A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 05

A gay story: A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 05

“IGGY!” Way called out to Ignis as he approached the car, hoping that Way had brought his coat because it was very cold outside. When Ignis turned around, he realized he was in trouble – he was surrounded by two men, felt a sharp prick on his neck, and everything started to become blurry. Despite his attempts to break free, the drug was too powerful and he drifted into unconsciousness. He heard Way call out his name in agony before losing consciousness. Ignis later regained awareness to find himself tied to a bed, blindfolded (but able to see through the fabric slightly), and stripped of his clothes. He was initially provided with food and water, but was then left alone by the kidnappers who were trying to extract information from him. Despite their attempts, Ignis refused to cooperate and was able to eventually free himself from his restraints and escape the house, only to be recaptured and assaulted. The next time he regained consciousness, Ignis found himself confined in a van.

They travelled non-stop for almost a month. He was given old clothes and would throw food into the van from the small window at the driver’s side.

He was allowed to use the washroom in one of their pit stops, only late at night, which was always off road and lonely.

After weeks of this routine, Ignis got an opportunity when he was left alone and sneaked out of the window, kidnappers were nowhere to be seen or found as he stumbled barefoot outside and made his bearings.

He walked for 2 hours down a dirt track to a paved road and was caught up by the kidnappers. They were laughing at him as they followed him all the way. He cut up his feet walking barefoot down the dirt road full of rocks and sharp prickly plants and weeds and they were enjoying it by following him.

They started joking about him wearing lace underwear when they kidnapped him and made jokes about Way, the big red head model who was nothing but a useless crybaby. This made Ignis mad and he attacked them, beating them bloody and getting beaten unconscious.

When he woke up, he was in pain and far away from the last place, wearing only a windbreaker, boxers and bare feet. It took a while for him to start concentrating on where they were taking him.

They drugged him whenever he was taken out from the van to the hideout and back. Food was given in the van and bathroom breaks was now only behind the van after his attempt to escape.

He put together that they were on the CanAm Highway, which connects Mexico to Canada through the United States. They were taking rounder routes and going from within towns but travelling along the US 85 and I-25, passing from Saskatchewan, he had tried his escape in North Dakota. He wasn’t sure but Ignis guessed they passed Wyoming and definitely Colorado because he had seen them passing Chatfield Dam when a sandwich was thrown from the driver side window.

They had snatched his chain for money after an argument with someone on the phone about dwindling funds.

“Give the locket back!” These were the only words Ignis spoke in months.

The kidnappers started laughing and punched him hard on the chest and stomach. One of them heated the locket with his lighter and burnt the ‘W’ into Ignis’s chest.

Ignis welcomed the pain, he had decided to reach Way or die trying and his mark on him was a reminder.

He lost track of time because after the chain incident, the beatings were too frequent and more brutal, food less and bathroom breaks when they wanted.

Finally on the night they were caught, he was forcefully fed medicines in the van and dragged out to a large empty space, that’s when the sirens went off.

It’s Way, Ignis thought, he has found me… he is here to save me, he tried to take his name, wanting Way to find him.


Way… Way… “Way!” Ignis mumbled and started moving on the bed.

And then his spiralling world suddenly came to a stop, one word … one voice and he was anchored to his life… he felt his hands touching his face, his lips kissing his cheeks, “Iggy!” He whispered close to Ignis.

“Doc!” Ignis swallowed trying to make his dry throat work.

“Ohh! Baby! Ohh! Iggy!” Way kissed him all over his face.

Ignis opened his eyes and the face that kept him alive through his ordeal came into focus, those blue eyes behind the glasses, he wasn’t sure if this was again a dream or drug laden hallucination. He raised his arm and Way held his hand in his, interlacing their fingers.

“Es cierto, It ‘s you!” Ignis whispered. “Yes Baby! It’s me… you are back with me now… it’s all good now… it’s perfect!” Way cried and kissed Ignis on his lips, nose, cheeks and forehead.

“You have grown a beard! I like it! Te ves sexy!” Ignis touched and felt the coppery hair on Way’s face.

“Look at you with this long hair! I want to grab it hard and fuck your ugly ass!” Way’s voice broke as he kept kissing his husband’s face and lips.

“Hmmm … ya.. You do that… Quiero que me folles duro!” Ignis lost consciousness but he had a smile on his face… he had found his Way.


Though all warnings told everyone to stay indoors, Ignis was putting his black raincoat on, a plastic bag of dry food, a crate of water bottles and a hammer packed at the door of their apartment. There was no way he was going to be home waiting for the cyclone to pass while Way was out there. It was okay till Way was in the hospital but then after a 40 hour gruelling schedule, he had called Ignis, “Iggy! I need to see you! There is so much happening and so many people are hurt and the hospital is packed with people who were already homeless or lost their homes in this disaster.” Way sighed, running his fingers through his hair and rubbing his neck. “I am coming to you. Some of the doctors have reached and taken over, all of us who were here when this started are relieved. I am not going to sleep here!” He said stubbornly. “I have to be with you!” He held the phone between his ear and shoulder, packing his things as he spoke with his man. He took a pause and looked at the ‘I’ tattooed on his ring finger, instinctively kissing it. “I am coming home!”

That was three hours ago and since Way’s phone had lost network, Ignis kept pacing the house, rubbing the ‘W’ pendant with his fingers. Then he kissed it like it was scared, got dressed and started packing stuff, if he and Way had to camp out someplace.

Only when he reached the lobby by taking the stairs, did Ignis understood the impact of what was happening outside, making his resolve to get to Way stronger. The cyclone caused torrential flooding across the road with nonstop rainfall. He comprehended why this flash flooding caused damage to many homes, businesses, vehicles, roads and bridges, in addition to several fatalities, you had to see it to fully believe the disaster it had caused.

He put the stuff he was carrying with dry clothes in a waterproof zip locked bag for him and Way, in his small car and started the engine, paddling through the ankle deep flowing flood water.

After around half the distance from the hospital, Ignis had to stop the car behind a bumper to bumper jam. He got out of the car, put on the raincoat, packed the clothes and another raincoat in his backpack and crossed the road and started walking, trying Way’s number continuously, as it kept raining, hitting his face with the force of a hailstorm.

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