A Gamer Guild Gurl by KodiakJack

A gay adult story: A Gamer Guild Gurl by KodiakJack ,

I am new to writing and still learning, I apologize for any issues with my editing or grammar. Thanks for reading. How I Got HereAs I recorded myself wearing a short black wig, glasses, an orange turtle neck, a short pleated red skirt and black thigh socks, I reflected on how I ended up in this situation. From just a regular dude who plays video games to a member of one of the most elite Dragon Battle Online (DBO) guilds in the world.

It started out easy enough, I was playing a ton of Dragon Battle but my guild was failing to finish the hard raid. I was tired of being behind on gear and progress. I was sick of being trolled by other players in better guilds. So I left. I told my friends I didn’t think it was a good fit anymore and struck out on my own.

I searched online to find the best guilds on my server and found the only top 10 ranked guild on my server accepting applications. The online application was weird. They wanted a lot of personal information. They asked if I had a girlfriend, which if I did I probably wouldn’t be no-lifeing this game. They even asked how many times a week I jerked off. They asked for my digital footprint, every site I was a member of, including porn sites. They asked what I did for a living, what city I was in, they were very detailed in screening people.

I was shocked and excited when they accepted me as a trial member and I was assigned to a guild leader named BladeLion. He was a higher ranking officer and that says something for this very competitive guild. At first he seemed gruff and could be slow to respond to me but I worked on building rapport with him. Everything seemed perfect until I noticed, I wasn’t being chosen to join raid nights. I was often left out unless they absolutely needed someone. I reached out to BladeLion and he said, “This is normal, you are only a trial member and folks don’t know you well yet, you haven’t earned their trust. Just be patient and you’ll slowly get more opportunities.”

Pay to Play

The next month a major update was introducing a brand new raid, I wanted to be one of the first to finish it. I asked my guild officer again, “please, how can I get into one of these launch raids?”

He sighed and explained, “look, the first week of new content everyone wants to run it with the guild and as a trial member you don’t have seniority to get priority and you won’t want to do the express approval request to get priority.”

“What is that?”

“Don’t worry about it. It isn’t for you.”

“Please, whatever it is, I’ll do it. You want me to pay for a raid carry? I will pay.”

“We do accept payments but here is the deal, you have to pay with a video.”


“Yea, you gotta make a sexy video for the head of the guild. Usually he prefers videos of people’s wives or girlfriends, shit, some guys even send their daughters. But a lot of young guys send over videos of themselves all dolled up. I know from your application you don’t have women in your life. If you send me a two minute video of you shaking your ass in lingerie and I’ll be able to pull some strings for you.”

“So I’m supposed to get in lingerie and send it?”

“Yes. Wear a mask or something if being anonymous helps. But you send over a video offering to the leader and I can get you into the new raid when it launches.”

“So I send you a video and then what?”

“My advice, if you really want to do this, is do your homework. Watch some videos, figure out what you should do, how to dress, how to move, and make it good. If you are going to do it, you will get the most out of it if you do it right.”

After some silence, I responded, “Deal.”

I took each step seriously, I only had a few weeks before the new legendary raid was being released. I tanned each day. I shaved all over. I practically studied so many femboy, sissy twerk videos that I was dreaming about them.

Luckily, I had two things going for me. First, I am pretty skinny but I have long legs and have always had a plump butt for my body. I used to get teased for having a fat butt as a little kid so I wear baggier clothes now to hide it. Though, when I go swimming with my best friend I still sometimes catch him checking it out as I walk with wet shorts. The other advantage I have is that I know gamers. Gamers love sexy cosplay.

So there I was, dressed as sissy Velma, a wig and glasses on, garter belts and thigh high stockings framing my already fat ass cheeks. The camera was rolling and I was on all fours, my big oiled ass cheeks clapping toward the camera as I shake them, working hard to earn my next armor gear set. Soon enough the video is done. Watching it back I was impressed, I looked fucking hot. It felt a little weird but I knew what I had to do.

Invited to the Guild – Group 12

A week goes by with no response, so I message BladeLion. “Hey, so how did I do? Was the video alright?”

“Hey, I shared your video with the guild head and you are good to go, we’ll run you through the raid on launch week, you will be in group 12.”

“Wait, I thought I’d be in the raid the first day? Why group 12?”

“Hey, I am already calling in favors to get you in there for this update, there will be more raids and more world firsts, just play this one first week and show everyone what you can do. If you make friends it will unlock weekly leaderboard dungeons, pick up groups, and a lot more chances to play on an elite level.”

I reluctantly agreed. The week of the game’s update came and I anxiously waited, watching all the excited chatter and reviews. When my turn finally came, I met the group, we ran the raid and cleared it on the first try and I got the gear piece I needed for my character. I was elated. I wore my new gear in-game and strutted around the main city. Other player’s were really envious, and kept asking me to play with them. That day felt like one of the best day’s I have had in a long time.

The guildmates in Group 12 were super nice, friendly, and patient. They gave me good advice, didn’t leave me behind, and multiple times they sacrificed their characters to save mine. I felt like I was at home and finally among the best.

That night I got welcome messages from the whole guild. Some of the big leaders also reached out personally to welcome me to the guild and thank me for my work. I was suddenly invited to play every day with these incredible players. I was finishing quests I could never handle before, and getting rare mounts. Things were awesome.

Moving Up the Ranks

Then one day, BladeLion messaged me again and said my trial was ending and he wasn’t sure if I would become an ongoing member or not. He was waiting for a decision from the head of the guild and other leaders. I asked if there was anything I could do to convince them I belonged in this guild. After a long silence, BladeLion replied, “The head of the guild wanted a new video and in it I should beg to be a permanent member and move up from group 12.”

“I didn’t even know it was possible to move up. ”

“Yea, play well, do what is asked of you, and you get the chance to move up group ranks then play with higher and higher level guild members.”

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