiliate you, but it actually cleared away some of the spunk.

You got to the bathroom and saw your face in the mirror. John had produced an unbelievable amount of jizz. You looked like you’d qualify for a top-ten facial video on an adult video site. You washed your face slowly. You felt happy that you had done a good job licking his balls, because it made it end more quickly, obviously. That surely settles it, you thought.

You seemed to regain some conscious control of yourself again, and felt severe panic; someone may have heard what just happened, and you were incredibly lucky to make it to the bathroom without anyone seeing your sodden face.

“What did I just do?” your internal monologue spoke. You once again started to justify to yourself that it was just to honour the forfeit.

You made your way back to John, who had picked up a controller and had started playing. He locked eyes with you and said, “I think it’s time for some single player…” and you turned to leave; obviously, he was done with this, you thought.

“Where are you going? I didn’t say stop…” John said.

You turned around, and locked eyes with him again. Somewhat broken, you returned to him.

John had taken his pants and underwear off and he lifted one muscular leg and gestured for you to lay on the sofa. You, once again, became dissociated, watching yourself following John’s wishes passively.

He had placed a pillow under himself so that his balls could rest directly on your face, whilst his leg rested on your body, like a physical reminder of your deal. John had wiped his balls over your cum-laden face, so that, after washing your face, he could place his balls on your face and slowly desecrate you with what remained on his balls. There was no way you could lick all the cum from his balls, without a significant amount of it, ending up on your cheeks and chin.

After a while, as you lay there licking the cum from John’s balls, he paused the game.

“You forgot, didn’t you? Oh, never mind, you’ve got a mouthful. They’re all away tonight,” said John, staring into the one eye he could see.

You cupped his balls with your tongue, not breaking your service, then opened your eyes wide in realisation; the rest of the dorm were away until the next day. The realisation jarred you back to your senses; and immediately you thought, “what the fuck am I doing?”

“Pity,” John said, mockingly. “Ah, you’ve done a good job cleaning up there, ball boy,” You felt hopeful for a moment, just a moment, before John spat on his cock again, which, once again, caused his saliva to spread over your face and into your mouth.

For a moment, you felt revulsion, as his saliva and leftover cum flowed freely into your maw, and you peered up at him in horror, as you again noticed the intense heat of his sack pulsing into your face.

John didn’t even need to move. He stared at you as he stroked himself fully erect again. He moaned, as you licked his balls. He trembled and climaxed, roaring loudly again. Looking upward you could see the thick, white cum running down his shaft. He grinned, as it reached your face or tongue by one route or another. There was no clean up; he would just leave the spunk to drip down, whilst he started playing again, until he was able to get hard again.

It was a long night, but you reasoned you were only doing it as a forfeit, so you never asked him to stop. You worked hard to convince yourself that this was the truth.


Upping the Ante

The forfeit had been going on for about two weeks. John had become very imaginative at luring you into situations, where he made you honour the deal, and carry out your forfeit. Sometimes, for several hours at a time. You couldn’t really tell if it was about humiliating you anymore, or if it was just a huge turn-on for him— to have his balls licked by you. You would learn the truth in time.

One of his personal favourite traps at this stage, was to wait for other people to leave a room, and to quickly pull his cock and balls out and to have you lick his balls, just for a few seconds. Another was to ask you to help him with something in his room when other people were there, knowing that you couldn’t refuse, only to have you kneel behind his room door silently and passively, whilst you licked his balls and he blew a load.

You had learned that if you licked his gooch, which technically wasn’t his balls, that he would finish faster. This was justification, because you really wanted him to finish faster, so it would be over.

You went to sleep with the musky scent of his ball sack every night; you’d lick his balls for breakfast, if you forgot to lock your room door. You rarely got through a day without at least some of his spunk landing on your face.

One evening, exactly two weeks since the first forfeit, you were sitting in your room studying. You had managed to avoid John for the entire day somehow.

Your phone vibrated. John had sent you a picture— you were horrified to see your own face with your tongue out, massaging John’s hairless balls. The phone vibrated again— it was the same picture with a stupid, dog-ears filter added to it, and a load of laughing emojis.

Your heart pounded and you began to take short, quick, panic breaths.

“What the hell is he thinking?” you thought to yourself.

You were horrified that he had taken photos of you and you rushed through to his room to get them deleted. As you burst through the door, you were shocked to find him sitting there again; this time, totally naked with phone in hand.

“You’re making this too easy ,” he chuckled. “You really should think carefully when you agree to a forfeit.” You knew you were caught out, and that he had a way to really humiliate you, even when you avoided him. You dropped to your knees and crawled across the room and rose up between his legs; the whole time he was chuckling and looking directly into your eyes. “Don’t worry, I don’t share my ball boy,” John said, causing you to feel relieved.

Despite the deal and the cat-and-mouse games, you trusted John and you were still friends. You never thought of John as an enemy, the blame for the repeated humiliation being attributed to the forfeit, rather than John, himself.

John looked at you with genuine sympathy for a moment; you sensed that he, once again, felt guilt and felt he had pushed it a bit far. However, John was ever competitive and prone to mischief.

“Haha, all right, all right. I suppose I’ve humiliated you enough. How about another bet? Best-of-three wrestling again. If I lose, I’ll delete all the videos and never mention it again, but if you lose, then I get to put my cock in your mouth?” John said, grinning a little.

“Or, you can admit to pussying out, and we can leave it at that,” John added.

You felt that he wanted to add an “out”, to avoid an endless cycle of guilt and regret, for both of you.

“Let’s just leave it,” you thought to yourself.

“Fine asshole, you’re on,” you said, before immediately wondering if you had lost your mind. John had already beaten you at wrestling and the consequences were humiliation and desecration.

Your internal monologue seemed to go into a heated debate. “What the fuck are you doing?” one side yelled, the other side replying, “I’m not pussying out and I can’t let him win.”

The debate went on in your head as you stared into John’s eyes with a blank expression on your face.

“Okay, ball boy,” John quipped confidently, whilst his facial expression gave away his pleasant surprise at the response.


World Upside Down

You and John squared off again for a best-of-three wrestling. This time, you weren’t hungover and you knew that he would use his weight to beat you. Not this time, you thought to yourself. Little did you know, things were going to go from bad to worse.

John was wearing a T-shirt and gym shorts this time, which actually gave him somewhat of an advantage over the denims he wore last time. You felt intimidated for a moment, noticing John’s enormous thigh muscles.

You wore only gym shorts, your T-shirt tossed to one side.

Round one – You waited for John’s charge, but this time, he didn’t. He just stood, smirking, so you moved to attack. You grabbed his leg and pulled, but he was simply too heavy. Your heart sank, as John picked you up by your belt and threw you face down, but that wasn’t a disaster, it was not a pin. You squirmed, as John was lying flat on your back, crushing you under his bulk. You felt him breathing on your neck and suddenly, he licked your neck. You recoiled in shock and he put you in a full-nelson hold. This was very bad, as he was in complete control, and worse, he was now grinding his crotch against your butt.

“It seems like you’re in a bad position, why don’t you just quit,” John laughed.

“Yeah right, dirty bastard,” you growled, and struggled to free yourself.

John simply powered the hold forward and you were pinned. “Oh god, surely not,” you thought to yourself.

John released you and began to laugh, you could see he had a semi through his shorts. This was a horrifying preview of what awaited you, should you be defeated again.

“Offer to pussy out is still on the table,” John said, with a slight hesitation. He seemed equally worried about winning, as he seemed about losing. Reflecting later, you could understand why; if he lost then his favourite sex toy was gone, but if he won he would find himself deeper in an ethical grey area.

John’s ethical dilemma manifested itself with the constant “off ramps” that he would offer you. He would often use the phrase “pussy out” to poorly disguise an opportunity for it to end, and because you did not “pussy out”, the forfeit would continue and John would feel somewhat reassured.

You thought about taking the easy way out. It would have been the right thing to do and would have gotten you out of the sticky (and salty) situation you found yourself in.

“Yeah right, dickhead, stop wasting time,” you replied, taunting John, causing him to look bemused. John’s facial expression was that of a man who had won the lottery on a ticket he didn’t recall buying, beaming a huge smile but with a raised eyebrow.

Round two – You made an attack; you were determined not to be humiliated.

John simply shifted to the side and pressed you up against the wall with his belly again. “Uhoh,” he said, mockingly. John lifted you up, and while still pinning you to the wall, turned you completely upside down again. Your heart raced in fear, as it seemed like you were about to get piledriven into a solid floor. But then you heard John laughing, “Don’t worry, I’m not that cruel.” He gently lowered you to the floor, so that your head and shoulders were pinned to the floor, before dropping to his knees, so that he was straddling your face.

You caught a whiff of the now-familiar scent of his balls; which for the first time that day, due to Pavlovian conditioning, caused you to salivate. How humiliating, you thought, salivating in preparation for licking John’s balls.

John was still holding much of your body upside down against the wall, with your head and shoulders on the floor, staring up at his crotch. You realised that he wished to get this new forfeit started immediately.

“Oh well, might as well open wide, looks like I can now park my dick in your mouth,” he chuckled, as he simply lifted the left side of his shorts for his dick and balls flop out and slap down onto your closed mouth. You got the full-strength smell of his smooth and familiar, hairless scrotum, it almost causing you to start drooling.

On feeling your closed mouth, John uttered, “A deal is—”

You cut him off again, and mumbled from under his balls and slowly inflating cock, “—A deal, I know.” Although, John likely only heard, “—M dmm m nmmm.”

You slowly opened your mouth and John lowered his half-erect cock to your lips. You felt the soft, hot cock inside your wet mouth; you were immediately met with a less-familiar, salty flavour which left a small sticky coating on the outside of your lip. You thought, oh my god, it’s pre-cum.

“I hope you don’t mind, I warmed up before you arrived,” jested John. “Oh wow, your mouth is so warm and soft around my dick,” John mocked you, as you lay there defeated and humiliated. You felt John get even harder, as if your humiliation was somehow making him more aroused. You couldn’t believe he was straddling your face, exploring the inside of your mouth, in preparation for future abuse.

John was still holding most of your body upside down against the wall, when he reached down with one hand, held the side of your face, and leaned his hip back slightly, pulling his saliva-covered cock out of your mouth and spreading it over your lips and cheek. He locked eyes with you and grinned, before taking his hand off your cheek and gently stroking his cock just above your face.

“Have you done this before? Your lips feel like you put some balm on them for me,” said John, stroking himself slightly faster. You knew you had no choice, but to lie there and take John’s gloating, until he was done. But, at least it would be over then.

You extended your tongue, and John responded by allowing you to lick his balls. The taste of his sweat filled your mouth, the musky scent began to fill your nostrils. You started gently swirling your tongue on his balls, one at a time, coating them in saliva that dripped back down onto your cheek as soon as you moved your tongue.

“Good boy, oh yeah… oh yeah. Do you ever make Claire do this to you? I’m getting payback for her, too, I guess!” John gloated, as you worshipped his balls, jerking even faster now.

“Hey, I bet Claire never did this,” John exclaimed gleefully. He pulled back so that his balls were above your forehead, his cock was above your nose pointing toward your mouth. “Close your eyes and your mouth,” John commanded, locking eyes with you.

You obeyed.

You felt outside yourself again; as though you were watching your own face with John’s cock and balls hovering over it and his face staring down at this handiwork.

“Fuuuuuck,” John hissed.

You felt hot, wet, sticky fluid hit your neck and run down your neck. Your nostrils filled with the familiar scent of John’s semen, and a second later, a larger squirt of thicker, hot cum landed on your right cheek and on your lips; then over the next few seconds, John dropped a few smaller squirts of thick cum on your left cheek and on your nose.

“Aaaah,” John sighed, and then said gently, “open your mouth,”

Again, you obeyed, with your eyes still shut. You felt John wipe his finger along your lip, depositing some thick globs of cum on the inside along your gums. They didn’t have time to work their way into your throat, as John placed his now-deflating cock inside your mouth, which brought its own passengers; whilst itself, still dropping fresh thick globs of jizz directly into your maw. The sizzling sensation and salty taste filled your mouth.

John was still holding you in this strange position, with most of your body still held upside down against the wall, you lay there submissively, whilst his cock continued to deflate and the drops of cum slowed. He pushed your legs apart and then rested his chin on your shorts directly above your anus. Cum was dripping down the side of your face and John’s smooth balls rested on your nose.

“Wrap your lips tight around my cock,” John said softly. The position was becoming uncomfortable, so naturally, you obeyed again. The reason became clear; he slowly pulled his cock out of your mouth. His cock became clean, having deposited the remaining globs of cum inside your lips, and your mouth became dirty having become the receptacle for his semen.

John locked eyes with you again. “Good boy,” he said, and then left the room. You slid backwards and lay on the floor, completely submitted, with John’s cum all over your face and neck.

The closing of the door seemed to bring you back to your senses once more. You put your hands on your face, as you realised you had made things worse. As you did that, though, you felt the cum spreading under your palms and realised you had better get to the bathroom before Claire came looking for you.

You knew this was just the start.



You woke up bleary eyed. When your eyes finally adjusted, you could see that it was 2:00am. Awoken by your need to go to the toilet, you left your room silently, not to wake Claire. As you crept down the corridor, wearing only a bathrobe, you noticed that John’s light was still on; he was usually fast asleep at this time. You took a piss and then exited the bathroom. Just as you were about to pass John’s door, it opened and he stepped out placing a palm flat on your chest, while he gently pushed you into the dining room.

Your heart pounded in your chest; everyone was asleep, and any one of them could have woken up to go to the bathroom or investigate a noise. Worst of all was that Claire was asleep in your bed, and may have come looking for you.

You were about to speak, but he put his finger over his lip to instruct you to be quiet. John was also wearing a bathrobe.

You wondered why he didn’t take you to his room or to the bathroom; those would have given more privacy. You chastised yourself when you realised you were more concerned about where you would be humiliated, rather than the fact you would be humiliated at all.

John pushed you back toward the dining table, until you were sitting on it. You were confused, as he walked around the table; he then put his hands on your shoulders until you were flat on your back on top of the table. He then took your hands and pulled you back, so that your head was hanging from the end of the table. The purpose became clear, as John untied his bathrobe, you could just make out his cock and balls and the bottom of his belly. He moved forward so that his cock and balls were level to your mouth, and then pulled your hands to the outside of his thick thighs. You immediately understood that this was allow you to hold on.

John took his flaccid cock in one hand, and placed his balls over your mouth, and the strong, musky scent of his balls, reached your nostrils.


You heard a quiet moan— but not from John. You came to the shocking realisation that you had just let out a moan, just as John moved his balls away from your face. You were barely able to see his grin in the dark, as he raised a finger to his lips. You were still in shock, as he moved his balls back over your mouth and nostrils, and started gently grinding on your face, rubbing his scent onto your lips.

You felt John’s other hand reaching down toward your waist, as he continued to rub himself on your face like an animal marking its territory. You felt a slight tug, and realised John was unfastening your bathrobe. He opened your robe, leaving your body exposed aside from your boxers. He laid his palm flat on your stomach and slowly drew it back to the centre of your chest, and then tapped his finger.

You opened your mouth and took John’s left ball in your mouth and soaked it in your saliva, whilst gently massaging it with your tongue. Somehow, you had developed conditioned responses— the finger tap meant something to you. There was no agreement of you taking his ball in your mouth either, but you reasoned that it made it easier to do a good job of licking it.

From the darkness, a large glob of saliva fell on John’s cock and he started stroking himself quickly, moving so that his saliva-soaked left ball came out of your mouth and rested on your cheek, whilst you performed the same service on the right one.

You could hear John’s excited breathing, as he pulled his ball out of your mouth and moved away slightly. With his soaked balls resting above your nose, and his fully erect cock resting on the bottom of your chin, you lay in the darkness with your mouth open.

John moved back again, the tip of his cock rested on the bottom of your nose. A large glob of saliva landed inside your upper lip, some of John’s spit flowed into your mouth. Some to the tip of his cock, and a small amount of that, into your nose. He wasn’t disguising his intent; your mouth was wet enough, but he enjoyed knowing you couldn’t (or wouldn’t) stop him.

He found your humiliation and submission very arousing, and that you couldn’t protest for fear of waking people up, was just icing on the cake.

He moved back slightly again, so that his cock and balls were no longer on your face; you obediently kept your hands on the back of his thighs. You could see him with an almost-evil grin and your heart started to race. You wondered what he was about to do, and stared at him wide eyed.

John placed both his hands on your cheeks, and used his thumbs to prompt you to close your mouth. He produced a big blob of saliva and let it dangle. You watched in wide-eyed terror, as the blob eventually broke free and landed on your lips. John massaged it into your lips messily, applying another glob completely unnecessarily, when he realised how horrified you were.

You were truly at his mercy; what could you do? Any noise, and someone would arrive to find you lying on a table, with a mostly naked John standing with his cock in your face. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment so intensely, you wondered if John could see them, even in the low light.

The second glob of spit was more for show, massaged arbitrarily around your cheeks. He then used his fingers to prompt you to open your mouth, and pushed your well-lubricated lips over your teeth.

The realisation set in, just before he started. He placed his hands on your cheeks again, and pushed his cock between your lips. Slowly, he started thrusting his hips. You could feel the heat coming from his cock, in contrast with his saliva cooling on your cheeks. You could feel his rock-hard shaft gliding between your soaked lips, and the velvet texture of his skin on your tongue.

John gently fucked your face whilst holding it in both hands, making you his personal fleshlight, as you lay there exposed on the table. You hoped that, because of the risk of getting caught, John would not torment you like this for long. You realised, though, in John’s view, nobody would wake up for a long time. Every second was ecstasy for John, and he made the most of it.

The sound of a door handle, down the hallway somewhere, caused your heart to thump like a bass drum. Light footsteps followed, and both you and John, became frozen. His cock was stationary, parked in between your lips, until the unknown person had entered the bathroom. To your utter horror, John began fucking your face gently again, as soon as the bathroom door closed. John removed one hand from your face and gently patted your chest, as though that would soothe your fear of being caught with his dick in your mouth.

The bathroom door opened once more, and the person again walked past the dining room. Your heart pounded as you were waiting for them to say something, but they simply kept walking and returned to their room.

You heard John quietly laughing with relief, as he moved his other hand back to your face, and he used both hands to keep your mouth at the best angle for him to fuck.

You lost track of time. John wanted to make sure you fully understood the situation, so, aside from breaks for John to “help” your lips to stay lubricated, and the occasional gag reflex when he went too deep, he persistently fucked your face.

A faint taste of salt and the sensation of a slimy lubricating fluid on your tongue, was the next thing you remembered, before John took his cock out of your mouth, causing a significant amount of saliva to follow, and start running over your cheeks. He removed his hands from your cheeks, and moved his body forward again, so that his balls rested on your chin. You instinctively started to massage the area behind his balls with your tongue.

You could hear John’s breathing intensify, as he began to quake. He placed one hand on your chest, and used the other to jerk off. His hand on your chest gripped tight, slightly painfully, and a second later, you felt hot cum spraying on your body all the way down at your belly button, followed by thicker cum landing on your chest. John removed his hand from your chest and placed it on your cheek again. You covered your teeth with your lips, just in time for John to slide his cock between them.

Instead of using his hand for the last few strokes, he used your lips. His now-free other hand was placed on your throat, gently holding you in place, as the final orgasmic contractions pulsed through John’s cock and your lips. You felt a small amount of those last, thickest globs of cum land on the roof of your mouth, as John’s thrusts became very slow. The salty taste of semen took a second to hit, the scent was unusually absent for a moment, until the smell started to arrive from the cum on your chest.

John relaxed as his breathing returned to normal, his hand still rested on your throat. He pulled his cock from your mouth gradually, his hand holding it, rather than allowing it to drag down your face. You closed your mouth, as the tip of his cock slipped out. John leaned back to make eye contact with you, and grinned before looking at your body. He admired his handiwork for a moment, and you lay there on the table with his spunk cooling on your body. He then looked back to your eyes, and wiped the tip of his cock on your lips to deposit the last drop of semen.

John left the room silently.

You listened to his footsteps recede, as a mixture of saliva and a small amount of semen rolled over your cheek. You got to your feet and made your way back to the bathroom. As you washed John’s semen from your neck, chest, and torso, you began to panic; why did you moan when that started? You explained to yourself that he would probably finish faster if you pretended to like it.

You finally got back to bed. John’s scent was still strong to your nostrils, his territory thoroughly marked. No amount of washing seemed to remove it, and you worried that Claire would detect it. John’s taste was still faintly in your mouth; there was no ignoring it.


Snack Time

“Are you all right? You seem a little distracted, honey,” your girlfriend asked you. You were playing cards with your girlfriend, Claire, John, and two other friends.

“Huh?” you replied, turning to look at her.

“Is it because John took your lucky chair?” she said, causing John to laugh.

John was down as usual, but you weren’t playing great yourself, either. Your girlfriend had told you earlier that John was boasting that he would be able to beat you because he had taken your lucky seat. This was typical John nonsense, so nobody thought anything of it.

Nobody, other than you, thought anything of it. John was sitting in the same chair he used the very first time you had to lick his balls as a forfeit.

“Balls!” exclaimed John loudly, laying down his cards, but unable to conceal a smile.

“Down again, J, you’re having a rough night!” your girlfriend commiserates John.

“Oh, as usual,” John says, laughing it off. “But, don’t worry, he’ll be going down soon, I have his chair,” John continued, pointing at you and smiling. You grinned back; somehow you avoided him all day, until this point, and here, you wouldn’t be alone together for the remainder of the evening.

“Let’s break for food, I am starving. Who wants to go get something?” John asked, and the group began chatting, eventually deciding to go and get takeaway. You sensed a trap and told everyone you weren’t hungry. John looked slightly disappointed.

The situation was getting out of hand. John enjoyed humiliating you as often as he could. It was a miracle that nobody had found out. He had sometimes trapped you more than once a day, to such an extent that your gag reflex had gotten weaker (to your horror and his delight).

A common event during this period of time, was opening your bedroom door in the morning to find John waiting on the other side. He had to get to class, so he would make you lie on your bed as he straddled your face, sometimes fully clothed, and blew a load directly onto your face. Sometimes only using the mouth forfeit to expedite cleaning his cock before simply leaving you lying in bed, with a fresh load dripping down your cheeks.

The group walked towards the door, and you heard the door open and then close after they had left. The sound of the door being locked, caused you to breathe a sigh of relief. You stood up and barely made it to the kitchen when you heard the door unlock.

“Okay, see you in five minutes! Thanks!” John yelled, walking in.

You froze on the spot, and heard John’s footsteps approach the room.

“Don’t worry, they’re grabbing me something,” he grinned, locking onto your eyes. “You must be starving,” he said, feigning concern, as he put a hand on your chest, and pushed you backwards into the common room. You felt a chair with the back of your knee, and sat down to avoid being bowled over.

“Your lucky chair, I knew it would make you go down,” John said, and then laughed mischievously. You stared directly up at John, not breaking eye contact, as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. You reflexively put your hands on the back of his thighs. Why do you keep making it easier for him, you thought to yourself.

Once again you felt like you were watching the scene unfold, but somehow everything seemed more surreal than before.

As that last thought passed through your head, you licked your lips to make them wet, and John put his flaccid penis in your mouth and started gently moving back and forth, causing it to slip out a few times. You recovered John’s cock with your mouth because you were afraid of him taking too long and being caught, you justified to yourself. You felt John grow inside your mouth until he was fully erect.

“Mmmm,” a disembodied voice seemed to moan from your throat, apparently pleased with itself.

“We have to be quick,” John said, as he placed a hand on the back of your head and started fucking your mouth quickly. You were grateful that he would be quick to help you avoid being caught doing this humiliating forfeit. He stared into your eyes, and you felt his cock pulse inside your mouth; he loved to look at your face during your desecration.

John pulled his cock from your mouth and jerked off vigorously, causing you to open your eyes wide in anticipation. As he locked eyes with you again, he said, “Don’t worry, I can’t make a mess now, but I’ll make up for it tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” you said to John, and instinctively wrapped your lips around his cock. Once again, it felt like you were watching the scene unfold, looking down on yourself, as you thanked a man who had just been fucking your face, and then wilfully enveloped his cock with your mouth.

“Oh, fuhhh,” John moaned in pleasure, caught completely by surprise by both you saying what you said, and then his cock slipping into your warm mouth. John fumbled and ended up just knocking the cup over. Then, he placed his hands on either side of your face, and began thrusting rapidly.

At that exact moment, you seemed to return to your body and your heart started racing with fear; John was about to blow a load over your face and the others would be back any minute. John was past the point of no return, and his hands squeezed your face like he was trying to press the juice from an orange. You felt a squirt of hot cum hit the roof of your mouth and then fall and pool under your tongue. You began to smell the cum, as the aroma made its way out through your nostrils, rather than in.

“Mmmhhh,” moaned John, as he struggled to silence himself; the thick main body of the load unloaded from his cock, like cement from a mixer, and filled your mouth enough, that you felt the cum flowing between your bottom teeth. The distinctive sizzling sensation, that you as a straight man shouldn’t have been accustomed to, could be felt throughout your entire mouth.

John’s thrusting slowed to a stop, his cock pushing out the last of his load into your mouth. This used to be the dreaded final humiliation when he unloaded all over your face, but now it was just adding insult to injury. Your mouth was full of John’s load, and his cock was also taking up space; you stared up into John’s eyes, worried that the cum would dribble out all over your chin and your clothes.

John stared down at you, with a look that you could only describe as exhilarated satisfaction. You could see the gears turning in his head; he would be thrilled at this desecration for several reasons. Firstly, you put your lips around his cock rather than him putting his cock in your mouth. Secondly, you were sitting in your “lucky chair” with his cock in your mouth. Lastly, his load being in your mouth was entirely your fault.

You felt humiliated, submitted, filthy— and grateful. Humiliated and submitted were obvious; your forfeit was ongoing and you were powerless to stop it. The seemingly impossible volume of semen in your mouth, made you feel filthy and your salivation seemed to somehow increase the volume without reducing the flavour. You felt grateful because, even though John accidentally knocked the cup over, he still spared you from a facial.

“So keen to get your lips on my dick, eh? You remember this is a forfeit and you’re not supposed to enjoy it?” John said, with a mischievous smile. You could only furrow your eyebrows in protest.

“A full load in your mouth, I really got some revenge for your girlfriend now. How does is it taste? I REALLY want to drag this out,” John continued to gloat, and at that moment, you could have sworn his dick started to grow again. You began to panic at the mess that would make, but the word “girlfriend” seemed to remind John of the impending return of the group, and he began to look around the table.

At that moment, both you and John heard the rattle of a key entering the lock of the dorm doorway. John reached for something on the table at the same time you made your lips slightly tighter around his cock and drew your head back. John’s cock came out clean, and you locked eyes again, as you gulped down his massive load and then licked the residual cum from your lips and swallowed.

John stood frozen for a moment with a look of ecstasy, as your voice spoke, “Thanks for cumming in my mouth.” The moment was broken by the sound of the dorm door, voices and footsteps approaching the room.

“Fuck, fuck,” muttered John, who managed to stuff his semi-erect cock back into his pants, quite literally at the same moment that your girlfriend and friends walked into the room carrying takeaway food.

“Hey, what are you two idiots up to?” your girlfriend jested, from behind John. You were still looking up at John, as his eyes darted from side to side, before he put on a broad, comical smile and turned around to respond.

A certain level of shock still paralysed you. You struggled to comprehend what had just happened, and to move on to the events that were currently happening.

“Oh, he promised to give me a blowjob if I gave him his chair back! But you’ve come back and ruined it!” John said loudly, making a joke that that was too close to the truth. You weren’t giving him a blowjob, he was just putting his dick in your mouth because of the forfeit, you thought to yourself, before a mental conflict started to set in. Did you just give him a blowjob, you thought to yourself, as John desperately tried to cover for you.

“…Uhhh, so, instead, he will have to chug this entire beer!” John said, as he grabbed a beer from the table and handed it to you with his eyes opened wide. As you snapped back to reality, you realised the hot, slimy load that slid down your throat was gone, but you probably didn’t want to be breathing on anyone, just yet.

“Ahhh Jesus, all right, but only because I suck at cards tonight,” you reply loudly, grabbing the beer from John’s hand, and chugging it down— swishing the last mouthful around your mouth.

“You do suck,” John replied, with a mischievous grin on his face. You looked over to him, as he had gone to take the seat you were on before, and noticed he was bulging against his trousers.

Thank god they got back when they did; he was ready for round two, you thought to yourself. Lucky escape.


Mirror Mirror

—flp, flp, flp—

You came to understand the series of events that led to this point. You didn’t think John could have humiliated you any more given the forfeits. Two forfeits— having to lick his balls, and letting him put his dick in your mouth. Neither forfeit with conditions nor a time limit. The first time wasn’t your fault; you just assumed that it would only happen once. The second time you didn’t ask for one.

—flp, flp, flp—

John had arrived in your room that morning, you didn’t lock the door anymore. You justified it to yourself by saying he was just going to be waiting behind it anyway, so letting him enter was just saving time.

—flp, flp, flp—

You remembered waking up and seeing him putting a tall dressing mirror next to your bed, before you could even protest or question it, he had straddled you on your bed. You had time to notice that he was completely naked, before he put his balls above your lips and you started painting them with your saliva.

“Mmmmhhh,” you moaned gently, as the scent of his balls filled your nostrils, and the taste tingled on your tongue. You no longer suppressed this, obviously, just because you wanted him to cum faster.

—flp, flp, flp—

He moaned loudly, as he dropped his morning load all over your cheeks and lips. You thanked him for dropping his hot, sticky load on your face so quickly; you were grateful that it was over so soon.

“Oh don’t worry, I don’t need to be anywhere today,” John said, smirking, as he turned to look in the mirror. He climbed off of you and moved the mirror so that it was facing the mirror on your cabinet. He grabbed your legs and dragged you off of the bed and onto your knees, the load on your face slowly dripped down, some eventually falling off of your chin and onto your chest.

—flp, flp, flp—

As you looked in the mirror, you noticed that he had angled the mirror in such a way that you could see yourself kneeling before his dick, and he could see most of your body. You could only look on in horror, as you watched your own reflection have a set of balls gently ground into your cum-plastered face, and then start to lick those balls.

“flp flp flp – that was the sound it made” read a text from John, gleefully describing the sound of his balls slapping your chin, as he fucked your face with his semi-erect cock. The attached video seemed to prove it.

John had stripped away all resistance. You were on your knees licking the cum from his balls, cum his balls had picked up from your face, whilst he was grinding against your face after your morning facial.

“You know what might help? If you pull down your shorts,” John said, looking at your butt in the mirror whilst you were servicing one of his balls in your mouth.

You leaned forward and slid your shorts down. Looking up at John’s eyes, you could see this excited him, as he started to jerk just a little faster. You felt happy, he was more aroused at your submission, so he would cum sooner.

“Mmmm… wonder how long it’ll be before I own that, too,” John said, pulling his ball from your mouth and replacing it with his cock. You moaned gently, as he started to fuck your mouth. He started gently, working his cock deep into your mouth. He told you that maintaining control of the gag reflex would help you with your forfeit; you were grateful for his help. He fucked your face for a while, the aforementioned noise started when saliva began leaking from your mouth and getting onto his balls. From his balls, it dripped down and ran down your chest.

You let out loud, pleasured moans, just for effect, obviously, as John sped up. He pulled his cock out of your mouth; it was literally dripping with saliva that went all over your face and chest, as John grabbed your head and pulled it toward his balls.

“Pull your ass cheeks apart,” John said, causing you to feel intense humiliation. “I own your mouth anyway, you might as well.”

You reached and parted your ass cheeks, for him to see in the mirror. He jerked hard as he pulled your head out from under his balls. You watched in horror, as John’s reflection dropped a second load on top of the remnants of the first one still on your reflection’s face. You looked directly up at John, who was grinning wildly.

“Open up,” John commanded, and you opened your mouth as he slid his cock in. “Take a good look in the mirror,” said John. You peered into the mirror and saw yourself with John’s cock in your mouth; a mixture of old and new cum running down your face, with your butt hanging out for John.

You felt intense humiliation, seeing yourself desecrated like that, especially since John proved his statement about owning your mouth. He was using it to satisfy himself, whenever he could.

John watched, as you looked in the mirror, the sight of you broken and humiliated before him, filling him with ecstasy. You felt John’s cock start to throb gently, and he started to become erect again. Shocked, you looked away from the reflection and up into his eyes, which only aroused the owner of your mouth even more.

The day was long, and he left the mirror in your room when he left.



Somehow, through all of the abuse, your girlfriend hadn’t found out, John hadn’t told anyone, and the humiliation was private. John loved to make inside jokes about it in company, though — once stating, “He’s a greedy boy, he ate already,” as you ordered food whilst out with everyone else, making an obvious reference to the time he managed to angle himself so nearly his entire load went into your mouth during a ball-polishing session, much to his amusement, as you lay on the floor choking and retching from cum-laden tonsils.

It had been a few days since John’s last visit, long enough to start worrying about school and other mundane things. Whenever you met him in passing in the dorm, he seemed to be distracted, part of you was wondering if he was all right.

John had humiliated you in ways you never thought possible, he had quite an imagination which he applied to the forfeits. You wondered if he was feeling guilt.

On Wednesday night, whilst filling out some boring questionnaire, you get a text from John, “hey, could you come through? I want to show you something.”

“Hey man wha—” you stopped, and your eyes narrowed. You had entered the room and John was sitting in front of his computer, and clearly masturbating. He had tissues at the ready, and had a big, wide grin on his face.

“Check this out,” he said, gesturing toward the screen.

You approached the computer and saw a big banner. “Str8slave” you read the banner in a completely unamused tone.

“Oh fuck off, John, this is—” you said, but cutting yourself off mid-sentence. The video played and you heard some basic plot, it sounded like some dominator-type gay guy had taken an electrical store employee to the disabled bathroom, and was trying to talk them into a blowjob.

“Here, I don’t want you getting uncomfortable,” John said flatly, as he put a pillow between his legs. Being well conditioned, you got on your knees and crawled to John’s already-erect penis. You put out your tongue and moved toward his balls. There was no token resistance anymore, it was always best that you got to work, so that he could finish and let you go.

“Haha, good boy… but start up top,” John said, staring down over his belly at you.

“Thrlp, thrlp, thrlp,” you could hear from the porno; it seemed like the electrical store employee was well disciplined, and the master spoke, “That’s right, baby, work it for daddy.”

You could smell cum already and the head of his cock was producing fresh pre-cum. You looked back up at John, and he locked eyes with you.

“This video is kinda short, you don’t want me to have to leave it in there while I find another one, do you?” John asked.

You opened up your mouth and slowly lowered your head, you felt the head of John’s cock slide between your lips and along your tongue to the back of your throat.

The slurping sound from the porn video began to increase in speed, and John seized the back of your head, and began to thrust his cock into your mouth in time with the slurps. You remembered that your girlfriend cupped her tongue under your cock during a blowjob, so you did the same just so that it would be over sooner.

“Oh yeah, that’s a good boy,” John said, reacting to feeling your tongue stimulating the bottom of his shaft. You felt pre-cum oozing out of his cock and coating the top of your tongue. That familiar tingle and taste on your tongue, caused you to moan once more.

John sighed with pleasure, looked into your eyes and said, “Dick licked, as well as a ball polished.” You felt yourself turn slightly red with embarrassment, which only aroused John more.

“Oh, what’s the matter?” He grinned, “Come on, it’s not like you’ve had your lips around my cock more often than you’ve had lips around yours… oh wait.” You felt your face turning scarlet, John’s cock throbbed intensely upon noticing this, and he moaned with pleasure, as his eyes rolled back in his head.

“Haha, well don’t worry about that. As long as you haven’t taken more loads than you’ve produced,” John said with an evil grin; somehow, his cock started to feel even bigger than usual. “If you have taken more loads than you’ve produced, though, maybe it’s time to just give up…” and paused for a moment, to pick his next insult, before saying, “… cum slut.”

Your humiliation was absolute. John had correctly asserted that you spent far more time with a cock in your mouth, than with your cock in someone else’s mouth. Even worse, he pointed out that he often dropped more than one load a day on you or in your mouth.

You heard the master in the video talking, “You see, if you train them well enough, they don’t need much instruction, look how this boy sucks,” followed by loud slurping noises.

You lifted John’s hands from the back of your head.

“Huh,” John said, with a shocked and concerned look on his face. “Are you okay?” John asked with genuine concern; he hadn’t worried about going too far for a while, and maybe it had finally happened.

You began to move your own head back and forth in time with the slurping from the video, moaning gently as you did. Being absolutely humiliated, you then became absolutely submissive.

“Wow…” John said, and let out a little laugh. For a brief moment, you felt a little bit of pride, but you dash it aside; you were just doing this to fulfil the forfeit— what the hell was that. You began to make quiet slurping noises, as you brought your wet lips and tongue up and down John’s shaft.

As the slurps from the video increased in tempo, you instinctively started to move your head up and down faster. John had gone completely silent, and all you could see was the bottom of his belly and his cock right up until it disappeared under your nose. Suddenly, John started to tremble, you kept working his cock with your mouth.

“Urgghh!!! Oh my god yeah… yeah…. I’m going to blow!” John screamed, and began to convulse violently. John suddenly gripped the back of your head with one hand. John blew the first squirt of his orgasm onto the roof of your mouth, you tasted that tingling salty mess as it soaked your tongue. Somehow, you could smell it too, as if John was filling your entire head with his jizz. The following two squirts flooded your mouth with thick cum, and this was followed by a few final slops, as John’s orgasm came to an end.

“Uhhh… man oh god…” John began to relax, as his cock began to shrink inside your mouth. He pulled his cock out of your mouth kind of quickly; he was still shaking from the orgasm, and this caused some cum to dribble out, which ended up on your chin, as well as his cock and his balls. John stared at you, mouth agape, as you stared him in the eyes, and opened your mouth to show him his load and then you swallowed and licked your lips. John remained stunned, as you then licked his balls clean of cum, visually swallowing it as he watched. You then licked every side of his cock, swallowing any cum that was left.

“Thank you,” you said to John. You felt good after sucking his cock and swallowing his load; obviously, he wanted you to act like a cum slut, so you did— to get it over quicker. He helped you with that “advice”, and also with giving up any notion that you should attempt anything other than making sure your mouth was good for its owner.

Quite far from the panic he previously had, John knew that to get the best use out of your mouth he should “twist the knife” immediately.

“Thanks for the blowjob…. You know the deal was only that I could put my dick in your mouth, right?” John said, as he laughed maniacally.

You froze, and thought what the fuck did you just do? You looked up to John’s eyes, as he put his flaccid manhood into your mouth. You were overcome with humiliation, as John pulled out his phone and started taking a video.

“Smile, CUMSLUT,” John said, pulling his semi-erect cock out of your mouth with his hand, and placing it over your chin and bottom lip. Broken, you smile sweetly and stare at the camera lens. John places his cock and balls in, on and around your mouth, as he moves around with the camera. He had you open your mouth and placed his now-erect cock along your chin so that the tip is on your bottom lip, he takes a short clip, as he dropped a big glob of saliva directly into your mouth, before putting his cock in. You wrap your lips around his cock and stare at the lens, your tongue swirling a mixture of his and your saliva around the head of his cock.

The images and videos were the secondary purpose; John’s primary interest with the camera was just to humiliate you further, which both aroused him and caused you to be more compliant. The fact he had the images and videos would be useful for that purpose later.

“So… I’m going to play some fortnite,” John announced, and as you anticipated, there was more humiliation to come. “Get on your knees under my desk, and keep my dick warm,” he commanded.

You crawled, feeling his eyes on you every bit of the way, under his desk. John rolled his chair forward and you opened your mouth and took his cock into it, moaning as his shaft slid inside your mouth, as you started to massage it with your tongue.

He pulled the keyboard tray over your head, leaving you in darkness. His cock throbbed between your lips. You could hear keys clacking; John was up to something. How could he humiliate you further?

Fifteen minutes passed, and the keyboard tray was pushed back in.

John grinned and stared down at you. “I wrote to that gay master guy telling him how you became my cock slave,” John said, his cock throbbing intensely.

“Let me re—start sucking— let me read it to you,” John said. You began sucking, licking and slurping like a cumslut again. John didn’t reveal any details that could identify you, but he described each humiliating ordeal he put you through. You moaned at the climax of each event, when John finally reached the end, it led to what was to happen next.

“I told him that if he was swallowing more loads than he was blowing, then he should probably give up. He did. He started sucking me like a good little cock-slut; he took my load in his mouth, and then licked me clean. He’s actually sucking me right now, about to swallow another load before I send him back. Please send some suggestions on what I can get my little slut to do next.”

You moaned and sucked as fast as you could, with John looking down to lock eyes with you. John didn’t even need to move this time, shooting his load into your mouth. You let the entire load drip down his shaft and balls rather than swallowing it straight away; you had to show how much you appreciated him helping you, so you licked it all up one stroke at a time, as he took pictures and clips.

True to the letter, John released you to return to your room and go to sleep. You felt content and slept well, you had done a good job. You had an erection, though, so you needed to deal with that first.


Next Steps

Eventually, after receiving the nickname “dick bag”, and John having face-fucked you, and leaving you cum-breathed just before a tutor visit— you returned to your senses. This had to stop. John admitted that he was aroused by your humiliation; referring to the situation as being like having a self-lubricating mouth fleshlight. This, of course, humiliated you and aroused him, and the conversation was continued after a quick throat-fucking.

You didn’t know this at the time, but John believed you may be getting something from the situation even if, consciously or subconsciously, you weren’t able to accept it.

John, having an infinite supply of mischief, but also being good at heart, agreed, but on the condition that he be allowed complete (or cumplete, as he giggled during his explanation) control of you for a whole hour, after which you were totally free to plot revenge.

But would you? Continued in the next chapter.


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