A Simple Day at the Gym


A gay story: A Simple Day at the Gym “A simple day at the gym,” that is what my friend had said. Unfortunately he didn’t mention how simple it would be, nor the fact that it is an all-male gym club and definitely not the fact that we were expected to service all the patrons there.

“Hi, my name is Tad,” I said, “How may I help you today?”

As he pulled me gruffly to him, “I need my cock sucked bitch. Get on your knees and don’t stop til every drop is gone slut.” I just loved being used roughly, but mostly it is my female lovers who act that way with me. Lucky for me I am sexually, as well as both physically and morally, flexible.

I was fast dropping to my knees but not fast enough as he threw me to the floor. My hands slid into the legs of his shorts and found what they were looking for. His member was ½ hard already, or so I thought, but when he was fully hard his cock escaped the bottom of his shorts and just kept going.

Dang this big black buck had me hot enough that I’d do just about anything to satisfy him—and that is exactly what he wanted. Lucky for me humiliation is what gets me hot and gets me off.

He knew my name and all I knew about him was that he was a male sex god with a large, thick uncut penis that was rapidly thrusting in my mouth. God I felt so slutty. I felt even more so when he grabbed my hard cock and practically tore it from the root as he led me to the workout room.

When we got there I saw my friend, Steve, a skinny white boy with a sweet ass, on his hands and knees being filled in both his mouth and ass as another male sucked the cum out of him. I was hard already but this got me even harder. It was only a matter of moments before I was alongside him and doing the very same thing he was.

Two sluts servicing all cummers that is what we were. How many were there I do not know, but somehow I suspect it was more than the usual amount. We, or more importantly me, had been set up (not that I needed to be, I’d have come willingly).

Now to describe myself let me say that I am a tad under 6′, have brown, long, curly locks that give me a decidedly feminine look, hazel green eyes with very thin eyebrows and long eyelashes, strong but toned runners legs, naturally full, somewhat pouty lips and very little body hair. Altogether a very well put together male who can, and has on occasion, be feminized very easily. I am sure you picture my full lips, not to mention thick and long tongue, being used to please either a pussy or cock very easily and willingly indeed.

Now, although I am so tanned everywhere and have been mistaken for such, I am not an African American. Actually I am of many descents though my Italian (read Sicilian) and Spanish blood as well a bit of my American Indian blood is what shows the most. Being filled in my toned ass I was cumming rather quickly as I am extremely anal erotic, unfortunately my previous girlfriend never understood this and left me. Of course it also could have been the fact that she found me in bed with both her brother and sister—she neither knew of their incestuous affair years earlier before I met them or the fact that her brother was bisexual.

So hours went by as Steve and I were ridden hard like thoroughbreds during the Kentucky Derby. One by one, two by two, sometimes even three by three we were taken. Our mouths, asses, cocks were well used and abused until finally closing came. And this was to end our ordeal, right? Not even close!

Suddenly I was grabbed, handcuffed behind my back and thrown over the powerful shoulders of the man who first used me today. He pushed his way through the crowd as if they were not even there. Shortly thereafter I was thrown not too gently into the trunk of his car and we were off to I know now where. When we arrived he ripped what few clothes I was already wearing off of me and proceeded to force me to his basement dungeon. Once there my arms and legs were attached to each other and thus to the headboard-like railing lining his basement. There, lined up, legs spread wide as mine were several other naked males, each of whom appeared to have been repeatedly savaged in there asses.

The eyes of the other men, the few that were not blindfolded anyway, appeared to have glazed over. Whether their looks were the result of lust, use, drugs or fear I could not tell although the effect was undoubtedly the same. Luckily at this point I still had my eyesight allowed me.

“Slut you may begin doing what you were brought here to do—suck cock and swallow cum,” he intoned.

It was only then that I began to count the number of men, the number of cocks, before me. Amazingly one member was member was nearly double the length of the others. My eyes went wide as that fact sank in.

“Ah-h-h-h-h-h-h,” he said, “I see you have found out what makes my dungeon so unique.” He was chuckling as he said it. Unique? A heck of an understatement, most men have only one cock, not two—like most of these men.

“It is a fairly rare condition but I have made it my job to seek out such unique individuals,” he said, “and I’ve found that without exception their sex drives are so abnormally high that there are next to no males, females or combinations thereof that can keep up with them sexually.”

“I’ve been both blessed and cursed by the condition as well,” he continued, “However, I am rich enough to have tailors good enough to hide it from the rest of the world.”

I was very busy sucking off the cocks in front of my, usually two at a time, as he continued to tell me of his plight, of how clothes never felt right, of how he couldn’t join sports teams because he couldn’t find the proper equipment (especially jocks and cups), of how he forever had been judged a freak, a sexual deviant because of his condition. On and on he rambled as my mouth rather quickly filled with the juices of one man after another.

As I worked my oral magic on them it seemed to me as if there was an almost endless supply of jism sliding down my slutty throat straight into my just as whorish stomach. It isn’t easy taking two cocks at once into your mouth but I did my level best at accommodating them. Of course deepthroating 2 cocks together is impossibility so I had to alternate from one to another, then both together shallowly, over and over.

Alternating like this had several effects. To begin with it made the man I was sucking last all that much longer, but, luckily that was not the only thing it did. If you’ve ever prolonged an orgasm you know that this treatment also resulted in larger than normal amounts of joy juice being produced, that, when released, resulted in an intense spray wherever it was directed. In my case directing it down my throat almost killed me as the first set of such cocks came immensely and with the pressure of twin fire hoses. Swallowing as fast as I could I took most that set of cocks juices down my throat, but , even as much as I took, a great amount still poured out the sides of my mouth, dripped down my chest and even reached so far as my cock before it was able to dry.

“Lick it up slut,” he said, “Leave no cum on you. Eat it all because it is your diet from now on—all you will be allowed to eat, or rather drink, will be cum and piss.”

“From now on?” I thought.

“You are never going to be released,” he said, “We’ve arranged it to appear as if you died in a parachuting accident and your body was never recovered. I about passed out then and there but then, after all, what would I say to my relatives were I to show up alive—”Hey y’all I’m alive. I’ve just been used as a male cum receptacle for a while?”

I’d been there, I know not how long and discovered that not were there men here but women as well and they were as unique as the men were. Each woman was possessed of an extremely high libido, which I later found out was the result of them being fed excessively large doses of the female equivalent of Viagra mixed with ecstasy. And each of the women had the desire to be stuffed by two or more cocks simultaneously on a regular basis.

My job, the reason I was not to be released, was as a fluffer—I got the women wet and ready for the men and the men hard and ready to fuck the woman. Yes, it seems that this straight man is indeed meant to be turned into a greedy bisexual slut.

It took time, right from the start I fought my fate, but, eventually there came a point, not that I exactly remember when it occurred, that I resigned myself to fate. Resigned, somehow that doesn’t seem the right word after all I learned to love what I was doing. Yes I had to suck cock regularly but I also had a steady stream of pussy to eat—and those women always wanted more than just a licking—who was I to say no to them?


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