A Special Friend Pt. 03


A gay story: A Special Friend Pt. 03 These events take place after Part 2 and also Another Friend, in the late 80s and early 90s so attitudes towards sexuality reflect those of that time. Some of the events are based on real experiences but some are also complete fiction. Names of people and places have been changed to protect identities. Please rate and comment!


After what happened to me at work, with my encounter with Constable LaValle, I knew I had to warn Derek that at least one other person knew our secret. I called him the next evening and told him we needed to talk. He came over to my apartment after he had finished work and had supper. Should anyone ask what was going on, he’d just come over to watch the hockey game.

He knocked on my door about 7:00 pm, with a big grin on his face and a bulge in his jeans. I smiled and let him in. I gestured to him to sit down on my couch and I went to grab us a couple beers from the fridge. I told him to make himself at home, and he promptly took off his shirt, displaying his muscular upper body. Working on heavy machinery kept him pretty ripped, even without spending a lot of time in a gym. My smile faded a bit when I thought about the conversation we need to have. I was afraid of how he would take the news.

“Hey, before we get too carried away, I need to tell you something.”

He took a pull form his beer and looked over at me. “That sounds kinda scary. What’s up?”

“Well the other night I was working late, doing the closing shift… and the cop who found us in the parking lot at the campsite? Uh, he came in.”

He set his beer down and was looking much more serious. “Yeah? So happened then?”

I took a swallow of my own brew then set it down before continuing. “Well, he, uh… he started talking to me. He started by asking about the coffee, and if needed cream… then he told me he knew I liked cream… man cream. And that he saw some on my face when he stopped us.”

He got as pale as a ghost and blurted out, “Holy fuck! Oh my fucking god! He knows? What else did he say? Oh my fucking god I am so dead!”

I tried to quiet him down so I could finish the rest of my story. “It may not be as bad as you think. He wasn’t mean or threatening or anything. He was having fun with me in a way. He was kind of teasing…”

His brow furrowed, as he took this all in. “Teasing? What do you mean?”

I loved Derek: he was good natured, honest, loyal and trustworthy to a fault but he wasn’t always the brightest of us. I was trying to choose my words carefully but knowing he was on the verge of panic, I finally gave up and just said,

“He was teasing me about this cream thing, like I said, he kept going back to it, and how I liked your cream on my face. The next thing I knew, he was pushing me to my knees and his cock was in my mouth.”

He stared at me for a moment and asked, “What the fuck? Did he rape you? Was it forced?”

“He didn’t force me,” I answered. “I felt like he.. like he cast a spell on me… or hypnotized me, and then the next thing I know he has his cock in mouth, face-fucking me until he came down my throat.” I looked over at him not knowing what to expect. Would he be jealous? Would the think I was a fag for sucking someone else’s cock, although we’d both blown each other multiple times? Was he mad? Was he going to storm out? I watched carefully, trying to gauge his reaction and trying to plan for it.

“Holy shit. You blew him? Where?”

“In the store. By the counter up front. There was no one there, it was like midnight on Thursday.”

“But what about the cameras? Wouldn’t everything be on tape?” He was talking about the security cameras the owner had put in a couple years ago. I wasn’t too concerned about them because they overwrote their tapes every 3 days. The only time anyone every looked at them was if something happened, like the time a drunk driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove into the side of the building or the time an older man had a heart attack and came in to get help.

“Nah, no one ever looks at those things. But the cop, shit, I don’t even know his first name! His last name is LaValle. He might come see you, and hit you up too. I don’t know.”

He looked at me thoughtfully a second and his expression transformed from panicky to almost mischievous. “This whole thing is so fucked up, but its kind of hot too. Did you enjoy blowing him?”

I looked over at him and saw the bulge in his crotch: he was turned on. “Yeah I did. I wasn’t sure at the time but afterword I was really hot and bothered, so much so that I had to beat off in the bathroom. I think some of it was the danger thing: fear that would we get caught, sorta like out at the parking lot. And it felt kind of dangerous, because I don’t know him, and didn’t know what he’d do. I still don’t, except he seemed happy and said he’d see me ‘next time’. He also mentioned something about next time you could join us.”

He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down to my knees. I had a feeling of deja vous. “So he just pushed you down like this, and then what?”

“He told me to take it out and then put it in my mouth.” I answered, knowing what was coming next.

“So why don’t you do that right now? Take my dick out and suck it.” His hands stayed on my shoulders as he looked down at me. I’d imagined this would probably happen at some point tonight but hadn’t envisioned things quite like this. I undid his belt, then the button and fly on his jeans. I pulled the jeans down to his ankles and helped him step out of them. His briefs followed closely after and his naked erection was right in front of me, almost smacking me in the face when it was freed.

“You’re not mad or anything?” I asked, still a little concerned he might be jealous.

“No, I’m not mad. Why would I be mad? He’s a cop. He has some leverage on us but its not like we broke any laws, and since you blew him, he can’t do too much to us without us exposing him too. I’m glad he didn’t fuck you or anything…”

I had just taken the head of his cock in my mouth but I backed off when I heard his last statement. “Why would you think I’d fuck him? Do YOU want to fuck me?”

So far our explorations had been limited to mutual masturbation and oral: actually fucking each other hadn’t come up. It was a natural extension, and I had started playing with my ass when I was alone, but thus far Derek hadn’t expressed any interest and I hadn’t pushed it. We could “justify” the hand jobs and blowjobs as two friends helping each other through some dry times, but if we actually fucked each other, that meant we had officially crossed the line into gay sex. Looking back, I think we were both Bisexual and didn’t realize it, but the anti-gay stigma was so strong at that point in time and in that place, we were both afraid of it.

But now the final frontier was in front of us, and I’d put it out to Derek unmistakably.

His voice was quiet when he answered, “Yes. I want to fuck you.”

I was a little shocked. I really had not expected THIS to happen. I had thought we’d both be swallowing each others cocks tonight but the possibility of crossing this line had not occurred to me at all. I was totally still for a second, then I made my decision. I got off my knees and grabbed his hand. I then led him into the bedroom of my shitty little apartment.

“If we’re gonna fuck then its going to be on the bed, not on the floor or the couch.” I took off my shirt and then my pants and underwear.

After I was naked I stopped. “Uh, how do we want to do this?” I was totally unsure of how to proceed and had not thought it through at all.

“We should lube my cock up, first.” A logical response. I grabbed his hips and pulled him to me, and started sucking and slobbering all over his cock but after a second he stopped me. “Uh, I like what you’re doing but that may not work as well as vasoline, or a lubed rubber if you have one.” Of course I didn’t have either of those present so I asked if he could think of anything else.

He struggled with the problem for a minute and came up blank, but I finally came up with, “What about cooking oil? I have some vegetable oil.”

He shrugged and said” I don’t know why not.” So I marched into the kitchen, grabbed the bottle of vegetable oil I had on the counter and handed it to him.

“OK now what? How do you want me?” I was really nervous and had no idea what I was in for. The only knowledge I had was from the stories in skin magazines, and they were all over the place in terms of what to expect. Derek was probably in the same boat but from some reason I just deferred to him.

“Get on the bed on your hands and knees. I’ll put some oil on you and get you ready, then I’ll put some on me.” Still not sure what I was doing, I did as he said and got on my hand and knees. I felt the cold splash of the oil as he squirted some on my ass. He started rubbing it into my ass cheeks and then worked his way to my hole. he added a little more oil, then rather abruptly inserted a finger into me. It hurt a bit and I flinched and gave a high pitched yelp.

“Damn! Easy there! Just hold still a sec. then work it in slowly please!”

“Sorry. I slipped a bit. I’ll try to take it slower.” He was as good as his word. He let me get used to his finger for a minute then started working it in and out. After a minute, he added some more oil and slowly added a second finger. He worked them slowly, giving me time to get used to them, and he took his free hand and played with my cock and balls a bit. After a minute or two of both fingers sliding in and out of my ass, I was feeling a little more relaxed and told him,

“I think I’m ready for the main event. Just go easy at first OK?”

He pulled his fingers out and I felt him kneel behind me. He splashed some more lube on my backside and then I felt the head of his cock against me. He rubbed it up and down my crack and around my sphincter, teasing the nerve bundles there. Then he pressed against me. I felt a searing pain as he entered me, his girth stretching my virgin asshole. I felt the head of his cock pop into me and I sharply inhaled and asked him to hold still for a minute.

“Holy fuck your ass feels good! If I’d have known it was like this I would have tried before now!” He told me as I tried to get used to his rod in me. My shallow breaths from the initial entry started to normalize as I got used to the feeling of him being in me.

“OK.I think I can take some more. Go easy.”

He slowly started to push his length into me. The pain of entry had largely receded but he went slowly, allowing me time to get used to him. Finally he was all the way in, his pubic hair tickling my ass. He held his position there until I started to rock on him a bit.

“Slow and easy, OK?”

His hands were warm on my hips as he grasped them to slowly pull back and then slowly ease forward. He went in long, slow strokes and although it felt kind of strange after the pain faded away, it wasn’t a bad feeling. As the time went on, he started to pick up a little more speed and I could feel the warmth as my prostate was massaged by the head of his cock.

I was starting to enjoy this. I could feel him in me and I could feel my pleasure mount as he continued to ride me. I was getting fucked up the ass by my best friend and I was loving it. My cock started dripping pre-cum and I could feel my crescendo building.

“Fuh…fuh…fuck me!” I cried as his tempo increased. By this point he was ramming me at a good pace and I could feel him start to tense up.

“Oh fuck! I’m gonna… I’m gonna… Oh fuck! I’m cumming!” I felt him release his cum into me. The first spurt pressed my button and I started cumming too. Our spasms were almost synchronous; his were just a little before mine, triggering them. I collapsed on the bed, my cock still spasming and he collapsed on top of me.

After a minute or two, he pushed off me and I heard the small pop as my ass released his softening cock. After he exited me, I felt like I needed to take a dump, so I rushed to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. He warm seed trickled out of me, into the bowl but that was it. I decided I would take a shower and asked him if he wanted to join me.

He did and we luxuriated in the hot water for a bit, then soaped each up and rinsed off. We spent some extra time, cleaning each others’ cocks and he gently cleaned my ass, flushing some water in it as the last remnants of his load left me. As we were toweling off, feeling clean and reinvigorated, we started grabbing at each other and teasing each other in bathroom. Pretty soon we could tell we had recovered from our earlier exertions, both our cocks were hard as we played grab-ass in my cramped bathroom. Derek finally used his bulkier frame and strength to pin me against the wall, then slid down me and took me into his mouth.

He started out slowly, making love to my cock with his mouth. He gently kissed up one side and down the other, interspersing the kisses with flicks of his tongue. I leaned back against the wall of the bathroom and closed my eyes, enjoying his ministrations. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to cum again this soon after our session in the bedroom but I felt things start to build as when he deepthroated me. As my cockhead teased the entrance to his throat, I grabbed his head and started gently thrusting my hips to meet his movements.

He sucked harder on my rod, the intensity was almost painful, and I could feel that tingling sensation in my balls. I warned him that I was almost there, and he redoubled his efforts. I closed my eyes and felt myself getting lost in the sensation of being in his warm mouth and the delicious suction he was employing. My hips were moving involuntarily and then I felt the release. My load wasn’t large, this soon after our session on the bed, but it was probably one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever experienced. It was just a couple of pulses, which he swallowed easily.

My cock deflated and he sucked the last of my sperm out of it before releasing me and getting to his feet. He got dressed and I threw on some underwear and a t-shirt. We went back out to my little living room and engaged in some meaningless small talk while we watched the rest of the hockey game before he left. I went to bed and quickly fell asleep afterward.

The phone woke me up the next morning. It was my boss, wanting me to come in a bit early before my shift that day, because he wanted to talk. He didn’t sound worked up, so I didn’t think it was anything major, he just wanted to see me and talk about a couple things. I agreed and told him I’d be there, then did some cleaning and chores for a couple hours (including the washing of my oil and cum soaked sheets) before heading into work.

When I got to work, I greeted my day-time co-worker and headed up to the small office my boss kept upstairs in the little 2 story building. Most of the second story was storage for stock items and stuff but he had a little office in the corner with his desk and a shelf with the hardware for the surveillance cameras. Skip, my boss was at his desk, looking over some paperwork when I knocked on the open door frame.

He looked over, saw it was me and smiled and waved me in. He told me to relax and pull up a chair. My boss, Skip, was a pretty cool guy, despite the douchey nickname that he went by. He was in his mid 40s, tall, and pretty fit, with no sign of grey in his blond hair. When I sat down he told me how pleased he was with how I was doing and mentioned he wanted to bump me up to officially being an assistant manager at the store, but he only had one question I needed to clear up first. He then reached over and turned on the surveillance monitor and asked,

“How often does this happen?”

I sat there stunned. It was footage of me on my knees in front of my favorite police officer. I tried to stammer out a reply but all that came out was single syllable gibberish.

He leaned over and put a hand on my knee, telling me,

“Relax! You’re not in trouble. I just want to know how often something like this happens.” His hand on my knee was stroking my thigh and when I focused his expression was still friendly but it had altered from his usual pleasant friendliness to something else. I saw traces of a hunger.

“The police account is a really important one for us, so I am happy you are willing to go to lengths to keep them happy. I would appreciate it, however, if you could provide me with a… demonstration… of your customer service skills.” I was shocked. Skip was (happily?) married to a beautiful wife and had a couple equally beautiful kids. It wasn’t unusual for his wife to spend time in the store but now he was telling me he wanted me to give him a blowjob.

My mind still wasn’t fully recovered from the shock of seeing myself on the video feed and him finding out, never mind the rest.

“But…What… This only happened the one time and it will never happen again, I promise. Please don’t tell.-”

“Ssshhh. I already told you, I’m not mad. I’m pleased you’re willing to go the extra step for some of our best customers. I’m not going to tell anyone about this: its our little secret. But its also been a while since I had a blowjob like that and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind…”

“But what about Mrs…”

“She never liked giving me head and we’re kind of… used to each other. We still fuck every now and then but… so what do you say? Help a friend out?”

I glanced over at his lap and could see an erection tenting his pants. “But what about the door?”

“Go lock it. No one should be coming in here anyway but just in case, lock it and we’ll have some warning if anyone tries to come in.”

I was a pretty submissive young man, used to doing what I was told by those in authority, so it never really entered my head to refuse Skip. Plus I was discovering I liked having a hard cock in my mouth and Skip wasn’t the worst looking man either. I went over to the door for the outer storage area, made sure it was locked and came back over to his little office. I entered the small office and closed the door to it as well. It was tight but there was enough room for us.

I had Skip stand up, then slid to my knees in front of him as my hands flew to his belt and I undid it and his dress pants. As I slid his pants down, I saw he was wearing boxers, and not the tighty whiteys that almost everyone else I knew wore. I slid his boxers down and pushed both pants and underwear to his ankles then guided skip back into his chair. I took his semi-erect cock in my hand and gave it a couple strokes. He was circumsized and not quite as long as Derek or Constable LaValle, closer to my six inches, with a shock of sandy brown pubic hair surrounding it.

I leaned forward and took my third cock in less than a week into my mouth. I could feel the tremors as blood pumped into his manhood and it swelled in me. I loved that feeling: it made me feel like I was in control of these men that otherwise dominated me. I whirled my tongue around him, tickling the shaft the way I love it before sucking hard on the head and tonging the slit, searching for drops of precum. Skip’s eyes rolled in his head and his hands grabbed the side of my head. I was barely getting started but I could feel he was going to blow his top already.

I didn’t know what to expect so I tried to pull back so only his head was in my mouth and it was a good thing too. He must not have cum in a while because he hosed me down with blast after blast of his seed. I swallowed at least 3 mouthfuls before he was done, but I loved it. His cum tasted better than Officer LaValle’s and far better than the bitter taste I had grown used to from Derek. I kept sucking and licking until his erection faded and after I made sure the last drop was gone I reached down and started pulling his pants and boxers up for him.

“Oh my god that was good! Next time I’ll try not to cum so fast but…wow!”

I looked over to him. “You’re sure there’s going to be a next time?” I was trying to be coy but wasn’t sure if it worked or not. I really had no objections: this was fast but I loved the taste of Skip’s pearly liquid.

“I think this definitely needs to happen again…Assistant Manager.” He had a big grin on his face when he uttered the last two words and I was ecstatic. So ecstatic that I leaned over and gave him a big kiss on the lips. He grabbed me and stuck his tongue in my mouth, tasting his own remnants, leaving me no option but to wrestle his tongue with my own. When the kiss was done, we separated somewhat sheepishly,

“Sorry, I got a little carried away…”

He chuckled softly and replied, “Its OK. You caught me by surprise but I enjoyed it. We WILL have to do this again, but we’ll have to be careful: the last thing I want is my wife to catch us. Speaking of being careful, you should be more careful too: if an incident like Thursday happens again, try to stay off camera or at least warn me, so I can take care of the tapes. Sometimes Cathy scans through them too. I’m not sure how she would react to seeing something like that.”

I nodded. “Of course. I’ll try to be more careful. Its just that… I never planned on that happening: he just sort of took control and the next thing, well, you know. You saw. I just did what he wanted me to do.”

“I did. And it was such a turn on. You have a wonderful mouth. I haven’t had a blowjob that good since college, but that’s another story for another time. You should be heading downstairs: I think your shift starts pretty soon.”

I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and nodded. He leaned forward and gave me a quick peck on the lips and swatted my ass to send me on my way. I went down stairs and into the bathroom to make sure I was presentable and then went out to start my shift.


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