Against All Odds Ch. 09

A gay story: Against All Odds Ch. 09 Riley’s eyes fluttered open and he quickly kicked away his covers. “Too hot.” He muttered, hoarsely. A feverish haze clouded his thoughts, making it difficult to focus as he struggled to sit up. “God, it’s hot in here.” He said again as he wiped a hand across his forehead. His skin was hot to the touch and he felt like his entire body was on fire. He groaned, rubbing his temples. His clothes, drenched in sweat, clung to his body. Even the bed sheets were soaked through. He peeled his T-shirt off and threw it on the floor then swung his legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand up. Immediately he was struck by painful cramps in his abdomen. So painful that he doubled over, clutching his stomach as he moaned in discomfort.

Noah stirred beside him, awoken by Riley’s sounds of distress. It took him a moment to realize that something was wrong but when he sat up and switched on the light he looked at Riley, and noticed his flushed completion and labored breathing. “Riley, you’re burning up.” Noah said, gently touching his arm. Just a simple touch of Noah’s fingers on Riley’s skin caused him to tense. He shivered and then blew out a ragged breath. A gush of slick leaked out of him from behind, soaking through his shorts.

Riley shifted, restlessly. “It’s so damn hot in here.” He complained. “I can barely breathe.” Sliding to the edge of the bed, he tried to stand again. Slower this time and with more care. His legs were wobbly but he somehow managed to keep his balance as he stumbled towards the window. His arms felt heavy and his hands were trembling but still he managed to wrench the window open, welcoming the rush of cool air that swept into the room. He sighed a breathe of relief but he still felt uncomfortable. His shorts were wet, itchy, and blocked the cool air from reaching the lower half of his body. He knew in an instant that he needed to be free of them so without another thought, he slid them down and kicked them to the side now standing completely naked in from of the open window.

Noah’s eyes widened as the realization of what was happening finally dawned on him. He immediately sprang into action and rushed into the bathroom where he began to fill the tub with cool water. “Riley.” He said gently. “Let’s get you into a cool bath, you’ll feel a lot better.”

Riley nodded.” Yeah, that actually sounds really nice.”

Noah guided him into the bathroom and then helped him into the tub. The water was a welcome change from the stifling and smothering air of the bedroom. With a sigh of relief, Riley eased himself down, further into the soothing chill of the bath. He licked his dry lips and closed his eyes, trying to relax some though it wasn’t easy. His body was hyper sensitive. He felt like a jumbled mess of raw nerves. Every sensation, from the gentle breeze that grazed his bare skin near the window to the water that caressed his body, was heightened times a hundred.

Noah knelt down beside the tub and began to tenderly sponge water over Riley’s shoulders and down his back. Riley hissed and his body quivered. He craved Noah’s touch but at the same couldn’t stand it, or rather, the way it made him feel. Like he was about to fly out of his skin and come undone. It was a strange feeling to want something so badly, to need and desire something that makes you want to literally crawl out of your skin. And Noah, as kind and caring as he was trying to be, just didn’t understand what he was doing to Riley. The next time the sponge touched his skin and the tips of Noah’s fingers made contact with Riley’s shoulders, Riley shuddered and hissed. His cock swelled and it was all Riley could do to keep from grabbing it and jerking off right there.

“What do you need?” Noah asked him, concern settling over his face. “Is there anything I can get you?”

Riley opened his eyes. “What time is it?” He asked.

“Early.” Noah told him. “About five am.”

Riley groaned. “I have to be at work in three hours.” He said.

Noah almost laughed. “Work? That’s what you’re worried about? Riley, there is no way that you’re going into work today. Not like this.”

Riley sat up then turned around to look at Noah. “I can’t miss work.” He gasped. “I’ll get fired.”

“You’re job is the last thing you need to worry about right now, Riley. I’ll have Maggie call in and explain the situation.”

Riley shook his head in protest. “My manager isn’t going to care that I’m sick. If I don’t show for work, I won’t have a job to go back to.”

Sick? Was Riley being serious? Noah couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Riley, you’re not sick. You’re in heat. You must know that.”

“No.” Riley turned back around, slouching down into the water. “I can’t be. I’m not due for at least another three weeks. I made sure of that when I agreed to meet with you.”

Noah sighed, running a hand through his hair. He believed Riley but his scent was unmistakable. He was in heat. Just being this close to him, the spike in his pheromones was like a punch to the face. The more of Riley that Noah breathed in the harder it became for him to control his own instincts to claim the omega. His scent, normally so calm and soothing like summer rain with the undertones of mint, had become a delicious mix of spice and honey. It was so enticing making Noah’s mind race with thoughts of Riley laying naked on the bed with Noah on top of him, licking his way down his body. Noah let out a deep breath and rubbed at the back of his neck.

‘Calm down.’ He told himself. ‘It’s just the pheromones.’ Riley’s scent was coming off him in waves though and even Noah was finding it difficult to concentrate. Seeing Riley laying in the tub, water trickling down his smooth, hairless chest, over pert nipples…it was too much for Noah to take. His cock stirred behind the thin fabric of his sleep pants. Noah pushed himself away from the tub, taking a few steps back from Riley and toward the door. Riley watched him, curiously, as he leaned back against the tub again.

Noah’s eyes were all over him, drifting over every inch of exposed skin. His flat stomach and the tips of his knees sticking out from the water. He had his legs spread and his right hand resting on the inside of his thigh. He let his eyes drift up Riley’s body. He admired the curve of his neck and the soft, milky skin that would feel so good between his teeth.

“Where are you going?” Riley asked and Noah could hear the need in his voice. He was beginning to sink deeper into his heat. It wouldn’t be long before he was completely consumed by it.

“I…your scent…” Noah sucked in a deep breath. “It’s too much.”

Noah could see the disappointment in Riley’s eyes but he couldn’t help it. He considered himself a strong man and alpha but fuck…he wasn’t that damn strong. Riley’s scent was overpowering what little control he had left.

“You don’t have to go.” Riley said, his voice soft and needy. “I…don’t want you to go.” He pushed himself up from the bath, droplets of water clung to his naked skin giving it a slick sheen in the lamp light. His cock jutted out from between his legs, fully erect and dripping wet. The sweet scent of slick was stronger now that he wasn’t submerged in the bath. The scent filled the air, assaulting Noah’s senses. Riley, unsteady as he was, held onto the edge of the tub and put one leg over but his mind was in a fog of lust and need and he almost immediately lost his footing.

Noah was by his side in an instant, holding him up. Strong arms wrapped around him and Riley leaned into him, his face pressed into the side of Noah’s neck, his arms slipping around Noah weakly and holding onto him as best he could. Noah lifted Riley out of the tub with ease and set him on the floor. Riley didn’t let go though, clinging to Noah he pressed his face closer, inhaling his scent, then nipping at and licking Noah’s neck. A soft growl rumbled through Noah’s chest and out his mouth. His hands moved down Riley’s back, his fingers tracing the curve of his spine and then gripping his ass, pressing his fingers into the soft, plump, flesh.

“Please.” Riley moaned so softly his voice was barely audible. He began kissing and sucking at Noah’s neck, his teeth gently grazing his skin. It was more than Noah could take. Lifting Riley up and into his arms, Noah carried him bridal style into the other room where he gently laid him down on the bed. Thankfully, Maggie had changed the sheets while Riley was in the bath, at Noah’s request. Riley hadn’t even noticed Noah sending her a text but then again he wasn’t paying attention to much else than wanting to get Noah on top of him.

His earlier concerns about making it to work now forgotten, Riley had one goal in mind and one only and by the lustful look in his eyes, Noah knew exactly what that goal was. Noah’s hand slid up Riley’s body, still wet from the bath, over his nipples and up to his neck. His hand encircled Riley’s throat, his fingers sliding along smooth flesh as his thumb rubbed along the under side of his chin. Riley titled his head back, exposing his neck even more. Noah leaned over and kissed him, pressing his lips against the spot where the collar bone and neck meet. He kissed and licked his neck, moving to the dip in his throat.

Riley moaned and squirmed beneath him, wordlessly begging for more. The sounds he made were urgent and demanding. His heart began pounding in his chest and his breathing was becoming more erratic. Noah knew he didn’t have a lot of time before Riley was completely overcome by his heat. As much as Noah wanted to claim Riley, to mark him so there would be no mistaking who he belonged to, he just wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do. Omegas in heat were a slave to their bodies, right now, Riley would consent to anything but how would he feel about it once the fog had lifted and he was thinking rationally again?

They had both agreed to wait until the time was right and Noah wanted to uphold that agreement but he knew he wouldn’t be able to if Riley’s heat triggered a rut. The only thing he could do to ensure that didn’t happen was to put as much distance between he and Riley as he could.

That was easier said than done.

As soon as Noah started to pull away, Riley’s arms shot up and encircled Noah’s neck, pulling him back down. Riley clung to him, holding Noah against him with all his strength, refusing to let him go.

“Riley.” Noah breathed out, trying to pry Riley’s hands off him but failing at it entirely.

“Please.” Riley said again, his voice strained and wavering. He had tears in his eyes and Noah could see that he was suffering as he pleaded with Noah to stay.

“Riley, I don’t know if it’s really you that wants me to stay or the heat and I don’t want us to do something we both might regret later.”

“We won’t.” Riley said, his breaths ragged as he panted out each word as though he were struggling to even speak. “I want this. I want you.”

Noah closed his eyes and sighed, unsure of what to do. Could he really just walk away and leave Riley to suffer through this alone? He already knew the answer before he’d even thought the question. No, he could not. Riley was his omega, his to protect and take care of. Riley, was his mate. There was no denying that fact. They belonged to each other.

“Alright.” Noah said softly. He kissed Riley’s forehead and smiled down at him. “I’ll stay.” He just hoped that he was doing the right thing.


Waiting was the worst. Noah had agreed to stay and then told Riley to wait for him, there was something he needed to do first. Riley groaned as he lay on his back and stared up at the ceiling. What could Noah possibly have to do that was more important than being there with Riley? If Riley didn’t crave Noah’s touch so much he might actually have been pissed at the man.

Riley rolled over on his side and grabbed the TV remote off the night stand. He turned the TV on then brought up the channel menu and scanned through the channels until he found what he wanted, the adult pay-per-view list. Riley didn’t make a habit of watching porn very often but found it to be an important tool when dealing with his heats. That and his trusty vibrator that was, unfortunately, in his room, another door down. He would have went to retrieve it but he was naked and Noah had told him not to leave the room.

An adult film would have to do until Noah returned. Riley looked through a few of the films until he found one that looked promising. ‘After the game.’ The movie began in a locker room after a football match and the home team had just entered the locker room to shower and change. It started off okay. The actors were good looking and well built. Once they all headed into the shower, completely naked, they began roughhousing around with each other, snapping each other with towels, and wrestling around a bit. A tall, blond, alpha started jerking himself off and another player, a beta, began to give head to another alpha. Riley could already see where this was going. The shower scene erupted into a full blown orgy with players preforming oral on and eventually, fucking each other.

Riley could never even imagine himself engaged in anything even remotely close to what was happening in the movie but it was still fun to watch. Eventually though, he got bored with just watching and decided to have a little fun himself. Rolling over so that he was again on his back, he reached down and began to stroke himself. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He couldn’t see the movie from the angle he was in anyway but he could still hear it and the sound alone was enough to urge him on. Not that he really needed extra stimulation. As soon as his hand wrapped around his cock it sprung to life once more, willing and able to be played with.

He moved his hand up and down over the shaft, slowly letting his fingers slide along his skin all the way to the tip that he rubbed slowly with his thumb. It felt good. Not as good as it would if it had been Noah’s hand stroking him but it was enough at least to take the edge off. He continued to stroke himself, going faster with each stroke. When he’d really gotten into it, he used some of his own slick for lubrication. Spreading his legs, he rubbed his hole with two fingers, even inserting them inside as far as he could until his fingers were good and covered then he smeared the slick over his cock, getting it nice and wet.

His hand slid effortlessly over the length of his cock now, allowing him to build up his momentum. Before he even realized it, he was moaning and bucking his hips against the mattress. He lightly bit his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut, trying hard not to cry out and alert anyone who may be close by to what he was doing. He’d only been caught jerking himself off once and that by one of his foster mothers. She had never been able to look him in the eye again after that. Riley was almost grateful that she ignored him most of the time. It was a humiliating experience.

Riley continued to touch himself and with every stroke, he imagined that it was Noah’s hand wrapped around his cock, his head dipping down to lick Riley’s dripping cock as he had done by the pool. He moved his hand over his length with quick strokes, bringing himself closer to his orgasm. Not able to hold back a moment longer, he moaned loudly, gasping out Noah’s name as he came.

“Wow, all that and I haven’t even touched you yet.”

Riley’s eyes snapped open and he turned his head to See Noah standing in the doorway, a huge grin on his face.

Riley felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I…I tried to wait.” He stammered. “I just…”

Noah held up a hand. “It’s okay. Honestly, watching you was pretty hot. Kinda wish I’d been here from the start.” He glanced at the TV and chuckled. “I see you had some help too.”

Riley quickly grabbed the remote and switched the TV off. Noah walked over to the bed and looked down at him, smiling. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.” He told him. “But, if we’re going to do this, then I want to do it right.”

Riley looked at him, confused. “What do you mean?”

“Do you trust me?” Noah asked, cocking an eyebrow playfully.

“Of course.” Riley smiled. “Always.”

“Good.” Without warning, Noah scooped Riley up in his arms, holding him against his chest as he carried him out of the room and down the hall. Riley was about to protest being taken away from the safety of Noah’s bedroom until Riley realized where it was that Noah was taking him.

The door to the rose room was open and a soft glow filtered out of the room and into the hallway. As Noah neared the open door, Riley’s eyes went wide, seeing what awaited them inside. Noah had really out done himself this time.

Noah carried Riley across the threshold as though he were a new bride and this was their wedding night. Riley couldn’t help but be swept away at the amount of thought and energy Noah had put into creating an atmosphere that just oozed romance. The room was bathed in a soft, dim light, flickering candles cast a warm glow that seemed to dance off the walls. Ambient lighting, strategically placed throughout the room added to the romantic ambiance, creating a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

On the nightstand, he saw a bottle of champagne, chilling on ice, and a trail of red rose petals led from the door to the bed where they were then evenly scattered over the mattress. Riley felt his heart swell with love as he glanced at Noah, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

“You did all this?” Riley asked.

“Like I said,” Noah told him, “I wanted to do this right.”

As Noah gently laid him against the bed, Riley’s gaze met his, a silent exchange of love and devotion passing between them. In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the candles and the intoxicating scent of roses, Riley knew that he was exactly where he was meant to be, with Noah. Noah’s touch was gentle yet possessive as he brushed a stray lock of hair from Riley’s forehead, his eyes shinning with unyielding love. Riley’s breath caught in his throat at the intensity of Noah’s gaze, a rush of warmth flooding his senses.

“Riley. I don’t want a one night stand or a friend with benefits. I want a mate, a partner in life and in love. If you’ll have me, I want to mark you, claim you, and let the world know that you belong to me, forever. But, I won’t force it on you and I will never do anything that you’re not okay with. So, before we go any further, I need to know. Do you accept me as your mate and will you take my mark?”

Riley looked at Noah with tears in his eyes. Alphas so rarely asked what an omega wanted, they just took and demanded, never caring about the feelings of their partners. Noah had asked Riley what he wanted though. He’d given Riley a choice. To Riley, that was the greatest gift Noah could have ever given him because it showed Riley that not only did Noah care about him and respect him as an equal but also that Noah truly cared about making Riley happy. Riley mattered to him. Noah didn’t just want Riley’s body, he wanted all of him. His mind, his strengths as well as his flaws and most importantly, his heart.

“Yes.” Riley whispered, his heart overflowing with the love that he felt for Noah. “I will take your mark and I do accept you as my mate, forever, I love you.”

Hearing Riley speak those words, Noah had never been happier in his entire life. His heart swelled with love and his eyes filled with tears of joy. “Riley, are you absolutely sure because…”

Riley gently put his fingers to Noah’s lips, cutting him off. “Shh. It’s okay Noah. I’m sure. I want this, I want you. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life and, it’s not just my heat talking, this is me. I’m ready.”

Riley sat up, getting to his knees, he reached out to grasp Noah’s wrist, pulling Noah toward him. Noah climbed onto the bed and at once wrapped his arms around Riley. No more words were spoken between them, there didn’t need to be. Each one knew what the other wanted, almost as if they could easily read each others mind.

Noah slipped his clothes off quickly and returned to the bed. The scent of Riley’s arousal engulfed him. Turning Riley around so that his back was to Noah, Noah brushed Riley’s hair aside and began kissing his neck and shoulders. Riley leaned his head to the side, submissively. Noah’s hand moved around Riley’s waist to the front where he laid it against Riley’s stomach, pulling Riley closer against himself and holding him there in a tender embrace.

Riley could feel Noah’s chest, lightly spattered with soft, fine, hair, brush his back as Noah kissed him. The coarse hair around his cock pressed against Riley’s ass and Noah’s cock, hard and eager to taste Riley, was pushed against him, the head reaching Riley’s lower back.

Riley whimpered and moaned as Noah’s other hand moved slowly and delicately down Riley’s back, his fingers making a trail down Riley’s spine. Riley shivered uncontrollably as Noah’s hand made it’s way further down until it rested at the base of his spine. Riley bit his bottom lip in anticipation as Noah, gently pushing on Riley’s lower back, lowered him down until his chest was touching the mattress.

One finger was first to breach his hole. Riley let out a whimpering moan as Noah pushed his finger in deeper. A gush of warm, wet, slick oozed out, over Noah’s hand and down his wrist. The feel of Riley’s slick on his hand made Noah harder, his body reacting to Riley’s. His cock longing to be buried deep inside the omega. Noah inserted a second finger and Riley gasped as Noah slowly scissored him, stretching him out. Riley was tight and even with the aide of his slick Noah knew he needed to prepare him before Riley would be able to take the full size of him.

Riley let out a shuddering breath as Noah moved his fingers inside of him, gently moving in and out with deliberate care. A third finger went in and Riley hissed between his teeth but when Noah started to pull back, Riley thrust his hips backward, forcing Noah’s fingers back inside. Noah pushed all three fingers in as far as he could until he was knuckles deep inside Riley’s puckering hole.

He loved the way Riley’s body tightened around his fingers, refusing to give them up. He imagined what his cock would feel like inside of Riley as Riley’s ring of muscles tightened around it, sucking it in. Riley did his best to balance himself on the mattress. Noah’s other arm still wrapped around him, helped to hold him up. Riley took the opportunity to reach down, between his legs, and once again wrapped his fingers around his own cock and began to stroke it.

Even after cumming in Noah’s room, Riley’s dick was wide awake, impossibly hard, and demanding attention. Riley moaned loudly as he worked his cock all while Noah continued to probe his ass with his fingers. The sensation was too much but still, Riley’s body craved more. He wanted Noah. He wanted his cock inside, knotting him over and over again until they both collapsed breathlessly on the bed.

Riley’s hands began to shake. His breath was ragged. Soft, mewling whimpers escaped him as his face morphed into a mask of pure pleasure. Noah’s cock ached and throbbed with the building pressure of his own arousal. He wanted to take his time, to taste Riley and savor the moment but he couldn’t. For his sake, and Riley’s, he needed to stop teasing him and give him what he needed. It turned him on seeing Riley so flustered. The noises he made aroused him so much, especially the ones he made while pleasuring himself.

Noah’s fingers slipped out of Riley and Riley moaned in protest. Slick oozed out and down the inside of his thighs. It glistened against his skim in the candle light, giving his thighs an enticing sheen. Noah slid his hand over Riley’s ass, squeezing lightly, his fingers pushing into his soft flesh. Again Riley moaned and pushed back, lifting his ass some as if begging to be filled once more. Noah smiled at his needy little omega. Riley was close to cumming, Noah could tell by the sounds he made and the way his body shivered in anticipation.

Reaching around him, Noah grasped Riley’s cock in his hand and began to stroke him. Riley relinquished control without protest, allowing Noah to bring him over the edge. Faster and faster Noah pumped Riley’s cock in his hand, his fingers sliding easily over his shaft now wet with a mixture of slick and pre-cum. Riley shuttered. “I’m close.” He muttered through ragged breaths. Noah pumped him hard, his other hand still pressed to his stomach, holding him in place.

“God.” Riley moaned loudly. Noah could feel his cock, pulsing in his hand and then Riley tensed. With a low, guttural moan, he came. Noah felt Riley cum in his hand, the hot, sticky fluid dripped down, over his fingers, spilling on the mattress beneath them.

Riley heaved a breath of relief but it was short lived. “Noah.” He crooned. “I need you. Need you so bad. Inside. Please.”

“You’re sure you’re ready?” Noah asked. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m ready.” Riley assured him. “I want you inside me.” The demand in his voice turned Noah on even more and he could no longer deny Riley. Riley wanted him, needed him, and Noah wasn’t about to disappoint him.

He turned Riley over, laying him on his back and took in the sight of him. He was gorgeous and sexy as hell. There was just something about him, laying there all flustered and disheveled, his legs and thighs dripping with slick and his own release.

Noah had never been so aroused by anyone in his life. True that he’d never had a sexual partner before but he wasn’t a stranger to porn and he’d often fantasized about making love with someone but it was never like this, never so visceral and profound. He’d never, in his life, felt so close to another human being as he felt now, with Riley.

Noah leaned over and inhaled his scent. It made his mouth water. He kissed Riley, plunging his tongue into Riley’s mouth and delighting in the sounds he made. Noah allowed his hand to trail down Riley’s body, over his chest and nipples, his stomach, and down to his hips. Gently grabbing Riley’s hips, Noah pulled him closer then pushed his knees apart, exposing the treasure awaiting him between Riley’s legs. Noah would have taken him into his mouth if he wasn’t already in such a rush to claim his mate.

‘Later.’ He thought to himself. ‘We’ll have time to explore each other later.’ Right now, Riley needed some relief from his heat.

As Noah moved in between Riley’s legs, Riley lifted up, bending his knees and exposing his slick and dripping hole. Noah pushed Riley’s legs back further until his knees were pressed against his chest. Noah then began to position himself, lining the head of his cock up with Riley’s entrance. Riley bit his lip as he leaned his head back. He gasped as he felt the head pressed against him, nudging it’s way in before finally breaching Riley’s tight ring of muscles.

“God, you’re so tight.” Noah breathed as he pushed into him.

Riley whimpered softly as Noah entered him. It hurt some, a sharp sting that settled into a slight burn. Thanks to his slick, it was bearable. Noah was taking his time, easing in slowly, trying not to hurt Riley. Riley was thankful for that. In his current, fevered state, Riley wouldn’t have even thought to tell Noah to be gentle. His mind was a fog of lust and need and the only thing he cared about in that moment was having his heat sated.

Noah’s fingers dug into the soft flesh of Riley’s thighs as he held them apart. With one final thrust he was in, all the way in. Riley yelped and Noah instantly stopped moving. He looked at Riley, concern written on his face. “Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yes.” Riley told him. “I’m golden. Please, don’t stop.”

Riley lifted his hips off the bed a bit and arched his back, urging Noah to continue. Noah took the cue and began to slowly ease his way out before plunging back in again. Riley hissed his approval. He reached his arms up and grasped Noah’s biceps, pulling him closer. Noah continued to move, his cock sliding against his sensitive inner walls.

“God, you feel so good.” Noah moaned as he began to thrust faster, building momentum. Riley cried out, the rising pleasure so intense. Noah leaned over him, one hand on either side of Riley’s head and buried his face in Riley’s neck. Riley wrapped his arms around Noah. A wave of pure undulating pleasure came over Riley in waves as Noah continued to pull out and then slam back into him.

“I’ve dreamed of this for so long.” Noah said, his voice shaky with emotion. “You’re so beautiful.” He took a deep breath, pushing hard into Riley, his thighs slapping against Riley’s ass, his cock buried inside him, filling him completely. “So, fucking beautiful.”

Riley could feel his muscles tense, squeezing around Noah. He was so full, stuffed and stretched, pain and pleasure rolled into one sensation, leaving Riley exasperated. Noah thrust again, hitting that one, special, spot inside. Riley screamed his name, his body rocking with the power of his own orgasm. Hot cum sprayed his stomach and Noah growled low in his throat, a sound that made Riley shiver with unhinged desire.

Noah lifted one leg onto his shoulder and pressed in further, deeper, slowly siding out and then plunging back in as hard as he could. Riley’s body convulsed and he shuddered with elation. It was the best feeling in the world and Riley never wanted it to end.

“God, yes.” Riley moaned. “More, I need more.”

Noah continued to pound his ass and for a moment, Riley thought he might actually pound him through the mattress to the floor beneath them.

“You feel so good.” Noah moaned. “I can feel you, so tight around me, clenching.” His words came out in breathy, panting, gasps. It was music to Riley’s ears.

“My alpha.” He hummed.

“Your alpha.” Noah returned. “Yours and no one else’s.”

“Yes.” Riley hissed. “Mine.”

“Mine.” Noah growled between clenched teeth. He gave one last thrust and then pulled out.

Riley whimpered in protest, reaching for Noah, demanding he continue fucking him. Without saying a word, Noah flipped Riley over, onto his hands and knees. The way he manhandled Riley made Riley’s cock twitch. If he hadn’t already cum, his cock would have sprung to life once again. Riley caught his breath as Noah used his hands to spread Riley’s ass apart then rammed back inside him so hard that Riley yelled out, surprised by the unexpected force.

“Mine.” Noah growled again, sounding less human now and more animal. He leaned forward and Riley felt Noah’s mouth settle on the back of Riley’s neck. Riley knew in an instant that Noah was preparing to mark him. It was a tradition that went back centuries, maybe a thousand years, when their ancestors were more beast than man, some still able to shed their human skin and shift into fur. No one had been able to take an animal form for over a hundred years but the instinct was still there, especially in alphas, their beasts closer to the surface than in any other secondary gender.

Riley shivered with anticipation when he felt Noah’s teeth graze his skin. A mating bite was supposed to be painful but at the same time more pleasurable than anything the omega has ever felt before. If the bite was pure and not forced, it could be euphoric.

“Do you accept me?” Noah asked, his voice deep and husky.

“Yes.” Riley whispered. “Yes, completely.”

Riley felt Noah’s lips part, felt his breath, hot against his skin and then his teeth. He felt Noah’s teeth as he bit down hard into Riley’s shoulder where it met his neck. A sharp sting of agony tore through him but he chocked back the scream that had risen up his throat. Noah’s teeth cut through flesh and tore through muscle, pushing painfully into Riley’s body. The pain was terrible, a white hot searing heat gripped him. Riley felt weak, shaky, and he would have collapsed if Noah hadn’t been holding him up, tightly enveloped in his powerful arms. Riley’s neck and back felt like they were on fire. The heat seared through him, consuming him, ignited even more having been marked by his mate.

The pain built and built until Riley could barely take any more and then it began to ease, being replaced by a feeling of pure ecstasy. It washed over him in waves, each sensation more intense than the last. It was like being wrapped in a warm cocoon of love and desire that held him captive in it’s warm embrace. Every touch, every caress sent shivers down his spine, igniting a fierce flame of desire within him that burned brighter with each passing moment. He felt alive, more alive than he’d ever felt in his life, as if every nerve in his body was on fire with the intensity of Noah’s love.

Riley felt a heady rush of euphoria that left him breathless and craving more. It was intoxicating like being on drugs or dying and then being reborn all at once. The joy and absolute bliss that he felt in that moment was all consuming. The pain completely forgotten as he melted into Noah’s arms, lost in his alpha’s earthy scent that now mingled with Riley’s own scent, marking them as one.

Noah held Riley against him for the longest time, letting the effects of the bite wear off. When Riley began to whimper in need again, his heat pushing him to complete the mating, Noah pushed his cock in deeper. His fingers grasped Riley’s hips, his nails biting into his flesh. Riley gasped as Noah reached down, wrapping his arms around Riley, pulling him up and holding him against his heaving chest. Riley straightened himself and Noah pushed up, into him further, impaling Riley on his hot, throbbing, shaft. Noah howled with pleasure as Riley began to ride him, feeling his climax building, Riley moaned, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Noah removed his mouth from Riley and began to thrust his hips upward, pounding into Riley with frenzied need. His movements became desperate, almost violent, as his cock began to swell. Riley could feel it getting bigger, stretching him out more, as Noah knotted him. For a moment, Riley’s senses had been completely overwhelmed and he nearly passed out.

He was brought back to consciousness when he felt his ass, stretched beyond it’s limits to accommodate Noah’s massive knot, become flooded by hot, sticky, liquid. It spilled out his ass and dripped down the back of his thighs. Noah had stopped thrusting, being locked into place by the knot. Noah wrapped his arms tighter around Riley and eased him down on the mattress, laying him gently on his side. Noah lay down beside him, Riley’s back pressed to Noah’s chest as Noah held him, protectively.

Noah licked and kissed the mark on Riley’s neck and Riley shivered at the contact. The mark was still sensitive but touching it felt good, almost erotic but Riley didn’t have the energy for anything but sleep at the moment.

“Are you okay?” Noah asked him.

Riley smiled. “Better than. I’m perfect.”

Noah smiled back then snuggled in closer to his mate. Both were spent, exhausted, and could barely keep their eyes open. Riley did finally close his eyes and yawned. He whispered a soft, “I love you” that Noah quickly returned then both of them tumbled down into the peaceful, and dark, depths of a well deserved sleep.

Next chapter coming soon…

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