A vacation to remember by dlcalguy


A gay adult story: A vacation to remember. by dlcalguy ,

A married man is surprised to be sexually aroused by a young man while on vacation.

I was on a bench on the promenade at Playa Las Americas with my coffee and the latest English language newspaper. Looking out over the beach and the clear blue Atlantic. Enjoying the warm morning sun. A vacation in Tenerife was just what I needed. A week away from a stressful few months at work. We’d intended for my wife to be there, but at the last minute she’d had to cancel because of her job. But she told me I should go on my own, anyway. Knowing how much I needed a break.

As I sat there, I was people watching. Vacationers walked up and down in front of me in a continuous stream. Some families, some groups of young guys, some groups of young girls. The warm weather, even so early in the day, prompting some very skimpy clothing.

Girls in tiny swimsuits were attracting my attention. I had on my sunglasses to disguise where I was looking. Then a strange thing happened. A young man about 20 passed in front of me. He was wearing speedos and nothing else. Just carrying a bag and a drink.

His slim, smooth body somehow distracted me. I turned my head as he passed and watched him. From the rear, I watched his bottom as he walked away. It moved like a girl’s and I found myself staring. He turned his head and looked at me. There was nobody near him. It was obvious I was looking only at him. He had caught me checking him out.

He smiled a sly smile, turned and continued on his way. Wow, what was that all about? I thought to myself. I’m not gay. I don’t get turned on by guys.

But I realized that I had been turned on by this youth. His smooth, suntanned skin and his feminine ass in those tight speedos had had an effect.

Too much of an effect, in fact. I had an erection. Oh god! I’d had got an erection from looking at a boy! What was going on? But one thing was going on. I was horny as hell.

I wanted to go back to my hotel but I couldn’t get up because my hard cock would be making a big tent in my shorts. I could hide it behind my paper, I guessed, but it would be so obvious. I decided I should just sit tight for a little while and let it subside. I opened up my paper and started to catch up on the sports.

My head was buried in the paper so I didn’t notice immediately that he was approaching. Only when a shadow covered me, I looked up and there he was! The same young man who had had such a curious effect on me a little while ago.

“Hello” he said. “Can I join you”?

I lowered my paper. He stood there, in front of me. The first thing I saw was the bulge of his penis wrapped up in his tiny swimming costume. It took an effort to look up to his face.

“Uh, hi. Yes, I guess” I was stammering.

He sat down next to me. Close. I felt his leg touching mine.

“I caught you” he said.

“Caught me?”

“Yes, you were looking at my ass”

“No, no, not me” I denied it, but I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

“It’s OK. I know you were. I think you liked it.”

“I wasn’t. Honestly.”

“Don’t be shy. You can admit it.”

I was silent.

Then: “No you’re mistaken” I told him, firmly.

“OK, if you say so” he said, although his tone of voice was saying ‘you are lying and we both know it’.

He went on his way. I sat for a few more minutes and headed back to my room.

My hotel was designed in such a way that every room had a balcony overlooking the ocean and each was private.

I enjoyed the opportunity to strip off my shorts and lie naked in the sun. There is no feeling like it.

As I lay there, my thoughts went back to the alluring young man I had encountered and I felt my cock stirring.

My hand slipped down my body and I idly started stroking myself. The sun lotion I had liberally spread all over made it easy for me to run my hand up and down my stiffening shaft and soon I was masturbating. My fist gripped my hard shaft and slid up and down its length as I released my inhibitions and allowed myself to think about the boy.

This was MY fantasy, no need to be ashamed while I jerked off. Jerked off thinking about…

In my mind I thought of his ass in those speedos. Recalled how his cheeks moved as he walked away from me.

I thought about the bulge I had seen as he stood in front of me.

I fantasized about what might have happened if I’d admitted to him that I had been looking at his ass and hips and body as he passed me.

The image of his ass in my mind.

Imagining how it would feel to touch him. To run my palm over the curve of his sweet behind.

Stroking myself. Oh god I was so hard.

Wondering what his cock looked like.

Stroking myself. Up and down. Harder. Faster. The boy in my mind’s eye.

It was only a minute or two before I came. Strong as I can remember cumming since I was a teen.

The cum shot out and up my chest. Most of it slithered down off my oiled body and onto the towel that was under me. A little pool formed in the hollow of my sternum.

On a whim I dipped my fingers into it and brought it to my mouth.

Again with the new stuff! I had never in my life been with a guy or thought about it. Yet here I was, having an orgasm thinking about a guy and now I was tasting my cum for the first time.

I sucked my finger tips and then pushed my fingers deep into my mouth. Something else new.

And, as I lay there with two fingers going down into my mouth, I thought about sucking that boy’s cock.

That night, I masturbated again to the same fantasies. It was suddenly becoming an obsession and I was regretting my denials to the boy that morning. I decided that I would definitely not do so again. And I went to sleep hoping that the young man took a regular walk along the promenade each morning, because I was definitely going to be there tomorrow, in case he passed by.

I was down there again early the next day. Eager. On the same bench, same coffee, same paper. Pretending to read behind my shades, but really keeping a watchful eye for the youthful adonis who had approached me the morning before.

My mind was made up that I would take him to my room if he stopped again. I had chosen not to wear boxers under my shorts today; it added to the frisson I was feeling.

And then…. there he was. Still in those tiny speedos, sauntering along the boardwalk. A beach-bag dangling from his shoulder.

He swayed his hips as he walked. Even from the front I could see the sensual movement of his hips and recalled the appeal of his tight little bum.

He turned his head towards me and made a wry little smile.

I lifted my sunglasses to my forehead and looked at him. Today I wasn’t going to pretend a lack of interest. In fact, today I wanted him to know that I was very interested.

He changed course and slowed to a stop, standing next to where I was sitting.

We both faced out to sea. His sweet ass barely covered in the silky fabric of his swimming costume was a foot from my face.

“So, Mr “I wasn’t looking”, how are you today?”

“Very well thank you.”

“Today you are looking at me.”

“Yes, and I was yesterday. I am sorry I denied it. It was rude.”

“Rude to stare at boys half your age, or rude to deny it?”


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