Accounting Supplies

A gay story: Accounting Supplies It’s September 1963 and I’m in my first semester at college.

I say it’s 1963 so the reader will have an appreciation for the prevailing attitudes back then.

The college I’m attending is over 600 miles from my home. Freshmen weren’t allowed to have cars so my mobility was severely constricted.

The first week of actual classes was mostly orientation…this is the book/books/supplies you need…we meet at these times…and so on.

For my Accounting class we were required to have a set of Working Papers. Of course the bookstore didn’t have them.

Back at my dorm I scanned the phone book for stationery stores. I called a few asking if they carried what I needed. I finally found one that had everything I needed as they were suppliers to the local businesses and accounting firms.

They said they would put together a package for me and I could pick them up at my convenience.

Great!!! How am I going to do that? The store is 35 miles away from the campus.

I figured that hitchhiking was my only option.

So I put on my college jacket and headed for the road to the store.

Two or three cars passed without stopping. It looked like the drivers were women…so…I understood them not stopping.

About five minutes later a late model 4-door sedan slows down and stops. The driver rolls down the window and asked where I was going. I named the store and he said he was headed to a hardware store in the same city and said hop in.

He was an older gentleman…I say older…maybe in his 40’s. Well dressed.

Once I got situated we started some small talk…what was I studying…where was I from…how did I like college life…

He asked me how I planned to get back to campus…I said the same way I got here. He laughed said it was a good answer.

When we got into town, he dropped me off at the stationery store. I thanked him for the ride and he said he enjoyed the company. He wished me luck in my studies and drove off.

I found a clerk in the store and retrieved my supplies. The clerk said that there were a few other things that I might find helpful in my classes…pens, pencils, erasers, correction fluid. I paid for all my new-found treasures and headed for the door.

Standing on the sidewalk…trying to orient myself on which street we came in on. As I went to cross the street I saw my “chauffer” drive by. He stopped, tooted the horn and motioned me over. He asked if I was heading back to the college and would I like a ride. I nodded and he said get in. I thanked him profusely for his assistance.

He said no thanks were necessary…”That’s what friends are for”.

As we drove we chatted about this and that.

Then he asked me a somewhat strange question…He said…”If you do a favor for someone, do you think it is right to do a favor in turn for that person?”

I said I guess that would be the right thing to do.

He asked that did I think giving me a ride to and from town was doing me a favor. I agreed it was.

If that’s the case then, he said I should be willing to do a favor him…right?

I said…”sure..if I could”. He said he was sure I could.

What he said next took me by complete surprise…he said he wanted me to give him a blowjob.

I guess the stunned look on my face made him chuckle. “Don’t tell me you’ve never sucked a cock before…right?”.

He was correct…I had sucked cock before…the first time when I was 14 with some older boys.

I admitted I had. He said he thought so.

I asked him if he wanted me to do it while he was driving. He said no…that he knew a place where we would have privacy. I said ok…

We drove a few more minutes up the road and then he turned off into a secluded spot a good distance off the road. He said for me to leave my jacket on the front seat and get in the back seat with him.

The back seat of his car was spacious. He had slid the driver’s seat all the way forward and was sitting on the driver’s side.

He spread his legs apart and motioned me to come over and position myself between his knees.

His voice was calm but firm as he told me to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his trousers, and unzip his zipper. Both apprehension and excitement swirled thru my head. It had been a good while since I sucked a cock. The memories of the sights, sounds, scents, sensations and tastes came flooding back.

The memories of the pleasures that I gave…and received…from sucking a cock now had firm control of me.

As I folded back the flaps of his trousers I could see the unmistakable bulge in his undershorts. Without being told I took hold of the waistband and pulled it down. His cock became fully exposed. Erect, firm, about 6 inches as best I could guess, not too thick, circumcised.

I just knelt there, admiring, anticipating, and yes…hoping.

Again…without being told, I took hold of his cock and guided it into my, by now, willing mouth. I slowly started sucking it, sliding my mouth up and down…all the while those distant memories became real, vivid and present.

After what seemed like seconds but in reality was about 10 minutes, I felt his hands on the sides of my head. He held my head gently but firmly as I felt his cock stiffen and with a long sigh he began shooting streams of semen into my mouth. His first few spurts took me by surprise with their force. They hit the back of my throat. I instinctively, and without hesitation, swallowed each one…just like I had done many times before.

“You are a very good cocksucker…that was quite nice”.

I told him I was glad that he liked it and that it felt good to me also.

He asked me if I would consider doing it again sometime. I said I would.

“Would you consider giving a couple of other men blowjobs?” Again I said I would.

I asked him if it would be in a car…he said no…it would be at his house. He would arrange for someone to pick me up at the college and bring me back. I said ok.

I gave him my name and the dorm phone number.

We drove off…both content…I assumed…at least I knew I was.

I couldn’t help wondering what the next meeting had in store for me.

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