A Summer at the Farm Ch. 18


A gay story: A Summer at the Farm Ch. 18 Blake agrees to spend the summer at Joe’s farm to lend a helping hand to his girlfriend’s father and make a few bucks. That sounds like the perfect plan for his jealous girlfriend. Stuck at the farm, Blake will not cheat on her while she is away… If only she knew!

All characters featured in the story are above 18.

This story is entirely fictional and only meant to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18.



Chapter 18: Heatstroke

The month of August is very hot in Utah.

Especially when you work and live at Joe’s farm.

It had taken us weeks to really make a move onto each other, but once we had crossed the Rubicon, we were fucking like rabbits.

Or more accurately, Joe was fucking me.


And multiple times a day.

I discovered everything in the span of one Summer. How to give proper blowjobs. How to stimulate my prostate. How well anal pleasure and anal orgasms could feel. How to fuck with another man. How to handle an unreal 12+ inches veiny cock.

Joe was truly blessed with that one.

Whether flaccid or hard, although we were living pretty much like nudists in the farm, I could never get tired of looking at and worshipping the fat piece of uncut meat dangling between his hairy legs.

I learnt so much with him.

With time, I found that Joe was right about the ways a man should live his life.

Why should we care about what other people think? Why do we need to hide everything which make us who we are: our body, our hair, our smell… Hell, we should even be enjoying out stink!

Why hide our sexual urges? If we want to grab our cock and stroke it, why should we stop ourselves?

Men are wired this way. They get horny and their dicks get hard at any time. Joe helped me embrace this.

It was just natural.

“Be proud of your libido, Blakey, that’s your energy right there.” He grabbed my balls. “Politicians can make speeches, women can cry on television, we can talk about money, feminism, war or power, but deep down, we all know the truth, sex is driving our world.” Joe had once told me.

It was very strange when we had to go out of the farm or see someone from the “outside world”.

Having to put on underwear or even just a pair of shorts seemed like a tedious and unnatural task.

Just like Joe, I wanted to be naked all the time now, enjoying the sun on my bare skin, letting my cock hang freely.

Running an errand without being able to burp in public or to scratch my balls seemed silly.

Even in a small town full of rednecks, I thought that everyone was way too polite and, in a way, way too “civilized”.

At the farm, I felt more connected to my inner self, to my primal self…

Really, Olivia had a point when she was saying that her father was just like a cave man. But what I had firstly seen as an insult became a compliment, something to aspire towards, the true meaning of our life.

I did not want to think about Liv though…

What would she think of me when she would come back? Would she be able to tell that I had become a very different man? Certainly… Could she smell her father strong scent all over me? Would she realize that my asshole was not as tight as before?

But more importantly, did I still want her to come back?

I really tried not to think about her to enjoy my time with Joe but, even from thousands of miles away, Olivia was becoming omnipresent.

Her calls were more frequent.

The facetimes were lasting longer.

She was texting me each morning with the number of days left before our reunion.

As the time went by, she seemed more and more excited to come back. She told me that her trip had been like a tipping point for her, understanding what really mattered in life, and guess what she found out? What really mattered was… me!

Fucking hell!

Could not she find a cute London boy and give me some rest?!

It was like she was determined to make me feel guilty, although clearly, she had no idea about what was going on at the farm.

I mean, how could she have imagined that?!

Olivia became a sensitive topic for Joe and I as I was downplaying her involvement in our relationship while Joe could not help but noticing the multiple calls and texts…

She was also telling him how much she was happy that he liked me. She took it as Joe giving his approval on our relationship.

“I’ve just hung up with Liv…” He told me one night as he walked inside his bedroom (which had become our bedroom) and as I was waiting him on all fours on the bed.

As soon as he pronounced her name, I knew that I would not be getting some good dicking that night.

I sat down, jaded.

“Oh, cool. What did she say?” I pretended that this was casual.

Neither Joe nor I had recognized that we were doing anything wrong by quote on quote “playing” together.

We were just blowing off some steam.

Always the same mantra, we were not hurting anyone, as long as she did not know…

“She’s glad that you’re here at the farm, helping me. I told her you’ve been great and she… Well, she’s very excited about it… You want to know her exact words?”

It was very unusual for Joe; he was not joking around or grunting.

He seemed very serious as he was talking about his daughter.

“Just tell me.”

“She said that…” He sighed. “… That it was the best thing that could happen to her that the two men of her life were respecting and loving each other that much. She’s over the moon about that.”


What a way to kill the mood, Liv.

“Yeah, I mean, she’s right. I respect and…” I could not repeat the word love, for obvious reasons. “…I admire you very much.”

“Likewise.” Joe whispered, sitting down next to me.

I tentatively put my head on his broad shoulder, and thankfully, he let me, meaning that we were not finished.

“Joe… I… I think I’m going to propose to her when she’ll be back.”

I do not know why I said that.

He smiled.

“You two are going to be very happy together.”

I nodded yes.

I had my hand on his bare thigh though. So close to his dick.

Could have we been more delusional?

Looking back at it, I think that we both needed a reason to keep going without feeling too bad about ourselves.

The minute we would recognize we were going too far; it would have to stop.

On the contrary, if I were still intending to marry his daughter, that could only mean that whatever was happening between Joe and I was barely something to pass the time in a stranded place.

Nothing serious or to be worried about.

We did not have sex that night but we still slept in the same bed.

Maybe it was even worse…

When I woke up, I had a text, the countdown. 21 days before she would be back.

I sighed.

But then, I made a decision.

I only had three weeks left with Joe and I had to make it count. Realistically this could never work, – long term was impossible between us -, but we could not waste the short time that we did have by feeling guilty.

Joe was hard, already leaking on his stomach.

I sucked his cock to wake him up. That intoxicating smell, that sweet and salty taste, that big slab of meat… Delicious.

He got even stiffer in my mouth and while keeping his eyes shut, he started thrusting his hips to fuck my throat.

I grabbed his ass to remain steady and I let him abuse me, just the way we both liked it.

He eventually fully woke up and turned me over, to fuck me from behind, as we were both lying in the bed. He used my own saliva as lube.

Fucking in the morning, while cuddling… How was this not a couple thing?

Hell… I could hardly feel bad as he was massaging my pecs and burying his monster cock in my asshole.

“Hmmm… Daddy… You fill me up so good…”

“Yes, boy, that feels amazing…”

He tapped deep inside of me.

“Hmmm… You’re gonna make me cum…”

We did not last very long that morning. Our balls were full of cream and it was a rare occasion that we had not had sex the night before.

We stayed in bed once he had bred me though. I laid my head on my new favourite place on Earth, his furry chest.

I played with the few greyish hairs which were growing around his nipples.

Joe pounded me again less than an hour later, in the shower.

We were insatiable.

“Yes, Joe! Yes… Deeper… Harder…!” My screams were echoing in the bathroom.

Thank God the farm was isolated from the rest of the world because it seemed like someone could have heard me from miles away.

Not from Europe, though. Olivia was at a safe distance from this.

“You like that, boy? You like that fat cock in your tight hole?”

“Yes… I… Hmmm… More…”

We were standing up but Joe was holding my left leg in the air to grant him an easier access to my butthole.

The warm water was pouring onto us. I was already wet but Joe was licking my face too.

“I can feel my previous loads inside of you already… Fuck… You’re such a nasty boy…”

“I am, daddy. I want to have your loads in me, all the time, always… So deep… Please…”

He went balls deep.

It always hurt when he did that, but he hurt so damn good. His dick was massive and his balls were just as abnormally large, fapping against my ass.

I came against the glass door; Joe forced me down on my knees and made me swallow my own spunk dripping on the glass.

He loved that, seeing me acting dirty.

The large shower tub was a true blessing as Joe could sit down behind me and I was able to impale myself on his stick while my face was smashed against the door.

The remaining of my sperm was smeared against my cheek.

“Yes, baby, jump on daddy’s pole… Ah fuck… You’re such a baddie… I…”

“Please, daddy, breed me again, please…”

“You want my milk?”

“I’m begging you…”

“You filthy cunt…”

He was forcing his fingers down my throat as I was fucking myself on his cock.

I could barely talk anymore; he was choking me. Granted, there was not much to say, my moaning was sufficient to show how much I was enjoying being manhandled anyway.

Just like I never got tired of Joe’s incredible cock, I never got tired of getting fucked in the ass.

In fact, the more we were doing it, the better it was feeling.

I was reaching orgasms I did not even think were possible. It was like I was discovering my body and anatomy in a fresh new way, just like when you masturbate or have sex for the very first time.

What is that song again? “A whole new wooooorld…”

Guys, play with your prostate at home, you will see, it’s fun!

“I’m nutting, baby…” Joe whispered in my ear.

I felt some more loads of cum flooding my hole as Joe had both his hands wrapped around my throat.

“Hmmm… Yeah…”

Once he was done, I turned around and, in an impulse, almost kissed him. On the lips.

He did not catch that so he was not weirded out by it, and I stopped myself before crossing that last frontier.

Phew! What the hell was I thinking?

We were getting behind on work but we did not care. As long as the goats and the chicken were getting taken care of, everything else could wait.

After spending too much time in bed, and then in the shower, we were also taking our time eating breakfast. That morning, I sat on Joe’s legs for the first time while eating the bacon and eggs.

We were sharing the same plate. No clutters needed; we were eating with our fingers.

Some bacon fell on my cock and Joe playfully picked it up to eat it. He then licked my dick for the greasy after taste.

He was rarely getting his mouth close to my junks and it got me hard all over again…

Were we really about to fuck for the third time in a row?

Nah… Sadly, we got distracted by a phone call. Dave needed some help on his farm, there had been an accident and a tractor was stuck in a ditch.

Freaking homophobic Dave!

But Joe would have never left a buddy in the lurch. It was not even a question, we put a pair of shorts (going commando of course), and some boots on, and we left immediately.

I had never been to Dave’s farm and it was widely different than Joe’s.

You could tell that some of the structure was falling apart, the upkeeping was not there, the house was smaller than Joe’s… To be fair, Dave had been there only for about a year but the big plans to rehabilitate the farm did not seem to go well.

I also met Cody for the first time.

He was about my age and I was surprised as I saw him walking out from the house in just a pair of jockstraps.


“Hey y’all.” He said as Joe and I got out from the car.

“Hey, kiddo.” Joe hugged him briefly. “Nice outfit.” He chuckled.

I was stroke by a spike of jealousy. It got me uncomfortable to feel that way.

Cody looked down at his jockstraps.

“It’s so hot in here, we were living on the East Coast before… First summer in the desert. That’s tough.”

Cody shook my hand. A firm handshake.

He was fit and looked good. Without his stupid mullet, he could have even been a model, I thought. Great smile, sharp joe, lean and shredded body. Cody’s pubic hair was coming out from the pouch of his jockstraps.

I thought I recognized the brand.

Oh yes, I remembered. I had slept on the exact same jockstraps which had been worn by Dave and left under my cushion.

“So, you followed Dave here?” I asked Cody, trying to make small talk.

“Sure. What else was I supposed to do? Been helping out Dave since forever. Only thing I can do, really!”

My first impression was that the dude did not seem that bright.

Dave came out about a minute later, he was not wearing much more but just like Joe and I, he had a pair of shorts on at the very least.

“Fucking heatwave, hottest day of the year!” He barked at us. “And fucking tractor!”

“Don’t tell me about it. This summer’s been rough. Warmer than any other year.” Joe commented.

“You’re not gonna lecture me on global warming, aren’t you?” He spat on the ground.

Of course, Dave thought that global warming was a conspiracy theory invented by the leftists…

He offered each of us a fresh beer, – that Cody went to pick up in the fridge -, before we went further down a hill, where the tractor was completely overturned in a ditch.

The first few attempts at getting it back proved to be a complete failure.

The machine was stuck, the four of us could not do anything about it, and we realized that we would need some rope and a way to exercise traction.

The temperatures were rising up as we were reaching noon and we eventually decided to have lunch before going back with some more appropriate materials.

Back at Dave’s farm, we were dripping sweat in his kitchen.

The house was even smaller than what I initially thought because a large part of it was uninhabitable.

I noticed that there was a single bedroom.

Interesting… They were sleeping together, then.

Talking about which, they disappeared for a moment as Dave asked Cody to help him out with something upstairs.

Joe and I were left alone in the kitchen.

I did not think much of it until I looked on my side and gasped at the sight of Joe on his chair, fondling with his cock.

The anaconda was out of his shorts!

Joe had the biggest grin on his face.

“What are you doing?!” I pressed him, stunned.

“What? I’m relaxing. It’s been a tense morning. It’s hot in here.”

“Joe, they’re right here. Put it away!”

He laughed.

“I’ve known you to be more daring, Blakey.”

“But not in someone else’s house!”

The more I was stressing out, the bigger his cock was getting.

Damn it, he was getting off on the risks!

“Come on, you know Dave’s not shy. What do you think he’s doing with his boy upstairs? We probably walked on them fucking earlier, and they absolutely knew we were coming to the farm.”

“Maybe. But Cody’s not in a relationship with Dave’s daughter, is he?”

Joe frowned.

He did not like to hear that.

I admit, that was a low blow from my part, but my mind was reeling all over the place. We could not get caught.

Bob already knew about the blowjob at the glory hole, that was enough, there were too much loose ends already.

“You don’t want it then? You’re not hungry?”

Joe was too horny to stop himself. He was jerking off, tempting me.

He pulled his foreskin and spat on his cockhead.

“Of course, I want it…” I whispered, angrily. “But nobody can know about us. That’s what I meant.”

“As if Dave didn’t already know that you’re a little slut. You think that I’m so dumb that I don’t know what you’ve been doing with him?”

I was losing control of the situation.

“It’s been just one time, Joe. It meant nothing.”

He looked very pissed now.

Maybe he had been waiting for this confirmation for days.

“I knew it…” He muttered.

Joe finally put his dick back in his shorts. Just in time as Dave and Cody walked inside the kitchen.

They were both red, sweaty and their hair were messy. I doubted it was only because of the heat…

I felt bad about leaving Joe hanging. I felt even worse about our argument.

It was such a bad timing to talk about something this important.

He was right though… I had sucked Dave’s cock inside the farm. And Bob as well… They all knew I was a slut. They had found out my true nature.

But I was getting scared. Everything was going too fast. We were taking too much risks.

The four of us ate something quickly, and then we went back to the tractor. I forgot to bring water with me, critical mistake.

It took us a full hour to manage to strap ropes and use another machine to get the tractor out of the ditch. We managed it but it was exhausting.

It was a good way to release the pressure though.

I needed the manual labour, the sweat, the challenge. Clearing my mind. I gave myself fully to the physical efforts.

Cody was wearing a pair of shorts. He was done with the jockstraps. His dick was flopping. His ass was wet. He looked sexy.

The heat was playing tricks on me.

I thought I was seeing things. Incidental touching, looks, lust in the farmers’ eyes… I was imagining a foursome with these guys. A bukkake maybe.

I would be swallowing each of their dick, feeding on their cum.

They could gangbang me too, under the sun.

I was regretting the way I had talked to Joe earlier. He was ignoring me now, staring at Cody’s ass instead of mine.

I was dead jealous.

Dave was all over me… But I did not care about him. I did not have the energy to push back either.

I accepted the attention.

I walked towards the farm with Dave, Joe and Cody had a head start on us.

They seemed to be laughing together but they were too far already for me to hear them.

“I can see you’re not wearing any underwear… Slutty, I like it” Dave slid his hand inside the back of my shorts as we were walking down the hill.

“It’s just too hot today…”

“Yeah… Hot… That’s the word…”

He was feeling me up.

Aside from the beer earlier, – the alcohol had been another mistake -, I had barely drunk anything.

“What do you think they’re doing?” I asked, talking about Joe and Cody.

I had lost them on my sight. Had they already reached the farm?

“Don’t worry about them.” Dave grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

He was all hands on me now, groping, grabbing, feeling me up.

“Dave… I… I don’t know…”

“Oh, I do know, baby. It’s been so long… I’ve been thinking about you a lot since last time… Haven’t you?”

I was starting to see stars, dark spots before my eyes.

I let Dave lick my chest. It was drenched with sweat. Him too was all wet. We were dirty. Dirty horny men…

“I’m not sure what’s happening to me.” I blurted out.

“You’re finding yourself, Blake… All you need to do is to let yourself go.”

He grabbed my hands and put them on his hairy belly. He had more of a “dadbod” than Joe, but that did not make it less handsome.


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I had learnt to love the roughness, but things were starting to spin around me.

“I don’t feel well.” I mentioned.

I may have been dizzier than I thought.

Dave did not take into consideration what I had just said. He was too turned on to pay attention.

He pulled down his shorts, and then, mine. We were in a middle of a field.

He was hard as a rock.

I knelt down spontaneously and all I remember from this point on is his stiffed cock throbbing in front of my eyes.

Then, everything went black.

I fainted.

When I woke up, there was blood everywhere and people were fighting.

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