A gay adult story: Adam, Jason, and I by Paralyzed
Hi, I’m Matthew, I’m gay if you haven’t figured out from the section you’re reading, and this is a little about me. I’m 5ft 3in, longish black hair (just past my ears) I had a swimmer’s physique, cause well, I was a swimmer, I was hairless except for my head( I shaved my pubes) I had brown eyes, I didn’t think I was sexy, but I mean, I didn’t think I looked too bad. I was a freshman in high school, so I was basically the bottom of the food chain, having no chance at all to be with another guy, especially being in the closet didn’t help much either.
I had one crush, his name was Adam, he was the nerdy type, glasses, always paying attention in class, marching band (I was in it too), but he was really cute, he was the ugly kind of nerd, he had the looks to back himself up, black hair (short) brown eyes (like myself) about my height, and he played tennis, but he was always shy, never talking to girls, I had two assumptions, he was either one in the closet like me, or two extremely shy. Either way I would find out cause tonight he had invited me over for a sleepover.
I arrived at his door in sport shorts, and under armor, (it’s a special type of shirt meant to soak up sweat).
“Hey, Matthew, how’s it going? Thanks for coming.” Said Adam
“Ya, dude no problem, I needed a break from school and practice.” I said
“Yea me too.” He said
He brought upstairs too his game room, and introduced me to younger brother Jason, Jason was a carbon copy of Adam except no glasses and two years younger, he was so cute! I just wanted to have sex with him right there. Jason, on the other hand had other ideas and continued with his computer game, ignoring Adam and I completely.
Well the night went by quickly the hours ticking by soon, it was midnight, and Adam and I had finished playing all of the games that he had at least twice. Jason was still playing on his computer game.
“Hey Matthew guess what?” He said
“What?” I said
“Think fast!” He said as he tackled me off the couch
We quietly rolled around and wrestled in front of the couch, concealed from view from any one, I started getting aroused I mean who wouldn’t the one guy you know that you really like was physically rubbing up against you constantly, that would drive anyone crazy. I had huge hard-on and while we were wrestling, I tried to make sure he didn’t feel it, but he did, he pinned me down and fell right on top of it, our dicks, touched, it was through clothes but, they did and that’s all that mattered, he too was hard I could tell.
“Hmmm…. What’s that Matthew? I didn’t know you rolled that way Mr. swimmer, always the ladies man, and he’s gay?” He said
“Well Mr. Tennis player, I’m not the only one, seems as if you’re enjoying yourself too.” I said
We finally knew our answers we both craved each other, we both wanted it and tonight we would both have it. By the time, I even noticed it both our shirts were off and we were making out. He pulled of my shorts and revealed my dark blue boxer while I pulled off his jeans to reveal the cutest pair of tighty whiteys ever!
“Oh my god, Adam!” I said in a whisper
“Don’t make fun of me,” He said a little ashamed and blushing a bright red and turning away
“I didn’t make fun of them, I think they’re so cute!” I said
I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him again, our tongues meeting and intertwining. We started to pull off our boxers/briefs when…
“Oh my god Adam! What’re you doing?” Said his little brother as he took a look over the side of the couch
“Oh shit! Jason get out now!” Yelled Adam throwing his clothes at him
“Not, so fast Adam, I’m not stupid I know what you guys are doing, and I want in.” Said Jason
“You’re gay?” I said
“Yea… and I always thought my brother and his friend was kinda cute, now that I have the chance why not take it?” Said Jason as he started to pull off his shirt and pants and revealed his own set of tighty whiteys.
“Well, Adam I guess we have no choice, Jason’s gonna join in on the fun.” I said as I started to kiss Adam again and started to move him towards the couch and pulled off his underwear. I pulled mine off, Jason followed suit and started to rub his dick it was pretty big just about the same size as ours 5 inches. I put Adam on the edge of the couch stomach down.
“Fuck me, Matthew, Fuck me hard. I want it.” Said Adam
I pulled out the bottle of lube that I had brought with me just for this occasion, and rubbed it all over my dick and over his virgin ass.
“You ready Adam?” I said
“Yea, just be gentle.” He said
“Of course, I will be.” I said as I slowly inched my dick in with a loud pop, I stopped and let him relax a bit, letting him get used to my dick.
“Ok, more.” He said
I started to inch in again, inch by inch until my dick was as far as it could be. I started to fuck him slowly; Jason came up and fed his dick to Adam who gratefully took it.
“Oh god, Adam you’re so good at sucking.” Said his little brother
I started to speed up and fucked his ass with insane speed.
Adam started to moan through his gag that was Jason’s cock; he started to grind on my dick and pushed back every time I went all the way in. My cock started to pulse, I knew I was close to coming.
“Oh, Adam! I’m going to cum soon!” I said
“Me too!” Said Jason
Adam started to moan loudly through Jason’s dick. I unleashed my spray of cum, into his bowels, it was the biggest load of cum, I have ever unleashed, at least four spurts of cum went into Adam, Jason was moaning aloud through his orgasm too.
I pulled out of Adam, so did Jason.
“Oh god that felt so good, but now I want some more, and from the looks of you guys, it looks like you can go another round too. Now come here Jason, let your older brother fuck you.” He said as he went right in front of Jason and from the front side started to get ready to fuck his little brother
I got the drift of what he wanted and passed him the lube after lubing up my cock too, he used lube on his dick and passed it back to me where I used the rest of the small bottle on Jason’s ass. Adam put his dick in an inch and waited for Jason to get used to it, then I came up behind him and put my dick in Jason’s ass too.
“Oh, my god! Adam, Kyle! Shit, that’s feels soooooo good!” Said Jason
We started to fuck him in sync he would pull almost out while I would go in, the pleasure was intense our dicks rubbing together inside of Jason’s ass, it felt amazing. We started to speed up.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! This feels soooo good! Fuck I’m going to cum!!!” Screamed Jason as he started to jack himself off to the beat of us fucking him and unleashed another blast of cum right on Adam’s chest.
“Agh, I’m going to cum too!” Said Adam as he unleashed all his ropy cum all over my dick and Jason’s ass
The cum was too much sending me over the edge and cumming too.
We laid down on the couch full of cum, and exhausted the three of us naked, and ready to get some sleep after that long fuck session, and there we fell asleep us three on Adam’s couch in the middle of the game room.