Against All Odds Ch. 08


A gay story: Against All Odds Ch. 08 Riley dressed quickly, still reeling from the blow job. They hadn’t planned to go that far but Riley didn’t regret a single minute of it. He’d even offered to reciprocate but Noah declined, saying it was about pleasing Riley and making him feel good. Noah was still content to wait, their promise to each other unbroken as they still hadn’t made love yet. Riley could only imagine what their first time making love would be like. If that blow job was any indication, then he was in for the night of his life. He just hoped that when the time came, he’d be able to please Noah as much as Noah had pleased him.

After he was dressed, Riley stepped out of the dressing room to find Noah standing there, toweling off his wet hair as he waited for Riley. When Noah saw Riley, his eyes lit up, a huge smile spreading across his handsome face.

“You ready for lunch?” He asked, his voice filled with excitement.

Riley nodded. “I could eat but, I was wondering, could we maybe prepare the food ourselves?”

Noah chuckled, stepping aside to let Riley pass. “I think that can be arranged.” He said. “But, I have to warn you, I have very limited culinary skills.”

Riley grinned, playfully nudging Noah with his elbow. “Well, consider this a crash course in how the other half live. You know, us little people who aren’t filthy rich.”

Noah laughed, the sound echoing through the room was like music to Riley’s ears. “I’m looking forward to it.” Noah said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.


Entering the main kitchen, Noah explained the plan to Baxter who graciously stepped aside to give them free rein of the kitchen. Riley and Noah thanked him and then set to work gathering ingredients for their picnic lunch. Riley found a basket and table cloth they could use and placed both on the counter next to the sink. Noah had already started pulling out every type of lunch meat and cheese he could find, depositing it all on the prep table.

Riley frowned, looking over the meat. There was a package of ham, another of roast beef and deli style chicken but none of it was what he was looking for. “You don’t have bologna?” He asked.

“Let me look.” Noah turned back to the fridge and looked through the contents. “There’s dutch loaf.” He said, “and capicola. We have some pastrami, beef salami, but no…no bologna.”

Riley looked over the meats for a moment. He couldn’t believe the selection. It seemed way too much for the small house hold. “Do you actually eat all this?” He asked.

Noah shrugged. “Personally, not really. The food is for the staff too but I think Baxter just likes to be prepared.”

“Seems like an awful lot.” Riley commented as he considered the options before him. “What’s your favorite?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” Noah smiled. “The Cajun turkey. It’s spicy enough to give you a little kick but not so hot that you can’t enjoy it.”

“That sounds good.” Riley told him. “Let’s go with the Cajun turkey and the honey roasted ham.”

“Excellent selections, Sir.” Noah said, trying to do his best impression of Baxter.

Riley laughed at his antics. “Great, you make the sandwiches and I’ll start on the salad.”

They set to work making the food and Riley thought to himself that preparing their own lunch was the best idea he’d had in a while. He was glad that Noah had agreed to go along with it. There was something comforting about being in the kitchen together, their laughter mingling with the sounds of chopping and slicing as they worked side by side.

Noah watched as Riley put together a mouth watering garden salad, his hands moving with surprising dexterity as he sliced tomatoes and cucumbers, his movements graceful and precise. Noah admired the way he seemed to navigate his way around the kitchen with ease, his confidence shining through with every task.

“You’re a natural in the kitchen.” Noah teased, playfully.

Riley grinned, giving Noah a flirtatious wink. “What can I say, I’m a man of many talents.”

“Well, not meaning to toot my own horn but, I think my sandwiches are looking pretty good over here.”

Riley chuckled. “Let’s just see if you’re as good at making sandwiches as you are at…swimming.”

With a sportive glint in his eye, Noah accepted the challenge, his fingers working deftly assembling the ingredients into perfect layers of bread, meat, cheese and all the fixings. Riley added potato chips and soda to the basket and Noah carefully placed the sandwiches and salad in as well. Riley grabbed a couple of bowls and forks. After adding a bottle of ranch dressing, they were ready for their picnic.

“Where to?” Riley asked.

Noah smiled. “I have the perfect spot.” He said. “The sun room. It’s beautiful this time of day with the light spilling in through the windows and we’re not likely to be disturbed there.”

“Sounds perfect.” Riley said, linking arms with Noah as Noah picked up the basket in his other hand. “I can’t wait.”


Noah slouched against the counter top, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Lunch had been amazing. Even preparing their own food had been a fun experience for Noah. It wasn’t the first time he’d made a sandwich but sharing the experience with Riley just made the act that much more satisfying. After lunch they went to the library where Noah allowed Riley to pick out a book and they sat down to read it together. Dinner had been a bit strained. They ate in the family dinning room with Noah’s mother and while she didn’t outright protest to Riley’s presence there, she made it known in subtle ways that she was not happy.

After dinner, Riley excused himself to go to his room, shower, and ready himself for bed. Noah knew that Riley had work in the morning and while he wasn’t happy about it, he wanted Riley to feel that he had the freedom and independence to make his own life choices. Besides, working and earning his own money seemed to be important to Riley and Noah respected that. There was so much that he wanted to give Riley, if he’d allow it, Noah just wasn’t sure where to begin. Swimming, romantic dinners, and reading in the library were all things that Riley seemed to enjoy but for Noah, it just wasn’t enough. He so desperately wanted to find a way to show Riley how he truly felt about him. A way to show Riley that he was really and truly loved.

“I want to do something for him, something special.” He said. “How do you show someone that you really love them?”

“Have you told him that you love him?” Baxter asked, his hands knuckle deep in the dough he was kneading.

“Of course I’ve told him.” Noah said. “But they’re just words.”

“They’re not just words if you really mean them.” Baxter pointed out.

“I know that.” Noah sighed. “And, I did mean them, but it’s just not enough. I want to show him that I meant it. I want to do something so amazing and spectacular that he’ll be absolutely awe-struck”

Baxter chuckled softly as he began molding the dough into a baking dish.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’re over thinking this.” Baxter explained. “You’ve wined and dined him, professed your love, and lavished him with attention. It’s all well and good, and I’m sure he appreciates it all…”


“But, you’re not going to impress him with fine dinning and sweet words. From what I know of the boy, he’ll respond more to affection than extravagant gifts.”

Noah narrowed his eyes. “Are you suggesting that I sleep with him?”

Baxter laughed at that. “Heavens no, son. Eventually, when the two of you are ready then certainly but no, that’s not what I meant.”

“Then please explain, because you’re confusing me.”

Baxter sighed. He placed the dish in the oven and set the timer then turned to look at Noah, his expression thoughtful but serious. “You know,” he began, “making home made bread is a tedious process. First you have to mix all the ingredients and then knead the dough. It’s taxing and it seems like it takes forever to prepare. Then, after all that work, you put it in the oven and watch it grow. But, if you don’t take the time to do the mixing and the kneading properly, the loaf falls flat. Of course, it would be much easier to go the market and buy bread but it’s much better when fresh, and warm from the oven. Yes, it’s hard work but well worth it in the end.”

He wiped flour from his hands onto his apron then began to clean off the table where he’d been working. “In a way, love is like home made bread. You have to care for it, nurture it, and then, watch it grow. Riley grew up lacking the things that most children have but, what do you think he missed the most in his childhood?”

Noah shrugged. “His parents?”

“Yes.” Baxter agreed. “But, more than that. He missed love, compassion, nurturing, and affection. He grew up feeling unwanted and rejected. He never had a stable home or a family to call his own. He never felt safe. As humans, we need all of those things to thrive and grow and Riley had none of them. If you want to show him that you really, truly, love him then give him what he needs the most.”

“And, what is that?” Noah asked, still not sure what Baxter meant.

Baxter rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Lord, child. Haven’t you heard anything I just said? Riley grew up without a sense of worth. Few people actually showed him that they cared. He was isolated and alone. The best, most loving thing that you can do for him now is show him that you see him as a person and not just an omega. Show him that he’s wanted, that he matters. Show him that he’s the most important thing in your life.”

“How do I do that?” Noah asked, starring at Baxter with such intensity, hanging on his every word. “I’ve already told him how I feel about him. I’ve shown him affection and done everything I can think of to properly…woo…him. What’s left?”

Baxter shrugged. “Be there for him. Talk to him but also listen. Support him emotionally and let him know that what he thinks and feels matters to you. There’s more to a relationship than sex and flowers. You have to trust each other, communicate, and be honest with each other. Take the most guarded and private part of yourself and lay it out in the open. Let him know that you trust him completely and he’ll do the same for you.”


As Noah walked alone through the quiet halls of the mansion, he thought over what Baxter had told him. He loved Riley. He loved him with all his heart, but was it enough? Did he trust Riley enough to share his deepest, darkest, secrets with him? He’d already shared so much, things he’d never told anyone else but there were still things that he kept locked away in his heart, too ashamed to reveal to anyone. Could he share that with Riley? He was terrified of Riley’s reaction if he actually knew the truth. A truth that Noah himself didn’t want to acknowledge. Revealing that dark part of his past to Riley would mean confronting it himself and he just wasn’t sure if he was ready, or willing, to do that. With a heart heavy with the weight of his past, Noah returned to the solitude of his room. He had a lot to think over.


Riley sat against the head board of his bed thinking about how so much had changed over the last few days. He’d come to Reaney Hall with the intention of entering into a business like arrangement with the alpha that he had come to trust and respect. Security, safety, and a home in exchange for his companionship and more, if that was what Noah had wanted. What he hadn’t expected was for Noah Reaney, an alpha, to actually love him. The reality of the situation was so much better than he could have ever imagined.

Riley knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Noah was the one. He was the love of Riley’s life. Fate had some how brought them together and for that, Riley would always be thankful.

Their day together had been wonderful but it was getting late and Riley still had work in the morning. As he drifted off to sleep with thoughts of Noah fresh in his mind, a bright smile graced his lips. Rest came easily that night and Riley dreamed peaceful dreams of a brighter future.


The wind howled outside and the sky opened with a downpour of cold, February rain. Somewhere within the dark corridors of Reaney Hall, a woman wept. Her anguished cries echoed through the third floor and filled the night air but Riley couldn’t hear her. His mind was finally at ease, shielded by the comforting embrace of slumber.

In his dreams, he found solace in memories of laughter and love shared with Noah. They were a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding him through the tumultuous seas of uncertainty. As the storm raged on outside, Riley remained cocooned in the warmth of his subconscious, far removed from the turmoil of the waking world. Yet, even amidst the tranquility of sleep, a faint echo of the woman’s sorrow lingered, a haunting reminder of the mysteries hidden within Reaney Hall.


The dream was always the same. Noah had crept down the stairs to catch a glimpse of the party taking place in the ball room. Festive lights and decorations were hung throughout the mansion. Holiday music and cheerful laughter filled the house. It was Reaney Hall’s annual Christmas Eve gala and anyone who was anyone was in attendance. Noah made his way quietly down the hall, hoping not to be caught out of bed at such a late hour. The staff were too busy to really notice or care that an eight year child was stealthily creeping around the corner. A maid smiled at him then nodded when Noah put a finger to his lips, a silent request not to tell on him.

The main went about her duties and Noah peeked around the corner to get a better look at the festivities. The sounds of conversation and friendly banter echoed out from within the ball room, along with the clinking of champagne glasses. Delicious scents from the many cakes, fudges, and other confectionery delights that Noah couldn’t quite place filled the air, making his mouth water. The entire thing was a grand sight, especially to a young boy. A tree taller than Noah had ever seen stood in the corner of the room, covered in bright, glowing lights, colorful glass balls, garlands and tinsel in gold and silver and topped with a glittery star as brilliantly lit as the stars in the sky.

The tree, though beautiful, wasn’t the only spectacle in the room. The guests too were dressed for the occasion. The men looked dashing in their black suits and crisp white shirts. The women though were the one’s who truly caught Noah’s eye. Dressed in exquisite gowns of all colors and styles, and adorned with shimmering jewels and perfectly styled hair, they were stunning. Noah felt like the prince at Cinderella’s ball, surrounded by beautiful princesses, all dancing the night away in his grand palace. His mother and father were the Queen and King of course, both regal and elegant in appearance. Noah spotted his mother across the dance floor talking to a small group of people who Noah didn’t recognize.

Lilian was a vision of beauty in her emerald green chiffon gown, a green so dark and deep that it matched her emerald eyes. The fabric flowed like liquid silk around her slender frame. Mid-length lace sleeves accentuated the graceful curve of hers arms as she moved about, greeting her guests with grace and poise. Her black hair was like a shimmering crown of glossy waves artfully styled and framing her heart shaped face. A single diamond hairpin adorned her curls, glinting like a star against the the rick darkness of her hair. She was truly radiant. A sight to behold.

As she mingled among her guests, her laughter filled the air with an infectious warmth that drew admirers to her to moths to a candle’s flame. Stephen Reaney was as handsome as his wife was beautiful, dressed in a black tuxedo, an emerald green scarf draped loosely around his neck. His brown hair was beginning to turn grey around his temples but it only added to his air of sophistication. Noah had always looked up to his father and admired him. He hoped to be like his father one day, respected and loved by all. Powerful but kind and generous to those in need. To Noah, his father was a hero because he helped those who were less fortunate and he wanted to make the world a better place for all. Noah wanted to do the same some day. He’d save the whole world if he could.

Noah smiled at the sight before him, wishing he could join them.

‘One day.’ He thought to himself. ‘When I’m older, I’ll host a party like this.’

For now though, all he could do was watch. He hid behind a stack of brightly wrapped boxes, praying that he wouldn’t be discovered and sent back to bed. He loved watching the dancers and listening to the music. He’d steal a cookie or a piece of fudge when he was sure no one was looking then scurry back to his hiding spot to enjoy his pilfered treat. As the night went on, Noah became tired, eventually falling asleep on the floor behind the mountain of gifts. Sometime later, he was awakened by a loud, terrified scream. That was the point that his dream became a nightmare.

The ballroom was empty now. The light from the tree the only illumination offered in the darkness surrounding Noah. Noah rushed out and into the hallway, needing to find out where that scream had come from. Was someone hurt? Had something bad happened? Noah had to know. His family depended on him.

Once he’d reached the hallway he could hear talking. No, more like shouting. Angry shouting and it was coming from the family room. The fearful sobs of a woman crying were nearly drowned out by the shouting but Noah could still hear them. The cries belonged to his mother Noah realized. His blood boiled with rage. Whoever hurt his mother was going to pay. He marched down the hall in the direction of the shouting and that’s when he recognized his father’s voice as well. Stephen was arguing with someone and he sounded pissed as hell.

“You can’t do this!” Stephen Reaney shouted. “I won’t let you destroy my family.”

“Shut up and walk.” The other man said, a man whose voice Noah did not recognize. “Do as I say and no one gets hurt, understand?”

Noah watched as a masked man forced Stephen, at gun point, to leave the family room and walk down the hall to Stephen’s home office. Noah hid behind a large potted plant in the hallway, terrified of what was going to happen to his father. He thought for a moment to go to his mother and see that she was alright. He could still hear her sobbing and calling for Stephen. She sounded scared but she was alive. Noah grappled with his decision to either go to his mother or follow his father and the masked intruder. In the end, he decided to follow the two men.

As he neared the office, Noah could hear the men arguing again. The gunman was demanding money or he would…something. Noah couldn’t remember exactly. He was terrified but he had to help his father. He was a child but still an alpha and his father always said that an alpha protects his family. So, taking in a deep breath, Noah rushed into the room, yelling, demanding the bad man leave his family alone. Startled, and angry, the gunman turned and stared directly at Noah. Noah froze and when he saw the gun pointed at him, he felt something warm and wet soak the front of his pants and drip down his leg. He began to cry. Stephen yelled for Noah to run but Noah couldn’t move.

His father lunged forward, reaching for the gun. There was a brief struggle and then the gun went off. The sound was like thunder, loud and booming. It made Noah’s ears ring. The gunman fled, sprinting past Noah and knocking him to the floor. Noah’s head hit something hard and cold. There was a sharp sting on the side of his head and his head was throbbing. Things began to slide in and out of focus and Noah felt dizzy. As the darkness slowly began to close in around him, Noah remembered seeing his father laying on the floor, his eyes were open and filled with fear, his mouth frozen in a soundless scream and, there was blood. There was so much blood.

Noah didn’t want to look anymore, didn’t want to see, didn’t want to know. He closed his eyes, his mind tumbling into darkness and then there was nothing. That’s where the nightmare ended. It always ended the same way, with Noah staring into his father’s dead eyes right before he passed out. It was an image etched into Noah’s mind, a painful reminder of his own helplessness in the face of tragedy. But, there were gaps in his memory. Like pieces of a puzzle missing from his subconscious. He couldn’t remember the exact moment that his father had been shot or what he had done to provoke the gunman. And yet, the guilt weighed heavy on his soul, a burden he carried with him every day since that terrible night.

Noah’s body tensed as he relived the nightmare, his muscles coiled like springs about to snap. He felt a scream building in his throat, a primal cry of anguish and despair threatening to break free. And then, just as it had reached it’s crescendo, he jolted awake, drenched in sweat and gasping for air.

In the dim light of his bedroom, Noah’s chest heaved with each ragged breath, his hands trembling as he tried to shake off the remnants of the dream. But, the memories clung to him like a shadow, refusing to be banished back into the recesses of his mind where they belonged. He ran a hand through his sweat soaked hair and fought against the tears that were threatening to fall. He had to stay strong, be brave. He wan an alpha. He couldn’t let one little nightmare destroy him or make him appear weak. Not like before.

Noah’s head snapped up when he heard a soft tapping at his door. “Noah, are you okay?” The voice was soft and filled with concern. The door slowly opened and Noah felt a sense of relief wash over him as Riley appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide with worry.


Riley had been awoken by a blood curdling scream in the night but it wasn’t the mysterious weeping woman. With a start, Riley realized that the scream he had just heard had come from Noah. Riley rushed out of his room and quickly over to Noah’s room just one door down. He wasn’t sure if he should just go in or knock first. It seemed an invasion of Noah’s privacy to just barge in unannounced so he gently knocked on the door and then called out to him. “Noah, are you okay?” When there was no reply, worried, Riley eased the door open. What he saw when he looked into the room made his heart drop.

Noah looked horrible. His face was pale and his hair, wet with sweat, stuck to his forehead in a disheveled mess. Riley could also see the pain and fear etched into Noah’s features and the haunted look in his eyes spoke volumes to Riley. Noah was not okay. “Oh, my God, Noah.” Riley gasped, staring at him, his concern for the alpha apparent. “What happened?”

Noah forced a weak smile, trying to push aside the lingering dread that threatened to consume him. “Just a nightmare.” He muttered, his voice hoarse with emotion. “Nothing to worry about.”

Riley didn’t buy that for a minute. He could see how tense and upset Noah was. Without another word, he crossed the room and sat down on the bed next to Noah, wrapping his arms around him in a comforting way. “Do you want to talk about it?” Riley asked, his soothing voice working to calm Noah’s frayed nerves. “You know I’m here for you, no matter what.”

Noah felt a lump form in his throat at Riley’s words, a swell of emotion threatening to overwhelm him. He’d spent so long trying to bury his feelings and pretend that everything was fine when it wasn’t. He’d gotten so good at hiding his feelings but Riley saw through him. He couldn’t hide from Riley and, oddly enough, he didn’t want to. Baxter’s advice echoed in his mind. Riley was there, by his side, trying to be supportive. Noah wanted to confide in him. He wanted to be able to let go of the facade and just let it all out. To have that kind of freedom would feel so good but his fears held him back and prevented him from truly opening up to the man he loved.

“It’s just…it’s hard to talk about.” Noah admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve had this same nightmare for as long as I can remember, but I’ve never been able to shake it.”

Riley pulled Noah closer, enfolding him in a warm embrace that chased away the chill of night. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Riley said, his voice and eyes radiating warmth and empathy. “Just know that you don’t have to face your nightmares alone, not anymore. I’m here now.”

Tears pricked at the corners of Noah’s eyes as he looked into Riley’s unwavering gaze. His words were like an anchor in a storm, keeping Noah from being pulled under, beneath the current. He hugged Riley back and kissed him. “I want to tell you but I’m scared. I don’t want to lose you, Riley. I’m just afraid that I have too much baggage and it’s not fair to you. I love you, but you don’t deserve to be dragged into my fucked-up world.”

Noah leaned back against the headboard, staring at his hands, his fingers fidgeting nervously as he struggled to control his emotions. Riley reached out to grasp Noah’s hand. His brow furrowed with worry as he gently squeezed Noah’s hand. It broke Riley’s heart to see Noah so shaken and vulnerable. The nightmare had really upset him and Riley wanted more than anything to ease Noah’s pain and chase away his demons but Noah seemed unable or unwilling to talk about what had upset him so badly.

Still, Riley was determined to at least try and fix this. That’s what omegas did after all, they fixed things. They were the gentle, comforting, calm to an alpha’s strength and power. Omegas were so often seen as weak but they could be fiercely protective when needed and right now, Noah needed Riley.

Riley shifted closer to Noah, his very presence was soothing. “Noah, I’m here for you, no matter what. You can tell me anything. And, you don’t have to be afraid of losing me. I’m not going anywhere. I love you.”

Noah’s heart ached hearing Riley’s words of reassurance. The sincerity in his voice was like a soothing balm to his troubled heart. But, the weight of his own fears and insecurities bore down on him, trapping him beneath layers and layers of crushing doubt. He wanted so badly to believe Riley and he knew that he should be able to trust him but that ever present nagging voice in his mind with it’s constant negativity wouldn’t allow Noah to let his guard down, not even for Riley.

“What if it’s too much?” Noah whispered, his voice trembling with uncertainty. “What if…what if you find out that I’m not the man you thought I was? Riley, you mean everything to me and if you…if you knew the truth…”

Riley’s grip tightened around Noah’s hand, his eyes searching Noah’s face with a fierce intensity. “Noah, listen to me.” He said, earnestly. “Part of being in a relationship means taking the bad with the good. And yeah, you’ve been through some shit, so have I. But you don’t have to face it alone. I love you, all of you, and I can handle whatever comes my way, I always have, and I’ve gotten pretty good at dealing with fucked-up shit. I want to help you through this. I want to be there for you, to support you, because that’s what partners do.”

Noah smiled through his tears as he looked into Riley’s beautiful brown eyes, wondering how he had gotten so lucky. “I love you.” He whispered, his voice choked with emotion.

“You better.” Riley grinned. “Now, dry your eyes and tell me everything. You have nothing to lose because there isn’t anything that you could ever tell me that would make me stop loving you.”


It wasn’t easy, telling Riley about the dream. A part of Noah still worried what Riley would think of him. Would he blame Noah, or consider him a coward for not doing anything to help his father?

“God, Noah. I had no idea.” Riley could see the stress that Noah was under so he reached out and touched Noah’s hand, smiling at him reassuringly. “What happened that night would be traumatizing for anyone but, Noah, you were just a kid. You can’t keep blaming yourself for something you had no control over.”

Noah nodded as his eyes filled with tears. “I know but…I just can’t shake the feeling that if I hadn’t been there, if I hadn’t startled the gunman…”

“Hey,” Riley reached out, gently wiping away Noah’s tears with his thumb. “It was not your fault, Noah. You were an eight year old child. You couldn’t have known what would happen.”

“No.” Noah agreed. “But I should have done something. I should have at least tried. I just stood there, frozen, like a coward. I let my father down. I let my entire family down. It’s no wonder my own mother can barely look at me. I must be such a disappointment to her.”

Riley shook his head, disgusted by societies dumb ideas of what an alpha should and shouldn’t be. All the pressure put on them to be a certain way. Omegas were weak, alphas were strong, betas were smart. If someone stepped out of their assigned stereotype then there was something wrong with them. They were a problem that needed to be corrected. Damn stupid stereotypes that made an eight year old boy think it was his duty, his responsibility to take the weight of his families problems on his own shoulders.

“I don’t think she was disappointed that a child was too afraid to face a grown man with a gun. I think she was probably relieved.” Riley slipped a finger beneath Noah’s chin and lifted his head so he could see his eyes. “Noah, that’s not cowardice, it’s intelligence. There was nothing that you could have done and if you had tried to fight, you would have been killed too.”

“Maybe it would have been better if I had.” Noah said. “Maybe it was meant to be me all along. Dad just got in the way.”

“Don’t say that, Noah.” Riley looked at him sternly, a hint of anger in his voice. “It wouldn’t have been better. Your father saved your life because he wanted you to live. He wanted you to grow up and have a good and happy life. Don’t disrespect his memory by thinking you deserve any less. You were meant to live because we were meant to be together. I know it in my heart. We were meant to be right here, right now, and that could never have happened if you had died.”

Noah sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just wish I could remember everything from that night. I’ve tried to piece it together but my memory is still so hazy. I remember hearing the gun shot and seeing my father’s face but not much else. I had been knocked over and I hit my head on something that knocked me out cold.”

“Do you remember what you hit your head on?” Riley asked.

Noah shook his head. “It was hard, like metal, and thick. Maybe a pewter statue or something but I really don’t know. No one has ever actually told me what it was.”

Riley thought about what Noah had revealed so far, his mind reeling with so many possibilities. He recalled the news article he’d read when he first met Noah online. The details of the night in question were so vague. Riley would have thought the murder of a local business owner and billionaire would have been a top story but there had been almost no coverage on it at all. It was strange.

“Did they ever find out who the shooter was?” Riley asked.

“Not that I was ever told.” Noah said. “I’ve asked Mother before but she always changes the subject. Actually, no one here talks about it. It’s like they all want to pretend it never happened.”

“That is a bit odd.” Riley said. “You would think that your mother of all people would want the killer caught and punished.”

Noah nodded in agreement. “I know there’s more to what happened that night, something they’re not telling me, I just don’t understand why. I think that’s the reason I keep having these nightmares. It’s like my brain wants me to remember…something. Finding out the truth is the only way I’m ever to get any real closure. It’s the only way I’ll find any peace. I have to know what really happened to my father. Who murdered him and why? I need answers.”

“We’ll find them together.” Riley told him. “Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’ll figure it all out together.”

Noah buried his face in Riley’s chest, trembling with emotion, he said, “Thank you, Riley. Thank you for being so wonderful to me.”

Riley smiled as he held Noah tight. “Do you want me to stay the night with you?” He asked.

“Please.” Noah whispered. “I don’t want to be alone.”

“You’ll never be alone again.” Riley murmured, his voice barely audible over the sound of their beating hearts. Riley held Noah close. His heart ached for Noah but, as they lay there together, wrapped in each others arms, they both felt a sense of peace settle over them. They knew, no matter what came their way, they would face it together, side by side. And, as they clung to each other in the darkness, Noah allowed himself to believe for maybe the first time ever, that he might actually be able to put together the pieces of his shattered past. As long as he had Riley by his side, Noah felt that he could do anything.

Next Chapter coming soon…


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