A Missed Connection

A gay story: A Missed Connection

Five years ago, at the age of 25, I embarked on a solo backpacking journey around Britain. My first stop was Stonehenge, but I was eager to see Avebury – an even older and more expansive prehistoric site. My itinerary also included a visit to the West Kennet Long Barrow and Silbury Hill. Knowing that there was only one hotel in Avebury, I had wisely booked in advance.

My plan was to have a leisurely breakfast before spending the entire day exploring the area. However, my plans were derailed when a road traffic collision caused a delay in my bus schedule. Frantically, I made my way to the bus stop, my rucksack and daysack weighing heavily on my shoulders.

As I anxiously waited for the bus, an old man caught my eye. He looked to be in his fifties and was leisurely sitting on a nearby bench, watching the commotion unfold. As the other passengers dispersed, I was left alone at the stop, facing the possibility of missing my bus and losing my hotel booking.

The old man approached me and asked, “Were you trying to catch the last bus to Avebury?”

“Yes,” I replied, “but I fear I may have missed it.”

He nodded sympathetically, “I’m afraid so. And with canal boat week in full swing, finding accommodation here will be nearly impossible. However, I can offer you a place to stay for the night.”

I couldn’t help but feel suspicious of his intentions. Was he simply looking for a stranded traveler to take advantage of? But with limited options and a low budget, I couldn’t afford to be picky.

“I only have one bed,” he explained, “but we can either share it or you can sleep on the floor.”

It was clear that he was hoping I would choose the first option. I couldn’t help but feel uneasy, but I knew I had no other choice.


The old man said “Full disclosure. I am gay. If that offends you then I understand if you don’t want to stay with me.”

I didn’t want to miss out on the only accommodation available. It was kind of sweet that the old man was upfront about being gay. I had nothing to lose by accepting his offer.

I said “I have had a few gay relationships but I am mainly heterosexual. I have a girlfriend back in Newcastle.”

This was a fib. I only had been with one man and then only for one night. Like the poet wrote

“I ain’t no rookie

At male-male nookie

Fucking once before.

I’m no male whore”


He said “I won’t charge you anything. We can have a fish supper. I will make you a good breakfast breakfast and then you can get the first bus to Avebury.”

I replied “That is very kind. My name is Brian, What’s yours?”

He replied “I am William.”

I picked up the daysack and the rucksack and we went to his flat.


The lounge/diner and bedroom had photos of the old man in his younger days with another man. They were artistically posed and both were naked. But you couldn’t see all of William because he was partly hidden by the other man.

I said “You both had good bodies. Who is the other man?”


William said “He was my husband but he died 3 years ago. He tried to cross a road and didn’t notice the car. The one consolation was that it was over quickly. I had to attend the inquest into the death. Across the court room I saw the car driver who killed him.

I asked “What did you do?”

I told the car driver “Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t have a chance to avoid him.”

William was nearly in tears. I didn’t know what to do. The old man struggled to continue his discourse.

He explained “The car driver feared the inquest would determine it was an unlawful killing. Instead it gave a verdict of accidental death.”

I said “I am so sorry for your loss. You look like you loved him in that photograph.”

William replied “I did, and still do, love him.”


He then changed the topic and said “But life is for the living. I try to find some form of happiness every day. That is why I made the offer to you. It gave you happiness and it gave me company for the night. I miss having Paul around. It is good that you are bisexual. It makes life easier when a man is comfortable with another man. Heterosexuals can be very uptight when they see the photos of Paul and I naked and in love. I was glad that you just looked at the photo as artistic, appreciating Paul’s lovely naked body.

I said “and your body is beautiful as well.”

A little compliment is always well received. And William smiled. We both looked at the picture. I didn’t have the confidence to say that Paul was well endowed, but I couldn’t help looking at it.

I said “You both could have been nude models.”


He said “Do you want to freshen up? You do smell a bit. If you have any dirty clothes, I can wash your clothes and dry them. I have a kaftan for you to wear. No need for false modesty. We are both men of the world. You can take off those dirty clothes you are wearing. Don’t bother going to the bathroom to change. You can take them off here and now.”

I know he wanted to see me naked. I took off my tee shirt and my trousers and my socks and underpants. They were dirty and it would save me going into a launderette. Besides it was a novelty undressing in front of an old man.

The old man took a long hard look at my cock. He smiled. Still naked I took out more dirty clothing from the large rucksack. He then took the clothes into the other room and put them in the washing machine.

He returned and said “You have a great body. Your cock is a bit longer and a bit thicker than Paul had. Now go and have a shower. I will leave the kaftan on the table. While you are having a shower I will go and get us fish suppers.”

I was surprised that William didn’t want to watch me have a shower. When I finished having my shower I returned to the front room and put on the kaftan. Ten minutes later we were tucking into delicious hot fish and chips.


After eating he asked the big question “Will you be sleeping on the floor or in my bed?”

I said “In your bed, if you don’t mind.”

He said “That will be fine. I miss having someone there. It’s not only the sex but the warmth and companionship of another man I miss. Paul and I used to watch porn. Do you mind if we watch porn together?”

I said “I am not averse to watching porn, providing it doesn’t involve cruelty. I hate those videos where you see red scars from spanking or caning. What kind do you like?”

He said “We actually preferred photos.”


He put on a collection called “Unusual”.

One photo was of a girl wearing only tennis shoes and carrying a tennis racket. The sign said “Only tennis shoes allowed on this court”.

Another was of a meme which read “You can dance. Signed vodka.”

Another had a Passive Aggressive Raven saying “Nevermind” to Edgar Allen Poe.


William said “As you already know I like seeing naked men.”

He put his collection of “2,000 Naked Men” photos on Slideshow and on minimum speed.

One had a cuckolded man watching his wife about to be fucked by a muscly bearded man with a huge flaccid dick. He had chosen that not just because of the long penis but also because of the loving interaction of the wife and the cuck. William also liked that the dominant man had an all over tan while the husband had no tan at all.

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