A Summer at the Farm Ch. 19


A gay story: A Summer at the Farm Ch. 19

Blake agrees to spend the summer at Joe’s farm to lend a helping hand to his girlfriend’s father and make a few bucks. That sounds like the perfect plan for his jealous girlfriend. Stuck at the farm, Blake will not cheat on her while she is away… If only she knew!

All characters featured in the story are above 18.

This story is entirely fictional and only meant to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18.



Chapter 19: Fist Fight and Tantric Massage


I was stunned, lying on the dried grass.

When I opened my eyes, I saw spots and stars above my head. The sun was burning my skin. I looked around as I regained consciousness.

Two men were going at each other.

I noticed Dave first, howling like a mad man, his face covered with blood. He looked awful and scary.

He was naked, dirty, and being withheld by Cody, his big dick bouncing around like a freaking helicopter.

“LET ME GO, CODY! I’LL KILL HIM! I’LL KILL YA!” He repeated, throwing his fists in the air as he could not reach Joe.

Joe eventually glanced at me, noticing that I had opened my eyes.

He knelt down beside me as Dave could not stop yelling.


“You’re okay, Blakey?” Joe asked me, visibly worried.

His fist was bloody which gave me a good indication of what had happened.


“I… I’m fine…”

“What had he done to you?!”

Joe looked down at my exposed dick. He was shaking, on edge.

I genuinely did not know what to say.


Joe immediately stood back up and jumped on both Cody and Dave, it was like a bear attacking.

I straightened up, in shock.

“Joe!” I shouted, bewildered by his aggressivity.

He was on the ground with Dave, it looked like the two men were wrestling in the mud. Naked though, except for Joe who was wearing his shorts but those were sliding down as Dave groped his ass.

Cody had been pushed on the side.

A naked mud fight… Seriously?!

I could barely hear what they were grunting and barking to each other but I got some bits and pieces of their fight:

“Faggot! Eat my dick!”

“Leave my boy alone, you, pervert!”

“I’ll fuck your dirty shitty hole, old man!”

“Not before you suck my big cock, asshole!”

They were about to physically, and seriously, hurt each other.

I was still very dizzy but I stood up and ran to them, I had to do something.

I had forgotten about one important detail though…

My shorts were wrapped around my ankles, and like an idiot, I got tangled up in them and I fell, face-down, onto the ground.


The others were too busy fighting to notice my fall.

I slipped away from the shorts and, stark naked, I jumped on them and grabbed Joe’s bare shoulders, unless it was Dave’s?

Everything was blurry and, again, it was so damn hot!

Cody got next to me and gave me a hand in attempting to keep the two wrestlers from killing each other.

Flaccid meaty cocks, hairy ass, and manly sweaty flesh were everywhere. I did not mind the cocks hitting me but I could have done without the dirt and the blood.

After much struggles, we managed to split them up.

Everyone was panting. We were looking (and smelling) rough.

“Joe… Please… Nothing happened… I…” I tried to reason him.

“Bullshit! He’s a pervert! His filthy hands on you… I saw it!”

“It was only because of the heat! I think… I think I’ve just fainted. That’s all.”

“I told you, guys! No need to fight!” Cody screamed behind me.

He was holding Dave by the chest, scratching his dad bod.

“GET OUT OF MY LAND!” Dave barked.

“That’s why I gave him water. We’ve worked ourselves too hard in this temperature.” Cody tried to point out.

“Heatstroke?” Joe asked me after a while, perplexed.

“I was exhausted, I haven’t drunk enough water… It’s been so hot…” I explained.

“Yes, exactly! See, I’ve done nothing wrong!” Dave howled. “You, fucking asshole!”

Joe ignored him.

“Let’s get you some more water then. But… Why the hell are you naked? I’ve found you lying on the grass, your cock out, unconscious, Dave all over you! What am I supposed to think?!”

I had released Joe from my grip but he was very close to go back at Dave again.

Tension was still running high.

“I was trying to help him, moron, when I realized that the kid had fainted.” Dave yelped, wiping more dried-up blood from his nose.

“Is that true?” Joe asked me.

“I… I don’t know… We did get…” I glanced at Dave; he was in a very bad shape.

Maybe his nose was broken. I was not too sure what had happened but I certainly did not want Joe to kill him, and right there, I thought he was capable of it.

“What, Blakey? Tell me!”

“Nothing… Just like he said… I felt dizzy and my shorts must have slid down. Dave probably wanted to help me.”

I felt unwell again and Joe had to hold me so I would not fall.

“Good Lord, you’re weak. Let’s get you to the water source down there.”

Joe grabbed my entire body, lifted me up, – damn, he was strong -, and he held me in his arms like a toddler as he walked down the hill to the source.

Dave was still very pissed, rumbling and puffing behind us, but Cody was trying to calm him down.

We had somewhat controlled the situation but things could get bloody again.

I let Joe taking care of me.

Honestly, I felt safe in his bare reassuring arms.

Separating the two farmers had been the final nail in the coffin though, I had no ounce of energy left in me.

Barely conscious, Joe laid me on the ground again.

We were protected from the sun thanks to a large shadow coming from Dave’s barn. I heard a fresh source of water dripping beside me, right before feeling it pouring down my face.

“Drink some, boy.”


“Fuck Blakey… I’ve messed up. I did not read the situation correctly. When I saw the both you… I lost it.”

I did not reply.

I was too out of it to figure what would have been the appropriate thing to say.

It took me a little while to feel better and Joe even suggested to bring me to an hospital. I thought this would be overreacting, the water was already helping.

“I’ll be fine… I just need a minute…”

“You’re sure, Blakey?” Joe was patting my wet hair. “You don’t seem well.”

“I’m sure, Joe. Trust me, it was just a heatstroke.”

“We should never have come here! Under this heat. Dealing with Dave’s stupid shit! Fucking mistake.”

“That’s okay. Everything’s fine now.”

“Nah, it’s not! Look at you! I did not even see that you were exhausting yourself. Shame on me!”

Joe tapped his already scorned fist against the ground. He hurt himself again.

“Joe, please! Calm down… What have you done to Dave anyway?”

“Erf! What do you think I’ve done? I see a man lying on my boy, naked. Of course, he’s going to feel my big fist right on his stupid face! Stupid asshole!”

I chuckled.

The way he had phrased it gave me a strange feeling.

For sure, I was not happy about the turn of events, but the way Joe had protected me, it was hard not to feel something special about that.


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