A Trucker Drives it Home by cumfusion


I took my chance while they were in the grip of their day dreams and swam off at speed back to the shore where Doug was.

“OK you two and Doug” I said wagging my finger as Max and Brad came ashore puffing. “There’s a deal here right! You three! I said pointing at them are unfit aren’t you? The three of you all stopped playing rugby two years ago: And I don’t want to hear about any of you fine beautiful guys having heart attacks; OK?”

“I play three times a week!” Neil interrupted.

“Yes I have just noticed that” I said. There was laughter. “Look the deal is this: You guys are going to get yourselves to the gym with me three times a week to get some fitness back right? I’ll book you in cos I know the guys and I can get a reduced rate but you’ll have to share the cost!”

“So we all meet three times a week. Yea that doesn’t sound like a bad deal actually! What do you think?” said Brad looking at Doug and Max. I realised it probably meant me getting it several times on each occasion.

“Can I join you when I’m free?” added Neil.

To be fare on Brad and Max they looked hugely impressive. Brad was about the same size as Doug but with straight black hair and a smooth chest which emphasised his very large muscles. His cock looked about the same length Doug’s but shorter than Neil’s but it was quite thick and curved back a bit towards his belly button and his balls hung low in his scrotum. Max on the other hand was just massive all round. What I noticed most was the size of his cock and balls. I wasn’t sure if I could accommodate his monstrous cock which, in my mouth, had seemed so huge and hard. But that had made me all the more desperate to have him up inside me. And when you with balls that size I sensed he would be very productive!

I casually got out my margarine tube and squeezed half the contents over my bottom and around my anus. Neil helped work it into my asshole and I noticed that his cock was very hard again and sticking out horizontally. As I took his whole length in my mouth I couldn’t help noticing how big his balls were. If Brad and Max didn’t hurry up this virile youngster was going to beat them to it again!

But Brad soon got me firmly on my back and told the others to hold my legs apart. This was marvellous! I loved the feeling of being held while someone else prepared to fuck me. I would have been fun to have struggled but I wanted them so much I couldn’t bring myself to try. He was looking at me with his deep brown eyes as I felt his knob against my sphincter. I could see all his muscles tensed as he prepared to penetrate me. His strong thighs flexed as he pushed his prick into my asshole. There was no resistance. I couldn’t resist! He just came into me! He was unstoppable and I felt completely conquered by his huge body as he started driving me crazy by whatever it was he was doing to me inside my bottom! Brad was completely in charge as he probed my gland and propelled my reactions in a way I couldn’t control. I had never experienced anything like this. Wow this guy knew how to fuck! He was working his cock around inside me in a very deliberate way which was driving me crazy with excitement. I was groaning and squirming from side to side as he thrust his probing prick into every recess of my rectum.

I was soon in a state where I could think of nothing but Brad and his presence inside me and all the time there was this thrill building up somewhere deep inside my bottom. I wanted him more and more and felt myself being propelled into a huge orgasm. I thought I could feel myself trying to ejaculate but nothing was coming out. I just felt my genitals going into a terrific spasm as Brad suddenly let fly with his prick and dosed me with hot spunk and lovely virile cum gushing into the depths of my bowels.

There was no time for recovery or reflection as Max, pushing Neil aside when he tried to get in for a quick one, came over me still on my back with his massive frame. It was the right moment to challenge my asshole with a cock of that size because I was so excited by what Brad had just done to me. I had not been unable to ejaculate so my bum felt hotter than ever. All the same Max spared me nothing! His weight alone was enough to drive his massive member into me. It felt like I was splitting apart as he entered my inner sphincter. But there was no real pain just a feeling of being invaded by something utterly enormous! and then to feel it filling up my bottom first just with the size of it! before he began to thrust and jack off into me.

Soon I was orgasming wildly once more as the sheer size of Max’s cock meant that every part of my internal genitals felt the pressure from him. But Max was getting vigorous and thrusting me at an ever increasing pace. There was something about the rhythm of his shafting that was provoking my orgasms to extremes. Soon I was shouting out (or so they told me later). Max rammed me relentlessly until my orgasm got so intense that my whole rectum contracted and squeezed his cock so much that he suddenly shot his load and allowed me to relax as I felt waves of hot cum fluids gushing from his huge hose pipe inside me!

Believe me or not I still hadn’t been able to resolve my orgasms as these guys were just too big for my puny gland as their huge cocks had constricted my semen tubes.

Neil came up me again and seemed to know exactly what I needed as he drove his long dick past my gland a couple of times then buried it deep inside me. Doug had become excited again and started sucking my little cock. This time there was no stopping my ejaculations as I shot my load straight down Doug’s throat to more cheers and applause from all and Neil pumped my bum with his fresh cum.

“Notice how he’s gone all quiet now! Got what you needed didn’t you? Shut you up a bit aye? No more preaching about heart failure now?!”

“Yea thanks you all gave me a bloody good fucking and it was even better than any of my fantasies. OK what you have done has certainly affected me but it doesn’t mean you can’t get heart disease except of course it will have helped to dilate you arteries. So no! the deal is still on and I shall expect you to conform!!”

There was laughter and good humour all round. I think we were all in a state of sexual satisfaction except that Doug made be bend down once more and did me doggie style while the others looked on.

I suddenly felt we had to get back on the road. I didn’t realise how much time had passed but we needed to get at least to the next town and book into a Guest house for the night. Or that was my plan! The only thing was that the others had already contrived a different one. Seeing our truck parked and knowing I was with Doug on this trip they had not been surprised by what they had found. Neil had invited us all to stay the night as guests at the rugby club in the same town.

What do they say? ?It never rains but it pours’!


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