A Favor for a Friend Ch. 02


A gay sex stories: A Favor for a Friend Ch. 02 I hadn’t wanted it to become a thing. Those words echoed through my mind again and again. They were repeated in my brain each time I would “help” my friend Chase.

My ‘help’ was helping him get his rocks off. At first it was just the one time. It had greatly improved his attitude after weeks of helplessness due to his broken wrists and hands. Then it had happened again. Afterwards his attitude and personality had greatly improved again, and my friend Chase had pretty much reverted back to his old self, minus the manual dexterity.

A couple more weeks had ticked by. His visit to the doctor revealed it would still be a couple more weeks in the casts. His requests for my help had steadily increased to every time I went over to his house. I had tried to gently refuse, but he had convinced me to continue.

“Please Brad. It’s just until I’m out of these casts. What’s the big deal? You’ve helped me out a few times already. Be a buddy and help me out again, huh?”

It had progressed to making him cum once when I arrived at his house and once more before I left to go home. His attitude now versus when he was angry, frustrated, and horny was like comparing night and day. Now when I arrived, I would head straight to his master bath where he would be waiting naked and ready sitting on the edge of his tub. Once I would get him off, I would help him get dressed for the day.

Today was no different. I arrived at Chase’s house, knocked on the front door, and walked inside. Chase was nowhere to be seen so I went directly to the master bathroom to see if he was in there. He was naked and trying to dry off on his own. Apparently the health aide he hired had left him only half dry again.

“I’d probably fire her if she wasn’t so cute and perky.” Chase grumbled as he saw me enter.

I knew his sour demeanor would be changing shortly. I grabbed a towel from where it hung and started drying him off a little. As he initially turned around I grasped his turgid member and gently started my ritualistic stroking of his meat.

“Maybe I should be dried off first.” he said.

“It’s up to you. I was just skipping to the part you’re usually in a hurry to get to.” I replied.

“Well, safety is overrated anyway.” he hurriedly agreed.

I lowered myself to my knees onto the fluffy, cushioned floor mat. Chase had apparently made that change after I complained about the hard tile floor. As I manipulated his organ, Chase let out a contented sigh. I briefly looked up to see his eyes closed and head tilted back a little, obviously enjoying the sensation.

“Damn that’s good. I’ll never grow tired of this.” he whispered.

“Only until you get your hands back buddy.” I corrected.

I continued to stroke my friend as he rested his hands on my shoulders. He leaned over me a little as I worked him over. Suddenly his weight shifted and his foot slipped on the wet tile floor. Chase was unsteadily propelled forward into me. There was a wall behind me and nowhere to retreat to.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed as Chase slid closer.

My head bumped into the wall behind me and rebounded forward. Chase’s cock moved forward into my open mouth as he tried to stop from falling. His body pushed my head back up against the wall again and his cock stopped while halfway into my mouth, my lips stretched around his girth.

“Stop moving!” Chase hissed. “I don’t want to fall and break anything worse.”

I tried to stay still while my friend’s cock was still intruding into my oral personal space. As Chase regained his footing and steadied himself, he stepped onto the floor mat and finally stood upright.

My hands had moved to his waist to catch him, but now I started pushing back to get him away and out of me.

“Stop! You’re gonna make me fall!” Chase ordered.

I tried to relax and just hold him in place. After a few seconds of shifting to steady himself more, I noticed that Chase had mostly stopped moving. I say mostly because his hips seemed to have other ideas. Chase was moving his hips ever so slightly, causing his cock to slip in and out of my mouth just the smallest amount. My saliva coated his rod as the movement became more pronounced.

“Just stay right there Brad. Don’t move.”

I couldn’t move backwards because of the wall, and couldn’t move forward unless I planned on swallowing more of Chase’s tool.

My predicament was not lost on my friend, and neither was the opportunity. Chase held his cast clad hands on either side of my head and gently started thrusting little by little. Once I realized what he was doing I tried to voice my protests, but only muffled sounds came out from around his cock.

“Damn Brad. I thought your hands felt great, but your mouth feels even better.” he whispered harshly above me. “I really appreciate you helping me when I needed it most. You have no idea what this helplessness has been like.”

Chase never stopped moving his hips as he thanked me. His cock intruded further and further with each thrust. I seemed to be accommodating his meat easier now. I initially coughed and gagged a little at first, but quickly learned to handle it as Chase had fought to regain his balance.

I stopped resisting and let Chase do what he wanted. My hands remained on his hips but were no longer pushing him away, even though they weren’t helping him either. Chase recognized my surrender to the situation, and slowly but gently continued to use my mouth as he wished.

“That’s right Brad. Just keep still and let me have it. Let me do this.”

Chase’s thrusts became longer and more forceful the longer I remained on my knees in front of him. His breathing changed and I could tell he was approaching his climax. I was relieved it was almost over. I continued to taste the precum which had previously always leaked all over my hand. This time my saliva was the lube for his continued gliding movements.

“I’m close Brad. I promised to let you know, so consider yourself warned.” he growled as he fucked my mouth. His grunting signaled he was right at the edge.

Chase leaned back a little, which made me look up at him. As I met his gaze he decided to appeal to the movie buff in me with a Star Trek reference.

“Resistance is futile.” he quipped.

Chase slid the full length of his weapon into my mouth and held it there as he also held my gaze. There was a feral look in his eyes as he held my head with his cast covered hands. His cum followed. I felt his cock spasm as he shot each stream into my mouth and down my throat. I coughed a little and slightly choked at the surprise ending, but once again I quickly recovered. I swallowed as much as I could as quickly as I could, but when he thrust in and out again his cum leaked out around his glistening shaft. Chase closed his eyes and let his head roll back as he rode out his orgasm. Even after his cock had stopping shooting, he continued slowly thrusting.

“Just stay right there Brad. Don’t move. I’m not quite done yet.”

Chase’s cock softened a little, but he kept slowly moving in and out of my compliant mouth. He just stayed there enjoying the feeling, basking in his conquest, no matter the circumstances we had arrived there from.

Finally, and with great reluctance, Chase backed away. He turned and leaned his back against the cold bathroom wall, not sure if he could remain standing on his own. I was shaky myself, overwhelmed by what had just happened. I retreated to the living room, not sure what to do next.

After a few minutes Chase followed. He was still naked, holding his clothes under his arm. He plopped down on the couch and looked at me as I tried to process the events that had just occurred.

“I’d put some clothes on, but I still can’t manage that on my own just yet.” he simply stated.

I finally found my voice again. “What the hell, Chase?!” I loudly demanded.

“I’m sorry!” he started. “We’ll, I’m not sorry it happened, but I’m sorry it happened that way. I fantasized that differently.”

“You WHAT?!”

Chase raised his hands defensively, hoping to calm me down. “You know what I mean. You’ve been jerking me off, did you really think I wouldn’t wish for more? I’m a guy Brad. We’re always two steps farther then what we’ll admit to.”

My outrage deflated slightly. He was right. That is just how guys think. You give an inch, guys will wish they could take a mile. Some guys would take that mile. Apparently Chase was one of those guys.

“Look, ever since you’ve been helping me I’ve thought about asking for a little more. I didn’t want to push it because I know you don’t swing that way. I would call what happened today a happy accident, but it was an accident.”

I reluctantly accepted his explanation and apology. The only real choices were to accept it or storm out. I think it was a little too late for me to effectively storm out.

“Now do you think you could help me get dressed?” he asked.

I was distracted for the rest of the day. I don’t recall a single show or movie we watched. I know food was delivered, but I had no clue what we had. When it was time for me to go, nothing was said and Chase didn’t ask for his nightly “help”. I only realized that once I got home.

I still went back the next day. I felt more normal again when I knocked on his door and let myself in. Surprisingly Chase was already dressed and on the couch.

“Morning Brad. Feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I answered.

“Cool. Hey, before you sit down, grab me a Coke from the fridge.”

I headed to the kitchen and got a couple of drinks. Before I sat down on the couch, I opened Chase’s, put the extended straw in, and placed it in easy reach for him. I saw him watching as I did all this with a calculating look on his face. Our binge watching commenced for the day. Only a few minutes into the first episode of the first season of the series we had decided to watch, the buzzer on the washing machine went off.

“Hey Brad, go ahead and stick that stuff in the dryer. Thanks.”

As I returned I saw that same look on his face from before. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I didn’t see any reason to bring it up. The day went by more or less uneventfully. I drove Chase to grab something to eat. Instead of us agreeing on a restaurant after a brief conversation, he simply told me what we were going to go get. When I didn’t argue, I saw that same look.

As the night wound down, I was looking at my watch to see what time I needed to head out. Chase took notice as usual and flipped the TV over to a porn channel. This had become the end of the night ritual when I would “help” him out before I left. Chase reclined his portion of the couch back and I moved over his way to what had become my normal nightly helping spot. I noted that he didn’t even ask this time, even though he always had before. He wasn’t even watching the screen, he was watching me as I reached over and started moving his shorts down. Chase arched his back and lifted his ass so I could get his shorts completely out of the way. I had learned to just take them off, as he would be going to bed after I left anyways.

As my hand started rubbing his quickly hardening phallus, he sighed and moaned a little, but kept watching me. It was weirding me out a little bit. Chase had always watched the porn on the screen as I did my part, but suddenly that had now changed without explanation. I kept my eyes glued to my actions, purposefully avoiding meeting his gaze. I rubbed and fondled and stroked his lance as he sat back and enjoyed it all.

“I’m going to need you to use your mouth again Brad.” Chase simply said. “Get down there and suck me off.”

Everything stopped. I finally glanced at him, and there was that calculating look again. My hand still held his shaft, but remained unmoving. I opened my mouth to protest, but initially no sound emerged. As I tried again Chase cut me off.

“I know what you’re gonna say. You don’t do that, you don’t swing that way, and the last time was the only time, which was by accident. You’re right Brad, but you’ve been helping me this whole time, it did happen before, and regardless of the reason it did, I need you to do it again.”

My mouth hung open as Chase played out the argument. He watched as I struggled with the decision, and slightly smiled as my head finally moved towards him.

I held his cock still as I opened my mouth and started to descend upon it. Chase moaned loud and long and out of the corner of my eye I saw him pick up the remote and turn off the TV.

“I don’t need porn on TV. I’ve got a free show right in front of me.” Chase joked. “Keep going Brad. You’re doing fine.”

I bobbed up and down as I tried to swallow his entire length. One hand held his cock and stroked it as it went in and out of my mouth. My other hand groped his balls, and the sounds he made let me know I seemed to be doing it right and that he appreciated it all.

“Yeah, right there Brad. That feels good. You sure seem to know what you’re doing. I want you to know how grateful I am that you’d do all this to help me. I won’t forget it.”

Chase lay back and let me do it all. He didn’t hold my head, he didn’t guide the action, and he didn’t control the pace. Since I was doing it for his benefit he was letting me do it how I wanted, except for the demand of using my mouth.

Minutes passed with the only sounds being his moaning and the wet sounds from my mouth and hand. It was a lewd and vulgar symphony, and my cock was as hard as Chase’s.

I picked up the pace, wondering to myself why I hadn’t tried to get him to cum as quickly as possible before. He gasped anew at the change, and I could feel his balls tighten up. He was close to cumming, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“As promised Brad…I’m close. I’m really close. Are you ready there buddy? I can’t hold off much longer.”

His groans got deeper and more guttural. Once I heard that I tried to back off. As I lifted up, my head bumped against the solid surface of Chase’s cast. He had anticipated that move and was there to make sure I finished the job the way he wanted. I looked up at him and saw him watching me intently.

“Keep going Brad. You know what’s next. Get ready. Here it comes. Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes!”

His cast encased hand pushed down until my head lowered and engulfed his meat once more.

“Here it comes Brad…here’s my cum!” he growled.

His cock swelled a bit more just before his hot load burst forth. My lips could feel his flesh throb at each shot. I struggled to swallow it all, but since this was his second orgasm of the day, it was more manageable. Once he finished shooting, Chase seemed to melt in his reclined position with a heavy and satisfied sigh. His hand moved from my head and he continued to watch as I finished milking him dry.

“Wow! That was better than last time.” Chase praised. “Your mouth is a million times better than your hands. I’m glad you let me find that out.”

Chase couldn’t leave it at that though. He always had to make the inappropriate jokes. “Remember, if you’re ever agreeable, you could let me try out that ass of yours. I would even take you out to dinner first. Maybe I’d get you liquored up to get your inner slut to come out and play.”

“Keep dreaming broken boy.” I retorted.

A short time later I was driving home, going over the events from the past couple of weeks in my mind. I couldn’t fathom why I had agreed to any of this, no matter how good of a friend he was. There was a light at the end of the tunnel though. A couple more weeks for the casts to come off, and things would finally get back to normal. My cock was nearly tearing through my jeans wanting attention, but I ignored it for the remainder of my commute.


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