A Straight Guy Walks into a Bar Ch. 02


A gay story: A Straight Guy Walks into a Bar Ch. 02 Our eyes slowly closed and he soon was snoring, I woke he was getting back in bed he went to pee, he lay back down his back to me. I woke the sun was coming up, he was snuggled in close to me, he was uncovered and cold by the looks of it. I covered him up and he snuggled in closer to my body, he was laying right in tight to me.

I slowly dozed off and when I woke the next time he was half on me, his hand was in my underwear, my cock was rock hard and leaking. His body pressed to my own, his huge cock grinding on my hip, he had to have a ten inch dick. His hand slowly stroking my cock, he had to be awake if he was stroking my cock right?

I turned to him and his face was right there in front of me, damn he was a handsome man, no wonder I had wet dreams of this guy. I pulled his hand out of my underwear and he and I lay there, I could not engage in sex with him till he got tested, I would be tempted to go all the way. We lay there staring at each other, could I realistically date this guy? Have him in my bed each night, have his huge cock deep inside my ass and mouth? Now that part I was all for.

I got up and went in to pee, I walked into the kitchen and put on coffee, he stayed in bed I went back in and he was asleep. I covered him up and watched him sleep, his long hair spread framing his handsome face. I wanted to lean in and kiss him, run my hand on the side of his face, get in bed with him and have sex, how long had it been now six months? Yeah, that bartender.

I took out food for breakfast, I was having coffee and reading a book I had just started, he came in the room sweats hanging just above his cock and nothing else, besides being really thin he had a nice body but he always did, hairy upper chest, slim waist, V shaped torso, and those long legs of his. He really was a handsome man for sure. I got up and grabbed him a coffee, I showed him where the milk and sugar were, he fixed his coffee and came and sat.

“Billy about last night, I’m sorry I put my hand on your cock while you were asleep.”

“Thomas both you and I know you were not asleep, you looked directly into my eyes while you stroked my cock.”

He sat there sipping his coffee.

“What are you saying Billy?”

“Not saying anything, I always liked you Thomas, you touching my cock is a fantasy of mine, always had a crush on you even though you were always a prick towards me.”

“Again real sorry Billy about all that school stuff, and sorry about touching your cock, I crossed a line if you want me to go then I can go.”

“Go where Thomas back on the streets begging for food and money? Sleeping under a bridge? You are staying here, you will stay with me till we figure something out, or you can just stay with me, I am not putting you back out there but you have to follow the boundaries I am setting with you, hands off my cock at least till you get tested and I will get done as well.”

I could see all the guilt he had from touching my cock, I got up and started on breakfast, he came in and sheepishly asked if he could help. I had him set the table, make toast, pour us a glass of orange juice, he stood there waiting for the toast to pop, he stared at me, his eyes on my whole body.

“Why do you keep staring at me Thomas?”

“Maybe I need to be honest with you and with myself for once in my life Billy, the real reason my marriage broke up was me not her, I could not have sex with her, the thought of it made me go soft each time, she was a beautiful woman but I never wanted her, she was my alibi, she covered up the fact that I liked guys. I liked you Billy for years and years.”

“So why were you so mean to me Thomas? You hurt me, you made me cry, you called me fag every single time you ran into me.”

Thomas started to cry, I pulled him in and held him to me, his bare chest, his thin body my cock was in control, I held my hips away as much as I could but he too was rock hard.

“Billy I am so sorry, but my old man would have killed me if I was the least bit gay, he told me if I ever brought one home he would kill him and me too. Billy the man terrified me all the time, he beat me, he called me useless, a loser, he even called me Daddy’s little faggot so many times, wanting to make me cry. He hated weak people, and in his eyes his son was weak and probably a useless faggot that he wanted to kill, mostly he liked to beat me for no good reason. Not sure why I wanted the man to like me, or at least kind of respect me, probably fear.”

Thomas pushed his head into my chest and I held him.

“Billy the man tortured me for years, I hated him and I took it out on you. I am so sorry Billy, but deep down I really liked you Billy and I still do.”

“Really liked you too Thomas, but you Sir have toast to butter and we have breakfast to eat.”

He pulled away and buttered the toast, he wiped his eyes and we sat and ate, he continued to stare at me.

“You know Billy I never knew how handsome you really are till I saw you in that bar, and yeah I knew it was a gay bar, why would a guy like me go to a straight bar? Guess I always hoped I may run into you one day, well maybe I prayed I would.”

We cleaned up then we would go out and buy him some clothes, shoes personals, go to the clinic and get tested, we had a great day out. Got some really nice clothes for him and some shoes, we threw out his old clothes, he and I went out and had lunch at a cute bistro. We got dinner started and sat and talked, he told me of his past life with his Dad and his wife.

He soon figured out his wife and his best friend were having sex behind his back, he really did not blame either of them, they were in love, he was in their way. He managed to make them both mad enough that he fired him and she kicked him out. He now only had his truck that he could realistically live in, he soon lost the truck payments not being made, they found it and towed it repo it.

He ended up on the streets, he went from couch to couch at first, till they all wanted no part of him and his nonsense. He told me he was so confused all the time, his father had drummed it in his head that it was so bad to be who he really was, that he could not possibly be that way. The day he and I met he was sitting at an intersection when a gay couple came by and gave him money, they seemed so happy why would it be bad if he too was a gay man?

He sat there and realized where he was and the predicament he was in, there was no road back to a decent way of life. He had to be honest and upfront with who he really was, he had to embrace the fact that he was indeed gay. Even when I asked him at the bar if he was or not he still denied it, but when I got him home he realized that I was gay and had a really great life, his father was so wrong.

So that night he put his hand in my underwear and had to feel another man’s penis for the first time. He was sorry he did it but he had to say it made him so horny to do it. He never felt that with his wife ever, even dating he dreaded having sex with her he had to imagine so many scenarios where he could stay hard, mostly naked men, usually his best friend or me.

The sexual tension between us was unreal, we had to wait for results before we could even think about engaging in sex with each other, not that he did not hug me a lot, and in the process make me rock hard. He and I made our way to the clinic, he and I looked at each other over and over while I was driving over. The wait in the waiting room seemed to take forever, I was on the edge of my seat and he too so nervous and worried that he may have something anything.

It was unlikely that either of us would have anything, as I only had sex with my ex and the bartender, it was going on seven months now, and Thomas had not had sex since he and his wife had split, and that was years ago. Finally we were called in he and I would be at each others to know the results.

The doctor gave us the speech about safe sex, using condoms, or abstaining, are you kidding me over six months is that not abstaining. He and I got the same result free and clear of any and all, other than Thomas being underweight and needing healthier foods we were both in good shape.

We walked out both of us smiling, but at the same time nervous, who would initiate sex with who? Should I start with him or he with me. We got home I went in to the kitchen to get food ready for lunch, he was in his room sorting clothes, getting laundry ready. I went into his room and stood in the doorway.

“Thomas you okay?”

He had tears streaming down his face, for such a tough man in school he sure was the emotional one now, I walked up to him and pulled him in. It was different now, I held him like I would a boyfriend, no longer pulling back my crotch, he would feel my straining cock against his own. I held him close and he pressed his face into my chest.

“Billy I’m sorry I am like this, all week I was sure I would jump you once we got home, but it terrifies me to think that you would want to have sex with a loser like me.”

“Thomas you are not a loser, you are a great guy now that you are being yourself.”

I pulled his head back and I pressed my lips to his, soft and tender, I kissed him and his arms pulled me in. Our bodies in tight with each other, his huge cock grinding on my own. He and I held this kiss for some time, I never wanted to pull back, I could cum with just a kiss from this guy.

“Billy could we do more? Can I touch your penis? Would you ever want to touch mine?”


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