A Husband’s Legal Consent Ch. 02

A gay story: A Husband’s Legal Consent Ch. 02 Earlier that day…

Todd checked his husband while still sleeping, both still in bed. Any moment from now, he would see those dark blue eyes that contrasted the dark brown hair. He remembered last night how he disappointed his husband. For him, it seemed unforgivable. But his loving husband would always regard it as an understandable effect of a career-driven husband.

He wound up finding a solution for this problem that could not be more recent. He knew their sex life was waning. It was mostly because of his workaholic nature. Brett’s rising libido was another thing. He could not fault his husband for that as it had been regarded as a sign of a virile and healthy man.

He had one solution in mind but he was hoping to talk this first with his husband before relaying it to another concerned party.

As he was mulling over a solution and how to go about it while checking his husband’s handsome face, still looking good in the morning despite the unkempt hair, he witnessed Brett’s eyes groggily opening.

“Morning, babe!” Brett greeted first, voice still cracking as if he needed a gargle to wash his throat. Understandably, it was an early morning, half past six on their clock as it read on their bedside table.

“Morning to you, hone.” Todd replied with a smile. “My handsome husband as always.”

“What do you want for me to repay you with that compliment on this early morning?” Brett hoarsely asked but then managed to send a beaming smile, which made Todd love him even more.

‘So this is it!’

As Todd was trying to broach the subject, he mulled about how talking about it might affect his husband’s mood throughout the day. But he had to take the risk.

“Sorry about last night. I… was too tired to reciprocate.” Todd said, sounding remorseful.

“Everything is forgivable, babe. And I understand.” Brett replied with a smile. He knew his husband would find a way to send his apology even in the early morning for something as seemingly trivial as last night. But was it just trivial?

“You’re awesome, hon! I’m lucky to have married you and also for choosing me as your lifetime partner.”

Brett continued to smile. His loving eyes were shown as Todd stated those words.

Brett could not find other faults about his husband. Perhaps, the aging aspect might have been a factor why Todd’s libido could not match his. After all, he was a decade younger than Todd. Also, his husband had a successful career. His time in the law office was getting longer.


“I am finding a solution for all of this.” Todd continued.

“Babe, it is not even a problem in the first place,” Brett stated but Todd seemed reluctant to admit it.

“What do you think of David? He is still in mourning, And as best friends, we need to find a way to help him cope with his loss.”

Todd tried to make his statements coherent but failed. It even made Brett confused.

“What’s got to do with David regarding last night?” Brett’s look changed. Bafflement was etched on his face while he was facing Todd, his husband, while lying sideways facing the other.

Brett wanted to probe his husband’s shifting expressions.

“I trust David to help you out with your rising libido. I could not imagine any person who could match with you in… sex drive. That means, you can have sex with him but you have to promise me that you will remain faithful and loyal to me and that you won’t leave me.”

Brett froze.

Todd focused his eyes while he was stating that suggestion, trying to gauge Brett’s reactions. When his husband seemed to be shocked, he added without a beat, “But you can say no if you find my suggestion ridiculous. And don’t worry, I won’t get jealous if it is with David. But, other people, it’s different because I won’t let you be.”

“But please think about it first before making a decision. David is very attractive. I can see it in your eyes the way you look at him. But I never doubted your love for me and fidelity. I won’t let you go ever.”

Todd still fixated his eyes on Brett’s. He added, “I love you so much, babe.” He then held his husband and kissed him, trying to make out with him by probing his tongue in motion for Brett’s mouth to open.

Brett melted in his husband’s kiss. But his mind was already reeling, trying to decipher his husband’s words as if they were codes for something. The more he thought about it, the more he regarded it to be ridiculous. However, would sex with David be considered ridiculous?

The handsome fitness model David, their best friend whose husband recently died was a dreamboat to gay guys and even girls and women. But he was monogamous with Colin. However, that was in the past. He remembered he and David were tested for STDs. He had to check his email later for the results.

For Todd to suggest having sex with David was something he could not fathom yet. But he didn’t outrightly decline it. Instead, he chose not to react nor to reply. He let his husband fondle him while they were making out. That aroused him even more.

“Babe, you know it’s impossible. I only have eyes for you and only you. I don’t think I can have sex with anyone else other than you.” Brett managed to say when Todd was necking him until he noticed his husband leaving kisses on his chest down to his abs and navel. He was too horny to think of anything else when his husband was in the mood to give him pleasure.

“Just think about it first. Okay?” Todd was now working on Brett’s cock which was glistening with saliva. He paused his fellating on his husband’s 7.5 incher, albeit thinner than Todd’s but still looking fat, when he continued. “And tonight, I want you to go with the flow. I invited David here for dinner after your session with him and also after a meeting with me in my office.”

Todd finished his blow job while his mouth was swallowing Brett’s cum. He almost choked from the amount of cum that Brett released that morning. Was his husband too backed up or was it just because he got a high level of semen?

Brett was momentarily satisfied that morning as his husband took care of him. He reciprocated his husband in the shower by letting Todd fuck him, whose cum was deposited in Brett’s ass. That brought Brett to another orgasm that morning.

The younger husband didn’t really think about Todd’s suggestion too much throughout the day after watching Todd reassuring him again that morning before driving himself to the office and while visiting his parents’ place to check on Scotty, their son.

Somehow, that idea resurfaced when he met David for their fitness session and especially when David briefly groped his buns. However, he thought of his husband and his family and that idea seemed to have vanished. If it remained longer, he might be embarrassed to show a bulge on his gym shorts while he was with David.

Then, when Todd showed up while he and David were talking about his gains, it seemed the possibility of his husband’s suggestion becoming a reality was gaining ground. Todd winked at him when he ushered David to his home office as his husband mouthed, “I love you!”

Brett’s response was a loud “I love you, too!”

David only chuckled while he was walking together with Todd to the latter’s office.


“This is a great night with constellations of stars more visible in the night sky.”

David remarked as he felt relaxed with more than half of his body submerged on a large circular tub, head lying on the edge.

“Yeah! Wow!”

Brett’s terse response seemed sincere yet awkward. Deep within his inquisitive mind, he was searching for his husband who took longer than expected to get them something for this night while hanging out with David. Not that there was something wrong with just him and this hunk of a best friend, but knowing Todd’s nature, he would not be left all alone with a stud who only sported tight swimwear while being this close in a tub, despite it being larger than the standard size.

“In my family’s tradition, they passed on stories about stars being souls of those departed. The ancients said that the souls were originally stars but then they decided to be born as humans and lived on certain planets to gain experiences. Whenever they die, their souls are then reborn to be what they were, the stars in the Universe.”

David’s eyes had a somewhat dreamy quality on them but the way his voice resonated was sort of melancholic. As Brett eyed his friend, he could not help but feel a bit morose as the vibration his friend radiated was subtly in bereavement but then there was also a feeling that he was starting to move on.

It seemed too fast for him to move on, considering his deceased husband was recently cremated.

And then suddenly, Brett glimpsed a smile.

His friend was notable for having the best smile among the people he knew. It was seductive despite having no intention of making it as such. But then when David used that smile to seduce, the effect was like ten times stronger. Thankfully, he was immune to his friend’s seduction though sometimes he wondered about the purpose whenever that smile was targeted at him.

Especially now.

He didn’t realize that his gaze met with David’s and then there it was: the smile that could electrify anyone. At that moment, it seemed Brett’s immunity to it was abating.

Brett could not help but smile back.

‘Was he flirting?’ Brett thought. ‘But then why did I smile in return?’

Laughter ensued that only Brett realized it came from David. It was mesmerizing.

And then suddenly, he heard the sliding door opening. His head moved to where the sound vibrated.

His husband, in his swimwear, while carrying a bottle and then three tall glasses, was gradually approaching the tub. His sexy husband who was plastering a grin, sort of, was placing the things he had been carrying on the edge of the tub near them. And as he moved with grace slowly dipping his body in the tub, he reached out for his husband.

But what made Brett puzzled was that Todd was on the other side of him. He expected him to be in the middle, like a mediator between him and David. Instead, Brett was scooted closer to David. However, he also responded to Todd’s gesture of reaching out. That would put him much closer to Todd, skin on skin as his lips found his husband’s.

“What was the fun all about?” Todd then asked after the brief making out, clearly amused, that he somehow interrupted a thing that his husband and David might have been brewing before he got out to the pool area. His eyes moved from Brett to David.

“It was nothing.” Brett only quipped with a smile. “It was David being naughty. I didn’t even know why he started laughing.”

“Well…” As David tried to defend, wanting to say that Brett seemed to be enthralled with something about him, he instead said, “yeah, it was nothing.”

David chuckled as he took the bottle from where it was placed.

That caused Brett even more confused.

“Osmanthus?” David then asked.

“Yeah! I sort of wanted to try it. They said it tasted sweet. That put my curiosity over the roof knowing it is also expensive.”

Todd’s response seemed to successfully steer whatever subject Brett wanted to air out at that moment. Perhaps, David also wanted to change the subject.

For Brett, the idea that David might have been flirting with him with those smiles and tantalizing eyes boggled him.

At least, it was fleeting. Or perhaps, it was a response after he was checking David out absentmindedly.

“What’s the occasion, babe?” Brett futilely asked. He wanted to forget that brief moment. However, that was just a part of a series of moments after David and Todd had a closed-door meeting.

When he called them for dinner, Todd seemed excited to start with the food, swiftly positioning himself to where the family head was usually arranged to sit.

They had a large rectangular table for a family dining table, considering the fact that they occasionally held parties and small gatherings for their family members and friends in their home.

Thus, his seat and David’s were closer while they had their dinner.

At one time, he felt David’s right hand on his thigh, albeit briefly. He glanced at David as if asking but the other’s response was just a smile. Again, that smile.

It didn’t register to Brett that it was seductive. Somehow, he thought David wanted to ask something.

And then David’s long legs seemed to spread and got into close contact with Brett’s. The legs stayed there longer while they were eating. Brett didn’t mind it at first as he considered his taller friend’s legs being playful while cozily dining and getting into conversation with Todd or sometimes with him.

After they had their fill and while still in conversation, David’s right arm seemed to extend over the top rail of Brett’s chair, sometimes touching his head and at other times, his fingers went to Brett’s nape. Despite the obvious gesture from their friend, it seemed that Todd didn’t even mind it.

For Brett’s part, he attributed it to David trying to be comfortable with him. After all, these gestures were normal for best friends. Right?

But as he tallied in his mind the things that David seemed to initiate being touchy-feely with him, he could not forget the look on his friend’s expression when he smiled at him after gazing at his friend while the other was initially stargazing until his face moved to face Brett’s. It was as if David was trying to convey, ‘I caught ya!’

“Well, it is a great night. It is right to celebrate it with friends and loved ones. We can’t be in mourning all the time.”

Todd responded. Brett, meanwhile, looked at David while he was still clinging to Todd in the tub.

David seemed chill and unresponsive as he opened the bottle. From time to time, his legs touched Brett’s who was closer to him. Brett remained nonchalant or at least, he was trying to be.

“You’re right bud. We can’t be in mourning all the time.”

David suddenly remarked as confirmation while he was pouring wine into the three tall glasses. His longer limbs made the process look easy to him. Brett realized that David got closer to him as the latter elected himself to do the task. After all, those glasses were placed nearer to Brett.

David then handed the two glasses each to his friends while he then reached out for his.

“To my loving husband whom I know will be enjoying the taste of what the heavens have to offer!”

David started as he raised his glass half-filled with that wine. His eyes got misty as he extended the glass above him and nearer to Brett and Todd.

“To a friend whose loving husband continue to immortalize his presence and good deeds!”

Todd followed suit while he in turn raised his wine glass touching David’s.

“And to a best friend whose love and generosity will always be remembered!”

Brett did not fail to raise his own while declaring his appreciation for his best friend who recently passed away. As he clinked his wine glass to David’s and Todd’s, he then continued, “We miss you!”

They sipped the wine right after with compliments of it being sweet and so good to taste being audibly formed. Each then poured another round and then another.

Slow conversation then followed with topics ranging from Todd’s recent closed case and then David’s plan to visit in the future a house property by the beach which Colin bequeathed to him. It was initially a surprise gift from Colin for David’s birthday in three months but the deceased husband included that property in his will.

After David mentioned visiting the property before his birthday or the possibility of holding his birthday in three months with Todd and Brett invited to grace it, Todd asked Brett about the effect of the pill on his husband.

“It is amazing actually. I always feel good. It seems it helps in building these muscles.” Brett responded. He then proceeded by flexing his right arm and then the left to protrude his biceps and then he abruptly stood up in the tub to raise his glutes and round buns, showing off his pecs and abs all the while flaunting his red skimpy suit.

His husband’s gesture of showing off seemed erotic to Todd. After getting an eyeful of his husband’s sexy buns, his eyes darted to David’s where a prolonged gaze towards Brett’s asset seemed to happen. That smile was plastered on his handsome friend’s face as if leering.

Brett seemed to show a sign of being inebriated. This gave him a boost in confidence to show off. He laughed it off as if nothing as he returned to his husband’s embrace. However, David seemed to scoot closer to him, to which Brett responded by hovering his other arm towards his best friend’s shoulder.

“My husband is showing off his assets.” Todd chortled to which he proceeded by downing his wine.

“If you have it, flaunt it! Right, Dave?” Brett’s feedback continued with a chuckle as he brought his friend tighter to him. “Thanks to this best friend, babe.”

Todd, still sober, observed the open gestures happening around him. His husband got the liquid courage but he knew Brett’s sobriety. It seemed his husband responded to David’s subtle touchy-feely gestures since tonight’s dinner. But for Brett, his actions could be regarded as innocent to the point of being naive or so as Todd surmised.

“Well, your sex drive seems to go through the roof because of that pill.” Todd continued the flow. “How many do you take daily?”


“Twice?” Todd’s face sought David’s.

David, knowing his response was needed, conveyed his reply. “For Brett, he was building muscles which he needed. But for you Todd, once a day for your health and brain boost.”

“But what if I take it twice daily? Will I also get a high sex drive similar to Brett’s?” Todd curiously asked, face slowly reddening while he was trying to imply that he also needed to match Brett’s sex drive.

“Are you okay with having a constant hard-on in the courtroom or in your law office?” David snickered as he hypothetically asked Todd.

“Babe, that seems too much for you to consider. Well, now we know you are only recommended to take it once a day.” Brett tried to placate his husband while leaving kisses on Todd’s cheeks.

“Brett is horny most of the time, I think, even now,” Todd remarked, still baffled and yet he understood why David only prescribed that pill to him as he indicated he regularly consumed. But there seemed to be an underlying implication, more like a conspiracy.

‘Was David trying to make Brett’s sex drive higher for him, Brett’s husband, or for somebody else?’

“The high sex drive is the usual effect for males like Brett who are virile and who are into building lean muscles. But yes, it is the effect of the pills when the muscles are pumped with blood needed for muscle growth. You know, the penis part is formed from a group of muscle tissues. Hence, blood circulation is flowing freely on the reproductive parts.”

Their handsome friend boldly responded as if giving a brief lecture about anatomy.

“You’re getting scientific here, Dave. But I got your reason. Y’know, it is hard to keep up with a husband with a rising libido.”

Todd’s chortling response and his sound seemed to fill that moment. Brett became contemplative as if trying to connect some dots. He then felt another hand holding his left thigh, a hand that was not his husband’s.

Despite the hand on top of his thigh, Brett asked his friend. “Should I lower the prescription to once a day then?”

David, for his part, faced Brett. He then proceeded to explain.

“If you think your gains are enough for you, then you can do it after three months. But it does not mean your sex drive will be reduced by then. As I said, your sex drive is the result of increased blood circulation in your body system.” David flatly replied. “I am not a medical professional but this is what I have learned from my family’s alchemy traditions and traditional medicines.”

“So far, there are no ill effects on you, Brett. And of course, this is prescribed as a muscle-building supplement and not as a medicine.” David continued.

“How often do you jerk off, hone?” Todd surprisingly asked.

“Babe, it’s too intimate…”

David cut him off. “Bud, it’s okay. I would also like to know as well as this concerns the pills I have prescribed for you two.”

Brett started to redden as he reluctantly confessed. “”More than five times, sometimes ten.”

Brett paused as he held Todd’s one arm. “If I am too idle, I think of sex all the time. That is why I need to occupy my time visiting my parents or writing codes. But when I am alone, I am more tempted to jerk off or to use… just to feel sexually satisfied.”

Brett started to trail as if wanting to omit the part where he used a vibrating object to help him with his rising libido.

“You don’t have to worry about the vibrator, hon. I know.” Todd remarked with a bit of sadness in his tone. “I apologize I can’t keep up with your needs, especially with the cases thrown at me. But I will make it up to you. I promise.”

Todd contemplated his husband’s confession. Being able to release more than five times seemed too much. He could only do it two or sometimes three times in a day when not exhausted. He reached for Brett’s hand but he could not ignore another hand on top of his husband’s thigh which was visible primarily due to the lighting of the tub under the water.

‘David already made his first move.’ Todd thought. He hoped Brett would be more receptive. But he would also expect any drama that might ensue.

“You see, hone. I can’t resign to help you with your sex drive.” Todd started.

“Babe, you know this high sex drive is not even a problem. We discussed it this morning. I can make myself satisfied all by myself and while also satisfying your needs when you are at home.” Brett interrupted, trying to explain all the while looking at his husband with loving eyes.

“Do you really think you can get yourself satisfied without being frustrated? I am not starting to fight or something. I am concerned that… That you might eventually seek someone other than me to help you with your sexual frustrations. I admit my inadequacy, babe.”

Brett, hearing his husband, felt defeated at the same time disappointed. However, he had to admit that he might eventually find a way to resolve this frustration. But then, drama might happen, which he didn’t want to escalate between him and his husband. What is the best solution?

The only thing he could think of was to use a sex machine. But would that be enough to satisfy him?

To find guys to fuck is a big NO, not only to him. Brett valued monogamy. He and Todd made vows to remain loyal and faithful and that would mean they had to be monogamous. But then any lawyer could find a loophole to a marriage vow.

And it seemed to Brett, he might be hearing it tonight.

“Brett, we have our vows to remain loyal and faithful to each other. That means, we could not open our marriage.” Todd continued. “And besides, we are jealous-types.”

“Could?” Brett asked. “Yeah, babe. Just thinking of you with somebody else already filled me with rage.”

“Same babe.” Todd kissed Brett for good measure just in case the next words might fail in convincing his husband. “I promise. I will not find anyone and have sex with anyone. Only you.”

Brett thought about his husband’s suggestion that morning. Was his husband acting like Brett fucking David or the other way around was never a solution like he mentioned earlier that day?

While Todd and Brett were being lovey-dovey, David was trying to chill, anticipating whatever he and his best friend already planned for Brett.

“Babe, I have a solution. Just please hear me out, okay?”

Todd sincerely and squarely faced his husband. And that meant, he had to move his body just to perform that gesture in the tub. It resulted in him being a bit distant from Brett while his husband seemed to lean on David at his back.

“Again, babe. Why find a solution when it is not a problem?”

“Because it will be. I somehow predicted it, especially during my next case to handle.”

That caused Brett to be unsettled. He didn’t even notice David encircling his torso as he remained to lean on his friend. Todd momentarily stopped whatever he tried to say as he observed the position his husband was in while leaning on David, their best friend and his sworn brother.

“I want to entrust you to David while I… let me restate it.” Todd sighed. Heavily. He wanted to form more coherent words like what a lawyer should do. But this time, it seemed that the problem he was facing at home was bigger than the cases he handled.

“I can’t satisfy you with your rising libido. As much as I want to, I can’t. I know you are frustrated about last night when I could only… I only thought selfishly of relieving myself and then I dozed off leaving you high and dry. I deeply apologize for that. It boggled me while thinking of working for a few hours in the office. Thankfully, my assistants were doing most of the tasks. But it could not help me mulling over a solution. Yes, we can have sex on weekends, sometimes. But I can only give you at most two or three orgasms on weekends. But then, how about on weekdays?”

Brett slowly became more aware of where he was leaning as he listened to his husband’s predicament and explanation. He became more conscious of David caressing him as if trying to insinuate that he was there also for him. But then the issue seemed trivial for him to comprehend.

For Brett, the solution for a rising sex drive despite having a workaholic husband would be self-pleasure. But again, would that be really enough? It might be in the short-term but as a male, virile with an ego-boosting physique, what was the use of him being too built for his husband?

Yeah, looks and working out to be like a trophy husband. But he believed himself to be more than that. He and Todd engaged in a more loving relationship than those fuck-ups in high social circles.

Todd emotionally let out whatever sentiments he had been having. It was like Brett witnessing a burst of a bubble, if not a dam. His husband could be seen to be having a mild breakdown. Thus, he decided to give his husband a hug. But then…

“Dave, can you release me?” Brett pleaded. “Please.”

“No.” David said flatly.

“What?” Brett faced David, shocked.

“As Todd said, hear him out. He is not done yet.” David almost whispered in Brett’s ear.

Brett became more conscious as David’s hand went down and stopped below his navel, almost near the crotch. But then what came next flabbergasted him. David’s one leg coiled around his thigh. That would mean his ass buns directly touched David’s crotch, which seemed to be hardening. He could not help but feel horny but at the same time slightly mortified. His husband was across him, at arm’s reach. He wanted to hug his husband and tell him everything would be okay. However, the thought of touching and feeling a hunk’s cock with a ten-inch pole was more overwhelming at that time. And it seemed that hunk deliberately offered himself to be touched or to be leaned on in Brett’s case.

The more Brett’s body became entangled with David, the more he got the feeling that David’s intention was more than friendly. It became more obvious to Brett that something was at play here.

“Please, Brett. Allow yourself to lean on David. I am not done yet. I needed to get this out of the system. Your eyes are tempting me to forget this thing, this proposal. This solution!”

Brett froze. He heard his husband’s voice rising in decibels. It scared him a bit but he knew his husband was not mad at him. It was just that he needed to listen but it seemed the way David slowly fondled him made him lose focus on his husband.

David’s one hand was now on his buns while the other hand was fondling his navel, the spot where he felt ticklish but could turn on his horniness. Touching it caused a tingle on his spine, he almost whimpered. But then Todd’s serious face stopped him from whatever he wanted to let out.

‘Is this David’s way of comforting him?’ Brett suddenly thought. But then his thoughts were distracted by Todd’s words.

“David and I are sworn brothers. If there is one thing that I can be proud of being sworn brothers is that we are fully loyal. I can fully trust David. I regard him as my ally. And in this case…” Todd paused. His gaze was now on his husband who seemed to be embraced by David. “David is my extension. If I can’t perform my duty as a husband because of justifiable circumstances, he is there to perform the task on my behalf.”

At this juncture, Brett became enlightened about the situation. However, at what point David would come in when his husband, Todd, could not perform?

‘Does that mean David would?’

‘No way!!!’

“Are you out of your mind, babe? Are you giving me to David just because you can’t perform sexually on a daily basis?”

Now, Brett’s voice reverberated. What initially seemed a calm night turned into a storm of raging emotions.

Yeah, that morning’s suggestion really surfaced. It was then that Brett’s reaction was more pronounced.

“Hey, calm down!” David softly said as his mouth came closer to his ear. “I know what you need.” And then he felt himself melted as David’s hand came to his groin, slowly stroking his aching cock, which for a time, had been hard ever since he felt David fondling him. Along with this sensation was another need he had been feeling inside his ass. He didn’t realize that David peeled off his tight swimsuit. What touched his asscrack was that big pole he saw whenever his friend went naked. And now that thing, alive and seemingly throbbing, was positioned on the line of his crack. Fully hard.

“Todd, what the fuck!”

Brett wanted to shout but that expletive aimed at his husband was like a whimper. Weak and it seemed… needy.

“Just let him hon. I want to see how he can give pleasure to my husband.”


Brett was about to protest again. But then his mouth was covered by David’s, who initiated the kiss softly until he used his tongue to probe Brett’s mouth, wanting it to open. Slowly surrendering, Brett let his friend taste his mouth. He was still reluctant, trying to be passive, wanting to convey that he didn’t want this. But then a moan escaped from him as David completely devoured his mouth.

For a minute, Todd witnessed the event before him. His husband tried to fight using whatever willpower remained in him. But then David overwhelmed him. The movement on the crotch area as David was grinding on Brett’s ass seemed to make his husband weak, if not weaker.

After a few minutes of kissing Brett, David stopped. “Let us know if you want to stop, then I will. If you consider this as harassment, I will stop.” As he said this, he continued the grind on Brett’s ass.

Brett’s breathing became heavier. He could not form words coherently as a response. The feeling of his asscrack being molested was too much and yet it felt so good. David stroking his cock was another thing. He almost came within seconds when his friend kissed him. Hence, the moan he let out while his mouth was glued on David’s.

“It’s too much.” Still heaving, Brett responded. “Babe, are you serious about this?”

Brett’s voice was almost a whisper when he stated it, albeit with great force, to convey something to his husband. “You know, I love you and I always will. But why would you let David, our best friend to fuck me?”

“I love you too, Brett,” Todd replied as he watched his husband whose eyes were now filled with lust. “From now on, David will take care of the task of satisfying your sexual needs when I am not around or even when I am not able to.”

As Brett and Todd exchanged emotionally driven words, David continued what he was doing, having no intention of stopping until he heard it from Brett. And it seemed his friend was almost enjoying this. David continued to press kisses on Brett’s neck and nape.

“And I am serious,” Todd said as an added response. “Please let David take care of you while I’m watching you or even when I am around or not and unable to give you the pleasure you need.”

The feeling of pleasure overwhelmed him. Brett wanted to stop this but his willpower turned weaker as David continued to fondle him, stroking his cock all the while David’s cock was trying to get into his hole. He needed lube. Fast. His ass was on fire by the constant friction. But it seemed the water in the tub helped in lubricating the skin-to-skin motion.

“Do you need lube?”

Todd began to ask as he observed his friend working on his husband’s ass with gusto. It was like his friend could not wait to press his cock inside Brett’s ass.

“No way!”

Brett tried to protest again as he felt his asscrack being violated. David paused his grinding as he pointed his cock inside Brett’s ass.

“That’s too huge man!”

Brett heaved a sign, his protest sounded unconvincing.

“It’s like your husband’s size, buddy.” David replied as he continued to work on getting an inch to penetrate his friend’s ass. “Shit!”

“Can you sit on the edge, Brett?” David requested. “Please!”

Surprisingly without any second thoughts, Brett submitted to the request. He began to step out from the tub as he moved to the edge and then got seated on it.

“No man!” Todd interjected. That brought Brett and David to a pause as they watched Todd, shocked.

“Let Brett lie on the leather lounge. I know what you want to do. I will get the lube then.”

“Awesome, man! Quick thinking!” David grinned. “Get the lube. Please. But take your time. I want to munch on your husband’s crack for twenty minutes.”

What made Todd fail to anticipate was the development of the night as he got out from the tub and went inside the house for the lube.

He and David thought they could not convince his husband, Brett, of their plan. It might require more persuading. But it seemed David began to work on a plan on his own. Meanwhile, he had to go fetch that damn lube. Why didn’t he prepare it earlier?!?

Fuck! He would miss a minute or more watching the show. It was like things took a turn for the better. Why Brett was immediately under David’s manipulation was an enigma to him.

If this would be turned into a regular basis, he and Brett might have to buy more bottles of lube and store them in less conspicuous storage in areas where David and Brett might be fucking.

‘Fuck! Why am I already thinking that it would be Brett and David fucking regularly instead of me and my husband?’

Todd pondered. But he knew the obvious. He and Brett’s sex life was more keeled, controlled and most of the time, vanilla. Yeah, there were those times that they were wild on sex. But compared to those times to now, it seemed like time passed on when he used to be the sex god. And now he was relegated to watching another sex god pleasuring his husband. But then the thought excited him. He just wanted to see his husband happy.

He knew that his husband could make him happy with sex. But he also knew he was inadequate for this kind of activity knowing that his husband wanted more than what he was capable of doing.

When Todd returned to the pool area, what met him was a big surprise.

Instead of Brett lying down on the leather lounge by the pool, David was on it. On top of him was his husband with his ass being rimmed while he was fellating on David’s ten-inch cock.

Brett tried to deepthroat David’s cock but he could only get over six inches of it.

Todd knew Brett became sort of an expert in pleasing him, deepthroating his full 7.5-incher despite its wide girth. It took him more than three years in their relationship to practice on his cock until he could take it to the base inside his throat. But it seemed his husband would be getting another challenge in deepthroating David.

Brett and David worked on a rhythm for several minutes until David shouted and was about to cum.

“I am to bust my nut man!”

David suddenly yelped.

“Blow me Dave. Swallow my cum while I swallow yours!”

Brett retorted.

It seemed while Todd was away, his husband and David were building on a rhythm.

How long did it take for him to get that damn lube?

It seemed he missed a segment. He was watching the finale instead.

David stopped his rimming and moved on Brett’s cock.

Brett was engrossed on David’s cock as he was preparing his mouth for the release.

It took over a minute for them to do sixty-nining and blow each other’s cock. Todd realized how the mating evolved into something like a live porn show. The voyeur in him activated right then and there.

He found the pairing beautiful to watch, almost as if they were made for each other, both tall, handsome and muscular. While David was taller with his dark hair not really in contrast with Brett’s dark brown hair, he was also more muscular than his husband. But it seemed as of late, Brett reached David’s size by a hair’s breadth.

Grunts could be heard as both of them groaned upon their release while swallowing each other’s cum. It was like there was a contest of not wasting any drop from each other’s cock. Both seemed to manage it but then Brett continued to slurp on David’s cock as if it was a big lollipop.

Meanwhile, David moved his mouth back to Brett’s ass.

Initially thinking it was a finale, what Todd witnessed was instead an appetizer. The main course was just starting.

Surprisingly, David’s cock remained hard. This gave Brett an impetus to remain in slurping it, swiping his tongue from the base to the tip. Todd thought that Brett was making love to David’s 10-inch phallus whose girth was much bigger to Todd’s beer can-sized dick.

Instead of getting jealous, what he felt was seeing his husband playing with his new toy. And as a good husband, he wanted Brett to enjoy it until he felt the satisfaction. He knew that this new toy would become his husband’s new favorite.

Not an iota of envy came out from Todd’s system. He was instead turned on. But he did not want to stroke his cock yet. The main course, as he believed, was about to begin.

Everything moved as if practiced. After twenty minutes of eating Brett’s ass, David then commanded his new sex partner to change position. David guided Brett towards the lounge, and carefully, like a lover, kissed the other until he was comfortably laid on his back.

“Todd, lube. Please.”

David momentarily paused from kissing Brett, not even looking at his best friend while he was requesting for the lube.

Todd being that faithful friend complied. Both David and Brett then glanced at the approaching Todd.

David reminded himself about the ground rules he formed with Todd. Instead of forming words as if humiliating his friend, he uttered, “Thanks bud for sharing your husband. I will do things as promised.” And then David grinned. It was not that shit-eating grin. It was a grin filled with gratitude.

Meanwhile, Brett asked, “Are you okay, babe?”

Rather than replying, Todd countered it with, “Are you enjoying it, babe?”

Brett saw that smile. That handsome sincere smile. He felt Todd’s sincerity in asking him. It was hard for him to say no when he was clearly enjoying it, only if he was not thinking about his husband. What he thought was the pleasure of him and David in it, enjoying every moment. He tried to discard his husband from his thoughts momentarily or he might want to stop it. But it would be hypocritical of him to do so when he was obviously enjoying every moment. He had his first cum release with David and then another but then he wanted more.

‘Was he cheating on his husband?’ Brett’s thought wondered until he felt a finger prodding his hole.

But then he remembered his husband asking him.

“Babe, let me know if it is wrong if I am enjoying it too much.”

“No, it’s not. I am happy to see you happy. I want you to be happy.” Todd assured him.

“Brett, tell your husband that you enjoy it.” David commanded as he worked on a second finger inside Brett’s ass.

Brett wanted to ignore David’s request but the sensation was overwhelming him, clouding his mind.

“I am. I am enjoying it. Fuck!” Brett felt David’s longer fingers almost hitting that spot. But then he wanted more. “Fuck me, Dave. Now!”

Brett became bossier at that moment. It was like he was another person in Todd’s eyes.


“Are you happy for my cock? Tell me, Brett.” David began to tease as he was lubing his ten-inch pole. Momentarily that thick fuckstick would be inside Brett’s ass to enjoy.

“Yes, I am. Fuck!” Brett whimpered as he felt the big-sized cock slowly entering his hole. With a size this big, he knew what to do. He needed to relax so the whole cock would be inserted with less resistance, if none, the better.

Brett remembered his husband’s size but this one was bigger and longer. However, he manipulated his breathing and mood to relax. In just seconds from the start of David entering his pole from the sphincter, the gargantuan cock moved steadily inside until Brett felt David’s ball sac.

“Wow! That was amazing!” David couldn’t help but let out a compliment. “It was like your ass is filled with butter, your inside is made of silk. And yet, it’s too tight.”

Instead of experiencing pain from the instant onslaught, Brett surprisingly heaved a sigh as if the phallus was what he needed to satiate him. But then he was not yet fully satisfied until he got what he needed.

Todd watched everything, not missing a beat. He knew Brett could take a cock like his. But it was still a shock to him when his ass seemed to devour David’s cock as if nothing. Not a pain could be seen on his husband’s face when David inserted that ten-incher.

“I feel full. But damn! It feels so good.” Brett moaned as he said those words. It was like saying he needed it badly and then he got it finally.

Todd felt elated when he saw his husband with his reaction. The expression so erotic he almost came right then and there. He was still in a sexy swimsuit. But then it felt suddenly tight around him. He moved to the other pool couch, watching his husband and his best friend starting to move rhythmically in their fucking.

Brett became more demanding when he yelled, “Harder Dave! Harder!”

Grunts and moans could be heard in the pool area of Morrison-Carlson residence as David was pistoning his big cock in and out from Brett’s ass. Todd was glad their house was far from other houses in the area, otherwise, their neighbours would hear the loud fucking.

For over thirty minutes as Todd seemed to time it, what he heard were sexual tones of two male fuckers getting it on, trying to outdo each other but mostly wanting to demand the other to do it harder and faster.

David maneuvered the changes of sexual positions. So far, Todd witnessed David hovering above Brett while he was doing a kind of push up but then he was fucking his husband. From the missionary position, David then grabbed Brett to stand up as he moved Todd’s husband to 180 where he then inserted his cock again while he was fucking Brett in a standing position. Todd recalled this position as a bodyguard gay sex position. It seemed apt for what David was going to be for his husband as the next days would then be revealed.

“I need your cum, so bad! Please, more! Harder!”

Brett’s words seemed to reverberate the area with sometimes the occasional ohs and awws!

“Man, you’re bossy and yet so sexy! You will get what you need.”

By then, he resumed the missionary position where David could kiss Brett while fucking.

Todd already nutted when he watched his husband being slowly fucked while David was performing the push-up. He was glad the furniture was sturdy enough to hold two large, muscular men who weighed hundreds of pounds.

But Todd saved his last nut for the finale which he witnessed when David and Brett were engrossed in making out and then suddenly David started rough-fucking his husband as if no tomorrow while his mouth was still on Brett’s.

It was late for Todd to realize that Brett came hands-free, his cum coating his abs while his husband was still kissing David. The making out lasted until David took his cock out from Brett’s ass.

“Wow! That was awesome!” Breathing heavily, David said those words which he ended with a smile.

“I cum hands-free! Wow!” Brett let out a laugh. “Man, you’re an incredible fucker!”

Both Brett and David were having that post-orgasmic moment, where that bliss could be shown on their faces. They seemed to be oblivious to Todd’s presence who nutted again when he watched the rough-fucking. How his husband could take it seemed to be the start of a mystery to him. But it seemed Brett was loving it or it was the impetus for him to cum without the need for his hand to do the job. Whatever the case, he was glad for his husband for discovering a way to make him satisfied.

But then he was surprised when he heard his husband ask, “Can you still do another round?”

“Man, you’re insatiable. It was like we performed a sexercise. I am working on a sweat here. But yeah, the challenge is on.”

“Let’s get into the tub, Dave.”


“Babe, are you joining?”

Todd heard his husband ask, getting him out of his reverie for that moment. If what he learned from his husband was true that he could cum more than five times in a day and sometimes ten, then it seemed that the night was still officially starting.

Looking at his waterproofed watch, it seemed the night was still early. It was the weekend anyway.

He didn’t utter any response yet. But then before he formed one, he saw Brett and Todd dipping under the water. He knew they were sweating from that excursion but then after the short dip, they came out to the surface and started to make out.

While it was just a few steps from the pool lounge area to the tub, he witnessed his husband reaching his arms and hands toward the edge of the circular pool while behind him, David was already positioning his cock again to Brett’s ass. He arrived in the tub with David already pistoning his cock in and out while the water was splashing as he was doing that. He heard Brett suddenly say to him. “Babe, I need your cock in my mouth.”

And so Todd moved closer while his view was directly on David fucking his husband in the ass.

“So, what do you think Todd? Are you happy with the development?” David surprisingly asked Todd, still fucking Brett, but then wanting to extract if Todd’s decision to let him, his best friend, fuck his husband, was still the right one and if there would be any regrets.

“If you have any regrets, then this will be the last night for me and Brett to fuck. Your husband is surprisingly insatiable. But then, he has this amazing ass. I’m afraid I might get addicted to this. It’s better to stop this now before everything is too late.”

Todd then felt Brett’s mouth on his cock, whose tongue expertly sucked from the tip to the root. And then he focused on deepthroating it.

“Your husband is also an expert cocksucker. I’m afraid he would put Colin to shame.”

Mentioning his deceased husband seemed inappropriate but after Brett and Todd heard it, it was like a newfound boost to their hard-on.

“How about a deal man?” David initiated. But then he was disrupted when Todd told him. “Let’s talk about your proposal when we are not in this situation.”

“Spoken like a lawyer. Well, of course you are. You can still exercise control despite your cock being expertly sucked on. Proud of you man.”


Brett heard his husband and David’s conversation. Despite the feeling of being sexually satiated, his mind was still reeling on the reason why his husband let this thing happen. If this would be a one-time thing, then he had to enjoy more, ask more for David to fuck him. Tomorrow or after all this, he might feel regrets. But as of the present, he needed to enjoy it while it lasted. He didn’t want to regard himself as a slut. But the way he was manhandled by David and then his husband consented to it was something he could not forget. Was he just pranked? But then he was already fucked by David many times and he already came the third time.

The first time was when David surprised him by inserting his cock while Todd was away getting the lube. He only used his spit to split himself open, not even using any fingers to loosen him up first. But then he heard David say to him while his cock was inside him that this would be their little secret.

‘Little secret for what?’

Brett knew they were already worked up when David was fondling him and grinding his ass in the tub. When David’s big cock hit his prostate, he immediately came. Surprisingly, David did too while they were making out.

“Damn, I needed that!” it was all he heard from David say while Brett was breathing heavily. “And I think you did too.” Brett only nodded.

“Let’s do a 69 with you on the top while I get to eat your ass again. And then we’ll cum inside each other’s mouth.”

From there, David maneuvered their coupling. It was sexy for Brett to know that David was eating his cum out from his ass while they were sixty-nining. But then, they were working on a rhythm even when Todd came back with the lube.

Brett and David were already working on the fourth cum with them fucking in the smaller pool.

He was sucking on his husband’s cock when he heard David about making a deal while fucking. But then his husband declined it. It made him feel proud of his husband for being level-headed despite being in a horny state. He also knew that Todd might be on his limit.

Even if he was getting fucked and while feeling the ecstasy most of the time, he still observed his husband’s actions even his expressions. It seemed everything was according to his husband’s plan. But then what was the real plan exactly? To make him David’s sex plaything?

What came next was another surprise when David was roughfucking Brett again. That seemed to be Brett’s major turn-on, which put the brunette to an edge while he was deepthroating his husband. Brett vaguely realized that the cum oozed out from Todd’s cock during the deepthroating and then he only tasted just a spurt of cum in his mouth.

Brett licked his husband’s big cock clean.

“I love you, Brett. I am happy you enjoy this, hon.” Todd managed to form a smile despite his voice being hoarse as he breathed heavily.

“I love you too, hon. I hope nothing will change after this. Fuck!” Brett responded but was distracted when David went harder on fucking him.

Todd submerged in the tub while he caught his husband’s mouth all the while engrossed in the fucking with David. They kissed for several minutes while David continued fucking Brett longer as expected as he already blew more wads that night.

Brett broke the kiss and then witnessed Todd move in the tub and was about to go limp after their kiss while a part of his head was on the edge. The rest of Todd’s body submerged under the water, his eyes closed, somehow in bliss yet obviously exhausted.

Todd let his best friend, David, his sworn brother continue to fuck his husband, Brett, while he was in that state.

To be continued…

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