A Favor for a Friend Ch. 04


A gay sex stories: A Favor for a Friend Ch. 04 My buddy Chase had been in a car accident and the aftermath had definitively changed our friendship. His injuries had led to casts which had largely incapacitated his hands. Being a good friend that I am, I helped him out as much as I could. I had been a regular at his house for years, and initially my lending him a hand at his home had morphed into sexual episodes. This ended up creating the new dynamic in our friendship consisting of the classic “friends with benefits”.

I had known for a long time that Chase swung both ways. He knew that I did not. Neither of us had any issues with the other’s preferences, but Chase had pushed me, either inadvertently or possibly by design, into crossing the fence while helping him. As much as I hate labels, categorizing Chase as bisexual was simple enough. My own status was now questionable though. I still considered myself straight, with the exception of my encounters with Chase.

Chase had a healthy sense of humor but that had changed a little as well. Whereas before was good natured ribbing and sometimes even slapstick comedy, now there was an element of sexual innuendo and risqué suggestions. Trash talk during video games was now more daring and explicit. He now meant it when I would win and his response would be ‘”suck my dick”. Or I would be rummaging through his fridge in the kitchen and he would come up behind me and jokingly grab my hips from behind and dry hump me. It was funny and suggestive at the same time. It was not like one long and continuous sex scene when we hung out, but it seemed pretty consistent that we would engage in some form of stress relieving activity once a day when I was there.

Then the busy season hit my workplace and we lost a couple of other security guards, resulting in massive amounts of overtime for me. I was working seven days a week for two months straight, and during that time I wasn’t able to go over to Chase’s house to hang out. Yes, the money was good, but I value my time off.

Chase would text me to see if I was coming over, but time after time I had to work. He knew the deal, after all, we had been friends for years and this wasn’t unusual with my job.

I ended up getting a day off when I wasn’t expecting to. My boss knew about the possibility of burn out from not getting any time off, and finally found someone to cover one of my shifts. I text Chase that I was heading over, and we could finally go see the movie we both wanted to see in the theater. I didn’t receive a reply, but that was not unheard of, as Chase worked from home therefore set his own hours. He tended to tune out the world when he was working.

I parked on the street in front of his house and went straight to the front door. I knocked and let myself in as always. He was nowhere to be seen, but could have been in the bathroom or his home office. His car was in his driveway and his front door had been left unlocked, so I assumed he was in there somewhere.

“Chase!” I called out. “Hey man, are you home?”

I heard a thud from the back of the house. It sounded like Chase had fallen out of bed. I started heading that way when I heard him call out.

“Brad? I thought you were working today. Hang on, I’ll be right out.”

I plopped down in the middle of his couch and turned on the TV while I waited. The moment I switched it on hardcore porn lit up the screen and porn music and porn sounds filled the room from the surround sound system.

It took me a moment as I fumbled to turn it down. Chase emerged from his bedroom in shorts and t-shirt, looking slightly rumpled.

“Did you just wake up?” I asked. “I know you make your own hours, but you’re not really a sleeping in kind of guy.”

Chase sat down on the couch at his normal spot at the end and took the remote, turning off the TV. “Look Brad, I’m gonna be straight with you. You’ve been working a lot of hours, and we haven’t hung out in weeks…actually months now. I kinda needed to blow off some steam, soooooo… I invited a friend over for a little fun.”

His words tumbled out in a rush and once he was finished, he waited for my reaction. I sat there staring at him for a while, watching him sweat. After letting him stew, I finally laughed.

“Chase, I’m your friend, not your wife. We’re not married or going steady. I know you play the field. It’s not like you ever kept that a secret. You can bang whoever you want, as long as you don’t give me something in the process. We can still have our own fun.”

He was visibly relieved as I said all this. I’m not exactly sure of the reaction he was expecting, but he was glad for the one he got.

“Is he hiding in your bedroom?” I finally asked.

“He’s not really hiding exactly. I just told him to stay in there until I gave him the ‘all clear’. I wasn’t sure how you’d react.” Chase said defensively.

“That sounds like hiding to me.”

Chase went back to his bedroom to get his visitor. I turned the TV back on while I waited. I changed to the game show channel, as I didn’t really want porn on the screen when Chase returned. He returned shortly with the new guy in tow. I had told Chase that I didn’t have an issue with what he was up to prior to my arrival, and I meant every word. That didn’t exactly mean I needed to meet the guy though. I am not a people person. Whereas Chase is my friend, everyone else is either an acquaintance or coworker. I kept my circle small and wasn’t really looking to expand it.

“Hi there. I’m Karl…that’s Karl with a ‘K’.” he said as he sat on the other end of the couch.

“Karl, that’s Brad. He’s a friend who doesn’t like new people and doesn’t know how to make calls on his cellphone, otherwise this whole awkward situation would not be happening.” Chase introduced.

“I did text you.” I countered.

“I was a little preoccupied.” Chase immediately retorted.

I felt my face flush as Karl and Chase both looked at me. I wasn’t sure why I was the one who was embarrassed. I wasn’t involved until I walked in that door.

“Yeah, I had a mouthful of Chase until you interrupted.” Karl laughed.

My face flushed even more and I found I couldn’t even look at the new guy. Chase and Karl were easily joking away at the situation, but I was suddenly uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong with him?” Karl asked, jerking his thumb in my direction.

“Don’t mind him, he’s kind of an uptight prude about sex. It’s kind of surprising seeing as though I’ve had him six ways to Sunday.” Chase explained, talking as though I wasn’t even in the room. “I mean, there are some things I plan on doing with him in the future, but I don’t want to scare him off. He is my friend after all.”

“Ahhh, I get it.” Karl agreed. “You still haven’t gotten him to fully embrace the wild side huh?”

“A little bit at a time. You know, baby steps.” Chase explained.

The way their conversation flowed was like I was not sitting right there listening. Karl may have been a stranger to me, but he and Chase clearly knew and were comfortable enough with one another to play their little game at my expense. I sensed that something had shifted during their conversation. I didn’t know what, as it seemed like an inside joke or unspoken plan.

I had my eyes glued to the screen, not really watching whatever was on. I didn’t want to strain my neck ping ponging between the two as they talked.

“So what do I do now?” Karl asked. “We kinda got interrupted in the middle of something important. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t get booty calls every other day. I’m usually a busy guy.”

“Well,” Chase mulled, “the mood kinda got killed for me when Brad burst into my house. I think it’s only fair for Brad to take care of you himself. What are your thoughts Brad?”

I turned to look at Chase after I understood what he meant. My mouth opened but nothing came out. Chase waited for a couple seconds as I sputtered, trying to find words. Finally he leaned over and put his arm around my shoulders conspiratorially so he could quietly share his thoughts with me.

“Look Brad, Karl and I don’t get together much. The truth is he’s always on the go, always working, always busy, hardly ever stopping to enjoy life. I would appreciate it if you could do this favor for me. Look, I know this is more my thing, but it’d be a huge help if you could make sure Karl walks out of here a happy guy. It would mean that I’m more likely to see him again in the future.”

Chase sat back again, leaving me with his request. I had done things as a favor for Chase before. I had done things as a favor TO Chase before, but those things were to Chase, not a friend of a friend. It sounded like if Karl left unhappy, it was all my fault. In reality it would be, as they were having what sounded like a good ole time before I showed up. I now felt guilty about spoiling their fun, and knew I should make it up to them. It wasn’t like I hadn’t done what was being suggested. I had done that and more. And it wasn’t like this was a complete stranger. Chase obviously knew him and trusted him, and I knew and trusted Chase. It seemed like a logical conclusion. I began to worry that I was overthinking things.

Chase seemed to be able to read me like a book. He seemed to know the moment I had hesitantly reached my conclusions and my decision.

“It looks like a ‘yes’ to me Karl.” Chase said, not waiting for my answer.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Karl smile. He got up off the couch and turned to stand in front of me. I scooted forward on the seat, giving him more easy access. I expected him to get on his knees in front of me and start reaching into my pants. After all, Karl had said he ‘had a mouthful of Chase’ when I interrupted them.

I was therefore surprised when Karl stood in front of me, unzipped his shorts, and fished his cock out through the opening. It hung only inches from my face, starting to stir, when I looked between him and Chase.

“This is between you and him now.” Chase admitted, raising his hands defensively. “I’m not gonna dictate terms here.”

Karl had been looking at Chase, but now he looked down at me. “If you want to make Karl with a ‘K’ happy, you should start sucking his cock with a ‘K’.” he grinned.

I had leaned back away from his dangling meat during this exchange, but realized I had agreed without knowing what I was agreeing to. I flushed red again as I hesitantly reached up to grip the unfamiliar unit. Karl was quickly hardening in my hand as I began to gingerly stroke him. He simply stood there staring at me as I worked his erection.

“Remember what I said Brad. I had a mouthful.” Karl quoted.

I felt his hand snake behind my head and he slowly pulled me forward. I glanced over at Brad to discover him gone from where he had sat. I was so focused on the action in front of me that I hadn’t even seen my friend move. It was just Karl and I, and he seemed to be the one deciding what happened next.

“Open sesame!” Karl chanted in a deep voice. This guy was friends with Chase alright. They both shared the same sense of humor.

My mouth opened as if his command had worked, because obviously it had. His organ passed in between my lips. I automatically closed them around him, listening to him sigh as my warm and wet tongue welcomed him home.

“Hmmmmm, yes. Just like that.” Karl moaned.

He fed me more of his cock little by little. Karl had a good piece of wood between his legs, but Chase’s was bigger, thicker, and longer. I found Karl’s tool easier to handle, and started to use my tongue on the underside, as well as my hand on his balls. He seemed to enjoy both actions as the raised volume of his voice indicated. He was still in control though, thrusting his hips at his own pace. He was obviously determined to make it last.

“Damn Brad, I love that mouth of yours. If this is what happens, feel free to interrupt us anytime.”

Karl had picked up the pace, pumping his meat faster than before. I could tell he was getting closer. Both his hands were behind my head now, pulling me forward as his groin was thrusting. Abruptly, everything stopped. Karl pulled my head back and raised my chin so I was looking at him.

“He’s fucked you, hasn’t he.” It wasn’t a question.

I froze at first, not sure if I should answer. “Uh….n-no.” I stammered.

“Well, that’s a yes.” he determined. “A few times now huh? Yeah, I can tell. He did kind of say it. ‘Six ways to Sunday’ was how he put it. And that means you enjoyed it, otherwise it would have just been the one time, or none at all. But you were embarrassed when we talked about it, and flustered when asked. So Chase is the only one who’s fucked you, and you’re not comfortable with other people knowing. Maybe we should change that. The fucking part, not the knowing part.”

My eyes widened and an evil grin spread across his features.

“No? If that’s your answer you can say it. I won’t rape you or anything. If I fuck you, it’s because you’re gonna let me. Chase did say he wanted me to walk out of here happy. Do you want me to walk out of here happy Brad?”

All kinds of thoughts went through my mind. Karl was right on all counts. I could freely admit to myself I enjoyed playtime with Chase, and my friend was the only person I had ‘male bonding’ experience with. Chase had said he wanted Karl happy. I wasn’t against Karl getting what he wanted, I was just not the hookup type. But if Karl was happy, Chase would owe me one. That was the deciding factor before I answered.

“Promise to take it easy on me?” I asked.

Karl left me sitting on the couch while he went back to Chase’s bedroom. He came out a few moments later holding a familiar bottle. He popped the top and the scent of strawberries filled the air. It immediately had a Pavlovian effect on me. My pants were discarded and I got on all fours on the couch. Karl moved me so my chest was resting on the arm while he positioned himself behind me. He squirted the lube generously and used his phallic weapon to spread it along my ass.

“I can see why Chase enjoys this so much. It’s fun to be in control. You may not have figured it out yet, but Chase doesn’t bottom. Do you know what that means? The fuck-ee…that’s you, is the bottom. The fuck-er…that’s me, is the top. You really should learn this stuff since you get more involved in it every time you do this.”

Karl grabbed my ass with both hands and pressed forward. His cock entered more easily then Chase’s, but there was still the discomfort followed by pressure and a dull warmth. I had learned to relax and let it happen over time, but that first minute was still a little difficult. Plus Chase had taken his time more, got me turned in more, and I trusted him more.

“Ooooooh. Mmmmm. Damn! I like that. You’re tight Brad. Are you sure you’ve done this before?”

Karl didn’t wait for an answer, he pulled himself forward by holding my hips. He slid in another couple of inches as I gasped loudly at the suddenness. Karl didn’t wait for me, but kept burying himself deeper until he was pressed firmly against me. He held himself there for a minute, enjoying the sensation before pulling almost all the way out. Karl didn’t pause and didn’t hesitate to plow ahead again, and again, and again. He was getting what he wanted, and by his groans and growls he was enjoying every second of his position.

I was starting to get into it as well, as by now I had adjusted to his intrusion. Karl was going harder and faster, his body slapping loudly against mine. My cock was at full mast, demanding attention. Unfortunately, the way I was positioned on the couch made it impossible for me to effectively do anything about it.

“Damn Brad, I love how your ass grabs onto my cock. It’s like you don’t want to let me go.”

The harder he thrust, the more and louder I moaned and gasped. We both knew I was enjoying this almost as much as he was. Regardless of my hesitation before, I was fully committed now.

I turned my head to watch him as he took me. Then I noticed that he was looking at something else in the room. I turned my head forward to see Chase was right in front of me, his shirt still on but his shorts had disappeared. His engorged manhood filled my view as it approached. Chase seemed to be talking to Karl again instead of me.

“I wasn’t sure how long you two would be, so I peeked in to check.” Chase explained. “You usually cum pretty quickly when we fuck around, so I thought it might be over. Obviously I was wrong, but it seems that Brad is in the perfect position for sharing. As long as you don’t mind, do you?”

They were talking about me as if I wasn’t right there listening again. Karl had slowed down when Chase showed up, and was nonchalantly sliding in and out at a leisurely pace.

“I don’t mind. There seems to be enough of him to go around.” Karl answered. “This is a great, tight piece of ass though.”

I looked at my buddy who now towered above me. He grabbed his own cock and rubbed it across my lips, then slapped my cheek with it like he was in his own porno.

My mouth opened for him and he gently slid his meat in. Short, slow thrusts started getting his cock wet and he sighed in relief.

“I never get tired of the feeling of getting into his mouth for the first time.” Chase said.

“I see why you don’t let him out much. A little sub slut like him would be torn apart at the clubs.” Karl joked.

“He’s not a club kinda guy, but you’re not wrong. Up until today, I was the only guy he’s been with. The’sub’ part I kinda discovered by accident along the way. I like him like that and it will help in the future, so it works out perfectly for me.” Chase agreed.

Karl was starting to go faster again. He grabbed my shoulders with both hands and used the leverage to thrust hard and deep. His thrusting was propelling me forward onto Chase’s cock to the point that my buddy didn’t even need to move anymore. Chase just held my head with both hands and let Karl’s movements do the work.

I was caught up in the whole episode. Karl’s tool behind and Chase’s at the front, but with my own being neglected. Karl’s growling tone got lower but louder. His thrusts were no longer smooth, but shorter and a little erratic. All signs pointed to his impending climax.

“Can I?” was all I heard Karl say.

After a couple of moments I glanced up and saw Chase staring back at me. He had deliberately waited until he saw me look at him before answering.

“Uh huh.” Chase answered approvingly.

That was all Karl needed. After only a dozen more strokes he buried himself as deep as he would go and held still as he groaned loud and long. His cock erupted, sending a river of his cum further than his cock could reach. I gasped at the force of his orgasm, along with the length of it. Pulse after pulse flowed into me as he held me still. After a few more seconds he thrust in and out long and slow, enjoying his position just a little longer. His strength gave out, making him hunch over to rest on my back. His breath was heaving and he moaned a little as he tried to recover. It took him a couple of minutes to be able to get himself upright again, and another to extricate himself from his position. He went over to the recliner and fell into it, eventually but slowly stuffing his flaccid member back into his shorts.

During this time, Chase had not been idle. Once Karl had stopped thrusting, my mouth was no longer moving along Chase’s erect unit. My friend took it upon himself to restart his own slow and continuous thrusts. He wasn’t trying to get himself off, he was simply enjoying the sensations as his friend finished with me.

Karl finally gathered himself enough to get to his feet and observe the scene that remained.

“I can’t say I wish we hadn’t been interrupted.” Karl said. “Let me know when you want to share him again.”

With that, Karl with a ‘K’ headed out the front door. Chase removed himself from my mouth and had me move so he could sit in his normal spot on the couch. He had me position myself so I could resume sucking him off while he jacked my piece. It was less than a minute before I climaxed from his hand’s attention. I grunted, groaned, and thrust myself into his hand as I shot my load. Chase remained slowly and gently fondling me as I bobbed up and down on him.

“You came quickly.” Chase said, stating the obvious. “Seems that you liked how your day has gone so far. Don’t worry, once you swallow me, you’ll get a chance to recover.”

Chase took control of the action and dictated the pace I went down on him. It wasn’t slow, but he didn’t seem to want to race to the finish line. I bobbed, tongued, sucked, and stroked him exactly as he wanted. He finally was headed towards his own orgasm, and once he decided it was time, he wanted it right now. He pulled my head down faster and faster. I cupped his balls and slurped all over him until he was at the edge. In the last few moments Chase pulled my mouth off of him, and moved my head so I was running my tongue along his scrotum. He wrapped his own hand around his meat and stroked quickly until he began shooting over my shoulder onto my back. He grunted with each contraction until he was done, and then brought me back up to feed me his johnson once more. After he finally decided he was done, he reclined back to let himself recover.

“I figured you probably wanted to go shower anyway.” he said. “You look like you’ve been used a little hard today.”

“Thanks Captain Obvious. Who’s fault is that?” I asked.

“Yours.” Chase laughed. “Maybe now you’ll learn that your phone can actually make calls instead of just texts. Or you can continue to roll the dice and take your chances. You don’t seem to mind how it turned out though. You were moaning like a bitch while Karl was taking your ass. Kinda made me a little jealous.”

“And who’s fault is that?” I asked again.

“Yours…again.” he replied. “I just asked you to get him off. I didn’t say give him everything you’ve got. He would’ve been fine with a handjob if that’s all you gave him. The rest was all on you.”

I shuffled off to hop in the shower while Chase remained on the couch. I had to admit that was one hell of a way to start my day off.


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